HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_03_01 Town Board Meeting Packet Town of Mamaroneck Town Board Agenda Wednesday March 1, 2017 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE-AT 5:00PM, IN CONFERENCE ROOM A TO DISCUSS 1. Review 2017 Parking Fees 2. Review of Proposal Power Interruption Program - Deferred 3. Review of Land Use Legislation 4. Update—LMC-TV 5. Update- Early Morning Swim Program Review 6. Boards and Commissions 7. Proposed Housing development—Myrtle Blvd 8. New Business THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE-AT 8:00PM, IN THE COURT ROOM SUPERVISOR'S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Approval—2017/18 Larchmont Library Budget 2. Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-01 -Street Sweeping 3. Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-02 -Catch Basin Cleaning 4. Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-03 - Landscaping Maintenance 5. Set Public Hearing-Assignment of Certain Duties to the Environmental Planner and Amendment of Appellate Procedure Law-Trees 6. Consideration of Certiorari 7. Set Parking fees for 2017/2018 APPROVAL OF MINUTES-February 1, 2017 and February 15, 2017 REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS- March 15, 2017 &April 5, 2017 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810 TOWN BOARD MEETING-WORKSESSION AGENDA Wednesday March 1, 2017-5:00PM MAMARONECK TOWN CENTER-CONFERENCE ROOM A 1. Review 2017 Parking Fees (See Attachment) 2. Review of Proposal-Power Interruption Program (No Attachment. You will receive this document on Monday, February 27th) 3. Review of Land Use Legislation (See Attachment) 4. Update- LMCTV (No Attachment- Update on status of LMCTV evaluation of construction of new headquarters) 5. Update-Early Morning Swim Program Review (No Attachment) 6. Boards and Commissions (No Attachment) 7. New Business S. Request for Executive Session 44+6 Adr :9 K S E •. •,. . . : '! • ) E4 , • • - r4 9 Town"of Mamaroneck p pA Office of the Town Clerk,Town Center 0 w 740.West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY ° 10543=3353 FOUNDED 1661 Christina Banana,RMC,CMC TEL:914/381-7870 Mamaroneck Town Clerk FAX 914/381-7813 CBattalia@townofmamaroneckNY.org MEMORANDUM DATE. February 23,2017 TO Town Board FROM: Christina Battalia SUBJECT: Agenda Item for March 1,2017'-Parking Fees Town Board, As I prepare to send out renewal letters for all our parking lot fees, I would like the Board to review the current fees and decide if any change is warranted. I am not recommending any adjustments in particular, but want the Board to have a chance to review the fees prior to mailing our renewal letters. I have attached a number of schedules and a map for your discussion. Christina • Account Code descr. ( 2015 2016. . ; 2017 I Detail A12551Consery;Vitals,Licenses;.Permits ( 11000.00 9,000.00 7,500.001 Lot#1,Daytime 230,00100' 236 250.00 241000.00 197 spaces-350 permits$700.00 =241000. Lot#1 Meter Permit 20,000:00 21000.00,- 22,500.00 90 spaces•-300 permits$75.10=$21,000 A17201 250,000.001 257,250:001 262,500;001 A17401 pay station fees Lot#'1 6/000001 65;001001 65,000.001 1 Ga L . ales 500:00 1 50 age S i0, 10 0 00 10,0041001 A25901 250.001 Lot#3(deck)-24:hr 30;000.00 32,000:00 35,00000 47x,800:00:_.=$37;600 1Lot.#3(deck)-24hr Senior I 32,000:00 28,000:00 _ — _ _ 53 x$575`=30A75. 25 hour.bi-annuals/re & g senior 10,000.00; 2015-$10,000 1.ot#2-Area Bus-Max&Myrtle I 0,00 0.001 j NA Lot#2-Overnight-Max&Myrtle j 1;875.001 0.01 NA AB Lot#3(deck) 5,000001 5,000.00 �~ 13 k$525.00=$7,015 • Lot#4-(Coughlin)ON 6.01 1000 00 5x$40000=200000 Residential Parking District/WSA 3,000.001 3,000.00 144 X$25.00=$3,600. Residential Parking District/Lester PI 700.00 500.00 j 21 X:$25:00=$525.00 B 17301 J :80;000.001 80,000.00 1 B17401Street Parking Meter Fees i 35,000.001 35;000.00+ 1 B2545lAlarni Permits I 31000:001 36,00000; Actual to date$32,825 B26111False Alarms 1 7,000:00 7,0001001 To date$5,200.00 TOTAL 482,50100 499;75100. , .)--- .-.---,....--.<„,- ,,ir . ' --,•• ‘ ,.., t\ ,,, /7 ,.. , ..Z• 2) ,J ,, ,. ,y,, , .•-._ . \ .., 2.4 HOUN�f < / C/ /ce j �j. eAewxc.e �/r , )/.---'' �.r+rtc i ,, - ,-1- �•,.'E 696.500. ! i ,,,e/ A„ '.:...., ''''',..,:. .) //W a / /4'7'''' '.4-"r‹.-'''' "' 7-,'"..,41ti,_• ''''`... .,74" 4.' ' ...///' ,...i. K" �,., , I ;S• ..� ^,.�. ( • /1 MUNICIPAL. . - i/ AAKD�retc'MP or i / , ., /r.0/ •/•..' .. . /, /. R /%/, LEGEND:..„, st, ci.,, .,.. ,,„0-....._ i ( GOY t.5 p / /�/i r�� -Jt�Jlsfi-1�1 !MEW 1 '"'4 27 HOUR f' �f 1 A 2P4"7 wre° — moo V/PEW• fir) 'l If`� V / / ~'ter -W.riRIEEI;/ BC O$OEOgLLIEit OYU Lai f g %„/// „/ 7081 OF MAMARONECK. l, r , tea"" °. .w we 'f ! 740 UN BOSRIH'POSY ROAD• v. I /"/"."2„ , INHICD'AL ��� MUNICIPAL PARKING WAS �j / '± s .. Lot I,4 /� Y7R71E'BOUBViHD,NAIRATERE. maigIN gem ED Mt STEM �� .