HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_10_04 Town Board Meeting Packet TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE - AT 5:00PM, IN CONFERENCE ROOM A TO DISCUSS: 1 . Energy Performance - Contract Audit 2. Zoning Petition - Myrtle Boulevard 3. Review - New York State Comptroller- Fiscal Stress Report 4. Review - Proposal by BFJ Planning for a parking study of WSA 5. New Business 6. Request for Executive Session 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER - COURTROOM SUPERVISOR'S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Section 8 Housing Voucher Administrative Plan 2. Establish No Parking Zone at 1298 Palmer Avenue BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1 . Resolution - Reopening of Section 8 Voucher Waiting List 2. Authorization - Sale of Land - Mountain Avenue 3. Authorization - Health Department Permits - Senior Nutrition Programs 4. Authorization - 2016 - 2017 Snow Removal Contract New York State Department of Transportation 5. Authorization - Renewal of Fall Leaf Disposal Agreement 6. Consideration of Certiorari 7. Authorization - Contract of Sale - 84 Iselin Terrace APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 19th REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS-October 18, 2017 & November 1, 2017 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. TOWN BOARD MEETING-WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 5:00PM -CONFERENCE ROOM A 1. Energy Performance-Contract Audit (See Attachment). 2. Zoning Petition-Myrtle Boulevard (No Attachment- BFJ Planning has indicated that they will have a proposed scope for a Parking Study to me by Monday, October 2"d and I will distribute it to the Town Board at that time. 3. Review-New York State Comptroller-Fiscal Stress Report (See Attachment). 4. New Business 5. Request for Executive Session WORKSESSION ITEM 1 Town of Mamaroneck w n m Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 •FOUNDED lt,1 • TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Energy Performance Contract Audit Date: September 29, 2017 The Town previously authorized a contract with Celtic Energy to conduct an audit of the energy performance contract between the Town and Honeywell Systems. The audit was initiated to determine whether we accomplished the energy savings goals contemplated in the original contract. Attached is a copy of their report including a detailed spreadsheet that refers to each of the Energy Conservation Measures in the contract. In addition to the materials attached, I have arranged for the Celtic Energy representatives to be on a conference phone with the Board at our work session. ' Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Altieri, Stephen From: Walt Donzila <wdonzila @celticenergy.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 8:58 AM To: Altieri, Stephen Cc: David-John Plis Subject: Clarification on Celtic's Report Hi Steve, Here is a simplified explanation of Celtic's findings, prepared by our Sr. Engineer: There was a shortfall in savings for the Hammocks Ice Rink, Town Center, and Weaver Street Fire HQ for$32,181. This number was calculated by Honeywell and reviewed by CEI; CEI concurs with the shortfall. This shortfall should be addressed by Honeywell with the Town for resolution. CEI reviewed the contract the Town entered into with Honeywell titled"NY Town of Mamaroneck—Contract Document with supporting Exhibits." The contract shows an estimated annual street lighting savings of 333,946 kWh for the lighting retrofit plus 116,483 kWh for the Sentinel street lighting controls(450,429 kWh total). The lighting as-built (including Sentinel control savings)shows a total annual savings of 275,710 kWh. Based on the difference between these two documents, CEI finds a shortfall of approximately 175,000 kWh which equates to$41,125 annually. When the street lighting savings discrepancy was brought to the attention of Honeywell, Honeywell responded with: "The Town did not implement the proposed street lighting retrofit nor the Sentinel controls strategy as per contract. The Town commissioned the street lighting project independently and used their own criteria for%dimming. Therefore, the projected savings of 450,429 kWh,see table below, will only materialize if all proposed parameters were utilized per contractual requirements." If the Town objects to Honeywell's response above, CEI can provide services per the Proposal submitted in August to aid in the recovery of$41,125 in annual savings. Steve, I hope this helps a bit. Please give me a call this afternoon to discuss, if you have questions. I believe our Sr. Engineer will be in at that time and can join us. Thanks! Walt : a Celtic Energy Walt Donzila,CEM,CPC Director of Business Development Celtic Energy, Inc. 437 Naubuc Avenue—Suite 106, Glastonbury, CT 06033 (860) 882-1515 x312 (860) 830-5310 Cell 1 • Town of Mamaroneck Comment Document Project Tide/Site: Report Submission Date: Town of Mamaroneck ESPC_PH5-Yr.1 12/14/2016 Type of Review: Document Created By: Town of Mamaroneck-Energy Savings Performance Contract Financial Grade Operational Audit Celtic Energy,sm. Honeywell Yr.1 M&V Report Reviewers: Celtic Energy:Deviddohn P55 10Pj,Daniel Clement.IDC1 Town of Mamaroneck:Steve Aided MA).MI Fisher BF),twos Inerlatano%MI,Roe Cimino BIC),Rob Lunde BILL ChM Rooth/1:6) CAST* Description Page%) Reviewer Comments RICO Response Real DISposidon of Cmiment loosed(Y/N) 1 Overall Several DC There appears to be lack a connection between engineering calculetions and field During and upon completion of the project,Honeywell lfie Watteges Table'(attached In yow email)only covers measurements ' measurements used to determine measured utility and cost savings for Option A ECM,in the updated and provided an IA&V Wattage table taken for ECM-1:[Interior)Lighting Retrofit-Sam*(nonfinite are not Contract Document and Yr.1 M&V Report. designeting mmsurements by fixture type.These provided.These are needed to verify that the 80%confidence/20%precision measurements were then applied to the final lighting Sampling Plan is accurete. For Option A,the measures MeV Table 1.1 of Exhibit M&V Phn of the'NY Town of trine-by-lines-for the Town Center,the Weaver St fire Mamaroneck-Contract Document with Supporting Documents"(submitted 03/25/2014) Has,and the Ice Rink The'MCA/Wattage.table is CEI compared•sample set pre-and post-retrofit M&V lighting power velum states that post-retrofit verification data should be applied against engineering celculations. enclosed to validate the source of the post-retrofit values.In the iMV Wattages Table to the fixtures In Exhibit 0-5-1,end was not able The micuiations provided In the appended calculations of the'NY Town of Mamaroneck- to verify 0.0%11e two values match. Contract Document with Supporting Documents"(submitted 03/25/2014)do not indicate the source of the post-retrallt mines.Thh must be known in order to verify that Option A savings Pot example,one%V Wattages%Mei line Item for(263)2022-U-lemp T-8 • • cakulatIons were carded out properly.Please provide the source of the measured values. fluorescent lighting fixtures with pre-and port-retrofit M&V power readings n, of 0.0592 and 0.0311 kW.The pre and post kW in Exhibit G-5-1 show 0.058 and 0.032 kW. • In future'mods,this iM&V Wattage and other like tables thou%be included • in the Post-Installation Verification Report. As•separate comment,whet Reid measurements weft odlecbtrl fee ECM- 9:Replace Condensing Units at the Town Center? 2 "NY Town of Mamaroneck-Contract pp.82-131 of 345 DC Are the total post-retrofit power demand and annual enemy tome values provided in Exhibit The data in 0-2 for existing are based on sample The'NY Mameroneck Town-MV Wattage Table for Comment 1.file provides Document with Supporting Documents' A-2 based upon manufacturer cut-sheets or meitrurements recorded during the post- measurements for each fixture group.The Ow ratings for pre-end post-retrofit M&V readings.Sample sizes are not included in this file. (submitted 113/25/2014),Exhibit A-2 implemmtation period?According to printed p.601 Exhibit G-7,ECM 112:Street Lighting the post Install are based on manufacturer's published However,than are not specified in the M&V plan. upgrade should have Its energy savings stipulated based upon collected and validated post- data. , 'NY Town of Mamaroneck Contrect retrofit data.Please provide the source of the measured values. Comment satisfied. Document with Supporting Documents' p.339 01 345 (submitted 03/25/2014),Exhibit G-7 Page 1 013 170822_Town of Mamaroneck ESPC_PHS-Yr 1_CEI Review Comment toe MAT* Description Page(a) Reviewer Comment* BCD Response FMal Dipealtlen of Comment aowd(YM) 3 Remote and On-site BAS Access N/A DC HON noted that throughout the Yr.1M&V period R had diRkulty accessing the Hammocks lee Throughout the performance period,speed reliability has Again,CEI is concerned that the Honeywell coMrols system is not functioning Rink and Weaver St.Fire Dept.HO BASS remotely and on-site.According to Section 1.2,• been an issue.Honeywell M&V has also tried to amass properly because of O&M Issues on HON's part.The symptoms that