HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982_03_03 Town Board Regular Minutes Ogg
The meeting was called to order by Councilman J. McMillan at
8:15 P.M.
Present were the following:
Councilman Stewart J. McMillan
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Supervisor Leo Goldsmith, Jr. and Councilman Lee H. Bloom
were not in attendance at this meeting.
Also present were the following:
Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
James J. Johnston, Town Attorney
Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer
Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller
Patrick Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent
Councilman McMillan at this time pointed out to those assembled
the location of the exits as required by law for public gatherings.
The presentation of the minutes of the regular meeting of Decem-
ber 2, 1981 was deferred to a subsequent meeting since there was
not a quorum of those present at that meeting in attendance to take
action on that set of minutes.
The minutes of the regular meeting of January 20, 1982 were pre-
sented and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by
Councilman Amlicke, unanimously approved.
At this time, Councilman McMillan changed the order of the
agenda and took up Item No. 4 under OLD BUSINESS.
4. Special Permit Application - Proposed Nursery School
Larchmont Acres
The Clerk presented the letter addressed to her by the Attorney
for the Applicant and following a brief discussion, on motion by
Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets
March 17, 1982 as the date for a public
hearing on the request for Special Permit
so as to allow the use as a proposed Nur-
sery School at Larchmont Acres;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and
she is hereby authorized to publish in The
Daily Times, the Notice of said hearing as
required by law.
1 . Report - Update - Town Administrator
Councilman McMillan noted that he had hoped to be in consultation
with the Supervisor on this matter in order to report at this meet-
ing, but with the Supervisor's return to the hospital, that meeting
did not take place.
Councilwoman Silverstone reported on her follow-up and stated
that the advertisement appeared in the International City Manage-
ment Association's Newsletter and noted that most of the appli-
cants replied in October and November 1981 and noted further
that as had been suggested by Margaret Shultz, she spoke to the
Administrator in Dobbs Ferry. Councilwoman Silverstone also
referred to her brief review of the approximately forty applica-
tions that had been received and recommended a revised plan for
screening in view of the time span since October.
Councilman McMillan once again briefly reviewed the sequence
of events since last July when the vote was taken by the Board
and the mandate given to the Supervisor and emphasized that the
matter will be on the agenda for the next meeting and a more de-
finitive report will be given.
Arthur Gasparini referred to the last meeting and the discussion
on this matter and stated he had looked back in the July minutes
relative to what the Supervisor had been authorized to do.
Carol Beach of Myrtle Boulevard voiced her concern about the
lack of stated criteria and felt the Board needed to be more spe-
cific in advertising especially about salary and other items par-
ticular to this community.
Mr. McMillan reiterated his earlier statements and noted his
own discussions about the matter with Mr. Tooley, Village Man-
ager in Scarsdale, on several occasions.
2. Report - Update - Status of District Attorney's
Investigation - Town Police Matter
Councilman McMillan briefly reviewed the subject of the matter
and repeated the statement given about the above matter and
stated that due to the Supervisor's illness a progress report is
not available this evening.
Councilwoman Silverstone announced that Stephen Carr, Advi-
sor to the Board of Police Commissioners, had an appointment
at the District Attorney's Office on Thursday morning, March
the 4th.
Mrs. Silverstone at this time reported on her visit of today to
Police Headquarters and noted that seven (7) windows had been
replaced, a metal door in the basement had been replaced, and
that this work had been done without following the bidding pro-
cedure. She further noted that she was delighted the work had
been completed because it was so badly needed. It was noted
that the new Police Commissioner was anxious to get the re-
pairs done, but was not aware of the rules and regulations. She
went on to say that more work has yet to be accomplished at
Headquarters and suggested that bids be called for on interior
and outside trim painting of the building and asked the Engineer
to look at the situation and set up specifications for the job.
Mrs. Silverstone also referred to the torn carpeting in the
hallway which is also very worn From the center hallway back
to the locker room and wondered about the condition underneath.
The Engineer was asked to include that in his specifications.
The inspection conducted last year in which violations were
found by the Department of Labor was reported on also by Mrs.
3. Report - Update - Survey of Intersection
Weaver Street and Boston. Post Road
Councilman McMillan reported that a letter had been received
today from Richard Newhouse of the Automobile Club of New
York, Inc. who had been asked by the Supervisor to aid us in
the decision making about the traffic problems in that area and
noted that My-. Newhouse has met with representatives of the
Police Department and asked for certain information about the
traffic patterns of the intersection.
