HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_11_01 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2017 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE-AT 5:00PM, IN CONFERENCE ROOM A TO DISCUSS: 1. Departmental Budget Review-Office of Community Services 2. Review of Proposed Vehicle and Traffic Code- FINE Schedule 3. Continued Discussion-Washington Square Parking Study 4. Capital Project- Update and Review 5. Discussion-School Traffic Master Plan 6. New Business 7. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER-COURTROOM SUPERVISOR'S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Set Public Hearing - Installation of Stop Sign- Highclere Court at Intersection with Durham Road 2. Report of Bids-TA-17-08 Purchase of Refuse Collection Truck 3. Authorization-Transfer of Funds & Purchase of Tree Maintenance Truck 4. Authorization- 2017-2018 Snow Removal Contract New York State 5. Salary Authorization - 2017 Management & Non Union Personnel 6. Consideration of Certiorari APPROVAL OF MINUTES-October 4, 2017 & October 18, 2017 REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS-November 15, 2017 & December 6, 2017 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. TOWN BOARD MEETING WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2017 5:00PM-CONFERENCE ROOM A 1. Departmental Budget Review-Office of Community Services. (See attachments). 2. Review of Proposed Vehicle and Traffic Code-FINE Schedule. (See attachment). 3. Continued Discussion-Washington Square Parking Study. (No attachment). 4. Capital Project-Update and Review. (No attachment- material will be delivered on Monday). 5. Discussion-School Traffic Master Plan. (No attachment-A discussion of whether it would be best to analyze traffic and pedestrian safety around the schools in a more comprehensive manner). 6. New Business. 7. Request for Executive Session. � WORKSESSION ITEM 1 �4 �� 2 4 -9:13 o : o Town of Mamaroneck i br 7, Town Center •FOUNDED 1fi1 • 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 t, TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board Re: Departmental Budget Review—Office of Community Services Date: October 26, 2017 Please find attached the submission by the Office of Community Services for the 2018 Town Budget. Note there are two separate submissions: 1. Section 8 Housing Voucher Program (Rent Subsidy) 2. Programs for the Aging (Senior Center) Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Department/Program: 8610 Rent Subsidy Budget 2017: $469,493 Proposed Budget 2018:$469,451 A. Mission Statement: In this section insert the basic mission of your department. In addition, include major activities and functions of your department. a brief description of the The mission of the Town of Mamaroneck PHA is to enable families whose income is at or below 50%of the of Westchester County based on family size to live in decent, safe and affordable housing within our jurisdicti n and income n communities through the issuance of Housing Choice Vouchers. on and surrounding The staff certify each family's initial and annual ongoing eligibility for housing assistance (income and asse t data) third-party verification methods; inspect housing units for regulatory compliance prior to the initial contract ahrough various act and a biennially throughout the term of the tenancy; report program, household and financial data to HUD via t least databases monthly; file several program compliance and financial data reports annually. several electronic Increasingly, the population served by the Housing Choice Voucher Program requires assistance to conne ct with other that provide support and case management to elderly and/or disabled individuals. The staff is routinely age applicants and tenants to other agencies for assistance that cannot be met by the Town of Mamaroneck.caled upon to refenr cies In addition to administering the Housing Choice Voucher Program, the PHA office is responsible for conducting eligibility determination on applicants for the eight 1-bedroom and two 2-bedroom Workforce Housing a total u units The Cambium as well as additional units under development within the Village of Mamaroneck. Due to the rentai uit at requirements of various affordable housing units, two online portals are available to collect preliminary application he unique eligibility and establish a waiting list for these units. Applicants then supply a list of documents required, and that information information determine if the applicant household's total income from all sources is at or below 80%of the median income ho is hold size to in Westchester County. Annual recertification of income eligibility is a requirement of all affordable housing u units to ensure that these units remain affordable, as described above, in perpetuity. units to ensure that From January—July 2017 503 families received housing voucher assistance from the Town of Mamaroneck families leased affordable housing units at The Cambium. The Town received 70 applications for afford era hod using and has an additional 4 able ho nearly exhausted the Voucher waiting list that has been closed for the past several years. Plans are underway list sometime in the fall of 2017, way to open the 1 w TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Department/Program: 8610 Rent Subsidy B. Budget 2017:$469,493 Proposed Budget 2018:$469,451 C. Goals: Fiscal 2018: Insert your list of expected goals to accomplish in 2018. Maximize the utilization of the available housing assistance funding to assist as many support. y families milies as the Annual Renewal Funding • Issue a minimum of 10 vouchers monthly until the maximum number of families that • is to provide assistance to at least 570 households in 2018 Utilize all means available to accurately verify family income can be assisted is reached;the goal • Execute and collect on repayment agreements with families who fa I to report omay the appropriate from tenants from 1/1/17 through 8/31/17. ppropriate share of the rent. • Review household composition and voucher size at the time income;the PHA has collected more than to move,to ensure that the household resides in an appropriately the annual recertification, and when participants request is reasonable. ately sized unit, and that the rent for the unit under contract � Encourage families currently receiving assistance as well as new Voucher recipients • Provide information to current families and new Voucher recipients to enable Housing access housing in neighborhoods of opportunity where p�ents to access housing in low impact areas Provide information neighborhoods to landlords about the benefits of the jobs, transportation and educational ho Voucher Program participants to to more Voucher holders Housing Choice Voucher Program and encourage them to rent C. Identify and explain line item budget increases that are greater than 10%. The Rent Subsidy Program receives all of its funding from the US Department of Housing funds, which are restricted for s program use, are required these funds, funding h are Housing restricted specific Assistance Payments made to landlords ar and Urban Town Development (HUD) and q to be kept separate from the Town General Fund. HUD provides funding for Administrative Fees (AF) used to pay for personnel and other operating ords on behalf of tenants. For each unit leased per month, HUD of participants leased, the greater the amount of administrative fees generated. HUD has Vouchers to the Town of Mamaroneck PHA. Currently, due to increased p ng expenses. The greater the number increase in staffing in 2017,the PHA been able to increase eased work load broughtlabout by new federal Choice 458 to 471. HUD continues to encourage and direct the PHA to increase leasing b vouchers issued and the number of participants from n levels in 2018 and beyond. g y 100 families and to maintain higher leasing 2 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Department/Program: 8610 Rent Subsidy Budget 2017: $469,493 Proposed Budget 2018: $469,451 D. Identify and explain any proposed program/service additions, deletions,or other modifications. None A. Identify and explain any proposed adjustments to personnel for the department/program explained here. In an effort to increase the number of voucher participants to meet the HUD requirements of 95%of budget allocated, and to increase the amount of administrative fee revenue needed to cover the program costs,the Town of Mamaroneck PHA will begin 2018 with a full complement of staff to meet and maintain this goal. > 3.5 FT program staff will conduct the required annual and interim reexamination of tenant eligibility for a caseload of approximately 150 tenants, conducting face-to face meetings at least once per year; staff follow up on annual inspection results and assist tenants who wish to move to a new unit or to another area of the country. > 1 FT program staff will oversee and manage the Voucher waiting list, conduct initial briefing meetings to explain program requirements, schedule inspections for new units and assist with leases and contracts for new landlords. It is estimated that approximately 100 new tenants will be added to the program in 2018. ➢ 1 FT Office Assistant will handles the administrative tasks associates with the Voucher program including printing and mailing out required documents, copying and scanning required documents as needed, provides assistance to callers, and other duties as assigned. 