` •! '// !x%% r, DAM IO?I. PIESE t,5/4114 1 .. ' ` t. | P�(RKI���� FEES SCHEDULE � +- - � _-�_'____ TYPE -----'--- ---------- ---- - -------' 2��- ----- 2016/2017 2015/2016 2014/2015 1 2014 12012/2013 2011/2012 AREA BUSINESS —1— ' 24 HOUR PARKIN spaces at 24 H5UR-SENIOR OVERNIGHT 1 _-�LOT~-` -z_ -~~-- --'--- ' -°--MAXWELL NA T $400.00 $375.o0 1 1 STREET PAR-KING-Baldwin Ave/Paystation 8 hour(10)spaces 1 STREET PARKING-Maxwell Ave/zvx limit/a«hrsf1cV 30 min$0.25 STREET PA—RKING-Myrtle Blvd/Madison 3 hr limit/8am-6pm 1 ■ (52)spaces 14 min$0.05 18 min$0.10 — / ' � 4 -- / -----'-------- ---------- ----'- �|z0�in$ �� [ -| -- ----'T--'------'-- - -- - --- . _ '_- __ _ _^ -_ ' 451`&,-41-pt: woRKsEssioN ITE , 2 • . , • • .4" MO • 1 - A t • 4 ■ • n • . swoRKsEssioN 1TE 3 ,___ \ F4, tO9s 9 O � O z Town of Mamaroneck w rn Town Center F o u++o e o +o s,. 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 •OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL: 914/381-7810 FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Review of Land Use Legislation Date: February 24, 2017 Over the years the Town has adopted a number of land use regulations and laws intended to provide for orderly and environmentally sensitive development. The most recent being the adoption of the residential site plan law. Below is a listing of the land use legislation that can be applied to a development in the Town. In some cases more than one of these regulation are applied to a specific application. > Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan > Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourses > Erosion and Sediment Control > Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law > Flood Damage Prevention Law > Residential Site Plan I Other Site Plan > Subdivision Law > Tree Law Each of these laws are important to the evaluation and review of development in the Town. However what we have observed is that at times the laws create a duplication of effort during the review which can be frustrating for both the applicant and the Town. As an example, during the review of the Durham Road Subdivision the applicant was required to provide, as part of subdivision approval, a conceptual site plan of the placement of the homes and utilities on each of the lots. Subsequent to subdivision approval the Planning Board required a more formal site plan of each lot even in those cases where the conceptual and actual site plan were identical. What is proposed is a review of each of the individual land use laws with a goal of establishing a better coordination of the review process. For instance it is possible that in the case of an application for Residential Site Plan Review, the Town could incorporate the requirements of Erosion and Sediment Control, Freshwater Wetlands review and Tree law review. As a possible solution,the Town Attorney advanced the idea that perhaps the Town could incorporate some or all of our land use legislation into one chapter of the Town Code. W Printed on Recycled Paper Therefore the Town Board should consider the alternative of having a land use consultant work with the Town Board and staff to look for ways to improve the coordination of the land use process. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator •••• - . .„ FmFE• • , . •-, As. • • • • •. , •• • ; • • • • • V>, - k • c •? •I• • , ••■;-, ,;(' • • • -- - - !lVORKSESSION , • , • .... . (__) •f. J / , • • 3 • TE 4 . .111, t • .• ) ) _ • :41 , .11 f •,• • . ORKSESSION „.. . . TE , . .• . ,.(_• _•••..,,,i . .. , i• :. ,i.3. :,,... ;.,. .... • • • • ... . , ..., ..,.,. 3 3. „ , , 3; .. 3 . ... . „ t . . , . . . . . . 1 4 . 41 . - . . 1 - f '...'.. .k.,„ . . . . , .. . . , . . . • . • , . . . , .. . .. . . . •• . . . ,......_.„ c ) .., _ , ......._. . _ C) , ) ,....___zi • _ . • , : r II .. .. . : .. „. .,., ,6, a .■ s k :. . • . .., ■ :. 1, l'' •• •..,' ., • .• • ' ' 't 4.,,.,I •.„ f . ,. a • '''''' 1' . :. r f.-..ei • , .4. , . . ■a y . , ,.. . ....glop .. r 1.• , (....._.) --, ( t , 4 • 5 . • • • 10' Town of Mamaroneck From: Tony Siligato-Town Comptroller e%/ Re: Fire Claims Date: March 1,2017 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Paul Tortorella and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AAA Emergency Supply Co. Fire Helmet $ 245.00 AT&T Mobility Wireless Service for 1/12/17-2/11/17 $ 360.86 4�0 pk Contractor Pack Mansa, Office Marshall Black Polycarb, Amazon {Amazon Fire TV, Scotch-brite,Trash bags $ 329.91 y Amazon Georgia-Pacific Angel soft ps,Solo 7oz Jazz Desi, Fujitsu Scan Snap $ 391.07 CIT Xerox Copier Contract December 2016 $ 261.56 Con Edison Fire HQ Gas Svc 12/30/16-1/31/17 $ 1,095.21 Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform Cleaning-Jan 2017 $ 92.61 G&R Mechanical Corp. Ice Machine repair $ 690.00 Praetorian Digital Fire EMS Acad. Annual Biliing for Subscription 1/1/17-12/31/17 $ 1,020.00 Physio-Control, Inc. 3 Adult AED Pads $ 101.31 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Food for Snow Storm 2/9/17 $ 115.37 UniFirst Corp Cleaning supplies for building 1/6, 1/13,2/10,2/17/17 $ 248.96 Westchester Bakery Food for February Drill 2/21/17 $ 200.00 $ - $ - $ - Total: $ 5,151.86 . . ■ . (---•\ . . .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . ,1 .. . . , - . . • ' ). 1' , .:'1 ., .• . ,i . t,.. 1 , . . - - • , , r . r.; . . ' '. ••• ' '1 .1. ' '!' ,1 . . ,.. . .... .. . •, •, f-,s. .... . 6 ■ \--.--/ ,_) r .......