Councilwoman Silverstone noted that she has asked for assis-
tance from the P.T.A. in obtaining that information and once
the weather cooperates, surveys will be conducted. She once
again noted the meeting to be held with :State and local officials
on the matter on Friday, March 5th. Both she and Councilman
Amlicke agreed that once all this information is gathered, a
public meeting should be held and neighbors invited to give their
4. Special Permit Application - Proposed Nursery School
Larchmont Acres
This item was taken up earlier in the meeting and the date of
March 17th set for a public hearing.
5. Comptroller's Request - Authorization to Bond Purchase
of Front End Loader
Pursuant to the Comptroller's memorandum, on motion by
Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Comptroller to obtain the necessary papers
in order to bond the purchase of the Front End
Loader as follows:
Front End Loader - $79,974.00
Bonding Costs - 1 ,226.00
$81 ,200.00
NOT ON AGENDA - Second Engineering Opinion
re: Pool Problems
Councilman Amlicke referred to this Board's last meeting and
the concerns expressed at that time about the above captioned
matter and noted his disucssions thereafter with John Ibelli of
the School Board. Councilman Amlicke further stated that he
indicated the Town's desire to get a second opinion to M'-.
Ibelli and offered him names of firms; and thereupon on his mo-
tion, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that, in conjunction with the School Board, a
second engineering study and opinion be obtained
relative to the water leakage problem at the Horn-
mocks Pool and reported back to the School Board
and Town Board as quickly as possible at a cost of
approximately $2,000.
1 . Proclamation - Employ the Older Worker Week
March 14 - 20, 1982
Pursuant to the memorandum from the County of Westchester,
with the unanimous consent of the Board, the following proc-
lamation was issued:
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck is participating
in a national effort to promote employment
opportunities for older workers and to
focus the attention of employers and
employer organizations on the older worker
as a great resource;
WHEREAS, those who employ older workers have attested
to the older workers' stability, productivity,
reliability, sense of responsibility and
loyalty, serious attitudes toward work,
willingness to learn, and their steady work
WHEREAS, unemployed older workers face artificially
constructed barriers to employment, especially
that of age discrimination and societal
attitudes which bar them from the labor market;
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck is committed to develop-
ing, improving and expanding opportunities for
a better life for all its citizens;
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck can testify to the
contribution of older workers to its own work
force and to the community;
WHEREAS, the tide of national economic pressures is
forcing older workers to return to and remain
in the labor force;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby proclaim the week of March 14-20,
1982 as Employ the Older Worker Week in the
Town of Mamaroneck and calls upon employers
to unite with it in recognizing the value of
older workers and to promote employment
opportunities for older workers.
Lee H. Bloom
Deputy Supervisor
For the Town Board
Dated: March 3, 1982
2. Salary Authorization - Part-time
Intermediate Typist
Following presentation of Mr. Leddy's memorandum and in-
accordance with his request, following Councilman Amlicke's
statement that the request was based on merit and that Mrs.
Imperato who also works in the Village of Larchmont already
receives that amount there, on his motion, seconded by
Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
an increase in pay from $4.00 to $5.00 per hour
for Mrs. Elizabeth M. Imperato, Intermediate
Typist - part-time, in the Conservation Depart-
ment, effective February 18, 1982.
3. Resolution - Permits for Work Within
the County Road Area
Following presentation of the letter from the Westchester
County Department of Public Works, on motion by Council-
woman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, the
following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of this
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 605
of the Laws of 1941 , revised as of June 5, 1961 , the Commis-
sioner of Public Works of Westchester County with the ap-
proval of the Board of Supervisors and the County Executive
of Westchester, has prescribed rules, regulations, safe-
guards, specifications and conditions for the protection, re-
construction, maintenance, or restoration of any County
Road or portion thereof, and for the protection and safety of
the traveling public thereon during any operations of recon-
struction, maintenance or restoration of such County Road
or portion thereof, and
WHEREAS, the said rules and regulations require
any person, firm,corporation, improvement district, or mu-
nicipality doing any work upon any County Road to obtain a
written permit from the Commissioner of Public Works and
to deposit a certified check made payable to the order of the
County of Westchester in an amount computed by the extent
of the proposed work, and
WHEREAS, the said rules and regulations provide
that any city, village, town public improvement district, or
other municipality may, in lieu of making the said mentioned
deposit, file with the Commissioner of Public Works a certi-
fied copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Governing Board
of such municipality guaranteeing faithful performance by the
said municipality of all the terms, covenants and conditions
as set forth in the permit, which resolution shall be effective
for permits issued during the remainder of the calendar year
after adoption, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, from time to
time, is required to do work within the County Road area
for which a written permit from the Commissioner of Public
Works of Westchester County is required, and for which a
certified check deposit is required,
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck does
hereby guarantee faithful performance of all the terms, agree-
ments, covenants and conditions of each and every written per-
mit as referred to herein issued by the Commissioner of Pub-
lic Works of Westchester County and that this guarantee of
faithful performance shall be applicable to all such written
permits issued during the calendar year, January 1 , 1982
through December 31 , 1982.
