HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_02_09 Town Board Minutes 225
held February 9th, 1925.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 3.30 o'clock P .M.
PRESENT: Supervisor George W. Burton
- Justices, Boyd, Collins, heeds and Howell
Town Clerk Sherman .
Upon motion duly made by Justice Boyd seconded by
Justice Collins , it was voted to dispense with the reading of
the minutes not yet approved.
Supervisor Burton stated that the first order of
business was the reading of the notice ofsale of Town Highway
Bends in the sum of $48, 000 . and the Clerk having; read the
same , upoz2 motion duly made and seconded, the same was approved .
Thereupon, upan motion duly made and seconded , it was
RESOLVED, that the bids received pursuant to
said notice be opened.
v The Clerk thereupon proceeded to open and read each of'
the bids received, each of which was accompanied by a certified
check in the required amount of $2,500; and the bias were am
R. F . Devoe & Co . $100.429
Earson Son & Co . 101 .845
Pulleyn & Co . 101 .62
Trust Co . of
larchnont, 100.579
Batchelde r Nack
& Co . , 102.18
George B. Gibbons
& Co . 101 .31
lastman,Dillon &Co . 100 .936
Sherwood L Merri-
field, 101 .81
Fellodas ,Davis & Co . 100.58
Upon motion duly grade and seconded , it was
RESOLVED, that the Board convene into executive
session and tabulate and consider the bids received.
The Board reconvened at 4 .15 P.M.
Supervisor Burton stated that the Board had tabulated
and considered all bids received a_nd was ready t c make the wwa,rd.
Thereupon, upon motion made by Justice Boyd seconded
by Justice Leeds , it Baas
RESOLVED, that .Batchelder, lack & Cc . , having
bid $102.18 amounting to the sure of $49 ,026 .40
for the $48 ,000. par value Town of Mamaroneck
Highway 3on65 pursuant to resolutions of this
Board adopted on January 13th, 1925, and to the
notice of sale dated January 14 . 1926 , made and
published according to law, said bid being the
highest Land best bid received for said bonds
complying with the terms and conditions of
said notice of zale , said bid of Batchelder,
Wadlc & Co. is hereby accepted and the bonds
are hereby accordingly awarded to said
Batchelder, 'Back & Go . ; and it is further
RESOLVED; that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be aid they hereby are authorized and
directed to execute said bonds , and upon
- their execution the Supervisor is directed
to deliver the same upon receipt of the amount
bid therefor pluz accrued interest tot he
date of delivery ; and it it further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be directed to return
t® the unsuccessful bidders their respective
checks upon delivery of the proper receipts
The resolution was put to a vote and was adopted
as follows:
Ayes Messrs . Burton, Boyd, Collins,iowell,
Leeds and Sherman
Nayes None .
adopted. The Supervisor thereupon declared the resolution
The Bard then convened into regular session and
tools up various Toga matters .
A communication from the Board of Appeals was
received and read, advising the Board that at a meeting of
the Board of Appeals held on January 7 , 1926 , a resolution
was adopted recommending to the Torn Board that Mr . Leon F.
Williams be appointed as Clerk t oche Board of Appeals
retroactive as of Juivary 1st , 1926; and requesting the
approval of the Tovn Board of their action. The communi-
cation was ordered planed on file and upon motion duly
seconded it was upon the recommendation of the Bse rd of
Appeals and upon notion unanimously
RESOLVED, that Yr . Leon F . Williams be
and he hereby is appointed Clerk to the
Board of Appeals as of Juary 1 , 1926
and that his compenzation be fixed at
the sum: of X350.00 per year .
Communications were also received from the Baird of
Appeals advising the Town Boy rd that at -their meetings held
on January 7th and 28th, 1926 , the following appeal c aces
were granted:
Application of John T. Johnson to erect a one family
dwelling; on the northeasterly corner of Illurray Avenue and
Colonial Avenue within 30 feet of both street ; and a private
garage within 30 feet of Colonial Aveaue
Application of Lloyd R.Barris . toe rest a private
garage an the northwest side of Beech Street 15C feet nest of
lioeaver Stleet within 75 feet of the street line.
Application of Rafaelli Mezzullo t. oe rest a one
family dwelling on the South s ide of
Highland Avenue about
100 _feet .'rest on Chatsworth Avenue within 30 feet of the
street line
Application of Charles 0. Mink toe rest a one fagA*
dwelling on the east side of East Brookside Drive within 30 feet
of the street line .
she communications also stated that the following
ap_lications were denied and the decisions of the Building;
Commission affirmed:
Application of Richard Cl. Heather for an amend-
ment of the zoning map of the unincorporated portion of the
town of Ifamaroneck so as to permit a twenty foot set back
for houses on either side of Heather Lane.
Application of Collins C. Kay to amend the
zoning map so as to include lots 40-44 inclusive and lots
48®50 inclusive,Block 433, Lardhmont Gardens, in a "Class All
Whereupon the following resolutions were presented and upon
Roll Call unanimously adopted
WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has reeobrmended
to the Town Board that the application of
John T. Johnson to erect a one family dwelling
on the northeasterly corner of Ivlurray Avenue
and Colonial Avenue within 30 feet of bet:,
streets ; and a private garage within 30 _feet
of Colonial Avenue be granted therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to
Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Law hereby
consents to and confirms the action of the
Board of Appeals in reversing the decision
of the Building Commission.
P=EiAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended
to the Town Board that the application of
Lloyd R. Harris to erect a private garage
-- on the northwest side of Beech Street 150
fe6t west of Weaver Street within 75 feet
of the street line be &Pranted, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to
Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Law hereby
consents to and confirms the action of the
Board of Appeals in reversing the decision
of the Building Commission.
INHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended
to the Town Board that the application of
Raffaelli Tdezzullo to erect a one family
dwelling on the south side of Highland
Avenue about 100 feet west of Chatsworth
Avenue within 30 feet of the street line be
granted therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to
Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Law hereby
consents to and confirms the action of the
Board of Appeals in reversing the decision
of the Building commission.
vi=j AS, the Board of Appeals has recommended
to the Town Board that the a.p_olicatior, of
Charles 0 , 1AInk to erect a one faa..ily dwelling
on the east side of Last Brookside Drive
within 30 feet of the street line be granted
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to
Article 5, Seeticn 26 of the Town Law hereby
consents to and confirms the action of the
Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of
the Building Commission,
The Town. Clerk submitted his annual report for
the year 1925 which was ordered received, placed on file and
is as follows :-
January Fifteenth
1 9 2 6.
Geo . W. Burton,Bsq.
Supervisor, Town of
yamaroneck,New York.
Dear Sir:
I beg to submit herewith the annual report of the
Town Clerk' s office, showing the number of licenses issued
and fees received for the year 1925:
Dog licenses issued 752 received 1, 971.00
Hunting „ " 229 " 286, 25
Fishing " ° 1 It 2. 50
Harriage 11 " 91 " 182.00.
Chattel mortgages filed 918 " 96. 50
Miscellaneous fees " 20. 55
Total amount Received 4250. 80
Paid. to County Treas. dog fees, 1, 783, 00
Clerk, hunting " 229. 00
r! °1 rt 1i fishing f1 2.00
marriage ' 91. 00 2105.00
Balance paid to Supervisor, 453. 80
Respectfully submitted,
(signed ) Frederick M. Sherman,
Town Clerk.
The Supervisor presented his annual report for the
year 1925 which was ordered received, placed on file, noted
in the minutes and upon motion duly seconded., it was, upon
Roll Call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to have
his 1925 annual report published in
accordance with lava.
Upon the recommendation of Counsellor Gamble the
follo?ding resolution was presented and upon Roll Call
unanimously adopted
WHERBAS, a claim has been duly presented
bg the Town of Harzoneck by William F.
Cerveny and Frank A. Nichol in connection
with school tax for 1925 paid on Lots 4, 5, 26
and 27, in Block 57, Section 9, on the
assessment map of the Tovm. of Mamaroneck,
said claimants having paid an amount of tax
of $46.20 thereon, and
WHEREAS, the correct amount due and owing
was $26. 62 said erroneous amount having
been paid due to an error in the footing of
the bill rendered therefor, and
WHEREAS, said payment appears in the cash
book of the Receiver of Taxes on Page 229,
Line 2, and
f 323
WHEREAS, said payment and claim have been
investigated by the Receiver of Taxes and
found correct, therefore upon the
recommendation of the Receiver of 'Taxes,
be it
RESOLVED, that the aforesaid claim be and
the same hereby is approved for payment,
and that the Supervisor be and he hereby
it e-iDowered to make the aforesaid refund
of ;20, 00 to the claimants, and be it
FURTHER RESOLED, that the Supervisor and
Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are
authorized and directed to make any changes
in their respective book s of record that
ma,* be necessary in accordance with the
terms of this resolution.
A zommunication from the Weaver Street Fire Company
was received and read, advising the Town Board that at the
annual mieting of the fire company the following were elected
to serve as officers of the company for the year 1926 :
Captain Frank P. McGepugh, Highland Ave. Colonial Park
1st Lieut.Robert Gibson, Forest Ave. ,Larcmont,N.Y,
2nd Lieut.Jeremi.ah Healy, Hillside Rd. Larchmont Gardens
3rd Lieut. Compten D. Bray, 8 Chestnut St.Howell Park
Treasurer Walter A. Berggren, 120 Myrtle Ave. , Larchmont
Secretary George E. Johnson, 120 Myrtle Ave. , Larchmont.
Trustees to_serve one year each:
Felix C. birch, Maplewood St. Larchmont
Frank ?Nichol, 68 Landsdowne Drive,Larchmont
Mathew Mellor, Myrtle Blvd. Larchmont.
The communication was ordered _placed on file and upon motion
duly seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the election of officers of
the Weaver Street Fire Company as hereinbefore
recited be and the same hereby is approved.
The Clerk presented Notice of Claim against the
Town of Mamaroneck which had been served by Idarion Purley for
certain personal injuries sustained on October 13, 1925 in
the vicinity of Myrtle Avenue rear Oak Street. The Notice
of Claim was ordered placed on file and the matter referred
to Counsellor Gamble.
Upon motion duly seconded it was upon Roll Call
RESOLVED, that the expenses of the assessors
in attending the State 'Tax Conference at
Albany on February 2, 3 and4, 1926, be and
the same hereby is approved and that the
claim therefor, be transmitted to the County
Comptroller for payment.
A communication from the paid men at the Weaver
Street Fire Company was received and read requesting their
increase in compen3ation. The communication was ordered
-placed on file and the matter 1
er ref t erred ,o a committee ee of
the fire company for their investigation and report,
The Board then took up and discussed with Captain
IcGeough and M r, Bray of the Weaver Street Fire Company
various fire matters. During the discussion, the matter of
the doors and platform for the apparatus floor was considered
and upon motion duly seconded, it was upon Roll Call unanimously
REz,OLVIo , that the Iojvniittee consisting
of Justices feeds and Ho ell be end they
hereby are authorized and empowered to
have the necessary repairs to the doors
made and the platform installed; and
that the expense thereof shall not
exceed $250 .00.
U-oon motion. the :;ieetin;c adjourned at 5 .40 o°clock.
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