3 Town of Mamaroneck 2018 Budget Worksheet Reasonable and Necessary A) 2017 Department/Function Budget: 8610 - 469 493 B) Allowable Growth Factor (2018 Budget X .015) 7 042 C) Total Allowable 2018 Budget — ¢476 535 List below the program(s) to be adjusted and the estimated cost of the p r ogram adjustment (use additional sheets if necessary) Program: 8610 Rent Subsidy Program 1010: Adjust breakdown of Director's personnel costs to 70%/30% Estimated Value Increase leasing by 100 families $ 78 635 - 92 000 Identify and explain any adjustments to personnel in the department to formulate within the allowable growth factor. For this section list the number of em ployees and salaries (use additional sheets if necessary) a budget 1010: Funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program covers only those responsibilities administration of the Town's 647 housing vouchers, which encompasses approximately Director's time. Therefore, approximately p ilities related to the programs, and the administration of ther community ervices'activities. osenio 70% of Maintenance of a full complement of staff in the Housing Choice Voucher Program e Mamaroneck to assist more families. The Town is awarded 647 vouchers, however currently in use. HUD has requested that the Town maximize its use of the assigned enables the Town of receives funding for administrative expenses only 471 vouchers are the housing assistance payments) based on the number of units leased per month,ned vouchers. The Town (personnel, operating expenses, inspections etc, outside of unit leased; this is down from $100 per unit leased in 2017. Therefore, it is imperative voucher program maintain the current level of 5 full time and 1 part time n at a rate of$77 per maximum number of vouchers possible, within the financial parameters of the voucher that the Town's staff to issue and administer the provided by HUD. Cher rent subsidy Provide here any additional information pertinent to the explanation of th personnel adjustments. the service and 1010: Historically, the Director of Community Services position has been funded rim Federal Housing Choice Voucher Program funds, as this program required significantly administration than the Town's senior center and transportation service operating o primarily from the Village Community Room. In 2009 when the Town consolidated both the housing programs ore oversight and citizen programs from the Village of Mamaroneck under the Community Services Office,of the Larchmont programs more than doubled in size and scope. The additional tasks of administering g and the senior Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, and the recent fhce, each the these development of affordable housing within the Town, has increased the responsibilities grants from cent increase in the In order to attain the goals established by HUD regarding the number of vouchers responsibilities of this d, ittion. necessary to utilize a portion of the Administrative Fee Reserves to cover costs not funded current year's budget due to the reduction of the administrative fee rate. This r to be leased, it is by HUD at the end of 2017 to determine if additional funds are available to be distributed by HUD e. the eduction will be reviewed buted nationwide. • A ' • 2028 Budget 8620 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2018 Personnel: 70% S 18.635 Director g 7,000 AS Town Supervisor $ 60,000 Intermediate Clerk AS 60,028 Program Specialist-Rental Assistance JA 028 FIT Staff Assistant-Section 8 AE $$ 54,54,263 FIT Staff Assistant-Section 8 DF $ 53,517 FIT Office Assistant Salaries 2020 s 363,121 Overtime 2025 5 - Longevity 2026 s 2,336 1021 s 34,944 PIT Staff Assistant S 400,402 Total Personnel Services: Telephone 4001 S 1,200 Service Contracts: Nan McKay s 450 Housing Inspections S 22,200 Total Service Contracts 4002 S 22,650 Computer Software Maintenance&Support: Happy Software s 12,000 Operating Expenses: Office Supplies $ 2,500 Legal Expense $ 500 Travel s - Accounting and Audit Fees s 6,000 Port Out Administrative Fees s 7400 4048 s 16,400 Office Rent 4204 s 26,800 Administrative Operating Expenses $ 469,451 ADMINISTRATIVE REVENUE Admin Fee Revenue s 526,680 570 vouchers at$77 per unit per month s 5 Fraud Recovery Admin $ 11,400 Interest s 1,530 s Total Administrative Revenue 539,620 Employee Benefits goon s 169,345 Liz $ (99,186) H:\Financial\Budgets\2018\Town\2018 6772&8610 draft budget breakdown TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Department/Program: 6772 Programs for the Aging A. Mission Statement: In this section insert the basic mission of your department. In addition, include a brief description of the major activities and functions of your department. The mission of the Community Services Office's Programs for the Aging is to provide assistance to local senior citizen residents through the following programs and services: 1. The Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center provides opportunities for local seniors to engage in a variety of social and recreational activities to increase their interactions with others and minimize isolation. Seniors are able to participate in experiences and events that might not otherwise be available or accessible to them. The Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 10:00 am —3:30 pm in the winter months and 10:00 am - 3:00 pm in the summer months. More than 300 participants are registered for various programs and services. 2. The Senior Nutrition Programs provide a hot, nutritious mid-day meal to seniors age 60 and older. A congregate meal is provided daily at the Senior Center for those who are mobile and able to go out on a daily basis. As of 7/31/17 fifty-one seniors have received 2,111 hot meals each day at the senior center. In addition, a home-delivered meal is provided up to 5 days per week for home bound seniors who are frail, recovering from an illness or accident, and those who are unable to shop and prepare food on their own. As of 7/31/17 thirty-five home-bound seniors have received 6,063 meals, delivered by our dedicated volunteers, 3. The Senior Transportation Program provides curb-to-curb round-trip bus transportation daily to and from the Center, and weekly to local grocery stores. Reservations are coordinated at the Senior Center for bus service and grocery shopping. Car service is also provided Monday-Thursday morning and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon to medical appointments on a first-come, first-served basis and is round-trip whenever possible. Medical appointment reservations are coordinated at the Community Services office. A total of 122 seniors have made 4,587 one-way trips on the bus or to medical appointments provided by the Town of Mamaroneck staff. 4. Assistance to apply for a Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption is handled through the Community Services office. This program applies to income-eligible senior citizens living in apartment buildings covered by the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA.) Seniors are required to document their annual income to determine their eligibility and if deemed eligible, are assisted to complete and file the necessary application with the Division of Housing and Community Renewal. TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Department/Program: 6772 Programs for the Aging B. Goals- Fiscal 2018: Insert your list of expected goals to accomplish in 2018. Senior Center 1. Continue adding new programs and activities of interest to seniors in the community on a fee basis 2. Offer activities that are appealing to the growing population of younger senior citizens - 55 and older 3. Research free programs/speakers/activities and apply for grant funds whenever possible for new programs and activities 4. Install a rear deck to enable members to utilize the outdoor spaces for socialization and recreation 5. Install a sound system and new ceiling tile and grid in the large lunch room. Nutrition Programs 1. Increase participation in the Congregate Nutrition Program through community outreach and encouraging new members to try the lunch 2. Add monthly special luncheons to increase meal participation 3. Continue Meals on Wheels service delivery 5 days per week to eligible participants, in line with County funding estimates 4. Maintain standardized practices across all programs to ensure compliance with program and funding requirements Transportation 1. Standardize transportation service routines and procedures and meet regularly with drivers to ensure compliance with program and funding requirements 2. Continue maintenance of older buses to ensure that all transportation services are clean, safe and available when needed TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Department/Program: 6772 Programs for the Aging Identify and explain line item budget increases that are greater than 10%. 