--___. . I FA]• . .RS F T H E ' •r A , N • . ; • ) ' . LARCH ON T PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Library Director Pamela Tillinghast Dubitsky,Chair Laura P.Eckley Jennifer Jordan Conley Lauren Gottfried Liasons Maureen Feeriek LeBlanc Village of Larchmont Barbara Loomis:Liptack Card Miller John McGarr Town of Mamaroneck Linnet Tse Ernie.Odierna January 31,2017 The Honorable Nancy Seligson The Honorable Laraine Walsh Supervisor,Town of Mamaroneck Mayor,Village of Larchmont Members,Town Connell Members,13oard of Trustees 740 West Boston Post Road 120 Larchmont Avenue Mamaroneck,New York 10543 Larchmont,New York 10558 Larchmont Public Library:Proposed Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 Dear Supervisor Seligson,Mayor Walsh,Town Council and Village Board: The Board of Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library is pleased to present you with the Library's proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget is for the amount of$2,265,245,an'increase of 124%over the current year's budget The Library is funded primarily through transfers from the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck;this;proposal anticipates a.7%increase in the amount of those transfers for FY 2017-18. Our Board maintains very careful oversight of the Library's finances and,working closely with Director Laura Eckley, has made every effort to keep these budget projections lean. The following pro_VideS an overview of the Library's proposed budget; Expense Increase of 1:24%. In FY 2017,18,we project the Library's expenses will increase by 1.24%(or $27,679). This increase is largely due to(a)increases it the salary and benefits line as mandated by New York State law,(li)a 2%salary increase for FY 2017-18 in accordance with the CSEA contract and(c)a return to full staffing levels following completion of the 2016 Library renovation. Funding Increase of 7%. For FY 2017-1:8,we are seeking a .7% increase in the amount of funds transferred to the Library from the Village and the Town. The Village's apportionment(42%)is projected to be$901,991(an increase of$6;270)and the Town's apportionment(58%)is projected to be$1;245,604(an increase of$8,659).1 Since 1930,Library costs have been apportioned between the Village and the Town based on the number of cardholders residing in each locality,Our staff conducts an annual review of cardholders and their localities to ensure an 1 accurate apportionment 121 Larchmont Avenue, Larchrriont, NY 10538 I 914.834.2281 I tarchmonttibraryorg This proposed budget includes an additional:contribution,of$40,040 from the Libraryfund'balance,leaving our projected fund balance at approximately 20%of annual operating expenses as of 5/31/2018.Over the past few years,the Board has approved contributions to the"budget from the fund balance in gradually decreasing amounts, with the expectation that there would be no contribution in FY 2011-18.. However, reductions in staffing leading up to and during the renovation allowed for greater than anticipated savings in both FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 and as a result,the projected contributions from fund balance were not required in those years. In an effort to keep the funding increase as low as possible for the Town and Village, the Board is recorionending an internal transfer from the Library's fund balance for one additional year: The Library Board and Staff are proud Of the newly renovated and updated Library. We were delighted to reopen the newly renovated and updated Library in September 2016, This renovation, which began in January 1106,has provided the community with a greatly improved,fully ADA-compliant facility,and includes technology and electrical upgrades, affianced lighting,comfortable reading and work spaces,and additional tutoring and coriference rooms.The Larehmont/Mamaroneck community enthusiastically embraced the project,with over 600 families donating amounts ranging from-$1,0 to $250,000,and as a result,donations exceeded the$4.5 million fundraising goal. In addition,the Library applied for and received four New York State grants totaling$272,057.'We are proud that the renovation was paid for primarily through donations and grants,and we are proud to have honored our commitment to complete theredovation without seeking additiOnal funds from the Town and'the Village. As you will see from the-attached statistics,our Library is one of the busiest in Westchester County,and our community actively uses and values this beloved local instittition. It is our great pleasure to present this budget to you and to continue the tradition of service to the Library patrons of the.Larchmont/Marnaroneck community. We thank you for your continued support of the Larchrriont Public'Libra Sinderely, KVt: Pamela Tillinghast Dubitsky Laura P.Eckley Chair,Board of Trustees. LibitO Director cc: Library Board of Trustees Town Administrator Stephen V.Altieri Village Administrator Justin Datino Village Treasurer Denis Brucciani Village Budget Committee We are proud of these statistics comparing the Larchmont Public Library to the other Westchester libraries. 