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2017_02_01 Town Board Meeting Packet
TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2017 MAMARONECK TOWN CENTER THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE -AT 5:00PM, in Conference Room A: 1. Discussion - Firearms Law 2. Discussion - Legislation Transient Room Rental 3. Review- Boards and Commissions 4. Review- 2017 Capital Project Schedule 5. New Business 8:00PM CALL TO ORDER SUPERVISORS REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Appointment- Deputy Supervisor 2. Appointments- Boards and Commissions 3. Request for Removal of Street Tree -33 Marbourne Drive 4. Authorization - 2017 Ambulance Charges and Fees 5. Authorization -Transfer of Funds-Senior Citizen Programming 6. Consideration of Certiorari APPROVAL OF MINUTES—January 9, 2017 &January 18, 2017 REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS-Wednesday, February 15, 2017 & Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. TOWN BOARD MEETING -WORKSESSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2017 5:00PM MAMARONECK TOWN CENTER- CONFERENCE ROOM A 1. Discussion - Firearms Law. (No Attachment-This is a discussion post public hearing and what next steps are to be considered) 2. Discussion - Legislation Transient Room Rental. (See Attachment) 3. Review- Boards and Commissions. (No Attachment- Continued review of appointments to vacancies on the Town's various Boards and Commissions) 4. Review-2017 Capital Project Schedule (Attachment to be provided electronically delivered over the weekend) 5. New Business .1111 • . KS ` r• • • • . . (-1', \----__--' - , . . .., . . . . , •, . .. . . , . 1 • . , . . . . . . , . . . . . : . ?' .•;19.4 . . , ,;0' • 1'',.. , 1 ., • , , . . 1 • .,t • it 4. ' ' , .* 9 I "4 • 9., •, I,. 4. , P. '1. f ,. -1 '?.'. . - . . . . •■ , i 4, ( . . ( \ [ ...-1 Tr---------- . _ _ -I 0 9 " = 9 0 Town of Mamaroneck ti . °a "' A'ti" County of Westchester 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 • F O U N D E 0 1 6 6 1• COUNSEL TEL: 914/381-7815 FAX: 914/381-7809 WMakerJr@TownofMamaroneckNY.org MEMORANDUM To: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Christina Battalia, Town Clerk From: William Maker, Jr., Attorney for the Town Subject: Local law regarding transient rentals Date: January 27, 2017 I attach a proposed law which, if enacted, will outlaw shot-tern rentals of residential properties. If the Town Board considers the proposal ready for a public hearing, it can set the date for such a hearing at one of its upcoming meetings. I recommend that the proposed law by referred to the Building Inspector for comment. f 13: f !A. .1 .4 r to Printed on Recycled Paper Local Law No. -2017 This local law shall be known as the "Prohibition of Transient Rentals" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1—Purpose: The Town Board finds that renting residential units, or rooms within such units, for short overnight stays, such as renting a bedroom within a single family home for a one night, is akin to a hotel operation. While hotels are a specially permitted use in the B-MUB zoning district, hotels are not permitted in any other zoning district of the Town. In the Town Board's view, rentals to transients should be prohibited in the other zoning districts because that use is contrary to the Town's suburban character. Under the current zoning code, such rentals are not specifically prohibited. Since it is uncertain whether a Court would construe rentals to transients as a 'hotel' operation within the meaning of the Town's zoning ordinance, the Town Board considers it prudent to pass specific legislation to outlaw that use. On the other hand, the Town Board is mindful that certain residences and of course, apartments in multi-family residences are rented on a long term basis to tenants who, because of their length of stay, become part of the community. In contrast to transients, long term tenants do not negate the suburban character of the Town. They add to the vitality and vigor of the Town. Therefore, by this law, the Town Board intends to prohibit very short term rentals while at the same time not inhibiting the rental of residential real estate on a long term basis. Section 2—Addition of a new section to the Mamaroneck Code: The Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to add the following section thereto: §240-19.2 Short-terms residential rentals prohibited. Except on properties whose certificates of occupancy state that they are improved with a hotel or a motel, renting one or more rooms for compensation of any kind for overnight occupancy for a period less than fourteen (14) consecutive days is prohibited. Section 3—Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 4—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. January 27,2017 2 E 3 L. • • j �� -t-AtgAiiv ' U . ) 44/ ° Town of Mamaroneck W © 0 Town Center .,,. 