1010 Salaries: A Recreation Assistant-Senior Citizens position was created several years ago in Job Group Ill. There are currently two full time staff in this position. This title and position should be elevated to Job Group IV, in line with other positions in the Community Services department. Identify and explain any proposed program/service additions, deletions, or other modifications None Identify and explain any proposed adjustment to personnel for the department/ program explained here. The tasks and responsibilities of the two staff members holding the title Recreation Assistant-Senior Citizens have changed over time due to new program reporting requirements, and their job duties include providing daily direction to other staff working at the senior center and in the community services office. Use additional sheets as necessary;however,follow the format as provided in this form. • Town of Mamaroneck 2018 Budget Worksheet - Reasonable and Necessary A) 2017 Department/Function Budget 6772: $495,668 B) Allowable Growth Factor (2018 Budget X .015) $ 7,430 C) Total Allowable 2018 Budget $503,095 List below the program(s) to be adjusted and the estimated cost of the program adjustment (use additional sheets if necessary) Program: 6772 Programs for the Aging Estimated Value 1010: Adjust breakdown of personnel costs to reflect average time spent $ 15,020 1010: Change Job Group from III to IV for Senior Full Time Staff $ 9,204 1021: Increase hourly rate for Drivers & Part Time Staff $ 6,240 Identify and explain any adjustments to personnel in the department to formulate a budget within the allowable growth factor. For this section list the number of employees and salaries (use additional sheets if necessary) 1010: Funding for the Housing Choice Voucher Program covers only those responsibilities related to the administration of the Town's 647 housing vouchers, which encompasses approximately 70% of the Director's time. Therefore, approximately 30% of the Director's time is devoted to senior citizen programs, and the administration of other community services activities. Likewise, approximately 10% of the Asst. Supt. Recreation's time is devoted to facility-related activities outside of senior programs and recreation. With the increase in senior citizen program participation, and new County grant requirements including monthly online data collection and reporting, the job duties of the two longer term employees have become more complex. The addition of a full time Recreation Assistant in April 2017 adds additional duties to these "senior" staff members to guide the daily job tasks necessary to accomplish program goals. Upgrading the Recreation Assistant (Senior Programs) position from Job Group III to Job Group IV, consistent with other Community Services staff positions, better represents the job skills required for this position. 1021: A survey of senior programs from throughout the County showed that the Town of Mamaroneck pays less per hour than programs with comparable duties. The current range is $16 - $27 per hour. Town drivers are currently paid $13.50 - $15 per hour; part-time staff are currently paid $18.00 per hour. Proposed increase of$1.00 per hour to the 2017 hourly rate for part-time staff; $2.00 per hour for 1 driver who assists staff with daily senior center functions. Provide here any additional information pertinent to the explanation of the service and personnel adjustments. 1. K Flynn is currently in Job Group III, Step 8 at $56,046 (2017). Upgrading this position from Job Group III to Job Group IV in 2018 places her at Step 8 at $ 60,028, an increase of$3,002. 2. A Nowlin-Downey is currently in Job Group III, Step 5 at $48,292 (2017). Upgrading this position from Job Group III to Job Group IV in 2018 places her at Step 5 at $51,726, an increase of$3,434 from January - May and at Step 6 in June, which is an additional increase of$2,768. 3. B Pacewicz consistently assists the senior center staff with all activities in addition to driving the bus. He is attentive to the seniors, interacting with them at the center and helping to serve lunch, set up tables, and takes the initiative to handle any other tasks he sees that need to be done. His current hourly rate is $18/hour; proposed new rate is $20/hr. ank Town of Mamaroneck 2018 Budget Worksheet - Tax Cap Compliant A) 2017 Department/Function Budget: 6772 $473,494 B) Allowable Growth Factor (2018 Budget X .015) $ 7,102 C) Total Allowable 2018 Budget $480,596 List below the program(s) to be adjusted and the estimated cost of the program adjustment (use additional sheets if necessary) Program: 6772 Programs for the Aging Estimated Value 1000 Account: $ 4,857 2000 Account: $ 0 4000 Account: $ 2.245 Identify and explain any adjustments to personnel in the department to formulate a budget within the allowable growth factor. For this section list the number of employees and salaries (use additional sheets if necessary) 1000 Account: Reduce hours of p/t Food Helper by 50% - participation in nutrition program is down from previous years due to the loss of many elderly members and the lack of interest by younger senior citizens. Provide here any additional information pertinent to the explanation of the service and personnel adjustments. 4000 Account: Reduce Building &Grounds Supplies $ 245 Reduce Operating Expenses $1,000 Reduce Program Clinic Instruction $1,000 2018 Budget rev: 9/13/17 A6772 Version 1 EXPENSES III C-1 III C-z III B Annual Total Senior Center Nutrition Meals on Wheels WIN* AAA Other Personnel: NST SST Transportation Town Usage Director 30% s 33,701 $ 8,425 $ 8,425 , s 8 2 10% Asst Supt Recreation 6o% $ 58,262 $$ 60,028 $ 4 o,7 3 s a $ 11,632 S $ 2,808 $ 2,808 $ 2,808 Senior Recreation Assistant KF *1 2,908 s 2,908 24,011 $ 24,011 S 9 694 Senior Recreation Assistant AN *1 $ 53,341 $ 6,003 s 3001 $ 3,001 Recreation Assistant CM $ 37,338 s 10,668 s S 43,220 S 43,220 4 4c32.4 Total Salaries: solo $ 248,450 S 116,369 s o6 $ - 3o�z5 $ _ 8,644 $ 4ra2 Overtime aoa5 $ 44, 9 s 76,017 s 22,120 5 11,719 $ 18,324 $ Longevity 3.026 $ 1,300 - P/T Food Helper s 9,714 S 1 Recreation Assistant DP 917 4 $ 14,820 PIT Drivers(4)4o hrs $ 36,400 P/T Driver(2)3S hrs $ 22,997 $ 25,480 $ 10,920 Salaries-Part Time 1021 $ 93,931 S S 1 _ 4_ 5 s $s 22,9.7 $ 25,480 $ 33,917 $ - Medical Buyout 1030 5 10,000 Total Personnel Services: 1010 $ 343,681 I $ 116r369 I $ 53,783 I _I 6 s Notes 7 ,01 7 [ j $ 22,120 I $ 37,199 $ _52,291 $ S 9,694 *1 Reclassify 2 Recreation Assistant-Senior Center positions to Job Group IV. Two staff in this position oversee programs and assign daily tasks to subordinate staff. Adjust%of management time. Operating Expenses: Misc Equipment 23.021 $ 1,000 I $ 1,000 I S - I I $ - I is is Is 1696 Telephone 4001 5 5,000 $ 4,200 $ Service Contracts 4002 $ 8,000 $ 6,720 $ s $ $ $ 5 s 800 Electricity 4003 $ 7,000 $ 5,88o S - $ - $ - $ 1,280 Heating Fuel $ S - S - g 9 4005 $ lo,000 $ 8,40o $ - $ - $ - $ 1,600 Water 4008 $ 1,000 $ 840 $ - $ - $ - $ - S 1,660 Bldg&Grounds Supplies 4011 $ 1,50o $ 1,260 $ - $ $ - -$ $ 240 Bldg&Grounds Repairs/Maint. 012 s $ - $ - $ - $ 4 7,500 s 6,300 s s $ - s zoo Program Clinic Instruction 4037 $ 15,000 5 15,000 $ - - $ - -$ - $ 1,200 Operating Expenses 4048 $ 16,00o $ 16,000 $ - s s $ - $ - Natural Gas 4055 - s S s -g 4 55 $ a,000 s 840 $ - $ - * _ $ - $ - $ 160 Meals on Wheels 4060 $ 60,000 S $ $ 60,000 $ Nutrition Food Expense 4061 $ 2 - $ - - $ 9,5 00 5 - $ 29,500 $ - $ s WIN 4062 $ 8,000 $ 5 _ - s - Total Operating Expenses: s $ 8,000 $ $ $ 170,500 $ 66,440 $ 29,500 S 60 oo0 Other Town Business Use of Building s (6,560) - $ 8,000 $ $ Total Program Expenses: s 507,621 S 182,809 5 83,283 $ 336,01 s 5,5 ° 3 ,01 7 $ 30,120 $ 37,199 $ 52,291 H:1 FinanciallBudget 6120181Town12018 6772&8610 draft budget breakdown 202,7 Budget A6772 III C-1 III C-2 III B AAA Annual Total Senior Center Nutrition Meals on Wheels WIN* NST SST Transportation REVENUE Dues&Fees $ 17,000 $ 17,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - County Contracts i $ 75,690 $ - $ 17,608 S 42,032 $ 6,225, $ 5,300 $ 2,800 $ 1,725 NSIP $ 25,324 $ 6,617 S 16,696 $ 2,011 Participant Contributions $ 36,700 5 - 5 13,000 _ $ 16,000 $ 2)700 $ 2000 $ 3,000 Total Program Revenue: $ 154,714 I $ 17,000 $ 37,225 I I $ 74,728 I I $ 10,936 1 $ 7,300 I $ 5r800 1$ 1,725 Required Town Match-Tax Levy z $ 25,560 $ - $ 5,870 2 $ 14,011 $ - $ 3,600 $ 2,079 $ - Additional Tax Levy $ 327,347 $ 165,809 $ 40,188 $ 47L278 S 19,184 $ 26,249 $ 44,412_$ - Total Cost to the Town: $ 352,907 $ 165,809 $ 46,058 $ 61,289_ $ 19,184 $ 29,899_ $ 46,491_ $ - $ 6,56o *Notes: 1 County grant revenue is estimated based on 2017 contract funding 2 Certain Westchester County Grants require a local match H:\Financial\Budgets\2018\Town\2018 6772&8610 draft budget breakdown tiv WORKSESSION ITEM 2 tiv O<< Town of Mamaroneck O � p Office of the Town Clerk, Town Center ;A pi m 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDED 1GG1 Christina Battalia, RMC, CMC TEL:914/381-7870 Mamaroneck Town Clerk FAX:914/381-7813 CBattalia@townofmamaroneckNY.org MEMORANDUM DATE: October 27, 2017 TO: Town Board FROM: Christina Battalia SUBJECT: Vehicle and Traffic Fines Discussion All, Prior to our discussion of the full draft Vehicle and Traffic, I thought it wise to breakout the fines and determine them at a separate worksession. Attached you will find as page one and two,the current fines schedule. I have highlighted in blue the infractions that have correlating Town legislation, and highlighted in purple the infractions that are legislated by the State Vehicle and Traffic Laws. It is my suggestion, and Bill's, that we establish and codify fines that have correlating Town legislation, and leave the fines for the State infractions to the Court.The State has mandated fines for these State legislated infractions,so effectively this is what is being done now. Denise Cookingham has stated to me that all State regulated fines are revenues to the Town. There are two instances as noted on that schedule where there is Town legislation as well as State legislation. On pages three and four you will find a new fines schedule. It modifies and streamlines the current fines list and correlates directly with (new)Town legislation. Christina Existing Town Fines for Vehicle &Traffic Infractions. Currently the fines schedule is (incorrectly) in the Town Code under Chapter 147 Parking Lots Town-owned. Fines were last reestablished by Local Law 6-2007. § 147-15 Fines for parking infractions. (1) Overtime at meter: $15. (2) Parking in permit area without a permit: $25. (3) Parking where prohibited between 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.: $20. (4) No parking between signs: $20. (5) No parking anytime: $25. (6) No parking between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon: $20. (7) Exceed posted time limit: $15. (8) Parking in zone marked "No Parking Here to Corner": $25. (9) Parking in bus stop: $25. (10) Invalid inspection sticker: $50. (11) Parking in fire lane or fire circle: $50. (12) Blocking fire hydrant: $50. (13) Parking without license plates: $50. (14) Invalid registration: $50. (15) Parking in handicapped space: $50. / ALSO a State Violation (16) Blocking driveway: $20. (17) Parking in wrong direction: $20. (18) Parking on sidewalk: $20. (19) Abandoning a vehicle: $50. (20) Parking with motor running: $50. (Idling) (21) Double parking: $25. (22) All other parking infractions: $20. PAGE 1 Infraction Fine Code 1 Paid Parking Infraction §219-35, 219-45 §219-36, §219-37 2 Improper display of Parking §219-40, §219-42 Permit Insignia §219-51 E., F., G., H., I §219-52 D., E. 3 Parking in Town Lots without a §219-37 Permit 4 Parking Prohibited Certain §219-20 Times 5 Parking Prohibited Certain $50.00 §219-20 /219-52 Times in WSA Residential Area as defined in 219-52. 