2 In 2015, we served 17,670 residents of the Village of Larchmont and the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck. Our library ranked 15th by population among the 38 Westchester libraries, yet our usage statistics, which increase annually, show that we are among the busiest in the county: • Circulation. We ranked 8th in number of total items checked out (335,052), and 5th in number of items checked out per hour open (1.07.66 items per hour open). • Library visits. We ranked 10th in number of visits (217,760) and 12th in number of visits per capita.(12.32). • Reference. We ranked 10th in number of reference questions answered by our staff (50,631). • Programming. Our staff offered 1,170 programs (including some new and innovative programs funded by grants), These programs were attended by 28,468 patrons, a significant increase from 2014. • Children's Room. Our award-winning Children's Room - which won Best of Westchester in 2012, 2014 and again in 2016 - ranked 6th in number of programs held (731) and 8th in number of books circulated (103,148). Due in large part to the far-sighted and successful partnership between the Town and the Village and to our careful oversight, we are one of the most cost-effective libraries in Westchester. • Cost-effectiveness. We ranked r lowest in costs per item checked out ($6,25). 2 Library rankings are from 2015,the most recent year for which statistics are available. Larchmont Public Library Proposed.Budget FY17/18.-Summary Sheet Proposed'Budget-Expenses. F1.0.6h7 Ppl(fis, Actual Proposed Change Notes SPECIAL..ITEMS. . . . . . Subtotals 40;500 15500. a06), , It COCO%TaiS PERSONNEL Subtotal 1,177,440 1,192,650 14,210 Offing EQUIPMENT kLIBRARY MATERIALS. Subtotal 166-000 166;000 MateriSIS CONTRACTUAL Subtotal !272;900 264;650 (7)950) Facilities,Utilities Prof Services INTERFUND TRANSFERS' Subtotal :5a;000 59,000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS • Subtotal 520;026 559,445 25,419 Benefits TOTAL 2a3.7;566 2,265,24.5 27,679. . . . . Proposed.Ekudget-Revenue . . .FY1617 FY1.748 • - Actual Proposed Change Notes Town of Mamaroneck 1296,945- 1,245,604 8,859 0.7% Village of Larchmont 895,721 901.991 6270: 0.7% J.:10felYfc048alanta 90,000 40,000 10;00 , . FilaffdS'of Larchmont Library 8,000 10,00 A000 Additional mitt revenue.,excluding tax levys 63;000 67,650 .750 REVENUE TOTAL: 2t23i566 2265.240. 27,679 1.24% TOTAL REVENUE EXCLUDING TAX LEVYS 104,900 117.,60 12,750. , 1Z.2% 11312017 f ILarchmont Public Libra ::Pro.osed:Bud.et=Ex.enses"" FYI5/15 F.Y76/17'- :.. F.. _.8. . , ., Budget Actual Budget YTD 12/31/17 Proposed Change Note SPECIAL ITEMS. Unallocated Insurance 23000 •22,143 23,000 23;000 TaxeslAssessnentMunic.Pro�erty --' 10000 7173 10,000 i-' 7500 (2500) " 'Contingent Account 7,500 :-. - .7500 15000' - -(2,500); Su••a! 40,500 29316 40500 _ 35,500 (5300) _ .PERSONNEL _ - - Salaries" :1;125,000. 1056:279: '1173440; 834,100' 1,186,850 - 15;210 ' �.. - •Emergency Compensation ,4;000`. " -'.2;615'• .4 000' 1 950. "4.000 . ,,., Subtofa `_ _ 1129,000 _ 1'058894 - 1177440 i 1;192,65 ._ 15210 " '' •MIN .1 ." EQUIPMENT.&LIBRARY MATERIALS - - �- '" Office-Equipment 3500 2503' _.3,500; 254". 3500 .. = . Buildng Equipment 1,900 7;473? �1�;: Audiobooks1CDs _ -' 11,900 '7;694' 1t900. ....._ 4,294. 11.900 Books_ - - ' - . -91;000 95,206 .91000. 51;246 - 91,000- " Bindery. - I 0 - _ Periodicals andSeriels '. MN 19300 . 17576. . - 19000 5521 - ' "15000 - - Video/DVOs ME 15 500 _ 15574 15,500 8,658---• 15,500 - - • Music CDs • "...__� 2500 2356 2500. 1;069 •2;500 -- ebooks 5000 :21,712 _ 15000 - 13;416 15000 . ' _eaudio 5700 ' 6806 '5,700 _2'7'87 _-" 5700 " ... _." -._ Subtotal 166;000 ----- 170,700' - 166;000 168;000 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES - . Telephone . 6100 2,903. 4.200 - 1317 4,200 Service Centracla: - ^' 18;400 ' -20 5 83'. 18.400 18 '18:400 Electecity ._._. . ..:;{2;000 34;260" 42 0,00 _� .17015-' .:38,000 $000)Find oil .. .10:000 3;725_ _10;000:'; _ 8..000.- _. (2000) .. --- 1Neler' !.2300 . 4;SST: 22 000 - '2 3�,38.. 2,00g�.. ,_ � � Operating Supplies .. .... °0 ._ - Bldg 6 GroundSilpplies: T"5,200:. .. . ;8382 9300:" -' 9,168' 5200: - BI_0 •• 5-Ground Maintenance"- 28.800 50� 268,W_:_--- 20,905 - 04:850:. ' (1,150) Conferences Suminers;Dues (- -12;003 - 9 002. 12000 1568 12000 _ AW prrof den Miscellaneous I 750 12,092 - 750 108- 750 Temp Services ,0 --.._-_-. - Pe'stage .- 1;000 4,0.01 1-000 ]32 l Computer Supplies' - ..__ __- 2.500 ,458. ¢500. ; t9 2,500. Pettybaali 3 - - Independent Audit - 5500 6530• 0,500: 8383 6;500' ProfeeekinalServices 13,000( 21;215 13;000 2069 • 13000 • .. Equipment Maintenance I 1 .1001 234 800. 299 600' Payroll Processing" _ _ - 3,200 ..._.-- 3047 "3,200 3:200 Programming :.20,000- 23.568--- 20,000 19.123 -20,000 • 8000 gift from ELL ___h' -:. UNION 5500 _ 5031. .5500 7,814 . .6.500 • . Rent-Parking Area 3,750_' 3;750 3750 2300 5750" - UDmrySupphes: -W_ _y".- . 1_5000 12347 - 15y 710; 5451. "15;000 • rosye '74 000 _ -75499 75,000! 75;411 `75,000 Ci teirrMainlanenoe ,-• _ - WLS - Subtotal 273,400 -- 304 907;- 272300 _ 264,650 (7,050) INTERFUND TRANSFERS ' . ---- - - -._.-- Transfer to General Fund, 3,000 8;099 3.000 3-0 Transferto Capital Fund " �. 