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 . Founou lqi. OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL:914/381-7810 FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: 2017 Capital Project.Schedule Date:January 28, 2017 On the Town Board's February 1 work session agenda is a review of the 2017 Capital Project Schedule previously considered during preparation of the 2017 Town Budget. Each year after completion of the budget the Comptroller and I prepare for your approval the final version of the plan that lists the new budget codes, method of financing and project costs. The attached spreadsheet prepared by the Comptroller lists the project number, project description, budget, account code and the method of financing. The 2017 Capital Project Plan Summary is as follows Total Capital Project Costs $5,902,0121 Funding Sources Budget Transfers $ 1,240,287 Grants/Local Sources $ 376,000 Bonds/Bans $4,285,725 Total Funding $ 5,902,012 Included in the capital schedule are proposed amendments to the plan as a result of variations in costs that have arisen and changes in project requirements. The following changes are proposed: A. Weaver Street Firehouse Floor Project-The cost estimate for the project has been increased from$900K to$1 million to account for contingencies that maybe necessary for equipment and material storage during,reconstruction of the floors. Bonds will remain the method of funding the project. B. Water System Distribution Projects-Since the adoption of the Town Budget in December a water main break occurred on Bonnie Way and Briar Close. Since this is an older pipe made of concrete asbestos,the entire water main (854ft.) must be replaced. The total cost is expected to be $575,000. Therefore this line item in the capital budget has been amended from$524,000 to$575,000. The 'Capital Project costs include 3.5%for bonding expense contingencies 1i.._ �a Printed on Recycled Paper method of funding has not changed however. Funds will be transferred from the Water District Surplus. C. Information Technology-Software:Originally budgeted at$41,568,the proposal is to increase the project cost by$6,700 to$48,268. The increase is necessary for the purchase of new software mandated by HUD for our Section 8 Housing Voucher Program. The additional costs are being funded with Federal Section 8 funding. D. Information Technology-Hardware: To fulfill certain additional computer hardware needs the recommendation is to increase the hardware budget from $21,060 to$58,260, an increase of$37,200. The total increase includes the following: -$20,400 for hardware related to our recent PCI compliance program -$16,800 for new servers for the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program which will be funded with Federal Section 8 appropriations. Should the Board require additional information prior to the work session please let me know. The Town Board could consider final adoption of the capital schedule on Wednesday evening. /,' Stephen V.Altieri Town Administrator cc: Anthony Siligato-Comptroller Christina Battelle-Town Clerk Connie Green O'Donnell-Assistant Town Administrator AMEND 2017 CAPITAL PROJECT&BUDGET-COMPUTER HARDWARE/SOFTWARE& 2/1/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING RECORDS MANAGEMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND(FUND H): AMEND BUDGET: EXP H.1680.0400.2017.19 COMPUTER SOFTWARE $ 6,700.00 H.1680.0400.2017.20 COMPUTER HARDWARE&EQUIPMENT $ 37,200.00 H.1410.0400.2017 57 RECORDS MANAGEMENT $ 38.500.00 REV H.0000.5031.2017.19 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL TOWN FUND $ 6,700.00 H.0000.5031.2017.20 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL TOWN FUND $ 37,200.00 H.0000.5031.2017.57 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL TOWN FUND $ 38,500.00 (CAPITAL PROJECT#2017-19) (Increase project budget with$6.700 additional funding to be transferred from General Town Fund (Source-Section 8 reserves to be transferred to General Town Fund.) Original Capital Project Budget. $ 73.718.00 • Funding source: • INTERFUND TRANSFERS APPROPRIATED IN 2017 BUDGET $ 73.718.00 • TRANSFER FR GEN TOWN FD-R.O.B. 2/1/17 $ 6,700.00 * Capital Project Budget amended&adopted on 2/1/17: $ 80,418.00 (CAPITAL PROJECT#2017-20) (Increase project budget with$37.200 additional funding to be transferred from General Town Fund Source-$20,400 unrestricted fund balance&$16.800 Section 8 reserves to he transferred to General Town Fund.) Original Capital Project Budget: $ 80.600.00 • Funding source: INTERFUND TRANSFERS APPROPRIATED IN 2017 BUDGET $ 80.600.00 * TRANSFER FR GEN TOWN FD-R.O.B. 2/1/17 $ 37,200.00 Capital Project Budget amended&adopted on 2/1/17: $ 117,800.00 (CAPITAL PROJECT#2017-57) (Establish project budget with$38.500 funding to be transferred from General Town Fund * Funding source: * TRANSFER FR GEN TOWN FD-R.O.B. 2/1/17 $ 38,500.00 * Capital Project Budget adopted on 2/1/17: $ 38,500.00 GENERAL TOWN FUND(FUND A): AMEND BUDGET: EXP A.