HON is 'dean connetion•cannot be established with the Hummocks A.Rink and HON is unable to Ae Rink'hunt-end'w-site,net there was still difficulty in describing do not necessarily explain why HON is not responsible for its Issues change Weaver St Fire Dept.IDs set-pnlnt and start/stop equipment remotely. navigating through system For example it can take connecting to the Hammocks lee Rink and Weaver St Fire Dept HO BASS minutes for menu to open.in some cases computer remotely and on-site. According to the Town,there A a fast and reliable Internet connection,but the Honeywell would lockup and would need to be rebooted.This • controls system A operating slowly and Improperly in-part due to the/ollowlng: ream.has been resolved and remote connectivity has been re-established. • -Jm updates haw not been occurring. -The LACE installed as pt of HONY ESPC does not function properly. -HON has requested that Microsoft Security updates be stopped. -In general,alder technology prevents system updates Iran occur., The Town used Atlantic Westchester,Inc to Independently verify that the HON BAS and its JACE an not operadng pnopMy and Mat.Town interne connection Is sound. MM The Town stated that HON N allowed to eater the BAS with the Town's permisslon,and that HON now has access to supervised BAS sessions.Team Viewer has been used In some sessions.The Town does not have the edministretor password. Plum comment why HON believes that the Town is responsible for its connectivity Issues. V�+✓��l F,? 4 •Mamaroneds NY Street htl O&M rig ng PP�751-266 OP/DC Whas hanger history sel.ttlp Me 5500Rcolor temper...fixtures?During the site The fixture selection was submitted and approved by the Comment ntbMd, Manual. visit CEI was told that some Town residents have complained about tight pollution.As a result,prop consultant and Town Generally,higher color temperatures ham better efficacy,end'. f4 r''J the Town has madlyed the street lamp operating schedule during the year-1 period. brighter.Replacing low cola temperature HES lamps(what residents are used to)with high color tamp.LEDs may require time for the residents to adjust to the color temp.shift. ;•q For high impact ECM,for ESPCs,CEI generally recommends product mock- ups and photometric to Met the Customer on observe the actual product 'y } toil satisfied. 5 •NV Town olMamaronack-EOmtrt pp.82-1310/365 DC Wnehthe history behind tleretmlolrgb,270awwlruedmafa the street lights?Are the The strMlghU are NOT me[red-Heron hours are CammeM Satlsfled. r`Syv:'i Document with Supporting Documents• street lights metered?How A the hintlme and%bad sent to the NY Power Authority for prescribed by Con Edison and each month ha an (submitted 03/25/2014),Exhibit A-2 billing? allocated run hour this is detailed in the Rate Class 6 NY Town olMamsronerk-Cmtract document pp.82-131 of 365 DC In IGA cakuttioe HON should provide an appropriate number of significant figures in Noted Comment satisfied. T^r Document with Supporting Documents r.Pattabw.The pm-and amid.like power dewed(ow)v(lue provided stea Exhibit A- v %a (submltted 03/25/2014LExhibit A-2 :,houkwrporfed vvith alnraclsion Ilea the Leal ravine power(W)demand.Instead, y,6 these values are only monad to one sgnmwnt figure. 7 Section 5.5:Option C Meter Details pp.47-54 of 59 DC The Adjusted Beier.natural gas energy wage velum provided in Section 5.5 of the Yr.1 Please note:the Adjusted Baseline cakulation is based an As a rota,the tide of the supporting file references Comment 7,not ECM are somewhat dMbentelan those predicted by the Adjusted gasoline(therm) the billing Period for the current month(Feb'2016 Comment 17. 'NY Town of Mamaroneck-Contract pp.150-I59 of 365 Wwtlarls In the being reports provided N Exhibit GiottlA Contract Document.For one lan.22nd thru Feb.23rd-32 days).Averificatlon report Document with Supporting Documents. ...Pia the Hammocks se Rink reported• hbreak 2016 Adjusted Baseline to derMemonth the Feb adb'1ed enclone.to prove Me Why Ls madrlctnefrnprovided InCell Wald the ICl'LlE. and (submitted 03/25/2014),Exhibit G-4 usagevahta ot4,6K therm.However,thellOrnmaeis lee Mink Adjusted Be,eikn.natural gas derivation of Me adlusted baseline. '213.ere subtracted from each other to yl.id tha reautt in Cea'LI3'. equation In the Contract yields(14.98.29 daya3.04•1399.5 NOD)4,688 therm In February 2016.Confirm and provide evidence that the baseline repe„ion model from the cant Based upon the supplemental HOmnodu kw Rink NG Meier 1183001 •n ).V document are used in the year-1 report. oktdations provided by HON,CEI confirmed the the appropriate day count and ADD constants are being used.These values of 14.98 and 3.04, respectively,are the sew as timer provided on p.157 of 345(of the PDF)of the Contact Documert The HDO and day counts provided In the attached .51 document m.bn what A provided In the'Adjusted Baseline'table an p 47 of m 59(of the PDF)of the Yr.1 Reooncillation Report Y Comment satisfied. AC" �y a�?t 8 Section 5.2:Lighting As-guilts p.35 of 59 DP/DC The nksdeOons In the lighting AS-BuBU section seem inaccurate.The'PossRetroMOty.and The cakulation uses diversity/actor of 0.95 or 95%I as Okay,this information should be communicated In the body of all future 'Post-Retrofit kW values multiplied together do not owl the Total Post kW values In many measurements were based on 80%confidence/20% SCARS. y e.i cases.For example,the first Weave Street Firehouse Headquarters Floor 2 line kern on p.35 precision sampling.Diversity factor A taken into account of 59(of the POE)of the yr.1 M&V Report shows a'Post-Retrofit C.of 6,a'Post-Retrofit since only a percentage of fixture were measured rather Conment.utlsned. kW value of 0.0640 kW,and a Total Pont kW value of 0.36 kW.This mistake cannot be than all fixtures Therefore,the post kW is[6.0.0640• explained by rounding errors unless the'Post-Retrofit kW value is rounded to one sgninoent 0.951=0.3648 or 0.36 figure,which would be improper.Please eplain. 9 N/A N/A DC During Ha site vlsltCal did not find or learn of any significant renovations affecting the Town ?...,OA-. '1 Center,Hammocks Ice Rink,Weaver St Fire Dept HO,or Exterior Lighting. ESCO response ry ty required. Page 2 of 3 170822 Town of Mamaroneck ESPC_PHS-Yr 1_CEI Review Comment Log CMT• Description p•e(e) Reviewer Comnwnts ESCO Response Final Dispostdon of Comment Clased(Y/N) 10 Extenor lighting Controls N/A DC During its site visit,CEI did not find or loom of any significant renovations affecting the Town Town to respond if any • -- - Center,Hammocks lee Punk,Weaver St.fire Dept.HO,or Exterior Lighting.No ESCo response 5000on 2-Street lighting P.20 of 59 ,required. "NY Town of Mamaroneck-Contract - Document with Supporting Documents" p.339 of 345 (submitted 03/25/2014),Exhibit G-? "NY Town of Mamaroneck-Contract • Document with Supporting Documanb" ---- (submitted 03/25/2014),Attachment A, p.16 ot 345 Part I,ECM 2 • • • r ., 11 Section 2-Street lighting p.200/59 DC How can excess savings be reported for this measure if the savings provided are based on May need further review. stipulated values or,as HON states,"what savings would bane been had no changes taken The small excess savings was just a rounding error.Will place after project Implementation.? adjust accordingly. N 12 "NY TOwn of Mamaroneck-Contract p.16 of 345 DC Why are no warranty terms specified in the ECM-2 Scope of Work?LED lamp and driver Manufacturers warranty was not spaclhad,but potentially can be found Document with Supporting Document" components should have the manufacturer warranty terms stated in this section. through contact with the manufacturer. • (submitted 03/25/2014),Attachment A, Part I,ECM 2 During its 06/09 site visit CEI found approximately 25 failed or replacement LED lamp drivers Section 2.4 of the contract document states,"work Ls warranted to be free at the Highway Yard on one worker's shop bench alone.CEI believes that several other LED from defects In matabals and workmanship for period of one(1)year from lamp drivers have failed. the date of execution of the Delivery and Acceptance Cm ifcete by the Customer with respect to Substantial Canpletion of the ECM or portion of the, y` No ESCo response required. Work in question" The Town and Honeywell should look Into when the material defects • mowed. 13 Exterior Lighting N/A DC CEI understands that the Town has been handling felled LED driver warranty claims. The Town la required to manage the control strategies and Honeywell shall ;.'f'''... have access to these strategies for the anmol M&V reports. "NY Town of Mamaroneck-Conned p.16 of 345 The ECM 2 Scope of Work states,"The Town will be responsible to Insure that the lamps are Document with Supporting Documents" maintained and replaced as necessary and the contra strategies are continuously (submitted 03/25/2014),Attachment A. Implemented." Part I,ECM 2 • In ECM-2 Scope of Wok the LED lamp and driver components should have the manufacturer • • warranty tarns stated In this section. During its 06/09 sloe visit,CEI found approximately 25 failed or replacement LED lamp drivers at the Highway Yard on one worker's shop bench alone.CEI oho noted that several other LED lamp drivers have failed and are yet to be retrieved to be repaired. • No ESCO response required. 