50,000 :110,000 55000 _ 55000 - - • II I Subtotal 53;0001 118399 55000 '530,00 -. I I EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - State Retirement - 62 00 - 3092 c sa,es .-.._ � � 190;300 'S54,297� '159,808 SoclalSecu - -- ---. '1 3 ; 153;6 hr __ 98;OD0 _____82,913_ 89,768. - 50 050 91;245 1477 :`;crsnlan_ Workmen's-Comp ' -6,500 9,826' - `10500 15500 10.000 (500) } Unemployment Insurance - i - DisabilityInsurance - I 2,600 �---- 2,500`-- 371 25`00 - ..._.- MTA-TAX. T- -3,800• 3,676''-- 3,890 2:224 - _ _ (3,990) 34tt cseleSes Health Insurance _ ___-_- 275000.--- 218,484 243,460 ----' 135,209 '267,500 24,040 84i ai:fuase Dental insurance 16,1100 17550 18,200 - _ 16;200 18,500. 1,300 Subtotal. 589,100 . 486x547 528,0261 _._.-., 553,445 25,419- TOTAL ___,.. 2250;000 2;188;482 2,237",569 I 2,265;245, .278,79 0,7% • • • 1%31/2017 Y 'Larchniont Public Library Proposed Budget- Revenue: • al .— FY15116. �— — —FY16/17 --- FY77/A8 '_ Budget (Actual Budget YTD 12/31/16 Proposed Change Notes CULTURE-AND RECREATION. T_- — — ----- Library Charges-Fines 53500 44;033 50;000_ 22;748 50,000 0^ i Library-Services—Other GOyLs 1224598 1,224,698 •1,236;945 1,245,604 .. 8559 TOM.7%Increase -�. — subtotal 1;277;698 1268,731 1;286;945 1295,604 8,659_ USE MONEY Interest Earnings ? 600- 154 150 70 150 0 • - I• subtotal 600. • 154 -150:• 150 0 SALE'PRQPERTY Minor Sales(Bookriple pnnters copiers) 1;300 - 338 750 250 1500 750 booksale/pnnting Sale of Instructional Materials 3850 2;808 4000 • _1,411 4000 '0 lost and paid items _ Insurance Recoveries 1;243 0 223 0' 0'Disabilityinsurance subtotal __5;150 4;369 T..4,750 5,500 750 MISG Refund of appropriations 0 0 0 Gifts&Donations 1 7;500 11542 7,500 7,369 7;500 0. . f— 'Miscellaneous 8,0.00 33503 8..000 445 10,000. 2;000 Gift from HI — — Unexpended balance 40,000 •10,000. XR �6D,000, _ 0 30;000 — subtotal 75 500 44;645 45,500 ' 57500 12,000. —. INT FD REV •I . — — 0 Transfer from Trust L 0 10,340 —`-- 0 Transfer from general fund --:886;852 88;,852 895;721 298,574 90.1;991 6;270 VOL.7%Increase 1 • subtotal _286,852 897,192 895;721 901;991 8,270' —' STATE AID 0 State Aid 4,200 4,913 4500 4,612. 4;500: . 0 subtotal 4,2001 4,913 4,500 —.— l____ -0,500 — 0 _. ; l REVENUE TOTAL — — 1 2,250,000 2,220,025 _ 2;237,566 2,265 245 27679 Total Revenue Ezcluding Tax'Levys: 138,450 _ � 1.04;900 117;650--- .. %decrease. ! — I _ .I.. • — ---- — ii ... ... Library Unexpended Fund Balance FY Starting Balance Contribution to Operating Anticipated Transfer to-Capital Ending.Balance 16/17 580921 30,000 550,921 17/18 550;921 40,000 510,921 Building Maintenance Fund - Capital FY Starting Balance .Planned Expenset: Contribution from Operating From Fund.BalOnce End Balance 17/18 110,442 20;000 50,000 0 140442 'Main Walkway kePladetrient 18/19 140,442 ,30;000 50,000 160,442 Stairwell A 19/20. 160,442 50,000 50,000 160,442 Fiction Area Furnitdre,Lighting,Carpet 20/21 160,442 40;000 50,000 170;442 Repainting CR 21/22 170,442 100,000 50,000 120;442 Foundation work and:front room reconfigure +, 4 • I Q , �O9, 9 ° Town of Mamaroneck w' Z m Town Center { 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 • F O UH HE01661 • OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL: 914/381-7810 FAX: 914/381-7809 townadrninistrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-01 Street Sweeping Services Date: February 24, 2017 On February 23, 2017 the Town publicly opened and read bids for the above referenced contract. The scope of this contract is for the successful bidder to provide equipment, labor and tools for the sweeping of Town streets and parking lots as per a schedule established by the Town. In addition the contractor must properly dispose of the sweeping debris in accordance with NYSDEC regulations. The bid requested pricing for a two year contract for 2017 and 2018. Bid documents were provided to two contractors however the Town received one bid from Three D Industries of Hawthorne, New York. Three D is the current street sweeping contractor for the Town. The bid submitted for both 2017 and 2018 was $784.00 per day for street sweeping services and $90 per cubic yard for disposal. Each day of sweeping produces roughly two to three yards of material for disposal so our actual costs tend to be about$1,000 per day for street sweeping. Based upon approximately 30 sweeping days per year,the total cost is estimated to be$32,520 for which sufficient funds have been included in the 2017 Town Budget. The per diem bid price submitted remains unchanged since 2015. Three D Industries continues to provide excellent service for our street sweeping needs ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD AWARD CONTRACT TA-17-01 TO THREE D INDUSTRIES TO PROVIDE STREET SWEEPING SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR BID SPECIFICATIONS AND THE PRICES SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND THAT THE TOWN BOARD AUTHORIZE THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT. / Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator of Printed on Recycled Paper _- A • _ -. , ., , ,.. ,.. . .. r ati, J C t O Ovim-. 