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECT $ 82,400.00 REV A.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 58,900.00 REV A.0000.5080 TRANSFERS FROM SECTION 8 $ 23,500.00 Increase Fund A budget with$58,900 of appropriated fund balance&$23,500 of Section 8(HUD)reserves to be transferred in(for Capital Projects). AMEND 2017 CAPITAL PROJECT&BUDGET-WATER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS 2/1/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND(FUND H): AMEND BUDGET: EXP H.8340.0400.2017.12 CAPITAL WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS $ 616,625.00 REV H.0000.5038.2017.12 TRANSFERS FROM WATER DISTRICT $ 616,625.00 (CAPITAL PROJECT#2017-12) (Increase project budget with$616.625 funding to be transferred from Water District Fund (Source-unrestricted fund balance) • Original Capital Project Budget' $ - * Funding source: BONDS/BANS-RESOLUTION TO BE APPROVED IN MAR 2017 $ 1,125,225.00 TRANSFER FR WATER-R.O.B.2/1/17 S 616,625.00 Capital Project Budget amended&adopted on 2/1/17: $ 1,741,850.00 WATER DISTRICT(FUND SW): AMEND BUDGET: EXP SW.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL PROJECT $ 616,625.00 REV SW.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 616,625.00 Increase Fund SW budget with$616,625 of appropriated fund balance(for Capital Project). FY2017 TOWN OF MAMARONECK-CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET&FUNDING SCHEDULE(PROPOSED 2/1/2017) TOWN APPROVED GRANTS/ APPROPRIATED PROJ. PROJECT EXPENDITURE BOARD FUNDING BANS/BONDS LOCAL SOURCE INTERFUND REVENUE # PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGET A/C# RESOLUTION SOURCE AMOUNT AMOUNT TRANSFER A/C St 2017-02 POLICE VEHICLES $70,000.00 H3120.0400.2017.02 2017 BGT TSF FR PART TN $70,000.00 H.0000.5032.2017.02 •(2)Marked Vehicles @35,000 2017.04 ROADS,SIDEWALKS&CURBS $860,000.00 H.5110.0400.2017.04 2017 BGT TSF FR HWY $85,000.00 H.0000.5033.2017.04 Various streets-$833,685 BANS/BONDS $775,000.00 H.0000.5700.2017.04 Con t./Bond costs 3.06-$26,315 2017-06 HIGHWAY VEHICLES&EQUIPMENT $385,000.00 H.511.0.0400.2017.06 BANS/BONDS $385,000.00 H.0000.57012017.06 Pickup Truck•.$36,000 Six wheel Dump Tructt-$225,000 Brush Clipper-$42,000 '� Asphalt Hot Box-$40,000 Snow Plows.$30,000 Cont./Band costs 34%-$12,000 2017-53 GARDENS LAKE IMPROVEMENTS $61,050.00 H.8510.0400.2017.53 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $61,050.00 H.0000.5031.2017.53 Pathway Extension-$61,050 2017-54 PRYOR MANOR BRIDGE IMPR $103,500.00 H.5120.0400.2017.54 BANS/BONDS $103,500.00 H.0000.5700.2017.54 Cont./Bond costs 3.S%-$3,500 2017-24 ICE RINK IMPROVEMENTS $86,644.00 H.7265.0400.2017.24 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $86,644.00 H.00005031.2017.24 HVAC Improvements•$55,300 Rink floor Insulation-$14,000 Door replacement-$5,344 Sound System•$12,000 2017-31 RECREATION FACIUTIES $7,500.00 H.7020.0400.2017.31 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $7,500.00 H.0000.5031.2017.31 Storage Shed-$7,500 FY2017 TOWN OF MAMARONECK-CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET&FUNDING SCHEDULE(PROPOSED 2/1/2017) TOWN APPROVED GRANTS/ APPROPRIATED PROJ. PROJECT EXPENDITURE BOARD FUNDING BANS/BONDS LOCAL SOURCE INTERFUND REVENUE # PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGET A/C# RESOLUTION SOURCE AMOUNT AMOUNT TRANSFER A/C# 2017-40 SHELORAKE IMPROVEMENTS $5,000.00 H.7150.0400.2017.40 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $5,000.00 H.0000.5031.2017A0 Storage Shed-$5,000 2017-52 SENIOR CENTER(VFW BLDG) $16,000.00 H.6772.0400.2017.52 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $16,000.00 H.0000.5031.2017.52 Window replacement-$8,000 Basement waterproof-$8,000 2017-14 TOWN CENTER BLDG IMPR $227,500.00 H.1620.0400.2017.14 BANS/BONDS $227,500.00 H.00005700.2017.14 Restraoms renovation-$220,000 Cont./Bond costs 3.5,1-97,500 2017-19 COMPUTER SOFTWARE $80,418.00 H.1680.0400.2017.19 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $41,568.00 H.0000.5031.2017.19 IT DEPT VARIOUS-$73,718 , 2017 BGT TSF FR PART TN $32,150.00 H.0000.5032.2017.19 See 8 Server App(HUD)-$6,700 2/1/17 TSF FR GEN TN $6,780.00 H.00005031.2017.19 2017-20 COMPUTER HARDWARE&EQUIP. $117,800.00 H.1680.0400.2017.20 2017 BGT TSF FR GEN TN $21,060.00 H.0000.5031.2017.20 IT DEPT VARIOUS-$80,600 2017 BGT TSF FR PART TN $49,340.00 H.0000.50321017.20 pa Compliance-$20,400 2017 BGT TSF FR HWY $5,600.00 H.0000.5033.2017.20 Sec BServer(HUD)-$16,800 2017 BGT TSF FR FIRE $2,800.00 H.0000.50341017.20 2017 BGT TSF FR AMBUL $2,800.00 H.0000.5039.2017.20 2/1/17 TSF FR GEN TN $37,200.00 H.0000S031.2017.20 2017-38 HWY/GARAGE FACILITIES IMP $163,500.00 H.5110.0400.201738 2017 BGT TSF FR HWY $35,000.00 H.0000.5033.2017.38 Town Yard Drainage-$91,000 2/1/17 JOINT COMM $56,000.00 H.0000.2797.2017.38 Garage HVAC-$70,000 BANS/BONDS $72,500.00 H.0000.5700.2017.38 Cont./Bond costs 3.5%-$2,500 2017-55 COLONIAL AVE SIDEWALK $434,000.00 H.5110.0400.2017.55 BANS/BONDS $114,000.00 H.0000.5700.2017.55 Cont./Bond Costs 3.5%-$3,000 NYS GRANT $320,000.00 H.0000.3999.2017.55 1 FY2017 TOWN OF MAMARONECK-CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET&FUNDING SCHEDULE(PROPOSED 2/1/2017) TOWN APPROVED GRANTS/ APPROPRIATED PROJ. PROJECT EXPENDITURE BOARD FUNDING BANS/BONDS LOCAL SOURCE INTERFUND REVENUE # PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGET A/C# RESOLUTION SOURCE AMOUNT AMOUNT TRANSFER A/C# 2017-29 FIRE BLDG IMPROVEMENTS $1,035,000.00 H.3410.0400.2017.29 BANS/BONDS $1,035,000.00 H.0000.5700.2017.29 Firehouse floor-$1,000,000 Cont./Band costs 3.5%-$35,000 2017-27 FIRE VEHICLE $40,000.00 H.3410.0400.2017.27 2017 BGT TSF FR FIRE $40,000.00 H.00005034.2017.27 Chief vehicle replacement-$40,000 2017-56 FIRE TURNOUT GEAR EQUIPMENT $236,000.00 H.3410.0400.2017.56 BANS/BONDS $236,000.00 H.0000.5700.2017.56 (52)sets of gear Cone/Bond costs 3S%-$8,000 2017-48 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS $41,500.00 H.4191.0400.2017.48 BANS/BONDS $41,500.00 H.0000.5700.2017.48 VAC pkg lot-549,000 Cont./Band costs 3.S%-$1,500 2017-33 AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT $19,250.00 H.4189.0400.2017.33 2017 BGT TSF FR AMBUL $19,250.00 H.0000.5039.2017.33 Vehicle computer mounts-$4,000 Toughhoak-$5,000 Washer/Dryer(VAC)-$4,000 Stretcher-$1,750 Turnout Gear-$4,500 2017.09 SANITATION VEHICLE $170,500.00 H.8160.0400.2017.09 BANS/BONDS $170,500.00 H.00005700.2017.09 (1)20 yard Refuse Truck-$165,000 Cont./Bond costs 3S%-$5,500 2017-12 WATER IMPROVEMENTS $1,741,650.00 H.8340.0400.2017.12 BANS/BONDS $1,125,225.00 H.0000.5700.2017.12 Storage Tanks-41,625 TSF FR WATER $616,625.00 H.0000.5038.2017.33 Bonnie Way Main-$575,000 Shaft 22-$1,090,225(Bonds/BAN) FY2017 TOWN OF MAMARONECK-CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET&FUNDING SCHEDULE(PROPOSED 2/1/2017) TOWN APPROVED GRANTS/ APPROPRIATED PROJ. PROJECT EXPENDITURE BOARD FUNDING BANS/BONDS LOCAL SOURCE INTERFUND REVENUE # PROJECT DESCRIPTION BUDGET A/C# RESOLUTION SOURCk AMOUNT AMOUNT TRANSFER A/C# Con t./Bond costs 3.5%-$35,000 • GRAND TOTALS: $5_902•32410 $4,285,725.00 $376,000,00 $1,240,287.00 7 TOTAL BANS/BONDS(TOWN)2017: $3,014,725.00 TOTAL BANS/BONDS(FIRE)2017: $1,271,000.00 • TOTAL BANS/BONDS: $4,285,725.00 • TOTAL GRANTS/LOCAL SOURCE: $376.o00A0 2017 •• •• •• PROJECT ADOPTED BDGTAMEND BDGTAMEND BDGTAMEND TOTALS BUDGET • TOTAL AP PROP.TRANSFERS: $ TRANSF FR GEN MN- $282,722.00 $238,822 $43,900 $0 $0 TRANSF FR PART TWN- $150,490.00 $150,490 $0 $0 $0 TRANSF FR HIGHWAY- $125,600.00 $125,600 $0 $0 $0 TRANSF FR FIRE- $42,800.00 $42,800 $0 $0 SO TRANSF FR AMBUL- $22,050.00 $22,050 $0 $0 $0 TRANSF FR WATER- $616,625.00 $0 $616,625 $0 $0 $1.240.287 5579.762 ___. 0 . . : . . . . ,. e. ,„., • .. ,:. . •• WORKS .,,.• SS . . ... ., ,, •. , . , ITE . 9 '1 ■ . . . . . .4• 4 . _ y .: 5 ,...._., (---),1/4......_ --I nor Proposed Gov 2017- I $ NVS @UDGT5wivy Summary of Executive Budget Proposal for State Fiscal Year 2017-2018 This year's Executive Budget provides a litany of proposals addressing the various goals and initiatives of the Governor. The Governor proposes a total budget of$152.17 billion in All Funds spending. In particular, the Governor proposes funding levels that remain essentially flat, except for renewing some of the higher tax rates for upper-income earners in exchange for patching a$3.5 billion deficit and adding$1 billion to education funding. Among other items, the following major proposals are included in the Governor's Executive Budget: Education and Higher Education • Adds$961 million in funding,to$25.6 billion in total appropriations; • Adds$428 million in increases to Foundation Aid and$333 in expense-based aid; • Removes the regional cap growth on charters schools in New York City but maintains the overall statewide cap of 460 charters; • Consolidates the statewide pre-kindergarten programs; • Extends Mayoral Control for three years: • Provides for tuition-free college for families with less than$125,000 in annual income: • Establishes predictable tuition increases for SUNY and CUNY in the next 5 years; and • Includes public schools in the Human Rights Law; Public Protection • Proposes decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana; • Improves witness identification procedures; • Shifts the cost of indigent criminal defense from counties to the state; • Eliminates indeterminate sentencing and promotes reduction of sentencing; • Raises the age of criminal responsibility to 18; • Establishes a hate crimes task force; and • Provides DFS with new enforcement powers and authority over student loans. Health and Mental Health • Increases health expenditures by $9 billion and provides $65.2 billion to Medicaid; • Adds$200 million to fight the heroin epidemic; ♦— • Promotes reductions in opioid prescriptions and cracks down on Medicaid eligibility for prescribers who contribute to excessive opioid prescription filling; • Tests and monitors