14 Section 1.1,Yr.1 Results by MAO Option p.a of 59 DC Please explain whet Note(2),"fuel Oil reflected here due to pre-retrofit Fuel 011 en Natural Per section 1.4.2 of"NY Town of Mamaroneck-Contract Comment satisfied. Table Gas conversions."Are both the pre-and post-retrofit fuel commodity toss based upon Yr.1 Document with Supporting Documents"(submitted fuel oil rates? 03/25/2014):Energy cost avoidance Is based upon the utility rate paid during the guarantee year,or the baseline Y utility rate,whichever produces the higher cost avoidance. • Page 3 of 3 1]0{22 Town of Mamaroneck ESPC_PH5-Yr 1_CEI Review Comment Log tiv WORKSESSION ITEM 2 c (sv BFJ Planning October 2, 2017 Stephen V. Altieri,Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Subject: Parking Occupancy Survey in Washington Square Neighborhood Dear Stephen: Thank you for asking us to undertake a parking survey in the Washington Square area to determine parking capacities that may be available for additional residential development. To prepare this proposal we reviewed the parking study that we performed for this area in 2007, as well as the JMC study dated June 13, 2017 for a slightly smaller study area. The purpose of this assignment is to determine parking reserves that may be available during night hours when residential parking demand peaks, and also during day-time hours when residential parking is still significant, and other parking demands peak. We propose to survey occupancies in all public on-street and off-street parking areas shown in Figure 1 (attached)with the following exceptions and additions: • North Chatsworth Ave will only be surveyed between New Jefferson and Myrtle • The parking lot on the corner of Madison and Fifth Avenue will also be surveyed • Municipal Lot #2 is smaller than it was in 2007. The occupancy counts would be performed on a Monday and Friday — the two days with highest occupancies according to the JMC study - during the following hours: • 10 am to 11 am • 12 noon to 1 pm • 8pmto9pm • 10 pm to 11 pm The above hours were selected based on the JMC survey results, but also based on residential parking surveys that BFJ undertook at other locations. We also propose to undertake occupancy surveys in the same area on Sunday night at 8 pm and at 10 pm. The above surveys will be summarized to determine the amount of parking spaces that may be available for overnight parking and daytime parking within the WS Resident Parking District and also in the study area outside the special district. This estimate will be calculated based on current parking regulations and prohibitions, WWW.BFJPLANNING.COM 13FJ Planning Stephen V. Altieri,Town Administrator October 2, 2017 Page 2 and also for potential scenarios where some of the regulations (such as the 3 am to 6 am parking prohibition) may be changed. BFJ will then translate the parking reserves into potential additional apartment units using residential parking demand ratios appropriate for this area for night and day time. The product of this analysis will thus be a recommendation regarding the maximum additions of apartment units under existing parking regulations and under potential changes of current regulations. BFJ will also review and evaluate potential additions to the current parking capacity in the study area and other strategies that may improve parking conditions. We propose to undertake the above work program for a total fee of$12,800. This includes all costs related to this work. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below and return a signed copy to us. This will then form our contractual agreement. Please call me (212-353 7477) if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you on this challenging assignment. Sincerely, qoarkti-- Georges Jacquemart, P.E., AICP Principal Accepted by Title Date M 6. I , ; I ,t i-e ; , a 15 Min.Parking 8AM-11AM ;4i •-• 1 Hour Parking 8AM-11AM i . - 2 Hour Parking 8AM•8PM y r _ ,' 3 Hour Parking 8AM-SPM ,, +�2� Fifth Avenue J No Parking Tuesday gam-12pm e t �� ,.,+. I No Parking Thursday 9am-12pm _� > a i .1 !- .a_{ .- ._ r-• i ' Municipal Lot tt c F .L__ __.� . -. s r Private Lot ie-'0.1'-f-',.;,. 14 - { tom' . . gt ig_ ` :, 1 '.., ' I I*. .. :..-....-4 p . ' "1 • f --,1- AO I t 'Jf` ,. '�. t, a ,, { :+ - r .' _tel -., �r L � 'V , �� !,� r.y� �Y..• ...a.. ..JAW f� ..• 7.L ' 1WAWW�� 4,7' :} "•.r_.. ice„ t! •» .t. Fz, ; _ ,,,, .. ..,.,,,._ '-,-.—• '_ ',.mow•_.. —._ . , Washington Square Parking Study-Mamaroneck,NY r,..BFJ Planning Figure 1.Existing On-Street Parking Regulations-Public&Municipal Parking Locations :11111/, Mad.saw Map*mom Wa1cY01rG6 WORKSESSION ITEM 3 tr c y o Town of Mamaroneck 0 ij m Town Center ( 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 •F Iry D �it 1 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: New York State Comptroller Fiscal Stress Report Date: September 29, 2017 Over the last several years the State Comptroller has been conducting evaluations of local government financials to ascertain the level of fiscal stress for that community. Attached is a summary prepared by the State Comptroller on how the analysis is conducted and the features applied to determine the level of stress. Also attached is the summary for the Town of Mamaroneck along with a detailed analysis of the ratios used to establish the scoring of stress levels. There is a scoring point range and percentage range applied to establish fiscal stress. Like golf,the lower your score the better. A lower score means the municipality is less susceptible to fiscal stress. The point and percentage range is as follows: Point Range Percentage Range Significant Fiscal Stress 18.85-29 65%-100% Moderate Fiscal Stress 15.95-18.84 55%-64.9% Susceptible to Fiscal 13.05-15.94 45%-54.9% Stress No Designation 0-13.04 0-44.9% The Town of Mamaroneck's total weighted score is 3.63 points or 12.5%. This is a very good score as we are not in any stress level designation. Also as you look at the graphs comparing the Town with other Towns in the state you will see we fare quite well. At the work session on Wednesday we will discuss the report further. Should you have questions or need additional information beforehand, please let me know. tephen V. Altieri Town Administrator cc: Anthony Siligato- Comptroller I 0 Fiscal Stress Monitoring System Fact Sheet September 2015 The Fiscal Stress Monitoring System provides: • An early warning of fiscal stress to local governments and school districts by examining their financial information and aspects of their external environment; and • Feedback to local leaders, State officials and taxpayers about fiscal stress conditions to help them prioritize the needs of their community, understand trade-offs and follow through with tough decisions. The System has two main components: Financial indicators evaluate budgetary solvency, the ability of a locality to generate enough revenue to meet expenses, by measuring: • Year-end fund balances • Operating deficits/surpluses f t,<<, • Cash position • Use of short-term debt for cash flow • Fixed costs (evaluated for local governments only) 1�- Environmental indicators capture trends that influence revenue-raising capability and demands for service: Local Governments Schools • Population • Property values • Age • Enrollment • Poverty • Budget vote trends • Property values • Graduation rate • Employment • Free or reduced price lunch participation • Dependence on revenue from other government units (which can be highly variable) dtt t ; ,1F0,00. 4 • Constitutional tax limits e ee ,, ,,,a, tF, ai F • Sales tax revenue I 1 95 •; .s ! ( ,,iti�i.. l Fiscal Stress Monitoring System Fact Sheet Results Entities receive a fiscal score and an environmental score. Based on the fiscal score, the system assigns an entity to ,t, ;�,�„i • . ... iar ,, ,;�,� �,, ,r =' one of three categories of stress or to the "no designation” category if its score doesn't meet the threshold of stress. �la�M° ' �_� �' °�� ` `'`s The three categories of stress are: Significant Fiscal Stress, Moderate Fiscal Stress and Susceptible to Fiscal Stress. Timing The system generates a new score once a year for each entity, after its annual financial report has been submitted and reviewed. Helping Local Leaders and Taxpayers The System allows interested parties to track stress condition trends and get a better sense of where an entity is headed, so that decision-makers are not merely responding to a crisis. Instead, they are taking a deliberate, long-term and strategic approach to managing the affairs of their local government. The New York State Office of the State Comptroller provides a range of tools to help local governments manage their finances prudently. These include a budgeting self-assessment tool, training, management guides, research and best practices gleaned from local governments and school districts across the State. 'ore de s ou stemy,teethe Fiscal Stress onitoring Syste j�webpa gge•„siwi�. 17. *a� Vic, tefly ulsflocaigov/tuscurmonitori g ndex h m • v .. Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/nyscomptroller Follow us on Twitter @nyscomptroller Office of the New York State Comptroller Town of Mamaroneck 550350300000 Fiscal Stress Summary Indicator Scoring Summary %Score 2014 12.5% 2015 12.5% Fiscal indicators Value Scores 2016 12.5% 2015 2016 2015 2016 2017 12.5% based on 3 year trend 1 Assigned&Unassigned FB/Gross Exp(General Fund) 67.0% 65.0% 1 1 Assigned&Unassigned FB/Gross Exp(Combined Funds) 48.7% 50.3% 2 Total FB/Gross Exp(General Fund) 74.5% 75.9% 1 1 100.0% 1 Total FB/Gross Exp(Combined Funds) 53.9% 57.5% 3#of Operating Deficits in Three Years or last year's deficit<=- 0 0 0 0 90.0% 10% i 4 Cash Ratio(Cash/Current Uability) 200.1% 376.6% 0 0 ' 80.0% 5 Cash as a%of Monthly Exp 1090.3% 831.3% 0 0 ! 6 Short Term Debt Issuance(Debt/Revenues) 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 70.0% 7 0 0 0 0 1 60.0% M#491/041910 I Short Term Debt Trend(consecutive debt or BN in last year) Stress 8 Pers Srvc and Emp Benefits as a%of Revenues(3 yr avg) 52.1% 53.3% 0 0 50.0% - Susceptible 9 Debt Service as a%of Revenues(3 yr avg) 4.6% 5.3% 0 0 Fiscal Stress 40.0% - I i 30.0% I 20.0% ors Environmental Indicators 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% Value Score SO.OS6 - 1 Change in Population 0.7% 0 2 Change in Median Age 4.9% 0 0.0% 3 Median Age of Population 40.7 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 4 Child Poverty Rate 2.5% 0 L_ 5 Change in Child Poverty Rate -1.1% 0 6 Change in Property Value(4 year avg) 3.7% 0 The summary graph projects a fiscal stress score based on a three-year trend 7 Property Value Per Capita $314,415 0 analysis.This score is not based on data submitted by the municipality.The 8 Change in Unemployment Rate -0.3 0 predicted score is most reliable for municipalities which have followed a level 9 Unemployment Rate 3.8% 0 trend but is less reliable for municipalities with scores that do not follow a 10 Change in Total Jobs in County 1.5% 0 steady trend. 11 Reliance on State and Federal Aid 19.2% 0 12 Change in State and Federal Aid 3.1% 0 Financial information provided on this page Is pulled from reports submitted by 13 Constitutional Tax Limit N/A N/A the municipality.OSC performs a formal review of the information on an annual 14 Change In Sales Tax Receipts N/A N/A basis.However,OSC is unable to verify the accuracy of all the data elements No Designation upon which an entity's prior year fiscal stress score is based. Note:Fiscal data may change after fiscal stress scores are released for a given year. As a result,the data presented in this workbook may vary from previously released data. As of 31-AUG-2017 1.Summary t Name Town of Mamaroneck Fiscal Year End 31-Dec MuniCode 550350300000 Last Year Filed 2016 . County Westchester Enter data in these two columns to see the projected fiscal stress level for the current fiscal year and/or the projected fiscal stress level for next year II II / y • Projection:Current Projection:Next �,�..a Most Recent Three Fiscal Years Filed Fiscal Year End Fiscal Year End Ftscai n Compoma 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Assigned Unappropriated(account code 915)and Unassigned(code 917) Assigned Fund Balance:General and Highway Town-wide Funds only 6,408,157.00 6,853,597.00 7,099,566.00 1M Unappropriated and Total Assigned Una Unassigned FB ppropriated(code 915)and Unassigned(code 917 and code 924 for Enterprise Funds)Fund Balance:Combined Funds 12,389,168.00 13,390,267.00 14,339,707.00 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Total Fund Balance Total Fund Balance:General and Highway Town-Wide Funds only 6,764,994.34 7,625,092.34 8,292.039.34 -11110.1=111, Total Fund Balance:Combined Funds 13,345,599.34 14,813,385.34 16,390,997.34 11111.1MER- Gross Expenditures(this includes transfers out):General and Highway Town-wide Expenditures Funds only 9,565,602.00 10,228,272.00 10,918,546.00 1111111111111111M Gross Expenditures(includes transfers out):Combined Funds 26,825,587.00 27,494,609.00 28,506,010.00 11111. � Total Revenues(do not include transfers in):General Fund 10,953,490.34 10,958,596.00 11,526,493.00 -Revenues Total Revenues(do not include transfers in):All Funds(Excluding Capital Project Fund) 41,485,613.34 41,946,487.00 43,642,818.00..111111�, Gross Revenues(includes transfers in):Combined Funds 29,293,338.34 28,962,395.00 30,083,622.00 - Cash and Cash and Investments A(codes 200 to 223,450 and 451):Combined Funds 25,663,991.00 24,982,026.00 19,750,104.00 -- Investments Cash and Investments B(codes 200,201,450 and 451):Combined Funds 25,662,341.00 24,980,376.00 19,748,454.00 - Current Liabilities Current Liabilities(codes 600 to 626,631 to 668):Combined Funds 56,442,442.00 55,011,066.00 54,855,641.00 Taxes Receivable Taxes Receivable(codes 280,290,and 295):Combined Funds 42,545,227.00 42,528,206.00 49,611,845.00 Short Term Debt Issued during the year(Revenue Anticipation Notes,Tax Anticipation Notes,and Budget Notes only):All Funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 Budget Note issued during fiscal year All Funds No No No Debt Related Debt Service Expenditures(Expenditure Object Code.6 and.7):All Funds except Capital Projects Fund 1,861,330.00 2,465,667.00 2,480,910.00 _ , Proceeds from current refunding bonds(code 5792):Debt Service Fund 0.00 0.00 000 Personal Service and Personal Service and Employee Benefits Expenditure Object Codes.1(Personal Employee Benefits Services)and.8(Employee Benefits):All Funds except Capital Projects Fund 22,521,459.00 22,248,613.00 22,980,429.00 x ,f,, - 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Indicator 1 Assigned and Unassigned Fund Balance as a percentage(%)of Expenditures 1 1 1 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Indicator 2 Total Fund Balance as a percentage(%)of Expenditures 1 1 1 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Indicator 3 Operating Deficits 0 0 0 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Indicator 4 Cash Ratio-Cash and Investments as a percentage(%)of Current Liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 Indicator 5 Cash as a Percentage of Monthly Expenditures 0 0 0 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Indicator 6 Short Term Debt Issuance as a percentage(%)of Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 Indicator 7 Number of years of short term debt was Issued or BN In last year 0 0 0 0 0 Indicator 8 Personal Service and Employee Benefits as a percentage(%)of Revenues(3 year an) 0 0 0 #DIV/o! #DIV/ol Indicator 9 Debt service as a Percentage(%)of Revenues(3 year avg) 0 0 0 #DIV/01 #DIV/01 Total Raw Score 2 2 2 #DIV/Ol #DIV/OI Total Weighted Score 3.63 3.63 3.63 #DIV/OI #DIV/DI Percentage of 29 Possible Points Scored 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% #DIV/ol #DIV/OI Score Classification No Designation No Designation No Designation N/A N/A Revenue and Expenditure Definitions General Fund Combined Funds Gross Revenues=Revenues and Other Sources Towns A,DA A,B,DA,DB,Fx,G,ES,EW,5S,SW Total Revenues=Revenues Gross Expenditures=Expenditures and Other Uses Percent Range Total Expenditures=Expenditures Point Ranee jour of 29 mu pta) Significant Fiscal Stress 18.85-29 65-100% Moderate Fiscal Stress 15.95-18.84 55-64.9% Susceptible Fiscal Stress 13.05-15.94 45-54.9% No Designation 0-13.04 0-44.9% Prior year data has not been verified by OSC,but is shown here as reported by the local government for the sake of comparison over time.This projection tool allows the user to project future outcomes based on various scenarios.However,this worksheet does not limit entries based on feasibility.OSC takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the projections. Note:Fiscal data may change after fiscal stress scores are released for a given year.As a result,the data presented in this workbook may vary from previously released data. As of 31-AUG-2017 2.Projection Worksheet Town of Mamaroneck:Projected data for 2017 and 2018 are based on Projection Worksheet Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Assigned/Unassigned FB as a%of Gross Total Fund Balance as a%of Gross Expenditures Expenditures(General/Highway Town-wide Funds) i (General/Highway Town-wide Funds) i 80% — ----—— --- — 80% -'— 3%---75 9% ` 70.7% 70% ---67.0% 67.0% 65.0%.--- --- 70% -- — —;-- t t t I 50% t 1 50% t I■ t t I i t 1111 40% 40% 5 t i t i 30% --_ Z— - i 30% t% - 1 t i .. I 20% -- --_ __A__ _. 20% t -. . r l point t 10% i point tt _ 10% „ _.i : 0‘096 a 0% a •, .. . 1 x . >. _. s9 . w i I 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Additional point N Combined Funds calculation<General Fund calculation. Additional point If Combined Funds calculation<General Fund calculation. Indicator 3 Operating Surplus(Deficit)/Gross Expenditures 10.0% —9- ------ ---- - 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% f 5.3% 5 SSG .. 5.0% I 3.0% -I- — -- I , 1.0% - . -- -- 0.0% --- 0.0% 0.0% . 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 No of points=No of years with a deficit in last 3 years or 3 points if last year has - deficit 5-10%. Indicator 4 Indicator 5 Cash Investment/Current Liability Cash as a%of Monthly Expenditures 400% 37F,6% I - I 1400% -- -- -- — — __ 1148.0% t —19909%- 350% — 1200% 300% — .