9- Town of Mamaroneck w m Z Town Center ~r o u n o e o s s;� 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL: 914/381-7810 FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Report of Bids-TA-17-02 Catch Basin Cleaning Services Date: February 24, 2017 On February 23, 2017 the Town publicly opened and read bids for the above referenced contract. The scope of this contract includes the mechanical cleaning of 500 catch basins and the related disposal of all materials removed from the catch basins. Disposal of materials must meet the requirements of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The Town received three bids for this contract. Attached is a schedule of the bids received. Fred A. Cook Jr. Inc. submitted the lowest bid for this contract. This contract was bid as a three year contract for the years 2017 through 2019. The prices for each year of the contract as per Fred A. Cook's bid are as follows: 2017 $51,500 2018 $52,100 2019 $54,000 In the last year of the expired contract in 2016 the total price was$40,000. A review of the attached schedule reveals that the price for the cleaning of the catch basins has risen only slightly. The biggest price increase is for the disposal of the material. For each cubic yard of material the disposal price has risen from$20 to$55 per cubic yard. Trucking prices, disposal prices and toll prices were the drivers of the large price increase for this item. The 2017 budget for catch basin cleaning is$47,000. Therefore the Town could reduce the scope of the contract to stay within the budget appropriation or authorize a transfer of funds for to permit the cleaning of 500 catch basins. Fred A. Cooke Jr. Inc. held the expiring catch basin cleaning contract. The Town has been pleased with the quality of the work provided. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD ACCEPT THE BID SUBMITTED BY FRED A. COOK JR. INC. FOR THE CLEANING OF CATCH BASINS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN'S BID SPECIFICATIONS AND THE PRICING SUBMITTED BY FRED A. COOK JR. INC AND THAT THE TOWN AUTHORIZE THE TOWN ADMINSTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH FRED A. COOK JR. FURTHER THE TOWN BOARD AUTHORIZES A TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF$4,500 AS PER THE ATTACHED SCHEDULE TO FUND THE 2017 COST OF CATCH BASIN CLEANING tephen V. Altieri Town Administrator o fisi Printed on Recycled Paper HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Town of Mamaroneck Lou Martirano,Supt of Highways 740 W.Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543 Catch Basin Cleaning Services Contract#TA-17-02 Bid Results February 23,2017-10:00 AM Prequalification? Yes Prequalification? Yes Prequalification?No Bid Bond? Yes Bid Bond? Yes Bid Bond? No Previous Contract-Year 2014-2016 Fred A.Cook,Jr Inc National Water Main Service AB Environmental Fred A.Cook,Jr Inc 3226 Albany Post Road 875 Summer Avenue 1599 Ocean Avenue 3226 Albany Post Road 2017 Buckanan,NY 10511 Newark,NJ 07104 Bohemia,NY 11716 Buckanan,NY 10511 ' k'_..: ...1,,..,.:�i+k' ..�h,v. lk,�c,�w .zy..'.,A ,,�.r.past? ._ •s +lt.a w:i.:.r-:xt ti-_ >. e J' la � �- p `..35. ��,t, �,�:• ia.,. b � §'atg y r[-�t�-t g -.y'� . ti's s h'_ ....�:� '"¢e. �7 _a .'.:�.. ?.r. .r• '..5:,. f. ySi;.�. k s rh i'..5; • Avr• r ?.',. t i n +u5• -'_' '.it 0 .�- is k:;f_:_ Item#1 Catch Basin Cleaning 500 EACH $ 70.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 69.50 $ 34,750.00 $ 198.00 $ 99,000.00 $ 68.00 $ 34,000.00 Item#2 — Disposal of CB Debris 300 CUBIC YARD $ 55.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 75.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 73.00 $ 21,900.00 $ 20.00 $ 6,000.00 Year 2017 Bid Total $ 51,500.00 $ 57,250.00 $ 120,900.00 $ 40,000.00 2018 Fred A.Cook,Jr Inc National Water Main AB Environmental i,45* , ,,. ,t,n,A ei c..1y>-,_ Y;;`! 8,4•7iT ,1,.. ..y.w• (Y�f .,w1�.& .3, l ,1 :,,,v r>.,ai p1.1 e.4- tr. 1, .xt;e.- yr<. t,e,,„271st ,;�,. .F 'r xr',,;.i?a,r , �i��} �L 1y�,,,, ,:tz&'04;17iM*>R'r ic°;�,T. _ _,-ws f, n.�`.ki.s..+i ;-.fi}s, :.9 W,Ps. .. - it.S.» s rK R ro E��' TT,P7�t1! RAID.cSl, Yt, t+•`e`W-4... 3 Item#1 Catch Basin Cleaning 500 EACH $ 70.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 72.15 $ 36,075.00 $ 204.00 $ 102,000.00 Item#2 Disposal of CB Debris 300 CUBIC YARD $ 57.00 $ 17,100.00 $ 85.00 - $ 25,500.00 $ 75.00 $ 22,500.00 Year 2018 Bid Total $ 52,100.00 $ 61,575.00 $ 124,500.00 2019 Fred A. Cook,Jr Inc National Water Main AB Environmental r z •--v u.;:,34.vI;,i°Vi`, '. .` 4? .;-- F rL.. 7 `` ,,v A,. iu:�wx- 1":,:z � .tL+,,.,.'.._.-;:�." a 1 .2 :"- .i b ,0 l r, ... e,')-?.. '".r"v.. �,.s. 3,1a;n F'.ti a a ,^S'�, �. r t ,r '�r ,_. ?.,.. q .s; r i�g,o,„ ,4, �;?�,: r,.,,q{u; .;C- • Hr_,� ,, >,L ip,,� , ,4,w _.k t t: ;+,� z� ` r ro4,Y, atkooMtl.ksi "0.47#,MQ40 �.yotr mq .n l * O.** � *0 )4600,40-. q 04414140 7 ilic��� t turd ,i' Catch Basin Cleaning 500 EACH $ 72.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 72.15 $ 36,075.00 $ 210.00 $ 105,000.00 Item#2 Disposal of CB Debris 300 CUBIC YARD $ 60.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 85.00 $ 25,500.00 $ 78.00 $ 23,400.00 Year 2019 Bid Total $ 54,000.00 $ 61,575.00 $ 128,400.00 R;;,,., atb v" .��'Px .t'a s.1r,YtV' L`. rgci 1 s.3;, .lr+'W, - �.( :.i f"' .:g L m,... �a:! a,i: Y : -!.'r . ai: .,: Y e v. 5-, ,...:...n tn. a. _:c- i...,.. s6.