drinking water, including private water wells; and • Authorizes jail-based restorations to competency programs. Ethics, Good Government, and Campaign Finance • Provides for limits on legislators outside income and institutes term limits; • Establishes same day registration,automatic voter registration,and early voting; • Closes the LLC loophole and limits certain campaign contributions; and • Reforms FOIL and establishes new Inspector General offices. Local Government • Provides$815 million to local governments including $754 million in AIM; and • Requires county officials to propose consolidation and/or tax-savings programs for local referendum; Revenue and Taxes • Reduces local assistance by$1.6 billion in current and previous year actions, and reduces agency costs and debt management by $1.2 billion; • Extends the current personal income tax on high-income earners; • Increases the Child and Dependent Care Credit; • Requires online marketplaces to collect state sales taxes; • Subjects Transportation Network Companies to a 5.5%state sales tax; • Closes the RETT real estate tax loophole; • Converts the NYC personal income tax reduction benefit into a tax credit; • Caps STAR Benefit growth to the amount received in previous years; and • Extends the Empire State Film Tax Credit. Human Services and Labor • Adds $527 million to support affordable housing and homelessness, and adds $950 million to create 6,000 units of supportive housing; • Re-authorizes the 421-A affordable housing program,with various program reforms; • Reduces total state employment by 136 FTEs(0.11%of the total state workforce); • Proposes reductions in state reimbursement and coverage of employee healthcare costs; • Allows for an unemployed person to collect benefits while engaging in part-time work; • Expands the Urban Youth Jobs Tax Credit for four years and re-names the program;and • Provides new state remedies to crack down on wage theft. Transportation, Economic Development, and General Government • Appropriates$337.4 million in new funding for economic development initiatives, a 13.5%increase over 2016-17 for a total of$2.49 billion in funding; • Enacts ridesharing authorization outside of New York City; • Expands and makes permanent state authority to enter into design-build contracts; • Provides for a"Buy American"preference for state contracts worth more than $100,000; • Re-authorizes the MWBE program until December 31, 2018; Environment and Agriculture • Proposes a$2 billion capital program to address water quality; • Maintains EPF appropriations to$300 million; and • Proposes construction of a$200 million statewide connected walking trail. . , . . ) .• , . ,• . . ; . ,,,,,, . . . '. -.. ' -, : ,.. i . :,- ,_:, •• • , . , . ... . . . E c . .. , . . , , , ,, . . . ., ,. .. ,,..,,,,, 5 +.- .., , . .,,•,, i.., '' 1, '-1,,„ •:,:,: ', , ' . . ... , , t . ',-,.4 • ',t .. ( \ ) • . ( . ■. 4."-vr• Town of Mamaroneck From: Tony Siligato-Town Comptroller ;' GiI Re: Fire Claims Date: February 1,2017 The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Paul Tortorella and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AAA Emergency Supply Co. Mobile Bail Out Truck rental, Double Drop Elevator key $ 316.50 AAA Emergency Supply Co. Hydrotest,recharge,0-Ring $ 45.00 Amazon Vacuum bag&belts,Kenwood KMC-27b,3 pk Mansa Lighting, $ 211.62 Amazon Hon VL705 Mesh Big and Tall,Original Arch Light $ 575.50 A&M Industrial Supply Meter Repair $ 355.63 Atlantic Westchester Semi-annual billing 1/1/17-6/30/17 $ 1,475.00 Chatsworth Cleaners Uniform cleaning-Dec.2016 $ 26.74 Cablevision Cable Services for 1/23/17-2/22/17 $ 212.70 DeNisco,Christopher Two sheet sets for FF Karnsomtob< DeNisco $ 69.77 Foley Hardware Window Bolt,Swivel Staple Safety Hasp $ 11.50 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Food for Jan 2017 Drill $ 74.72 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept. Valcom Doorplate Speaker $ 60.63 Town of Mam'k PFFA Life Insurance For Career Staff for the Month of Jan.2017.(12)FFs $ 188.64 United Overhead Door Corp Repair door/motor operator/repair safet sensor wiring $ 305.50 UniFirst Corp Cleaning supplies for building 1/20/17 $ 53.93 - Villa Maria Pizza Food For June Drill 6/27/16,Sept.Fast Drill 9/26/16,July Fast Drill 7/27 $ 180.01 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Aug/Nov.Explorer/New Member Drill 8/3/16, 11/2/16 $ 140.02 Villa Maria Pizza Food for Fast Drill 1/23/17 $ 61.02 West Joint Water Works 205 Weaver ST Chgs.12/31/16-3/31/17 $ 100.00 Westech Elevator Services,Inc. Maintenance for month of Jan.2017 $ 175.00 $ - Total: $ 4,639.43 • • • .% , 7 , 1 R ;1. . ; • • 1 9 • • ( u .• si. •"'f . • F F IRS4F T H•-E 1-TO . .c N N • • • ' • ( AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Appointment — Deputy Supervisor 2. Appointments - Boards & Commissions NO ATTACHMENTS . I7- .,/ .. .. • '' : .3 '-., !..,• . A . " ' 3 I 4• • : • •.,1 ' . ■•c•' F . . , ... . ,,,. f 1. ,t 1 •1 •.i e (. ,4 •; ' ' ..; t. . ... * . . . .. , . . ,, • ,,, ... t 2 .. ( • \ ) • i \,.._...- AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Appointment — Deputy Supervisor 2. Appointments - Boards & Commissions NO ATTACHMENTS TOWN OF M, 2ONECK ROSTER As of Jar 1, 2016 BOARDS, COMMITTEES Af' )MMISSIONS BOARD, COMMITTEE OR COMMISSION Member TERM EXPIRES ACTIONS NOTES BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL-5 Members-2 Alternates - 3 yr term, Liaison-E. Odierna Donald Meeker A 12/31/18, Ed Jacobson-Chair 0 12/31/161 Ken Ricci C 12/31/19 Joseph Shein D 12/31/19; Diane Neff E 12/31/17 BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW 5 Members 2 Alt- 5 years Liaison-A. Katz Cary Sleeper Al 09/30/18 _ __ _ Leonard Verrastro BI 09/30/19 Kathleen Spadaro Cj 09/30/20 _ _ Eve Neuman D! 09/30/21 VACANT E 09/30/17 VACANT ALT 1 09/30/17' — VACANT 1 ALT 2 09/30/121 COASTAL ZONE-5 Members from each Municipality,3 year terms ` Liaison-A. Katz Tara Anderson 08/30/191 Howard McMichael 08/31/18 Matthew Teitsch 08/31/18 Alan Mason 08/31/18 VACANT 08/31/17 BOARD OF ETHICS- 5 members, 3 yr terms Liaison -T. Murphy Martin Ronan Chair 12/31/17' Robert Degen A 12/31/181 Grace D'Alessio B 12/31/181 Ted Hecht' C 12/31/19 Martin Ronan D 12/31/19 Carol Scharff E 12/31/17 HOUSING AUTHORITY-5 members,5 yr terms Liaison-J Elkind Eney Robert Kirby A 12/31/18 ( Chair apptd by Authority) Richard Cherry B 12/31/19 Sal Iacono C 12/31/20 Caroline Silverstone D[ 12/31/21 bilk Page 1 PkWN OF MAMARONECK ROSTER As of January 1, 2016 BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS Dolores Battalia E 12/31/17 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES-3 Members from each Municipality-5 years Liaison -E. Odierna Maureen LeBlanc 05/31/18 Linnet Tse 05/31/21 Jen Connley 05/31/20 PLANNING BOARD-7 members, 7 yr terms Liaison -J. Elkind-Eney Ralph Engel Chair 12/31/17 Elizabeth Cooney Vice Chair 12/31/171 Eileen Weingarten A 12/31/17 Donald Kraveti B 12/31/17 Ralph Engel C 12/31/17 Elizabeth Cooney D 12/31/18 Ed Papazian F 12/31/18 • George Roniger F 12/31/18, - ---------- — Ira Block. G 12/31/19 VACANT ALT.AI 12/31/19 Ron Mandel ALT. B 12/31/19 RECREATION COMMISSION 7 Members, 2 Alternates-7 years I Liaison -J. Elkind-Eney Robert Morello A 12/31/17 James Drukerl BI 12/31/17 Susan Sigel CI 12/31/17 William Paonessa D' 12/31/18 Rita Plansky E 12/31/18 Terry Rainaldi F 12/31/18 Nathalie Orans G 12/31/19 SUSTAINABILITY COLLABORATIVE 10 Members-3 years Liaison -N. Seligson Mitch Green ' Chair 12/31/17 VACANT A. VACANT B Frank Owens C 12/31/18 — Elizabeth Radow D. 12/31/19,, Michele Lewis E 12/31/19 Stephen Moser F1 12/31/19 Pa ' TOWN OF MA ONECK ROSTER As of Jam 1, 2016 BOARDS, COMMITTEES AN ►MMISSIONS George Roniger G 12/31/17 Marc Karel) H 12/31/17 Tony Gelber, I 12/31/17 Mitch Green J( 12/31/17 TRAFFIC COMMITTEE -7 members, 3 year terms Liaison-A. Katz Doris Block-Chair; Chair 12/31/17 Robert Herbst A 12/31/2018 Donald Sutherland B 12/31/18 Robin Nichinsky C 12/31/19 Doris Block D 12/31/19 Stephen Bartell E 12/31/17 Camille Odierna F 12/31/17 Kimberly Larsen G 12/31/17 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS -5 members-5 yr terms Liaison-T. Murphy Jonathan Sacks A 12/31/18 Jeff King B 12/31/18' Irene O'Neil C, 12/31/19 Arthur Wexler Chair 12/31/17 Arthur Wexler D 12/31/19' Evans Simpson E 12/31/20 Steve Marsh ALT.A 12/31/20 VACANT j ALT. B 12/31/151 LMC-TV BOARD OF CONTROL Richard Slingerland) Administrator, Tont Siligato Secr/Treas. Mayor Norm Rosenblum VOM Mayor Lorraine Walsh VOL Councilman Tom Murphy TOM Page 3 ' .• ;:. :'' A',.,: F F :A t`P. . . . ; e , ' T 0. ,. r\I , • . . .. . . 4 .,... • . . l . . . . ,fit R Y ,„.... .... ....__% ( \ _„) N 41. • .. _ ,______ .._...: __ F 0 V 9 it Z Town of Mamaroneck w m Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 ) • FOUNDED 1661. OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TEL: 914/381-7810 FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor and Town Board Re: Request to Remove Town Street Tree 33 Marbourne Drive Date:January 27, 2017 The owners of the property at 33 Marbourne Drive are currently before the Planning Board seeking residential site plan approval and wetlands permits to construct a new home at this location which is a vacant parcel of land. Attached is a letter from the owners of the property seeking permission to remove a street tree owned by the Town located in the right-of-way in front of 33 Marbourne Drive. Also attached are following: • Preliminary Site Plan showing the home and driveway. • A drawing illustrating the location of the tree to be removed which and the Town drainage easement area. The driveway would be located in the easement area. ❖ A photograph of the property showing the tree to be removed. This request is not being considered under the current Town Tree Law. However since the tree to be removed is in the Town right-of-way and therefore owned by the Town, the Town Board is