6 Parking Prohibited at all times §219-18, §219-28 B., §219-71 A. 7 No Stopping or Standing §219-19 Also legislated by State V & T, Article 32, 1200 (d) 8 Idling Restricted §219-23 9 Time Limited Parking §219-22 (except as defined in 219-52 EXCEPT WSA Residential Area WSA) as defined in 219-52. 10 No Parking in Fire Safety Zone $50.00 §108-3 or blocking a Fire Hydrant Blocking a fire hydrant is also legislated by State V&T 1202 (a) 3b ) 11 No Parking Loading Zone §219-26 12 Trucks over certain weight $250.00 §219-13 excluded LL 2-2016 Trucks on Hickory Grove Drive Law, Section 3- Violation: A violation of this local law is punishable by a fine of $250. 13 Parking on a Snow Emergency §219-71 A. Street during an Emergency PAGE 3 14 Parking in Accessible Parking $50.00 §219-57 B. (State V&T Article 3, Space without a Permit 1203-b (2) provides for a $30.00 State surcharge) 15 Parking for designated §219-25 emergency personnel 16 All other infraction of Chapter §219-77 B 219 17 Towing of motor vehicle §219-65 PAGE 4 la :ion Fine Cod, 1 Paid Parking Infraction 219-35 parking lots, days,times 119‘c-' 219-45 paid street parking 219-36 pec permit parking areas (curr no laws under this section) 2 Improper display of Parking Permit Insignia 219-40 parking lots 219-42 spec permit parking areas (curr no laws under this section) 219-53 Residential Parking Permit (Lester& WSA) 3 Parking in Town Lots without a Permit qi) 219-37 Parking Lots permit required 4 Parking Prohibited Certain Times / 219-20 5 Parking Prohibited Certain Times in WSA $50.00 219-20 Residential Area (as defined in 219-52). 6 Parking Prohibited at all times ,�1� 219-18 t 5 v 219-28 B. Bus Stop 219 71 A. Snow Emergency Strcet-(see below#13) 7 No Stopping or Standing , m", 219-19 Also legislated by State V&T,Article 32, 1200 (d) 8 Idling Restricted 5-0 1 — 219-23 9 Time Limited Parkingj 219-22 (EXCEPT WSA Residential Area as defined inl'� 219-52 B.) 1111 10 No Parking in Fire Safety Zone or blocking a )54'60 , 108-3 Fire Hydrant `A p Blocking a fire hydrant is also legislated by State V&T 1202 (a) 3b 11 No Parking Loading Zone a 219-26 WORKSESSION ITEM 3 c. NO ATTACHMENT c. WORKSESSION ITEM 4 Battalia, Christina :rom: Altieri, Stephen Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 4:52 PM To: Katz, Abby; Ernie Odierna; Eney,Jaine; Seligson, Nancy; Murphy, Thomas Cc: Green-ODonnell, Connie; Battalia, Christina; Liverzani, Michael Subject: November 1 Revised Work Session Agenda Attachments: 2017_10_31_Ambulance District Budget.pdf Members of the Town Board: The original work session agenda for November 1 included an update on the capital projects. However the Comptroller and I need additional time to compile the information for that report. Therefore I thought we could substitute the capital project update with a review of the Ambulance District Budget for 2018. Attached is the submission provided by Mike Liverzani for the District's operating budget. Mike will also be at the meeting to answer questions and present the data. If Board members would prefer a hard copy for the meeting let me know and copies will be available. Steve Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 P) 914-381-7810 ,F) 914-381-7809 Please note my new e-mail address saltieri@townofmamaroneckNY.org Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District 2018 Operating Budget Request • • • • TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2018 BUDGET WORKSHEET Ambulance District Department/Program: A. Mission Statement: In this section insert the basic mission of your department. In addition, include a brief description of the major activities anti functions of your department. The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District provides top quality emergency medical care to ill and injured residents and visitors of the Town of Mamaroneck. In con'unction with Larchmont VAC and Mamaro _• ., _.u. •- : 999 . . • - R' ' - ••• • • • ' 0 ' •l - :'• . • ".r. The Ambulance District employs highly trained Paramedics and EMT's who utilize state of the art medical equ pment. B. Performance Goals: Fiscal 2018: Insert below those performance standards most appropriate for measuring the level of service in your department. You may list as many performance goals as you feel are applicable. 1 Respond to over 2,800 emregency calls in 2018 2. Minimize gaps in volunteer coverage by filling schedule with paid EMT coverage. 3 Assist volunteer services recruit and retain members.4. — Continue to assess reimbursement program,including possible changes to federal healthcare laws. 5 Manage ever increasing medication pricing and nation wide shortages. 6. C. Identify and explain any propsed program/service additions, deletions, or other modifications. 1. No additions or deletions proposed for FY 2018. D. Identify and explain any proposed adjustments to personnel for the department/program explained here. 2 The proposed 2018 budget does not contain any personnel adjustments. Use additional sheets as necessary;however,follow the format as provided in this form. 2018 Amb. Dist. SM.4189 Paramedic Service Budget Request Includes capital items in operating budget 2017 AMB,Dist. Submitted Town Change Preliminary Change Adopted Adopted Request Administrator ADB Meeting Budget Town Board Budget 10101Salaries 820869 799758 , Salaries Total 2101 Office Equipment 0 0 2102 Equipment 0 4,500 2103 Medical Equipment 0 0 . 2105 Uniforms 3,500 3,500 2107 Automotive Equip. 041,000 2122 Radios&Pagers 500 500 Equipment Total $4,000 $49,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4001 Telephone 6,700 6,700 - 4002 Service Contracts 9,000 9,000 4003 Electricity 00 4004 Gasoline 0 0 4008 Water 0_ 0 4009 Office Supplies _ 400 400: 4010 Operating Supplies 2.5002,500 4020 Temporary Services 12,000 35,000 4025 Postage 50 50, 4029 Vehicle Repairs 6,000 6,000 4030 Stationary 100_ 100 _ 4039 Physical Exams 0 0 4050 Contingency 2,600_ 2,600 4052 Refund of Taxes 4,500 4,500 _ 4059 Liability Insurance 13,000 13,000 4064 Vehicle Fuel 3,000 3,000 , 4123 Equip.Maintenance 2,000 2,000 , 4140 Medical Supplies 15,000 15,000 4283 Billing Services 75,000 73,000 _ _ 4284 Training Program 4,000 4,000 Contr.Exp Total $155,850 $176,850 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Arnb.Dist. $980,719 $1,026,108 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.04 1Q.. ,0.00 4 63% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% Town of Mamaroneck 2018 Budget Worksheet Paramedic A) 2017 Department/Function Budget $14,778 B) Allowable Growth Factor(2017 Budget X.015) $999,997 C) Total Allowable 2018 Budget List below the program(s)to be adjusted and the estimated cost of the program adjustment(use additional sheets If necessary) Program Estimated Value Identify and explain any adjustments to personnel or operations in the department to formulate a budget within the allowable growth factor. For this section list the number of employees and salaries(use additional sheets if necessary) No changes to budgeted positions Provide here any additional Information pertinent to the explanation of the service and personnel adjustments. 2018 Fee Schedule Our current(2017) fee schedule is as follows: BLS Emergency $622 ALS I Emergency $770 ALS II Emergency $872 ALS Assessment $70 Mileage $15.00 per loaded mile 2018 Proposed Fee Schedule BLS Emergency $634 (2%) ALS I Emergency $785(2%) ALS II Emergency $890(2%) ALS Assessment $70(0%) Mileage $15.00 per loaded mile Based on past call volume averages, proposed billing fees and collection rates the following assumptions can be made: 2018 Projected Revenue BLS Trans. 1300 Average Fee $685 $890,500 ALS Trans. 675 Average Fee $850 $573,750 ALS II Trans. 20 Average Fee $915 $18,300 ALS Assess. 