# �;, . v..: ,K.,..e...z,crwu�.,,,-�,.c.•,.,..�`�,v3',.tc��;,','^�.'. ... !� ..'.-•., �4r v���..N r.�C'Fk...%x.: '�...�,tZ; 'C.. 't,'k. �.,Fh y,1,�z�:a�Y.r;kv���.1:`j+.y3:bi?7w .,'c .r .,;..�. y.. ,n�.;�.��..-5,,..a.� ,r•�`Y.{;;4,,. .`S �i4 ic* � ,r d { k• ,ys .�';,.. Total 3-YR bid $ 157,600.00 $ 180,400.00 $ 373,800.00 r . , .. • , 1 Th . , ''■ • 1. t! .• • 1 : , . 1TE _ . O 44, t�9� ° `'. ° Town of Mamaroneck ti 2 w m Town Center f F o u +o E o ,s s,. 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 •OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL: 914/381-7810 FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@ townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-03 Landscape Maintenance Services Date: February 24, 2017 On February 23, 2017 the Town publicly opened and read bids for the above referenced contract. The scope of this contract includes the clean-up and monthly maintenance of the Town's nine cemeteries, the Gardens Lake and the Senior Center at 1288 Boston Post Road. Included in the scope of work is a spring and fall cleanup, pruning of low branches, regular grass cutting and where applicable removal of weeds. This contract was last bid in 2015. Since that time the only new location added to the contract is the Senior Center. Bids were requested for the years 2017 and 2018. The Town received one bid from Acocella Contracting. The total bid received for 2017 was$22,200 and $23,200 for 2018. Acocella Contracting was the successful responsible bidder for the most current contract covering the years 2015 and 2016 contract. Their pricing at that time for the two year contract was $20,300 and $21,300 respectively. The bid prices submitted appear to be reasonable particularly since the bid specification now adds the Senior Center to the list of locations. Acocella Contracting's work continues to be of good quality and they are responsive to the needs of the facilities listed in the contract. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD AWARD CONTRACT TA-17-03 TO ACOCELLA CONTRACTING TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES TO VARIOUS LOCATION IN THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR BID SPECIFICATIONS AND THE PRICES BID BY ACOCELLA CONTRACTING AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT jle, e., 6_________ Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator int to Printed on Recycled Paper ,-----•. , __,) 1•,-'t-,, _,. .• , . l' , '- •!.:i.D.:, .. . . . . .., ''-■ '' V ' •. .1 , ,. . , . .3;.' 7 T ,.. , • . • , . . .. • • . . , . .. ... „,‘. ,.,.. ,,,,,......„ • . • ., „. , .?„, t ., ,i .,.,... \ 9 .. .________ r , \s-.% O -. Town of Mamaroneck • m Town Center r� F 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 TEL: 914/381-7810 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board From: Stephen V.Altieri Subject: Set Public Hearing-Assignment of Certain Duties to the Environmental Planner and Amendment of Appellate Procedure Law-Trees Date: January 27, 2017 In January,the Town Attorney referred to the Zoning Board the proposed amendment to the Town's Tree Law regarding the appellate procedure. We have learned from the Zoning Board Chairman that the Zoning Board has no comments regarding the local law, and are in agreement with assuming the hearing of tree appeals. Therefore, if the Board wishes, a public hearing can be set for March 15, 2017. Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator Local Law No. -2017 This local law shall be known as the "Assignment of Certain Duties to the Environmental Planner and Amendment of Appellate Procedure" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1—Purpose: The Town Board finds that the procedure under Chapter 207 of the Town Code regarding tree removal should be revised to make the procedure more efficient and to assign tasks to Town personnel who are better suited to administer that procedure. The functions currently assigned to the Tree Preservation Commission can be performed by the Environmental Planner, thereby streamlining the process for applying for tree removal. Appeals from decision and determinations regarding tree removal can and should be handled by the Board of Appeals, which is the board within the Town that has been established to handle appeals of administrative decisions. Section 2—Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 207-1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended by designating the current paragraph as paragraph "A" and adding the following paragraph B.:. B. "Environmental Planner" means the person serving in that capacity. If the position of Environmental Planner is vacant, or if the Environmental Planner is unable to perform the tasks of that position, the Town Board may appoint another Town employee or a consultant to perform the tasks required to be performed under this chapter. Section 3—Amendment of current sections of the Mamaroneck Code: A. Sections 207-2 A., 207-2 B., 207-3, 207-4 A. (2)and (4), 207-4 B., 207-C., 207-6 A., 207-6 B., 207-6 C., 207-6 D., 207-E., 207-6 F., 207-6 G., 207-6 J., 207-7 A., 207-7 C., 207-7 D., 207-8 