being asked to consider granting permission for the tree's removal. It would be the staff recommendation that if the Town Board was inclined to grant approval for the removal of the tree that it be contingent upon the applicant receiving site plan approval and wetlands approval from the Planning Board. tAtillir7 . Stephen . Altieri Town Administrator to Printed on Recycled Paper January 17,2017 Mr.Stephen Altieri Town Administrator Town of Mamaroneck Town Hall 740 West Boston:Post Road Mamaroneck,New York 10543 Re: Request to remove tree at 33 Marbourne Drive Within Town ROW Dear Mr.Altieri, We are currently before the Planning Board seeking residential site plan and wetland permits to construct a new single family dwelling on a vacant parcel. The home is a modest home with a driveway being proposed. Given the limitations,of the building envelope and the stream that divides the property,our proposed driveway will necessitate the removal of one tree located within the Town's ROW. We have been granted permission to request this removal from the Town Planning Board prior to their final determination being made. We are hopeful that the Town Board will allow for this tree to be removed so that the project can move forward. Can you kindly place this request on the agenda for the next Town Board meeting for their consideration?We have attached a photo of the tree as well as the proposed site plan that is being considered by the Planning Board: Please contact us at.(914)834.6599.or(914)557-2126 if we can provide any additional information. We appreciate your consideration in this regard. • Very truly yours, Jerard K.Hartman, Co-Owner Edward Kimmey,Co-Owner 15 Althea Lane 31.Marbourne Drive Larchmont,NY 10538 Mamaroneck,NY ,10543 • ‘‘,___•-; DRAWING= COA.51.20.14ANAGENENT COMMON 1 1: 'AT' .r. ZONING ANALYSIS M 1-70NYSLUED41111£8021.1.241E.al am gemirema Men Sawa TOWN OF LIALIARONECK,V.ESTCRESIER NY 2.0-0a. C.11.11.477.9 ig REWRED a.o.r D.U S „.P' ROPOSED F.i.r.......... .... 8S2T.,31M*9M1E.M117.4IKE.TOR9OU1KN11NE1.EEMItt6OlV1i4.E 1 .0401a01.09171701011. ECA. 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' - ' -al w;; ,.',iia;l . • 7• Afil•-i' '.,yt i',.., • 4k,..:.:,,-,tt , fit •• a' •wy. s i r 1 •�' # tk !F ,n.,1 .`r..- II N•• ^ .T vii i 1�;.r C"y . '„t - - :F •, •�"�: )' EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD FEBRUARY 1,2017 AT 8:00 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER 740 W.BOSTON POST ROAD,MAMARONECK,NEW YORK. REMOVAL OF TOWN OWNFD TREE IN TOWN RIGHT-OF-WAY AT 33 MARBOURNE DRIVE On motion of Councilman Murphy,seconded by Councilman Odierna,the following was approved, WHEREAS,the owners of the property at 33 Marbourne Drive are currently before the Planning Board seeking residential site plan approval and wetlands permits to construct a home at this location,and I WHEREAS, the owners of the property are seeking permission to remove a Town owned tree in the Town right-of-way. NOW,THERFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby grant the owners of 33 Marbourne Drive permission to remove the Town owned tree in the Town right-of- way identified in the plans presented to the Town Board at this meeting (Plans), but only if in the site plan to be approved by the Planning Board for the construction of a home on this site,the driveway remains in the location shown on the Plans or is repositioned to a location where the Town owned tree would interfere with the safe use of the driveway for the home to be constructed on the site and BE IT,FURTHER RESOLVED,that notwithstanding the permission given by this resolution,the Town owned tree shall not be removed until a building permit for the construction of a home on this site is issued,and BE IT,FURTHER RESOLVED,that if the Town owned tree is removed,two(2)trees will be planted on the property with specimen and size of tree to be determined by the Town's Environmental Planner. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER }SS.: TOWN OF MAMARONECK I do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed Resolution with the original on file in my office, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of the said original Resolution,which was duly passed by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,a quorum being present,February 2,2017. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Corporate Seal of said Town of Mamaroneck,this j Li 1 t day of`c'L 0,4-3,1 2017. Christina Battalia To (..!2i Clerk • • •• • • ' • • „ . •„ . • • • • • • ••• • • • • 3.,.3 ;, • 0. 