3 Average Fee $70 $210 $1,482,760 Average Gross Collection Rate of 57% $845,173 Projected revenue from billing $845,000 Billing Collection History Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Budgeted $725,000 $780,000 $800,000 $860,000 $850,000 Revenue Booked Revenue _ $730,029 $839,362 $850,464 $805,692 $855,190 Ambulance District 2018 Salary Request 1.5%Raise for per-diem Paramedics and EMTs Budget Une Category Hours Tours Employees Rate Total 1010 BLS Coordinator 1 $75,523.00 1010 Administrator 1 $109,670.00 1010 Total $185,193 1018 Longevity $1,850.00 1016 Total $1,850 1019 Stipend $0.00 1019 Total $0 1027 EMT $21,000.00 1027 Total $21,000 1028 Medic 24 365 2 $32.73 $573,429.60 1028 Holiday 24 14 2 $16.37 $11,000.64 1028 Contingency 5 52 1 $32.73 $8,509.80 1028 Schedule 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 1028 ALS Supervisor 48 26 1 $2.00 $2,496.00 1028 Total $595,436 4020 Fly-Car 36 52 1 $18.96 $35,000.00 Total Requested $838,479.04 1000 Account Total $803,479 Totals by Budget Une 1010 Salaries $185,193.00 1016 Longevity Pay $1,850.00 1019 Stipend $0.00 1027 EMT P/T $21,000.00 1028 Paramedics P/T $595,436.00 $803,479.00 • 2018 LVAC SM4191 Includes capital items in operating budget Budget Request 2017 LVAC AD Town Change Preliminary Change Adopted Adopted Request Administrator ADB Meeting Budget Town Board Budget 2101 Office Equipment 2103 Medical Equipment _ , 2105 Uniforms 6,000 6,500 2122 Radios&Pagers 1,000 2,500 Equipment Total $7,000 $9,000 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 4001 Telephone 4,500 4,500 4002 Service Contracts 6,000 _ 6,000 4003 Electricity 7,500' 7,500- ,, 4008 Water 900 900 4009 Office Supplies 650 650 4011 Bldg Supplies 1,900 1,900 , 4012 Bldg Repairs 8,500 16,500 4025 Postage 50 50 _ , 4029 Vehicle Repairs 11,50010,000 4030 Stationary 150` 150 , 4039 Physical Exams 250 250' 4055 Natural Gas 4,000 4,500 4059 Insurance 20,200 21,000 4064 Vehicle Fuel 5,500 5,000 4123 Equip. Maintenance 2,000 2,000 r 4140 Medical Supplies 6,500 7,000 4142 Inspection Dinner 5,000 5,700 4196 Oxygen Refill 1,900 1,900 4284 Training Program 2,500 2,500 Contr.Exp Total $89,500 $98,000 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LVAC Total $96,500 $107,000 §1 IQ $0.00 $0.00, $0.00 $0.00 10.88% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% 2018 Maximum Budget Allowed= $97,948 1.5%Growth Factor Town of Mamaroneck 2018 Budget Worksheet LVAC A) 2017 Department/Function Budget $1 ,448 B) Allowable Growth Factor(2017 Budget X.018) $97,948 C) Total Allowable 2018 Budget Ust below the program(s)to be adjusted and the estimated cost of the program adjustment(use additional sheets if necessary) Program Estimated Value Locker room upgrade $3,500 Access control $3,800 identify and explain any adjustments to personnel or operations In the department to formulate a budget within the allowable growth factor. For this section list the number of employees and salaries(use additional sheets If necessary) Provide here any additional Information pertinent to the explanation of the service and personnel adjustments. 2018 MEMS SM4190 Budget Request 2017 MEMS AD Town Change Preliminary Change Adopted Adopted Request Administrator ADB Meeting Budget Town Board Budget 2101 Office Equipment 0 1,000 600 2103 Medical Equipment 0 0 2105 Uniforms 6,000 6,500 6,500 2122 Radios&Pagers 1,500 2,500 1,500 Equipment Total $7,500 $10,000 $8,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4001 Telephone 4,200 4,800 4,800 4002 Service Contracts 4,000 4,000 3,500 4003 Electricity 8,000 7,000 7,500 4006 Diesel 5,000 5,000 4,500 4008 Water 900 900 900 _ 4009 Office Supplies 450 450 450 4011 Bldg Supplies 1,900 1,900 1,900 4012 Bldg Repairs 8,500 8,500 8,500 4025 Postage 50 50 25 4029 Vehicle Repairs 8,000 8,000 8,500 4030 Stationary 500 1,000 1,000 4039 Physical Exams 0 0 0 4055 Natural Gas 4,000 4,000 4,000 4059 Insurance 23,000 23,000 23,000 4064 Vehicle Fuel 1,000 0 250 4123 Equip. Maintenance 1,500 1,500 1,500 4140 Medical Supplies 7,000 7,000 7,000 4142 Inspection Dinner 5,000 5,700 5,000 4196 Oxygen Refill 1,900 1,900 1,900 4284 Training Program 2,000 2,000 3,000 Contr.Exp Total $86,900 $86,700 $87,225 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MEMS Total $94,400 $96,700 $95,825 IR /0 Ep }0 2.44% 1.51% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% 2018 Maximum Budget Allowed= $95,816.00 1.5%Growth Factor Town of Mamaroneck 2018 Budget Worksheet A) 203.7 Department/Function Budget l L1 y 00 Q OO B) Allowable Growth Factor(2017 Budget X.016) t,Li 14 .00 C) Total Allowable 201.8 Budget "gi CI5,II(‘•0(j List below the programs)to be adjusted and the estimated cost of the program adjustment(use additional streets If necessary) Program Estimated Value 1 1�1►0 CoA 1%�11CU 4U' l- .1,0 J • \WrK9ti+r Q,o„adkq 100 ( 15000) UN,rbarr, 4 566 ("t ,t(�.SOO Ace &erra ? F.c..A,,,,c + � tloo L-r'°..0! 001)Qr: n) VTATe 44064 -t 500 t1.4&) 0‘,00 Identify and explain any adjustments to personnel or operations In the department to formulate a budget within the allowable growth factor. For this section list the number of employees and salaries(use additional sheets If necessary) c iACAt►lds•rn Provide here any additional Information pertinent to the explanation of the service and personnel adjustments. Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District 2017 Call Volume and Patient Distribution Summary MEMS SSMC WPH WMC G-wick Jacobi Lawrence St.Vincent Mt.V Other No Txp Total Calls Total Txp Jan 30 61 7 1' 28 127 99 Feb 28 53 8 1 1 34 125 91 Mar _ 30 45 2 6 1 36 120 84 Apr 25 49 5 4 1 31 115 84 May 27 63 2 5 1 38 136 98 June 40 53 3 3 1 43 143 100 July 29 67 1 6 3 57 163 106 Aug 24 49 4 3 1 1 25 107 82 Sep 0 0 Oct 0 0 Nov0 0 Dec 0 0 Total 233 440 17 42 8 2 1 0 1 292 1036 744 LVAC SSMC WPH WMC 0-wich Jacobi Lawrence St.Vincent Mt.V Other No Txp Total Calls Total Txp Jan 29 24 1 1 2 41 98 57 Feb 24 26 1 2 1' 1 1 36 92 56 Mar 43' 32 1 1' 1 37 115 78 Apr 28 23 1' 1 1 45 99 54 May 41 28 2 1 1 1 1 41 116 75 June 40 29 1 2 1 38 111 73 July 41 294 2 2 55 133 78 Aug 29 27 3 1 45 105' 60 Sep 0 0 Oct - 0 0 Nov 0 0 Dec 0 0 Total 275 218 13 11 4 0' 6 3 1' 338 869 531 SSMC WPH WMC 0-wich Jacobi LawrencelSt.Vincent Mt.V Other No Txp Total Calls Total Txp System Total 508 658 30 53 12 2 7 3- 2 630 1905 1275 39.8% 51.6% 2.4°/ 4.2% 0.9% 0.2% 0.5% 0.2% 0.2% 100.0% • 2017 MONTHLY PAID EMT COVERAGE TOTALS MEMS 1 YEAR A AvglDay %HRS PD LVAC 1 YEAR A Avg/Day %HRS PD TMAD TOTAL 1 YEAR A AvgIDay Jan 108.00 53.50 3.48 14.52 72.00 7.00 2.32 9.6810.00 180.00 58.50 5.81 Feb 148.00 7.25 5.29 22.02 113.00 12.00 4.04 16.82 6.00 267.00 25.25 9.54 Mar 153.00 1.00 4.94 20.56 121.00 15.50 3.9 16.26 0.00 274.00 12.50 8.84 Apr 141.50 15.00 4.72 19.65 109.00 -6.00 3.63 15.14 0.00 250.50 9.0o 8.35 May 175.50 70.00 5.66 23.59 150.00 63.50 4.84 20.16 0.00 325.50 133.50 10.5 Jun 187.50 58.75 6.25 26.04 73.00 -14.75 2.43 10.14 0.00 260.50 44.00 8.68 Jul 133.50 27.00 4.31 17.94 132.00 -11.00 4.25 17.74 0.00 265.50 16.00 8.56 Aug 241.00 70.50 7.77 32.39 69.50 -131.50 2.24 9.34 0.00 310.50 -64.00 10.02 Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTALS 1288.00 303.00 if 839.50 -65.25 6.00 2133.50 237.75 8.78 %HRS COVERED BY PAID 22.09% 14.39% 35.83% AVERAGES 161.00 104.94', 266.69 " =; T 5.30 pPrs ar Day 3A5 r Day 8.78 Mrs Day Hours Usage by Month 2017 300.00 250.00 200.00 - (((• ( I 150.00 ,._ 100.00 S0.00 .::_. I � 0.00 __ Ian Feb at pr ay Sun ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec --MEMS 108.00 148.00 153.00 141.50 175.50 187.50 133.50 241.00 - -LVAC 72.00 113.00 121.00 109.00 150.00 73.00 132.00 69.50 -*-TMAD 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Number of Paid Shifts by Hour of Day-2017 MEMS LVAC Avg.Ws/ Avg.Hrs./ I, 00.01 01-02 02.03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19.20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-00 p SHIFTS Shift 8 SHIFTS Shift Jan 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 18 17 17 20 20 14 12 12 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 12 9.00 Feb 2 2 2 2 2 4 15 28 28 28 28 26 21 18 18 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 1 1 17 8.71 .6 Mar 1 1 1 1 1 _ 2 14 30 30 30 29 27 20 19 21 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 19 8.05 1..? - Apr 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 24 25 25 25 24 17 17 17 9 8 8 8 0 1 1 1 1 21 6.74 1 May 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 27 32 31 31 31 26 27 26 16 16 16 14 2 2 1 1 1 23 7.63 22 Jun 4 4 4 4 4 4 13 22 23 23 25 25 15 15 16 13 13 ! 13 12 3 3 3 3 3 25 7.50 Jul 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 22 23 24 24 25 19 19 19 17 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 3 18 7.42 y.. Aug 4 4 4 4 4 3 17 26 29 30 30 30 18 18 18 11 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 6 31 7.77 .i i Sep l Oct • I Nov • Dec I _ TOTALS 24 24 24 241 24 ''26 103 197 207 208 212 208 150 145 147` 94 90 166 7.76 i;-31 #Paid Shifts By Month Total Shifts by Hour of Day(YTD) 3; ::: h1i l f :S 5. _ izo ` i Iso ._.1 E . c a _.`._ a . -MMS a .5 . 100 ; L —XWAC .. 1j { II 50 • . 1 4 • • f. 0 i t l 11 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Os At- O3' c? AS' d° o^ tP .0 4, -." ti1 ti� ••.° •S' tib .;.1 ib *v' 1� 1� '11" ti 8 Ci'' OV o' cP o`' d,' o"` cl' 8,' N° ....