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck are amended to substitute the words "Environmental Planner" for the words "Tree Preservation Commission" each time that the words"Tree Preservation Commission" appear in those sections. B. Sections 207-4 A. (5), 207-6 B., and 207-7 B. of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck are amended to substitute the words "Environmental Planner" for the words "Tree Commission"each time that the words "Tree Commission" appear in those sections. C. Section 207-6 D. of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is amended to substitute the words "Environmental Planner" for the word "Commission" where it appears in that section unmodified by the words "Tree Preservation". D. The title of Section 207-3 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is amended by substituting the words Environmental Planner" for the words "Tree Preservation Commission" in that title. E. The title of Section 207-5 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is amended by deleting the word "Commission" and capitalizing the word "Qualifications". Section 4—Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 207-5 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is repealed and the following is substituted in its place: Starting in 2018, at least once every five years, the Environmental Planner shall take a course, at the Town's expense, from an organization whose educational purposes include dendrology (the science of trees). Such course must include an introduction in determining the health of trees. Anyone hired to replace the then current Environmental Planner shall take such a course by no later than December 31 of the year following the year of that person's appointment and thereafter shall take such course at least once every five years. Section 5—Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 207-6 H. of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is repealed and the following is substituted in its place: H. Any person, firm, organization or corporation entitled to receive notice of a decision or determination made by the Environmental Planner has the right to appeal that decision or determination to the Board of Appeals, which may affirm, annul or modify that decision or determination. Notice of that'appeal must be in writing, must be accompanied by the appellant's reasons for annulling or modifying the Environmental Planner's decision or determination and must be received by the Environmental Planner no later than the fourteenth day after the notice of a decision or determination was mailed to the appellant. The Environmental Planner's decision and determination shall be stayed until the Board of Appeals decides the appeal or the appeal is dismissed or withdrawn. The decision of the Board of Appeals on that appeal shall be filed with the Environmental Planner. Section 6—Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: Section 207-6 I. of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is repealed and the following is substituted in its place: 2 The appellant, if aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Appeals, may apply to the Supreme Court of the State of New York for review of that decision by a proceeding brought under article 78 of the civil practice law and rules. Such proceeding must be instituted within thirty days after the decision of the Board of Appeals is filed with the Environmental Planner. Section 7—Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 8—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. January 6,2017 3 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 6 ATTACHMENT NOT AVAILABLE AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN ITEM 7 PARKING FEES SCHEDULE , , . t I 2013- 1 2016/2017 2015/2016 12014/20151 2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 COMUTER LOT#1-Myrtle&Vine 1 DAYTIME 4e4 ---r-7J rr$ 700.00 $675.00 $650.00 $650.08 $650.00 $625.00 'METER'/pay station 47. 20 $ 75.00 $70.00 $65.00 $65.00 $65.00 $60.00 plus.60 per hr plus.55 per hr . _ AREA BUSINESS LOT#3-Myrtle&N Chatsworth! $ $525.00 $500.00 $500.00. $500.00 $475.00 I 5-TS - 24 HOUR PARKING ' LOT#3-Myrtle&N Chatsvvorthi $ ...lake $775.00 $750.00_ .$750.00 1 $750.00 $725.00 spaces along Myrtle near Madison! Lot#6- 6 spaces at beginning of Vine Street' 24 HOUR:SENIOR . ' LOT#3,4,&51$ ...0,,,62 .5tr. $575.06 $52500 ! $475.00 i $47$.00 $425.00 i 41n2 1 OvER-Niaiii --------- . I . LOT#4(COUGHLIN)i $ .....426:4177 $400.00 $375.00 $375.00 . $375.00 l_$350.00 _ MAXWELL! NA 1 $400.00 ... $375.00 $375.00 $3-75.00-1 -$350.00 I - 4s1)- J _ STREETPARKING-Baldwin Ave/Paystatlon 8 hour(10)spaces ! ._ STREET PARKING-Maxwell Ave/10 hr limit/24 hrs-(10) 1 spaces 16 min$0.05 __ !12 mln$0.10 130 min$0.25 STREETPARKING-Myrtle Blvd/Madison 3 hr limit/Sam-6pm l . _ . . _•___ (52)spaces 14 min$0.05 . --, - - - - - • .- -- - - is min$0.10 - 120 min$0.25 I -- L ory dl HUNWAL Nk wr 1 5 24 HOUR 't 'AMC L b7b. WX /* AI MMUKMW Lr , 3 �� ® THE TOM OF UAW(WTV, BUS= 24 HOURS NEV lair 7 LEGEND! I yi� ARU Sam a mmcvr tar 15 I HOUR PAFdVC •mvjw Pox, JUT Va CaT AM EM -W A u a piwc Bc USE ommmy mr MWAI E0112 TOYN OF MAUMNECK 140 RW WM PWT RUD