4 0 • • V • • ., , . . • • • , . t. • F 2� o� �� vo p _ Town of Mamaroneck ' Town Center ~FOUND1661 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 • AMBULANCE DISTRICT TEL: 914/381-7838 FAX: 914/381-2010 mamkambulancedist @townofmamaroneck.org To: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Date: December 29, 2016 From:Michael Liverzani Re: 2017 Ambulance Rates The Ambulance District FY 2017 revenue budget is based on slight increases to our fee schedule. In consultation with our billing service, the new rates were established based on the Medicare rate schedule. As you know a majority of our billing revenue is derived from Medicare, and most private insurance companies abide by the Medicare fee schedule. These rates reflect our long-standing policy of keeping balance bills for patients with Medicare coverage to a minimum. Therefore, I respectfully request the Town Board adopt the 2017 Ambulance District Fee Schedule. When adopted I will notify Evolution Billing Concepts to adjust our service rates. Our current fee schedule is as follows: BLS Emergency $610 ALS I Emergency $755 ALS II Emergency $855 ALS Assessment $70 Mileage $15.00 per loaded mile 2017 Proposed Fee Schedule BLS Emergency $622 (2%) ALS I Emergency $770 (2%) ALS II Emergency $872 (2%) ALS Assessment $70 (0%) Mileage $15.00 per loaded mile (0) .. o, .. 0•' ... . , • ... .1/4, . , .• . ,. ..1i.• .- .-. F ... - H• . . .. . _ . :„..,4' 1 . . . .. t . . '• ''' .":: ,'.. ' — ' :: '-'','. ' .,,,.s'' (7-----•'`• •-,____, ,--•---•,, 79.- -- • •t F e, O , 9 elh". -'.'ti Town of Mamaroneck Town Center .. " 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 r -) ~"`" `:.x TEL: 914/381-7810 -- OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FAX: 914/381-7809 townadministrator @townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Supervisor&Town Board From: Stephen V. Altieri Subject: Authorization—Transfer of Funds—Senior Citizen Programming Date: January 27, 2017 The Town of Mamaroneck was fortunate to receive a $5,000.00 grant from the Virginia A. McGuire Foundation to expand senior citizen programming in 2017. The grant will be utilized to expand our Senior Citizen Zumba and Stay Fit Exercise Class. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer funds into the operating budget for this purpose. ACTION REQUESTED: THAT THE TOWN BOARD AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000.00 FROM THE SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM TRUST FUND TO BUDGET ACCOUNT#A.6772.4037 (PROGRAM CLINIC INSTRUCTION). 4 LiF Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator BUDGET AMENDMENT -TRANSFER FROM TRUST FUND TO GENERAL FUND 2/1/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING GENERAL TOWN WIDE FUND (FUND A): INCREASE BUDGET: A.0000.5041 TRANSFERS FROM TRUST FUND $ 5,000.00 - A.6772.4037 PROGRAM CLINIC INSTRUCTION $ 5,000.00 * (REPRESENTS USE OF SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM TRUST FUND DONATIONS FOR EXPANSION OF EXERCISE PROGRAMS AS PER$5,000 GRANT FROM VIRGINIA A.MCGUIRE FOUNDATION) (RECEIPT#36709-12/29/2016) * TRUST A/C#T.0000.0111 (SR CITIZEN PROGRAM TRUST FUND) $ (5,000.00) J Siligato, Anthony _ ^om:' Danoy,Anna %ant: Thursday,January 26, 2017 11:10 AM To: Siligato,Anthony Cc: Altieri, Stephen; Gallagher, Maria Subject: Use of$5,000 Grant Tony, As we discussed, I am requesting that you transfer$5,000 of the funds received from the Virginia A. McGuire Foundation grant to expand senior exercise programs to the 2017 budget line 6772.4037 Program Clinic Instruction. Maria, On all Town Interim Vouchers, please use.the budget code 6772.4037, and identify in the Description of Purchase the expenses that are to be charged to the exercise grant so we will have an accounting of all the activity for the year. Thus far, I have received two vouchers that have already been submitted, and Tony will charge them to the 4037 account accordingly: 1/24/17 John F.O'Connor Stay Fit Exercise Class 4 classes @ $50/class $200 1/24/17 Laura Solow Zumba 2 classes @$50/class $100 Let me know if you have any questions! „nna Danoy, MA Director of Community Services, Senior Citizen Services and Housing Programs Town of Mamaroneck 740 W. Boston Post Road, Room 110 Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Phone: (914) 381-7840 Fax: (914) 381-7855 www.townofmamaroneckny.org IMPORTANT WARNING:This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential,the disclosure of which is governed by applicable law.If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution or copying of this information is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this message in error,please notify the sender immediately and arrange for the return or destruction of these documents. 1 e" Date Prepared: 01/26/2017 10:50 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLR4050 1.0 Page 1 of 1 JE Form • - Year: 2016 Period: 12 Date: 12/29/2016 Status: Posted Category: JE JOURNAL ENTRY Journal No.: 162727 Batch No: Created By: MARTHA 12/30/2016 Approved By: Source: Description: VIRGINIA A.MCQUIRE FOUNDATION 36709- Print Parent Account: No GRANT FOR SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMS-2016 GRANT AWARD Account#Order: No Account No. Account Description Debit Credit Doc No. T.0000.0200 CASH.. 5,000.00 T.0000.0111 SR CITIZEN PROGRAM TRUST.. 5,000.00 Total: 5,000.00 5,000.00