—t t 1000% t 831.3% . 250% 1___— 184.7% 200% t 200. .. t I I 800% --- t — t t ti 600% ---- _-__—-----_._..--------s 150% — --�- i tt t 400% ------------ - s -- 100% t I t —------- 1 poim I t • 50% 2pobtts t 200% — t-- 0% 4,.',.- .� �,--,. ` :m „ i u% lx-cg.�,...a.--4.4.1.,r, i.kY;.a i 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 3.Graphs 1 of 2 ' Town of Mamaroneck:Projected data for 2017 and 2018 are based on Projection Worksheet Indicator 6/7 Short Term Debt as a%of General Fund Revenues I 10 y% ---------------- -------------- Sox so% _- 70% — — -- _ I 40% wpm '.. `" - a r `^5:1* x b � 20x 1 ' :-.;'1"�, 4` i, _a° 10% -I OcDl4 teti Za§�ss{a` WM MK 0% -- -• • ire01.--r------_r---e-- ■ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Score for Indicator 7(Short Term Debt Issuance Trend)Is based on the no.of consecutive short term debt issuances ending with most recent year flied. Indicator 8 Indicator 9 Personal Services and Employee Benefits%of Debt Service as a%of Revenues Revenues zsxz or Et bi t s poles "4• 70% .i 1 20% t . i -?-,,,,r,„-.!---,..;.,-'' •, 4 $,vim -,14,,,'I• 60% - 52.6% 52.1% 53.3% 2 gy 50% ! • •` ' 15% 40% `t - 1 point 30% -; t` lOx % 4.6%4.6% 5.3% i .. 20% % 5% 4.2% t 10% ' 0% 0.0% `'.0.0% 0.0% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ! 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 These graphs are provided for Informational purposes.Calculations are based on the financial information provided by the municipality. The last two data points of each graph are based on projection numbers entered by the user. OSC takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the projection or the submitted financial information. Note:Fiscal data may change after fiscal stress scores are released for a given year. As a result,the data presented in this workbook may vary from previously released data. As of 31-AUG-2017 3.Graphs 2 of 2 Town of Mamaroneck 2 r Indicator Indicator 1 Assigned/Unassigned FB as a%of Gross Expenditures Total Fund Balance as a%of Gross Expenditures L (General/Highway Town-wide Funds) (General/Highway Town-wide Funds) 70.0% 80% 75 9% 70.6% 60.0% — ± 70% - 50.0% 48.0% 60% _.-- 50.4% wns 37.1% 50% a5 5% 40.0% • 35.2% :ud:;•h l 30.0% • 40% urn CaW 20.0% - 20% - 10.0% 1... I Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium j Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium Mamaroneck Re on Towns Downstate Mamaroneck Region Towns Downstate � � Towns Towns • Indicator 3 Operating Surplus(Deficit)/Gross . Expenditures t ':- , 5.6% 5.5% 5.6% f lrtd i ` r_ , p •`' 5.2% -- ------5,1%--- -- ,.,gx 5.0% --- -- x' �,.. a .4.8% — — --- — — - i X a Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium - _Mamaroneck Region Towns Downstate Towns - - Indicator 4 Indicator 5 Cash Investment/Current liability ! Cash as a%of Monthly Expenditures 1000% -------932.4%-- --------1 900% --831-.3% — ---- --- - -----1 900% -- --- —844.9%--- - -- 800% -- 800% ----- — __' --- --- — 712.8% 690.4% 700% —.. -----638.6% ----6393%-- 700% - --- `---- -- _ 600% - — - — --- — -- 600% 500% -. - ---- '----- 500% 3766% -__--- 400% --- --- ----. _ _._ 23n- I . 400% 300% 1 300% -._.. -. .--- ---- — ---- ---- ----- 200% 200% -` I 10096 - Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium Mamaroneck Reeion Towns Downstate Mamaroneck Region Towns Downstate — Indicator 4's Peer Group scores are based on the median instead of the Towns mean(average). 4.Comparison 1 of 2 Town of Mamaroneck Indicator 8 Indicator 9 Personal Services and Employee Benefits as a Debt Service as a%of Revenues %of Revenues 1 Sax25% „--',-77.-_';,:-..-e;t ; . . , 70% 2 point ■ 1 point I 60% -"..-33.3% --- -— ---- --------------__1 2pakrts 50.9% 52.3% 50% -- --- 42.6%---- --- - 15% t 1 point I ,,,II 10% - J0w - - � i : i . ii . I4.8%--- 5.8% 1096 - __.-1 --. ... _..__ i '---- -- i- - '--- Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium i Mamaroneck Region Towns Downstate Mamaroneck Region Towns Downstate Towns Towns - I Fiscal Stress Score Fiscal Stress Score(Weighted) I` 100% x ' n 90% hsl,,' i34zr5� ' Pi f' - 60% i PAodarat.FS 50% 1 Susceptible FS , 40% 1 - 30% a---- ------------ ------ I 20% -- - _— .I_—-12.5% - 10.0% 10.2% 11.7%-- 1 1 a I ■ Town of All Towns Mid-Hudson Medium Mamaroneck Region Towns Downstate Towns This page provides graphical comparisons of financial Indicators for the selected municipality against selected peer groups.Peer groups Include data for municipalities for which current AUDs have been filed.The tables show the number of municipalities which are Included in each selected peer group. Greater caution should be taken when the number of units In the comparison group is small(for example,fewer than five). Note:Fiscal data may change after fiscal stress scores are released for a given year As a result,the data presented in this workbook may vary from previously released data. As of 31-AUG-2017 4.Comparison 2 of 2 Town of Mamaroneck County: Westchester Fiscal Year: 2016 MuniCode:550350300000 Stress Level: No Designation Indicator Description Year Data Points Weight Score 1 General and Highway Town-wide Funds Only 2016 Assigned Unassigned FB(Codes 915&917 A and DA Funds) 7,099,566 Assigned and 3 Points 5 3.33% Last Fiscal Year Assigned Unassigned FB(Codes 915,917,924 Combined Funds) 14,339,707 Unassigned 2 Points >3.33%But<6.67%Last Fiscal Year Gross Expenditures(A and DA Funds) 10,918,546 Fund Balance 1 Point>6.67%But 5 10%Last Fiscal Year Gross Expenditures(Combined Funds) 28,506,010 Assigned Unassigned FB Gross Exp(A and DA Funds) 1 B B / P( ) 65.0% 0 pts Combined Funds Minus A and DA Funds Assigned Unassigned FB/Gross Exp(Combined Funds) 50.3% 1 pt 1 Point=Combined Funds Calculation <General and Highway Town-wide Funds Calculation 2 General and Highway Town-wide Funds Only 2016 Account code:8029(A and DA Funds) 8,292,039 50% 1250% Total 3 Points 5 10%Last Fiscal Year Account code:8029(Combined Funds) 16,390,997 Fund Balance 2 Points>10%But 5 15%Last Fiscal Year Gross Expenditures(A and DA Funds) 10,918,546 1 Point>15%But 5 20%Last Fiscal Year Gross Expenditures(Combined Funds) 28,506,010 8029/Gross Exp(A and DA Funds) 75.9% 0 pts 1 Combined Funds Minus A and DA Funds 8029/Gross Exp(Combined Funds) 57.5% 1 pt • 1 Point=Combined Funds Calculation <General and Highway Town-wide Funds Calculation 3 Combined Funds 2014 Gross Revenues(Combined Funds) 29,293,338 Operating 3 Points=Deficits in 3/3 Last Fiscal Years or a Deficit in the Last Gross Expenditures(Combined Funds) 26,825,587 Deficit Fiscal Year 5-10% Deficit(Combined Funds) 2,467,751 0 pts 2 Points=Deficits in 2/3 Last Fiscal Years 2015 Gross Revenues(Combined Funds) 28,962,395 1 Point=Deficit in 1/3 Last Fiscal Years Gross Expenditures(Combined Funds) 27,494,609 Deficit(Combined Funds) 1,467,786 0 pts 0 SO% 0.00% 2016 Gross Revenues(Combined Funds) 30,083,622 Gross Expenditures(Combined Funds) 28,506,010 Deficit(Combined Funds) 1,577,612 0 pts Deficit/Gross Expenditures(Combined Funds) 5.5% 0 pts 4 Combined Funds 2016 Cash and Investment Account Codes 200-223,450,451 19,750,104 Cash Ratio 3 Points 5 50%Last Fiscal Year Net Current Liability Account Codes 600-626&631-668 Less 5,243,796 2 Points>50%But 5 75%Last Fiscal Year Codes 280,290,295 0 1 Point>75%But 5 100%Last Fiscal Year Cash Investment/Current Liability 376.6% 0 pts 5 Combined Funds 2016 Account codes:200,201,450,451 19,748,454 20% 0.00% Cash as a%of 3 Points 5 33.3%Last Fiscal Year Average Monthly Gross Expenditures(Total Gross/12) 2,375,501 Monthly 2 Points>33.3%But 5 66.7%Last Fiscal Year Cash/Avg Monthly Exp 831.3% 0 pts 0 Expenditures 1 Point>66.7%But 5 100%Last Fiscal Year 6 All Funds 2016 Short Term Debt Issued - Short Term 3 Points>15%Last Fiscal Year Total Revenues(General Fund) 11,526,493 Debt Issuance 2 Points>5%But 5 15%Last Fiscal Year Debt/Total Revenues(General Fund) 0.0% 0 pts 0 P 1 Point>0%But 5 5% Last Fiscal Year 7 All Funds 2014 Short Term Debt Issued - 0 pts 10% 0.00% Short Term 3 Points=Issuance In Each of Last Three Fiscal Years or 2015 Short Term Debt Issued - 0 pts Debt Issuance Issued a Budget Note In Last Fiscal Year 2016 Short Term Debt Issued 0 pts 0 Trend 2 Points=Issuance In Each of Last Two Fiscal Years 2016 Budget Note Issued No 0 pts 1 Point=Issuance In Last Fiscal Year 5.Detail 1 of 2 Town of Mamaroneck County: Westchester Fiscal Year: 2016 MuniCode:550350300000 Stress Level: No Designation 8 All Funds 2014 Personal Services and Employee Benefits 22,521,459 Personal Services 3 Points=Last Three Fiscal Year Average 2 75% Total Revenues 41,485,613 and Employee 2 Points=Last Three Fiscal Year Average a 70%But<75% Pers Svc&Benefits/Revenues 54.3% Benefits as a%of 1 Point=Last Three Fiscal Year Average 2 65%But<70% 2015 Personal Services and Employee Benefits 22,248,613 Revenues Total Revenues 41,946,487 Pers Svc&Benefits/Revenues 53.0% 0 2016 Personal Services and Employee Benefits 22,980,429 Total Revenues 43,642,818 Pers Svc&Benefits/Revenues 52.7% Average Pers Svc&Benefits/Revenues 53.3% 0 pts 10% 0.00% 9 All Funds 2014 Debt Service-Current Refunding 