^: ...1' ,7. .,1•' .a .e ...:v ..e -,a• tier tip' it 1'' 1-1I—MEMS 12 i 17 19 21 23 25 18 31 Time wee—LVAC 13 1 16 19 16 22 15 22 10 WORKSESSION ITEM 5 c. NO ATTACHMENT WORKSESSION ITEM 6 c. NO ATTACHMENT c WORKSESSION ITEM 7 c. NO ATTACHMENT FIRE COMMISSION ITEM 1 Town of Mamaroneck From: Tony Siligato-Town Comptroller i Re: Fire Claims Date: November 1,2017 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Paul Tortorella and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AAA Emergency Supply Co. RIT Truck rental and instructor $ 850.00 ASAP Shipping for pager repairs $ 21.46 AT&T Mobility Wireless Service 9/12/17-10/11/17 $ 363.00 CIT Finance LLC Xerox Copier contract 10/22/17 $ 277.89 Cablevision Cable services for 10/23/17-11/22/17 $ 212.70 Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning 9/11,9/20/17 $ 69.15 KVI Uniforms&Equipment Career Staff uniforms $ 1,667.75 Rescuestuff,Inc. Sept.11th Memorial T-Shirts - 9/11 60 Control T-Shirts $ 555.00 SG Fire Protection Kitchen hood cleaning $ 350.00 Tony's Nursery Inc. Mum's for front of building $ 94.27 UniFirst Corporation Cleaning supplies for building 10/13&10/20/17 $ 142.80 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Department Drill 10/17,Food for Fast Drill 10/24/17 $ 210.78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total: $ 4,814.80 FIRE COMMISSION ITEM 2 c. c. NO ATTACHMENT c, AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 1 c c, ZTown of Mamaroneck m Town Center :FOUNDED 1661• 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board Re: Set Public Hearing— Installation of Stop Sign— Highclere Court at Intersection of Durham Road Date: October The Traffic Committee, at its last meeting, reviewed a request for the installation of a stop sign on Highclere Court at the Intersection of Durham Road. Highclere Court is a road that was built recently as part of a subdivision on Durham Road. The subdivision includes three new homes. If the Board wishes to consider this matter further, a public hearing can be set for November 15, 2016. Attached is a local law at prepared by Council. Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator Local Law No. -2017 This local law shall be known as the "Stop Sign on Highclere Court where Highclere Court terminates at Durham Road" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1 -Purpose: For safety reasons, the Town Board finds that there should be a stop sign on Highclere Court at the point where that road terminates at Durham Road. Section 2-Regulation of Traffic on Highclere Court: Vehicles traveling in an easterly direction on Highclere Court shall be required to come to a full stop on Highclere Court at the point where Highclere Court terminates at Durham Road. Section 3-Sign(s)to be Erected and Painting to be Done: An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected on and/or above, and/or striping shall be painted on the surface of Highclere Court indicating where a full stop is required by this law. Section 4-Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 5-Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. October 27,2017 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 2 c 0. , z Town of Mamaroneck _ ni Town Center T*FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board Re: Report of Bids TA-17-08 Furnish & Deliver 2 20 Yard Refuse Collection Trucks Date: October 25, 2017 The Town, on October 18, 2017, publicly opened and read bids for the above-referenced contract. The scope of the contract requires the successful bidder to furnish and deliver two (2) 20 Yard Refuse Collection Trucks in accordance with the Town's bid specifications. The bid requirement for the two vehicles was in line with our past practice with the Village of Larchmont to purchase identical refuse collection trucks to be utilized by the Joint Garbage Disposal Commission. Therefore, the plan is for the Village of Larchmont to purchase one of the vehicles. Attached is the schedule of bids received. There were two bids submitted for this contract. The low bid was submitted by Long Island Sanitation Equipment Company of Farmingdale, New York. The total bid was $302,832.00 which equates to a price of $151,416.00 for each vehicle. The Town's fleet manager has reviewed the bids received and has determined that the low bid is in compliance with our bid documents. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT, SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE LARCHMONT VILLAGE BOARD, THAT THE TOWN BOARD ACCEPT THE BID OF $302,832.00 SUBMITTED BY LONG ISLAND SANITATION EQUIPMENT COMPANY TO FURNISH AND DELIVER 2 REFUSE COLLECTION TRUCKS,AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH LONG ISLAND SANITATION EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR PURCHASE OF THE VEHICLES. Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator TOWN OF MAMARONECK - CONTRACT #TA-17-08 FURNISH AND DELIVER TWO 20-YARD REFUSE COLLECTION TRUCKS BID OPENING: 11:00 AM, E.S.T., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2017 �"fir 41";.e';',,,,')',' ELY +n a?P-`I;,ry srRS�^I df '"'t ",Cn`a '+�r: 9 rv•^,� ',. �vF ,A x ate .5"A„,,, '.a �. 3 z` " �1.� ,b,,',,':. A*..>« `` ' h ^ :o v t,� y� k �. ✓�r t,_a rX }*' ;�,* 4°x r �.n+t a a"t'7;;- ' x 4 1 7 r v., °.e 4 �� ::,�, 'fir ..4'",k`,7,t' „ " �, t.�,•�.� _ rw•§. 3 A i M, A;< :r A�, 1 I,$ m n,, G r' ,'.'�..c33kVx8�'r'..'r , .a �¢ na .�^'yw �,_ x r "k#f,1" i...'YrnF.'w"a.vr, a■ > I }" + { Long Island Sanitation E ui ment Com an 1670 New Hi hwa Farmin dale, NY XN.r 9 q • P Y 9 Y� 9 $302,832.00" ® Gabrielli Truck Sales, LTD 153-20 South Conduit Avenue, Jamaica, NY X $326,846.00 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 3 c c 713 o Town of Mamaroneck w f�` ' m Town Center FOUNDED 1661 D` 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board Re: Authorization—Transfer of Funds/Purchase of Replacement Tree Maintenance Truck Date: October 25, 2017 The Town Board is aware that the Town's 2008 Freight Liner Aerial Lift Truck was involved in an automobile accident approximately one month ago. The damage to the truck was extensive and our insurance carrier has classified the vehicle as a total loss. The Town has identified a replacement vehicle that is available under a New York State contract for a total cost of $193,683.00. The insurance proceeds from the damaged vehicle were $138,000.00. Including the cost of lighting accessories, we are estimating the total cost of the vehicle to be $195,000.00. Therefore, an additional$57,000.00 is required to finance the purchase of the vehicle. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD APPROVE A TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $57,000.00 TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM THE HIGHWAY FUND BALANCE TO CAPITAL PROJECT #2017-06 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE PREPARED BY THE TOWN COMPTROLLER. AND FURTHER REQUESTED THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE A REQUISITION FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE 2018 FREIGHT LINER AERIAL LIFT TRUCK THROUGHT NEW YOUR STATE CONTRACT PGB22792. Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator AMEND 2017 CAPITAL PROJECT&BUDGET-HIGHWAY/GARAGE VEHICLES&EQUIP. 11/1/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND(FUND H): AMEND BUDGET: EXP H.5110.0400.2017.06 HIGHWAY/GARAGE VEHICLES&EQUIPMENT $ 195,000.00 REV H.0000.5033.2017.06 TRANSFERS FROM HIGHWAY FUND $ 195,000.00 (CAPITAL PROJECT#2017-06) (Increase project budget with$138,000 insurance recovery funding&$57,000 of unreserved Highway Fund Balance for unanticipated purchase of replacement vehicle. Original Capital Project Budget: $ 385,000.00 * Funding source: SERIAL BONDS -R.O.B.2/1/17 $ 385,000.00 * TRANSFER FR HIGHWAY-R.O.B. 11/1/17 $ 195,000.00 *I Capital Project Budget amended on 11/1/17: $ 580,000.00 HIGHWAY(FUND DB): AMEND BUDGET: EXP DB.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECT $ 195,000.00 REV DB.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 57,000.00 REV DB.0000.2680 INSURANCE RECOVERIES $ 138,000.00 Increase Fund DB budget with$138,000 insurance recovery funds and$57,000 appropriated fund balance(for Capital Project). AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 4 NEW YORK Department of ANDREW M.G UOMoO STATE OF OPPORTUNITY. Transportation MATTHEW J. DRISCOLL Commissioner TODD WESTHUIS, P.E. Regional Director July 13, 2017 Mr. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 RE: Munc. Snow & Ice Agreements 2017-2018 Mr. Altieri, The materials for the 2017— 2018 Municipal Snow & Ice Agreement Extensions are attached to this cover letter. The package includes four (4) Agreements, four (4) Resolutions, and four (4) Maps. Each municipality must issue a Signed& Sealed Resolution from their governing body authorizing a Municipal Official to enter into the above agreement. It is important that four (4) completed Agreements, four (4) completed resolutions, and four (4) completed maps are returned to this office for processing as soon as possible. This package shall include the items as listed below. 1. Four (4) Agreements: Fill in the blanks on the front and the back of the page including original signature and notary seals on each. 2. Four (4) Resolutions: Resolutions from the municipality must be complete with original signatures and certified with the Municipal Seal on each. 3. Four (4) Maps: Each of the four (4) maps with original signatures from the Municipalities responsible Official. PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED PACKAGE TO: New York State DOT Residency 8-9 Westchester South 1 Dana Road Valhalla, N.Y. 10595 ATTN: Jorge Argote It has been a pleasure doing business with you in the past, and we look forward to continuing to do so. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call me or Dyan Rajasingham, Residency Program Engineer at (914) 592-6557. Sincerely, Jor Al.Or P.E. Re ' eineer, Westchester South Contract# Municipality Ext.season Region# 0010708 Town of Mamaroneck/S.Westchester County 2017/18 8 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND INDEXED LUMP SUM MUNICIPAL SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT This Agreement made this day of by and between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (hereinafter referred to as "STATE"), acting by and through the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as "COMMISSIONER") , and the of the Town of Mamaroneck of (hereinafter referred to as"MUNICIPALITY")as follows: WHEREAS, the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY have entered into an Agreement No. D010708 entitled "Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Municipality of Town of Mamaroneck dated February 7, 1997;and WHEREAS, the term of the said Agreement is for a period of three years commencing July 1,1996 and the said Agreement provides that the parties may at the end of each year of the term of the Agreement extend such term for an additional year; and WHEREAS, the present term of the Agreement, as extended, expires June 30, 2017; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the said Agreement provides that the COMMISSIONER shall furnish the MUNICIPALITY with a suitable map for each term of the Agreement, or for any extended term thereof, modified to show the changes, if any, to the State Highways affected by this Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by the COMMISSIONER subject to the provisions of Section 9 at the time for extension of the Agreement; WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement also provides for an adjustment to the actual payment amount based on the intensity and severity of the winter season; NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits between the parties, WITNESSETH: 1. The aforementioned"Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement Between New York State Department of Transportation and the MUNICIPALITY" is hereby extended for a period of one year; now to expire on June 30, 2018, unless further extended. 2. The State Highways or parts thereof affected by this Agreement are as delineated on the attached map, agreed upon by the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY, which shall be effective for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2017, unless changed by future agreement between the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY. 3. All the terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect except as follows. The indexed lump sum estimated expenditure specified in Section 9 of the aforementioned Agreement shall be $ $14,977.60 for 9.2 lane miles for the 2015/16 season and for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2015, unless changed by future update. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This Agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the COMMISSIONER, and the MUNICIPALITY, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first above written. Over Agency Certification Contract No. D010708 "In addition to the acceptance of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this signature page will be attached to all other exact copies of this contract." THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MUNICIPALITY BY BY for Commissioner of Transportation ATTORNEY GENERAL'S SIGNATURE COMPTROLLERS SIGNATURE Dated Dated • STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF S. Westchester County ) On the day of in the year before me personally came to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in , New York; that he is the of the municipality described in and which executed the above instrument; that he executed said instrument by order of the Governing Body of said municipality pursuant to a resolution which was duly adopted on ; a certified copy of such resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. Notary Public MAP SHOWING TOWN OF MAMARONECK RESPONSIBILITY FOR SNOW&ICE CONTROL ON STATE HIGHWAYS FOR THE SEASONS OF 2015/16-2017/18 CENTER LANE MILES CONTRACT LANE MILES 9.20 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL SIGNED REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DATE SIGNED FOR MUNICIPALITY DATE 1 1 1 2D 21 1, 19 `r /. 0 .17-18 �� �� ,0, , Xi de,....- losik . .I, \.,, 0■ .,.. •. 1�. archm • ) L# Nort ® ; 0 mrQ ' ck r * ' ;i'','!• I - ;' ,',,* rE `£16 °+ •r Larch 7, '•' -11- ( , , . , .4* II Oc E OF 1 � ROCHE 41 Contract# Municipality Ext.season Region# D010708 Town of Mamaroneck/S.Westchester County 2017/18 8 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND INDEXED LUMP SUM MUNICIPAL SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT This Agreement made this day of by and between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (hereinafter referred to as "STATE"), acting by and through the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as "COMMISSIONER") , and the of the Town of Mamaroneck of (hereinafter referred to as"MUNICIPALITY")as follows: WHEREAS, the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY have entered into an Agreement No. D010708 entitled"Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Municipality of Town of Mamaroneck dated February 7, 1997;and WHEREAS, the term of the said Agreement is for a period of three years commencing July 1,1996 and the said Agreement provides that the parties may at the end of each year of the term of the Agreement extend such term for an additional year; and WHEREAS, the present term of the Agreement, as extended, expires June 30, 2017; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the said Agreement provides that the COMMISSIONER shall furnish the MUNICIPALITY with a suitable map for each term of the Agreement, or for any extended term thereof, modified to show the changes, if any, to the State Highways affected by this Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by the COMMISSIONER subject to the provisions of Section 9 at the time for extension of the Agreement; WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement also provides for an adjustment to the actual payment amount based on the intensity and severity of the winter season; NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits between the parties, WITNESSETH: 1. The aforementioned "Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement Between New York State Department of Transportation and the MUNICIPALITY" is hereby extended for a period of one year; now to expire on June 30, 2018, unless further extended. 2. The State Highways or parts thereof affected by this Agreement are as delineated on the attached map, agreed upon by the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY, which shall be effective for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2017, unless changed by future agreement between the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY. 3. All the terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect except as follows. The indexed lump sum estimated expenditure specified in Section 9 of the aforementioned Agreement shall be $ $14,977.60 for 9.2 lane miles for the 2015/16 season and for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2015, unless changed by future update. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This Agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the COMMISSIONER, and the MUNICIPALITY, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first above written. Over i Agency Certification Contract No. D010708 "In addition to the acceptance of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this signature page will be attached to all - other exact copies of this contract." THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MUNICIPALITY BY BY for Commissioner of Transportation ATTORNEY GENERAL'S SIGNATURE COMPTROLLERS SIGNATURE Dated Dated STATE OF NEW YORK )SS: COUNTY OF S. Westchester County ) On the day of in the year before me personally came to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in , New York; that he is the of the municipality described in and which executed the above instrument; that he executed said instrument by order of the Governing Body of said municipality pursuant to a resolution which was duly adopted on ; a certified copy of such resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. Notary Public . MAP SHOWING TOWN OF MAMARONECK RESPONSIBILITY FOR SNOW&ICE CONTROL ON STATE IIIGHWAYS FOR THE SEASONS OF 2015/16-2017/18 CENTER LANE MILES CONTRACT LANE MILES 9.20 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL SIGNED REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DATE SIGNED FOR MUNICIPALITY DATE I) °20 21 driser"°7-s° I( 19 ( 1 -17-18 61 tl . . # •A . � c�ts v 121 . f 7)' r e . IV archm • , JL# Mort VAA� ' . rn ro . ° 17 } (43 /' ' . , , iE 16 rC - � archmont .s., ,,c,,, .,, 9/M EC -O ll�II* ,a ( 2 . ‘411.1f:1(:414 al ((.,', 1 ROCHE e; v Contract# Municipality Ext.season Region# D010708 Town of Mamaroneck/S.Westchester County 2017/18 8 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND INDEXED LUMP SUM MUNICIPAL SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT • This Agreement made this day of by and between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (hereinafter referred to as "STATE"), acting by and through the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as "COMMISSIONER") , and the of the Town of Mamaroneck of (hereinafter referred to as"MUNICIPALITY")as follows: WHEREAS, the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY have entered into an Agreement No. D010708 entitled "Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Municipality of Town of Mamaroneck dated February 7, 1997;and WHEREAS, the term of the said Agreement is for a period of three years commencing July 1,1996 and the said Agreement provides that the parties may at the end of each year of the term of the Agreement extend such term for an additional year; and WHEREAS, the present term of the Agreement, as extended, expires June 30, 2017; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the said Agreement provides that the COMMISSIONER shall furnish the MUNICIPALITY with a suitable map for each term of the Agreement, or for any extended term thereof, modified to show the changes, if any, to the State Highways affected by this Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by the COMMISSIONER subject to the provisions of Section 9 at the time for extension of the Agreement; WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement also provides for an adjustment to the actual payment amount based on the intensity and severity of the winter season; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits between the parties, WITNESSETH: 1. The aforementioned"Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement Between New York State Department of Transportation and the MUNICIPALITY" is hereby extended for a period of one year; now to expire on June 30, 2018, unless further extended. 