HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_02_11 Town Board Minutes TIMTING OF TIM TO, _d BCARM TGAN OF 2:i1EAROTECK held February 11,1926. The meeting was calked to order by Supervisor Burton at 4 .40 F . - TRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Collins, Howell and -seeds Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon notion duly- seconded it was voted to dis- pense with the reading of the meetings net yet approved- Supervisor Burton stated that the first order of busiresw was the reading; of the advertising for the receiving of bids in connection with the reconstruction and altering of the police House located at Edge=mood Road; and the Clerk having read the same , upon motion duly mate and seconded , the same was approved ; thereupon upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED , that the bids received pursuant to said Notice be opened. The Clerk thereupon proceeded to open and read each of tl.^..e bids received , each of which 'Fran accompanied amount of 3 o of the 1 d 10 i 'qyr a Certified Check in the „.cCiAZre aA amount bid , and the bids were as folloers : Car-aentry Rye Construction Company,, 4 ,870 .00 V. J. Kraft , 6,300.00 Lulasonr Charles G.71100100 Construction Corp. , 4, 141 .00 E.ectric Johnson 'Cl ec t-r 016 .00 is Company, � Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESn_V7n, that the Board convene into t� executive session and tabulate and consider the bids received. The Board then re-convened and the Supervisor V� stated that the board had tabulated and considered all bids received and. was ready to make the award; thereupon upon t r ded by JLIS:L�anef„',: , -1`ae motion by Ju.°ta'.'.v^ B�p;fa , a�'�`':'n following resolution vas presented and upon Roll Call unanimously adopted. WEEREAS, pursuant to due advertisement bids have been received for furnishing all labor and material to do all the respective work specifiers below in connection with the re- construction and altering of the police House located at Edgevrood Road in the Town of Uamareneck,New Y Shown on the drawings and de= ..e in the specifi- cations prepare? by 0•R.E ggers and C. F.Rink, associated architects , and -;AREAS after considering all of the ;ids received for said respective works it is believed that the acceptance of the lowist bid for each respective item is in the interest of the Town of Yamar one ck, TBEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the pro- posals of the following bidders for the .respective wor' set forth below be and the same hereby are accepted: (a) The bid of Rye Construction Company of Mamaroneck,N•Y. in the seam of $4870, for carpentry, including the furnishing of labor cs` ? material both rough and finished carpentry to finish the building in every respect , including hardware - (b) The bid of Charles G. Maiclino Construction Corp. of Vamaronec'__,l1•`f• in the sum of $4141 . for masonry work, including the furnishing of Labor and materials , brook and hollo4r tile , water- roofing, sheet metal, lathing , Plastering, cement stucco and the work and including the additional work of furnishing all labor and materials for constructing an outside chimney :saving a flue 13 x 82 constructed -- of brick covered with stuc co and lined with tile and the tearing down of the present chimney. (c ) The said of Johnson Electric Co . of llamar on e c k,=.i7 ;':. in the sum of $616 . for electrical work including the furnishing of all labor and materials and including a complete system of wiring and lighting. All of said work to be done as shown and called for on the drawings and specifications of Yessrs .Vink and Eggers ,together with conditions thereto and in accordance with the advertisement to bidders , propasala and contracts and on the terms and conditions herein Proved , and it was further RESCZvED, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and ejowered to immediately prepare contracts with the respective success- ful bidders herein named covering the per- formance an? completion of all said work - as herein Provided , and it was further R,SOEV'EL, that the Supervisor and the Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and deliver on behalf of the Town the aforesaid contracts when b and as prepared and approve d y Counsel, and it was RES 01 Ei, that the aforesaid successful bidders be and they hereby are required and directed to furnish and file with the Torn Clerk of the Town of Yamaronedk bonds and insurance policies as call o w the specifications in form and. sufA } a my "tisfactory to Counsel, and it was FURTHER R=SOi,VED , that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to hold the deposits of the successful - bidders Lint 1.1 the of ore Said c ontracts are executed and to return all deposits of unsuccessful bidders upon receiving their respective receiyts therefore The Supervisor reported that there were no funds available with which to Gray foT the work in connection with the reconstruction and altering of the police House , contracts for which have just been letnd suggested L that provision be made to ` inance the Lost thereof by the issuance and sale of temporary certificates of indebt- edness . Upon motion duly seconded it was upon Boll Call unanimously RESOLVED, Whereas in connection with the reconstruction and altering of the Police headquarters on Edgewood Road in the Town of ,4amaroneck in accordance with the draw- ings and specifications prepared by Messrs • Eggers & Mink, associated architects , the following work is to be done by the respective contractors hereinafter named , at the cost set apposite each respective contract , to rr it: (a) Carpentry by Rye Construction Company for the sum of :$4870. (b ) Masonry work by Charles G. Usiolino Construction Corp. for the sum of $4141. (c ) Electrical work by Johnson Electric Co . for the sum of $616. and EEEAS, said amount is to be assessed, levied and collected upon the Police District of the Town of Mamaraneo).c in tae next regular budget of the Town upon the taxable property s ituate within said police District of said Town, same to be collected with Town taxes on April 1st , 1926 , and WHEREAS, the Supervisor has reported that there are no funds available with which to pay for said work, ttn9V THME ORE, BE IT MOM= that the ' Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized — and empowered in accordance with the hw to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Torun of Yamaronack the sum of not to exceed $9621 , in anticipation of the taxes to be collected on April 1,1926 , levied against the taxable real property situate ,,within the PolicaD istrict of the Town of ? a_.naronech which comprises the unincorporated portions of the Town(withcut the Villages of jarchmont and Yamar oneck) , and rs� W IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to issue a temporary certificate or certificates of indebtedness in the total amount of not to exceed $9627 . which shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 6% per annum payable at such t ime or times as the Supervisor may fix not exceeding, however , 18 months from the date thereof and to disr_ose of said temporary certificate or certificates of indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empourered to ign and attest respectively the aforesaid temporary certi- ficate or certificates of indebtedness in the name of and on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck and to execute such other and further documents as may be necessary to effect the sale thereof . The Clerk presented the final Order of the Supreme Court in the action of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company against the State Board of Tax Commissioners relating to the 1915 special franchise assessment. The same was ordered noted in the minutes and - referred to Counsel. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 6 P.M. 0A lot aµ- Tow's Clerk. I