1,861,330 Debt Service 3 Points=Last Three Fiscal Year Average 2 20% Total Revenues 41,485,613 as a%Revenues 2 Points=Last Three Fiscal Year Average 215%But<20% Debt Service/Revenues 4.5% 1 Point=Last Three Fiscal Year Average 2 10%But<15% 2015 Debt Service- Current Refunding 2,465,667 Total Revenues 41,946,487 0 Debt Service/Revenues 5.9% 2016 Debt Service- Current Refunding 2,480,910 Total Revenues 43,642,818 Debt Service/Revenues 5.7% Average Net Debt Service/ Revenues 5.3% 0 pts I TOTAL 12.5% General Percent Range Fund Combined Funds (out of 29 max pts) Gross Revenues=Revenues and Other Sources Towns A,DA A,B,DA,DB,FX,G,ES,EW,SS,SW Significant Fiscal Stress 65-100% Total Revenues=Revenues Moderate Fiscal Stress 55-64.9% Gross Expenditures=Expenditures and Other Uses Susceptible Fiscal Stress 45-54.9% Total Expenditures=Expenditures No Designation 0-449% Note:Fiscal data may change after fiscal stress scores are released for a given year. As a result,the data presented in this workbook may vary from previously released data. As of 31-AUG-2017 5.Detail 2 of 2 c WORKSESSION ITEM 4 c c NO ATTACHMENT c WORKSESSION ITEM 5 c c NO ATTACHMENT WORKSESSION ITEM 6 NO ATTACHMENT 1 PUBLIC HEARING # 1 TOWN OF MAMARONECK LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on August 23, 2017 a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 4, at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider: the adoption of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) Plan and Administrative Plan. Purpose The Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency (PHA) is required to submit an Annual Public Housing Agency Plan and an Administrative Plan to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) once every five years, and to update those plans annually as needed. The full text of this law can be viewed on the website or copies can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CHRISTINA BATTALIA TOWN CLERK Published: August 31, 2017 PUBLIC HEARING # 2 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on September 19, 2017 a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider: "Restriction on Parking on a Section of the South Side of Palmer Avenue in the vicinity of 1298 Palmer Avenue" Law. Purpose The Town Board finds that there is a need to eliminate some of parking spaces in the vicinity of 1298 Palmer Avenue in order to improve safety for ingress and egress into and out of that property. This local law does that. The full text of this law can be viewed on the website or copies can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CHRISTINA BATTALIA TOWN CLERK Published: September 27, 2017 c FIRE COMMISSION ITEM 1 c c TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE CHIEFcssi"..../%714Headquarters 205 WEAVER STREET LARCH MONT,NEW YORK 10538 WEAVER 834-2100 EMERGENCY 834-2101-NON EMERGENCY 1.1)14'=J� 834-2438 CHIEF'S OFFICE STREET 834-0922-FAX WWW.TMFD.ORG Zeti:26000\ To: Board of Fire Commissioners From: Chief Paul Tortorella Date: October 1, 2017 Re: Fire Report for the Month of September 2017 The following report outlines response to calls made during the month of September 2017.It summarizes the nature, the number of personnel responding and the total time spent. I have also attached a report showing a further breakdown of these alarms. Alarm Type Number Generals 27 Minors 18 Stills 3 Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 2 EMS 45 Drills 3 TOTAL 98 Total number of personnel responding: 587 Total time working: 43 hours and 56 minutes Res fully Submitted, Chief Paul Tortorella Incident Type Count Report Date Rance: From 9/1/2017 To 9/30/2017 Selected Station(s): MI Incident Type Description Count Station: EMS 321 -EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 45 47.37% Total-Rescue& Emergency Medical Service Incidents 45 100.00% Total for Station 45 47.37% Station: HO 132-Road freight or transport vehicle tire I 1.05% Total-Fires 1 2.13% 251 -Excessive heat,scorch burns with no ignition I 1.05% Total-Overpressure Rupture,Explosion,Overheat-no fire 1 2.13% 322F-Vehicle accident with injuries 8 8.42% 323F-Motor vehicle/pedestrian accident(MV Ped) I 1.05% 353F-Removal of victim(s)from stalled elevator I 1.05% Total-Rescue&Emergency Medical Service Incidents 10 21.28% 412-Gas leak(natural gas or LPG) 3 3.16% 424-Carbon monoxide incident I 1.05% 463-Vehicle accident,general cleanup I 1.05% Total-Hazardous Conditions(No fire) 5 10.64% 511 -Lock-out I 1.05% 550-Public service assistance,other I 1.05% Total-Service Call 2 4.26% 611 -Dispatched&cancelled en route I 1.05% Total-Good Intent Call 1 2.13% 733-Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 2 2.11% 735-Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 3 3.16% 736-CO detector activation due to malfunction 3 3.16% 743-Smoke detector activation,no fire-unintentional 8 8.42% 744-Detector activation,no fire-unintentional 1 1.05% 745-Alarm system sounded,no fire-unintentional 9 9.47% 746-Carbon monoxide detector activation,no CO 1 1.05% Total-Fals Alarm&False Call 27 57.45% Total for Station 47 49.47% Station: STIL 321 -EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury I 1.05% Total-Rescue& Emergency Medical Service Incidents 1 33.33% 571 -Cover assignment,standby,moveup 2 2.11% Total-Service Call 2 66.67% Total for Station 3 3.16% 95 100.00% Page I of I Printed 10/02/2017 17:00:49 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 1 c Town of Mamaroneck, NY Town Board Agenda Memorandum To: Town Administrator Stephen Altieri From: Anna Danoy Date: 9/26/2017 Meeting Date: 10/4/2017 Subject: Authorization to open the Housing Choice Voucher Program Waiting List The Town of Mamaroneck PHA is authorized by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to administer 647 Housing Choice Vouchers. Funding for these vouchers has varied over the past several years,particularly during the 2013 federal sequestration when the budget was reduced. As a result, the PHA was unable to replace all of the families that withdrew from the program for various reasons. Since that time we have nearly exhausted our waiting list of over 1,000 applicants,with only 22 families remaining. There are currently 472 participants on the Town's voucher program. It is essential that we reopen the waiting list in order to maintain the program's mission to provide housing assistance to very low income families. The application process will be exclusively online through a web portal that will upload the applications to our Housing Pro software. Using an online portal makes it easier for people to apply any time, day or night. The plan is to accept applications for one week, and to run an electronic lottery through the software to place no more than 800 applicants on the list. This will help to ensure a random selection, as well as a list that can reasonably be served over a 2 to 4 year period. I am requesting that the Town Board authorize the opening of the waiting list for one week beginning November 8, 2017 through November 14, 2017. c AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 2 c c 1\IP /77 713 Town of Mamaroneck ti O w w e z Town Center �: m r ` z 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 •FOUNDED 16E1 • TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Authorization-Sale of Land- Mountain Avenue Date: September 29, 2017 Previously, I have discussed with the Board the circumstances at 16 Mountain Avenue regarding the replacement of the wall in front of the home at this address. The wall is seriously deteriorated and in need of replacement. The wall essentially holds up the house on the property. The Town issued several months ago an emergency easement allowing the owner to place on the Town right-of-way bracing to temporarily hold up the wall. The design for the replacement of the wall suggested by the property owner's engineer calls for a slightly wider wall to be placed in front of the old wall. The design would result in the wall's encroaching upon the existing Town right-of-way. Considering the conditions at 16 Mountain Avenue it appears obvious that for the safety of the home and the adjacent sidewalk, an arrangement should be made to permit the property owner to use the Town right-of-way; the question was deciding upon an appropriate arrangement. The sale of the land to the property owner appears to be the best solution. The strip of land to be sold totals 1,000 square feet. The sale of the land will not impact the existing sidewalk on Mountain Avenue. The recommended sale price for the land is $1,000. Attached is a draft contract of sale prepared by the property owner's attorney and reviewed by the Town Attorney. REQUESTED ACTION BY THE TOWN BOARD: AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF THE LAND AS DESCRIBED IN THE CONTRACT OF SALE BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK AND MR. MARK DAVID LODISH OF 16 MOUNTAIN AVENUE FOR THE AMOUNT OF $1,000 AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT AND ANY RELATED DOCUMENTS TO FINALIZE THE SALE OF THE PROPERTY. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator 11( CONTRACT OF SALE (VACANT LAND) THIS CONTRACT OF SALE(this"Contract")is dated the day of October,2017 and is between TOWN OF MAMARONECK, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,New York 10543 ("Seller") and MARK DAVID LODISH, 16 Mountain Avenue, Larchmont,New York 10538 ("Purchaser"). 1. The Seller shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the real property hereinbelow described for the sum of ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($1,000.00), payable at closing, by bank or certified check to the order of the Seller. 2. The real property is described as follows: see Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Upon receipt of the purchase price,the Seller shall execute and deliver to the Purchaser, a quitclaim deed, in recordable form, so as to convey all of the Seller's right, title and interest to the real property described in paragraph 2 above. The Purchaser shall pay all transfer tax due as a result of the sale of the real property. The deed shall contain a clause which complies with Section 13 of the Lien Law. 4. The Purchaser shall have possession of the real property on the date of the transfer of title. 5. This Contract may only be changed or amended in a writing signed by the parties hereto. 6. This Contract shall apply to and bind the distributees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Purchaser and the successors and assigns of the Seller. 7. The words "Purchaser"and"Seller" shall include the plural thereof where applicable. 8. This Contract is subject to a permissive referendum. 9. The closing shall occur on or about the 30th day after the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck resolves to authorize the Town Administrator to execute this Contract on behalf of the Seller. At the Purchaser's option,the closing date can be accelerated to a date mutually acceptable to the parties or extended to a date when the time to petition for a permissive referendum has expired. fl' Schedule A Description ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land,taken from part of Mountain Avenue, Roadway right of way adjoining Lots located at 16 Mountain Avenue, lying and being in the Town of Mamaroneck,County of Westchester and State of New York, right of way adjoining Lot nos. 7,8,9, 10 and Tax Lot no.337, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southwesterly corner of Lot 6 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 7 and the northerly side of Mountain Avenue; RUNNING THENCE southerly South 18 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East for 12.03 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 71 degrees 14 minutes 53 seconds West for 120.01 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 18 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West for 10.44 feet; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of Lot nos. 10,9,8 and 7, and the northerly side of Mountain Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North 71 degrees 29 minutes 31 seconds for 120.01 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. AREA= 1,348.4 sq.ft. c AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 3 c c Town of Mamaroneck, NY Town Board Agenda Memorandum To: Town Administrator Stephen Altieri From: Anna Danoy, Director of Community Services Date: 9/15/2017 Meeting Date: 9/20/2017 Subject: Renewal of Health Department Permits to Operate Nutrition and Meals on Wheels Programs Annually, the Town of Mamaroneck is required to renew Heath Department Permits to operate our Nutrition Site and Meals on Wheels programs. Applications to renew these permits must be received by the Health Department at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the current permits, which expire on 11/30/17. I am requesting that the Town Board authorize Stephen Altieri to sign the Health Department Applications to renew these permits. c AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 4 c c o : �o Town of Mamaroneck W 8' z Town Center • ' 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 FOUNDED 1661 TEL: 914/381-7810 r OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board Re: Authorization —Supplemental Payment— New York State Department of Transportation Snow Removal Contract Date: September 29, 2017 Attached is a proposed contract from the State Department of Transportation to provide for a supplemental payment to the Town of Mamaroneck for snow and ice control in 2016 & 2017 to date. The additional payment is $8,492.80. This would increase the total state reimbursement to the Town for the 2016/2017 winter season to $23,010.40. REQUESTED ACTION BY THE TOWN BOARD: THAT THE SUPPLEMENTAL SNOW AND ICE CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BE APPROVED AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE ALL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. i & t Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator NEW YORK Department of ANDREW M. CUOMO STATE OF Governor OPPORTUNITY. Transportation CATHY CALHOUN Acting Commissioner I TODD WESTHUIS,P.E. Regional Director September 12, 2017 BEGEN ,D Mr. Stephen V. Altieri SEP 1 8 ZOIi Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck MARONECK Town Center TOWN OF Mr% ,s Office. 740 West Boston Post Road p.^ryrlN�Sj� Mamaroneck, NY 10543 RE: Snow and Ice Indexed Lump Sum Contracts, Payment Factor Adjustment Amendment B, for the winter of: 2016-2017 Dear Mr. Altieri, The 2016— 2017 Amendment B is being sent with this cover letter. Your municipality must issue a Signed 8 Sealed Resolution for the Revised Estimated Expenditure from their governing body authorizing a Municipal Official to enter into the above Amendment. It is important that four(4) completed Amendment packages be returned to this office for processing as soon as possible. The package shall include the items as listed below. 1. Four(4) Amendments: Fill in the blanks on the back of the page including original signature and notary seals on each. 2. Four(4) Resolutions: Resolutions from the municipality must be complete with original signatures and certified with the Municipal Seal on each. Attach one (1) Resolution to each Amendment. PLEASE RETURN PACKAGES TO: New York State DOT 1 Dana Road Valhalla, NY 10595 Attn: Jorge Argote It has been a pleasure doing business with you in the past, and we look forward to continuing to do so. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call me at (914) 592-6557. P.E. R ent Engineer, Westchester South Residency 8:9 Southern Westchester 1 Dana Road Valhalla NY 10595 •NW\N dot ny goy J -. AMENDMENT B Contract# Municipality Region# D010708 TOWN OF MAMARONECK/Westchester County . 8 Beginning Date of Extension Period 7/1/2014 Ending Date of Extension Period 6/30/2017 AMENDMENT TO CHANGE THE ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE FOR SNOW& ICE AGREEMENT Due to the severity of the winter during 2016/17 the MUNICIPALITY requests that the Municipal Snow and Ice Agreement estimated expenditure be revised to reflect the additional lane miles of state roads that were plowed/treated during the winter season. All the terms and conditions of the original contract extension remain in effect except as follows: ADDITIONAL S&I OPERATIONS S&I LM Pay ' Original Estimated 2 J-Mile Base 16/17 JMiles Base 16/17 LM Factor Expenditure Index Adjustment 40,872 64,769 573 573 1.585 $14,517.60 $8,492.80 Pay Factor'=(16/17 J-Miles/(16/17 LM))/(J-Mile Base/S&I LM Base) Index Adjustment'=(Original Estimated Expenditure*Pay Factor')—Original Estimated Expenditure TOTAL REVISED ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE Original Estimated Expenditure Index Adjustment 2 Rev.Est.Expenditure ' $14,517.60 $8,492.80 $23,010.40 Revised Estimated Expenditure'=Original Estimated Expenditure+Index Adjustment 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed by the State, acting by and through the duly authorized representative of the COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION and the MUNICIPALITY, which has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officer on the date and year first written in the original contract extension. I ," Agency Certification Contract No. D010708 "In addition to the acceptance of this contract, I also certify that original copies of this signature page will be attached to all other exact copies of this contract." THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MUNICIPALITY Town of Mamaroneck BY BY For Commissioner of Transportation Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator ATTORNEY GENERAL'S SIGNATURE COMPTROLLER'S SIGNATURE Dated Dated STATE ON NEW YORK) )SS: COUNTY OF Westchester ) On the 5th day of October in the year 2017 before me personally came Stephen V. Altieri to me known who, being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that$s)he resides in White Plains ,New York;that(()he is the r of The Town of Mamaroneck the municipality described in and which executed the above instrument;that(g)he executed said instrument by order of the Governing Body of said municipality pursuant to a resolution which was duly adopted on October 4 201 9 ;a certified copy of such resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. Notary Public AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 5 F 4, .. N '1', Town of Mamaroneck ;' ± z Town Center w m I' ' z 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 .FOUNDED 1.El . TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 Memorandum townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Authorization Renewal of Leaf Disposal Agreement John Moriarity Services-Valley Place,Town of Mamaroneck Date: September 29, 2017 In the fall of 2016 the Town embarked upon a new program to dispose of fall leaves. Rather than continuing to use the site at the Hommocks Parking Lot, the Town entered into a contract with John Moriarity Services to dispose of the leaves at their transfer site on Valley Place at the TownlNew Rochelle border off Fifth Avenue. There were a number of advantages to this alternative including overtime savings, improved safety at the Hommocks School parking lot and improved aesthetics at the Hommocks. Also we have been able to expand our parking for the pool and the ice rink. The experiment with this alternative has proved successful and therefore the recommendation is that we renew the agreement with John Moriarity Services at a cost not to exceed $20,000. The original agreement called for the Town to pay $10.00 per truck load of leaves delivered to the Moriarity Site for an estimated total cost of$17,000. Our actual usage in 2016 was 1,689 truck-loads at$10.00 per load for a total expenditure of$16,890. For the 2017 season the total price per truck load will be $11.84 or an estimated $20,000. Although the per truck load price has increased we have negotiated with Moriarity that our total cost cannot exceed $20,000. In addition the site will be available on weekends and those holidays in the fall when the Town collects leaves. The Board is reminded that the fee paid to Moriarity is for the use of the site as a transfer station to load leaves in Westchester County operated trailers for final disposal. In addition to the fee for transfer station services, the Town will pay Westchester County a fee of$17.08 per ton for transport and disposal of the leaves. Our total estimated cost for total cost for leaf disposal services provided by Moriarity Services and Westchester County is $60,000. Excluded from this expense is our fuel costs, overtime and vehicle wear and tear. REQUESTED ACTION BY THE TOWN BOARD; APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN AND JOHN MORIARITY SERVICES TO PROVIDE TRANSFER STATION SERVICES FOR FALL LEAF DISPOSAL AND THAT THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR BE AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE FORM OF THE AGREEMENT BY THE TOWN,TTORNEY i Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 6 I ATTACHMENT NOT AVAiLABLE AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 7 • CONTRACT OF SALE THIS CONTRACT OF SALE(this"Contract")is dated the day of October,2017 and is between the TOWN OF MAMARONECK,740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,New York 10543 ("Seller")and SARA ABRAMSON,84 Iselin Terrace,Larchmont,NY 10538("Purchaser"). 1. The Seller shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the real property described below ("Premises")for the sum of Five Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Forty One and 29/100ths ($529,841.29) dollars which equals the amount of unpaid taxes and interest on the date that the Seller took title to the Premises. Seventy Five Thousand and no/100ths ($75,000.00) dollars previously has been paid. The balance of Four Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Eight Hundred Forty One and 29/100ths($454,841.29)dollars shall be paid at the dosing by bank check to the order of the Seller. 2. The Premises is described on Schedule"A"hereto. 3. Upon receipt of the purchase price,the Seller shall execute and deliver to the Purchaser,a quitclaim deed,in recordable form,so as to convey all of the Seller's right,title and interest to the real property described in paragraph 2 above. The deed shall contain a clause that complies with Section 13 of the Lien Law. The Purchaser will pay the transfer tax imposed by sections 1402 and 1402-a of the Tax Law,if any,and all fees charged by the Westchester County Clerk for recording the deed. 4. The Seller has never been in possession of the Premises. The Purchaser acknowledges that the Seller has not made any warranties or representations with respect to the Premises as to (a) its environmental condition, (b) whether it contains any contaminants or hazardous material of any kind, (c) whether it is prone to flooding, (d) the physical condition of any structures or improvements thereon, (e) whether it is occupied and if so, whether any occupant has the right to be in occupancy, (f) whether it contains personal property and if so,to whom such personal property belongs, (g) whether it is a buildable lot, (h) the amount of its square footage, (i) whether it has frontage on a public or a private street, (j) whether the Town can convey marketable, (k) whether a reputable title insurance company would insure whatever title the Town can convey,and (1) whether it is burdened by leases,covenants,restrictions,easements,agreements, reservations,licenses or other instruments of record. 5. The representations made by the Purchaser in paragraph 4 will survive the closing and be binding upon the Purchaser and her heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns and inure to the benefit of the Town. 6. The Purchaser will accept title subject to(A)any state of facts an accurate survey would show,(B)all leases,covenants,restrictions,easements,agreements,reservations,licenses and other instruments of record,(C)all applicable building and zoning codes,regulations, restrictions and ordinances,(D)the physical and environmental condition of the Property, (E) the physical condition of any structures or improvements on the Property, (F) all violations, whether or not of record, (F) the rights of tenants, if any, (G) any right of redemption that any person, including the State of New York and the United States of America,may have and(H)any liens that may have survived the August 2,2016 order in the In rem foreclosure proceeding involving this Property filed in the office of the Westchester County Clerk under Index No.:3219/2015 7. This Contract may only be changed or amended in a writing signed by the parties hereto. 8. This Contract shall apply to and bind the distributees, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of Purchaser and the successors and assigns of the Seller. 9. The words"Purchaser"and "Seller"shall include the plural thereof where applicable. 10. This contract is subject to a permissive referendum. 11. The closing shall occur on or about October 6,2017. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed this Contract on the date and year first mentioned herein. SELLER TOWN OF MAMARONECK By: Name: Stephen V.Altieri Title: Town Administrator PURCHASER SARA ABRAMSON • ALL that Certain plot, place or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in chs Town of Mamaroneck, County of Vestdbester and State of Kay York, show sod , dastgaatad as Lot Ito. 7 on a esrtatn nap entitled, "Subdivision Nap of toady Lena; Section Two, loon of Manaronack, Vaatcbsstar Co., X.T.", mads by Jamas Y. • Vard dated 3-18-68 end filed in the Vaatcheetar County clack's Offiea, (inviolate of Land Ysoords) o0 9.14-66 in Nap leo, 14957 said lot on said nap being sore particularly bounded gad daeor•ibad•as fellow, • SICINNIRO at a point on the vistsrly eldo b;Ludy Lana where the sane is • ietersectad by the division lin. Ur b. een Lots 44224w d 7 on maid pi running thence twoo said poiat'of batiaain064og said division lino, SONTH • 52' 44' 50" HEST. 128.69 YUT to a peiiit'wnd lands of Loyal Ina Bowls • rvunins thence along eaidl'aids of Loyal Inn Eovl, WITH 77' 08' 34" VEST,• 33.66 STET to • points running thanes NOM 0' 28' 34" EAST, 61.02 NEXT to a point at this Bout ooaterly end of Iselin Toccatas mooing th.nne along the southerly eida of Iselin Sarraca, WORTS 51' 28' 34' EAST, 73.12 YaEI to the ueatarly cod of a curve having a radio, of 25.00 TEST connecting said sontbarly side of twain Terrace vitt+ the westerly side of Lundy Lane, ruoaiag thence in a southeasterly direction along said ouzo* to the right Navies a radios of 23.00 YET an arc distance of 42.59 MEET to a point of taaganey an the easterly aids of Lundy 1.44.1 sunning thane. along said westerly side of Lundy Laos the following aro courses and d&atanca', SCUM 29' 53' 00" EAST. 33.96 7EET to a point of carve, throe* in • south.rly direction along said carve to the right basics-a radius of 25.00 7357 an aro diataaae of 17.33 1EEI to the division line betwen Lots 6 and 7 on said map to the point and p11ca of SECTXI1X0. Nor Coa.ayaucias Only ingather vfib all right, title and inherent of, in and to any streerm and roods abutting the above daxribaa premises_ Our policies of title insurance include such buildings and ls.ycora.cots thereon which by law constitute coal property, unless specifically aespt d third's. • •