2. The State Highways or parts thereof affected by this Agreement are as delineated on the attached map, agreed upon by the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY, which shall be effective for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2017, unless changed by future agreement between the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY. • 3. All the terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect except as follows. The indexed lump sum estimated expenditure specified in Section 9 of the aforementioned Agreement shall be $ $14,977.60 for 9.2 lane miles for the 2015116 season and for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2015, unless changed by future update. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This Agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the COMMISSIONER, and the MUNICIPALITY, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first above written. Over g MAP SHOWING TOWN OF MAMARONECK RESPONSIBILITY FOR SNOW&ICE CONTROL ON STATE HIGHWAYS FOR THE SEASONS OF 2015/16-2017/18 CENTER LANE MILES CONTRACT LANE MILES 9 20 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL SIGNED REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DATE SIGNED FOR MUNICIPALITY DATE 0 ° 21 20 /19 , : III ?II. � • _44RR 110 .17-18 �� 4 ~ �r• j...„. ,,, 0 ,■ I ,,,, e archm . ".44', .. . . t . r rCC 0 k Nort ,„---=17 k\,,, . gi 4- . 'Ef16 � . , 1 t ! ‘4S, 1- J •r arhnt $a _ ,,v Awe '41 ) .; evvi , ; . 4 ` o 1 N 9 OLLEcE OP � ROCHE A..; Contract# Municipality Ext.season Region# D010708 Town of Mamaroneck/S.Westchester County 2017/18 8 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND INDEXED LUMP SUM MUNICIPAL SNOW AND ICE AGREEMENT This Agreement made this day of by and between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (hereinafter referred to as "STATE"), acting by and through the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of New York (hereinafter referred to as "COMMISSIONER") ,and the of the Town of Mamaroneck of (hereinafter referred to as"MUNICIPALITY")as follows: WHEREAS, the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY have entered into an Agreement No. D010708 entitled "Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Municipality of Town of Mamaroneck dated February 7, 1997;and WHEREAS, the term of the said Agreement is for a period of three years commencing July 1,1996 and the said Agreement provides that the parties may at the end of each year of the term of the Agreement extend such term for an additional year; and WHEREAS, the present term of the Agreement, as extended, expires June 30, 2017; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the said Agreement provides that the COMMISSIONER shall furnish the MUNICIPALITY with a suitable map for each term of the Agreement, or for any extended term thereof, modified to show the changes, if any, to the State Highways affected by this Agreement. WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by the COMMISSIONER subject to the provisions of Section 9 at the time for extension of the Agreement; WHEREAS, Section 9 of the said Agreement also provides for an adjustment to the actual payment amount based on the intensity and severity of the winter season; NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and benefits between the parties, WITNESSETH: 1. The aforementioned"Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement Between New York State Department of Transportation and the MUNICIPALITY" is hereby extended for a period of one year; now to expire on June 30, 2018, unless further extended. 2. The State Highways or parts thereof affected by this Agreement are as delineated on the attached map, agreed upon by the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY, which shall be effective for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2017, unless changed by future agreement between the COMMISSIONER and the MUNICIPALITY. 3. All the terms and conditions of the original contract remain in effect except as follows. The indexed lump sum estimated expenditure specified in Section 9 of the aforementioned Agreement shall be $ $14,977.60 for 9.2 lane miles for the 2015/16 season and for the remainder of the term of the Agreement commencing July 1, 2015, unless changed by future update. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, This Agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the COMMISSIONER, and the MUNICIPALITY, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first above written. Over Agency Certification Contract No. D010708 "In addition to the acceptance of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this signature page will be attached to all other exact copies of this contract." THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MUNICIPALITY BY BY for Commissioner of Transportation ATTORNEY GENERAL'S SIGNATURE COMPTROLLERS SIGNATURE Dated Dated STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF S. Westchester County ) On the day of in the year before me personally came to me known who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in . , New York; that he is the of the municipality described in and which executed the above instrument; that he executed said instrument by order of the Governing Body of said municipality pursuant to.a resolution which was duly adopted on ; a certified copy of such resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. Notary Public MAP SHOWING TOWN OF MAMARONECK 4 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SNOW&ICE CONTROL ON STATE HIGHWAYS FOR THE SEASONS OF 2015/16-2017/18 CENTER LANE MILES CONTRACT LANE MILES 9.20 SNOW AND ICE CONTROL SIGNED REGIONAL.DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS DATE SIGNED FOR MUNICIPALITY DATE 111 21 dr, 1920 ,1 �. <<' • 44 0 (0/ N" 4tr Ali XII . )/ 4 O.°P i bk ei , 11 f ,, / 0 archm • t 14,i Nort � r 7 ,, 17 , k IE `18 144,L) 1 ° •�� archmo 4 v rc .. ii ROCHE:�ouEc OF I1 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 5 PLEASE NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS DOCUMENT ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2017: AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM "SALARY AUTHORIZATION - 2017 MANAGEMENT & NON UNION PERSONNEL" TOWN OF MAMARONECK i� MANAGEMENT/NON-UNION STAFF SALARY ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE FOR FY2017&2018 BUDGET AVG.%SALARY INCREASE FOR 5 YR PERIOD: 2.6% * (IAN 2012 THRU DEC 2016) CURRENT 1.75% 3.00% 2.50% 2.75% 2.75% 2.00% ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED PROPOSED PROPOSED COST SALARY SALARY SALARY SALARY SALARY SALARY SALARY DIFF 1/1/2012- 1/1/2013- 1/1/2014- 1/1/2015- 1/1/2016- 1/1/2017- 1/1/2018- VS NAME TITLE 12/31/2012 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 ORIG BGT G/L EXP CODE S.ODIERNA CONFID SCTY. S - $ - $ - 5 51,000 $ 52,402 $ 53,450 $ 1,048 A.1220.1010 S.ALTIERI ADMINISTRATOR $ 159,304 $ 164,083 $ 168,185 $ 172,810 $ 177,562 S 181,115 $ 3,553 A.1221.1010 G.FERRIS SCTYTOADMIN 5 54,253 $ 55,881 $ 57,278 $ 58,855 $ 60,475 5 61,685 $ 1,210 ' A.SILIGATO COMPTROLLER $ . 142,100 $ 146,363 $ 150,022 $ 154,150 $ 154,150 S 157,235 $ 3,085 A.1315.1010 P.VALENZA ASSESSOR S - $ 110,000 $ 113,025 $ 115,285 $ 2,260 A.1355.1010 C.GREEN O'DONNELL ASST.ADMIN $ - $ 84,000 $ 86,100 $ 88,470 $ 105,000 $ 107,100 $ 2,100 A.1430.1010 S.GUIMARES ADMIN-AIDE $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 65,000 $ 66,300 $ 1,300 A.1430.1010 R.WASP ENGINEER $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 115,000 $ 115,000 $ - A.1440.1010 M.ORCHANIAN BUILDING SUPT. $ 69,765 $ 71,858 $ 73,654 $ 75,680 $ 77,760 $ 79,315 $ 1,555 A.1620.1010 R.CIMINO I.T.DIRECTOR $ - $ - $ - $ 85,000 $ 87,337 $ 89,085 $ 1,749 A.1680.1010&9.1680.1010_ L MARTIRANO SUPT.OF HWY $ 101,658 $ 104,708 $ 107,325 $ 115,000 $ 118,162 $ 120,525 $ 2,363 A.5010.1010 A.DANOY COMM.SVC.DIR. $ 96,921 $ 99,829 $ 106,403 $ 109,330 $ 112,336 $ 114,580 $ 2,245 4.6772.1010&A.8610.1010 M.GALLAGHER ASST.SUPT.REC $ 86,965 $ 89,574 $ 91,813 $ 94,340 $ 96,935 $ 98,875 $ 1,940 4.6772.1010&4.7620.1010 J.FISHER SUPT.OF REC. $ 109,168 $ 112,443 $ 115,254 $ 118,425 $ 121,681 $ 124,115 $ 2,435 4.7020.1010 R.LUNDE . ICE RINK MGR. $ 68,635 S 70,694 $ 72,461 $ 80,100 $ 82,302 $ 83,950 $ 1,648 A.7265.1010 E.PAUL ENVIRON.COORD. $ 58,522 $ 60,278 $ 61,785 $ 63,485 $ 76,968 $ 76,968 $ - B.8090.1010 A.CASTERELLA GEN.FOREMAN $ 73,840 $ 76,055 $ 77,957 $ 80,100 $ 82,302 $ 83,950 $ 1,648 DB.5110.1010 M.PINTO GARAGE FOREMAN $ 73,840 $ 76,055 $ 77,957 $ 80,100 $ 82,302 $ 83,950 $ 1,648 DB.5130.1010 M.LIVERZANI AMBUL ADMIN $ 93,920 $ 96,588 $ 103,877 $ 106,735 $ 109,670 $ 111,865 $ 2,194 SM.4189.1010 TOTALS: $ 1,188,891 $ 1,308,408 $ 1,350,071 $ 1,643,581 $ 1,890,366 $ 1,924,347 $ - $ 33,981 19 NON-UNION/MGT STAFF MEMBERS