NOT ON AGENDA - Larchmont Village's New
Commuter Parking Regulations -
Effect on Town Parking Lot
Margaret Shultz asked questions about the new law the Village
of Larchmont is contemplating relative to assessing a fee for
a decal in order to park at the Village meters. The Town
Clerk related her discussion with the Village Clerk about the
matter and Councilman McMillan stated he would talk to Mayor
Quigley about the situation.
1 . Letter, Edward F. X. Ryan, Jr.
Re: Commuter Parking Lot #1
Receipt and filing of Mr. Ryan's letter was noted by the Town
Clerk and she also indicated that he was not the only one to
bring the problem to the attention of her office. The Clerk
at this time made reference to her recent postcard survey of.
the permit holders' use of the Lot, and the Clerk's reluctance
to sell more permits than spaces available.
Councilwoman Silverstone advised of her rides through the lot
and her notation of many empty permit parking spots and sug-
gested that the Clerk issue a few new permits each month and
see what happens; and she then further suggested that the two
of them, the Clerk and she,-get together and review the entire
parking situation.
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the Report of the Building and Plumbing
Inspector for the month of February, 1982; the Report of the
Town Clerk's Office for the month of February, 1982; the
Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Larchmont-
Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission for the year
ending December 31 , 1981 ; and an instruction letter from the
Westchester County Board of Elections relative to the special
election of March 30th and the preparation thereof. She also
reported on the receipt of the Notice to be posted on the offi-
cial Bulletin Board outside of the Town Clerk's Office rela-
tive to the creation of Refuse Disposal District #1 , which she
stated had been so posted.
Mrs. Silverstone
1 . Report - Meeting re Refuse Disposal
District # 1
Councilwoman Silverstone reported that she attended a meeting
in White Plains relative to the above captioned subject on Feb-
ruary 26th. She advised that the purpose in creating the refuse
disposal district is to lessen the financing of garbage disposal
and urged that everyone vote in favor on March 30th.
Mr. Amlicke
1 . Designation - March as Recycling
Awareness Month
Councilman Amlicke spoke about the Conservation Advisory Com-
mission's suggestion that some friendly competition relative to
recycling be sponsored between the Town, Larchmont Village and
Mamaroneck Village by comparing tonage of paper collected
throughout the month with the thought of some type of award be-
ing made to the winner, and in the hope that it would further
spark continued and greater participation in recycling. And
thereupon on his motion, which was seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby designates the
month of March as Recycling Awareness Month in
order to make residents more aware of the com-
munity's recycling efforts.
2. Problem re Garbage Trailers
Councilman Amlicke brought to the Board's attention the
constant breaking down of the most recently purchased
garbage trailers and suggested that remuneration through
the courts be sought regarding these defective trailers
and asked the Town Attorney to check on the matter and
report back to the Board.
3. Meeting re Dredging - March 4, 1982
County Office Building
Councilman Amlicke referred to a notice of a meeting to be
held on March 4th at 2:00 p.m. relative to the Corps of En-
gineers' approval of the dredging project for Western Long
Island Sound and asked the Town Engineer to attend the
meeting on behalf of the Town.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was ad-
journed at 9:20 p.m.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con-
vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board
1 . Claims
Commissioner McMillan presented the Fire claims for
authorization of payment and on motion by Commissioner
Amlicke, seconded by CommIssi,oner Silverstone, it was
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the
Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $ 534.90
New York Telephone Co. 832.83
Ti 11 34.70
Town of Mamaroneck General Fund 51 .40
Uniform Rental, Inc. 27.02
n n 2.7.02
2. Town Engineer's Report - Salvage Companies and
Ward LaFrance Pumper
A special thanks was extended to Commissioner Amlicke for
requesting a deferment in accepting the bid on the old Fire
Engine after Mr. Elfreich's oral report and presentation of
the letter from Quirk Motor Service, Inc. offering $700.00
for the Fumper. Thereupon, with pleasure,upon Commis-
sioner Amlicke's motion, seconded by Commissioner Sil-
verstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
accepts the offer of $700.00 from Quirk
Motor Service, Inc. of Rye, New York for
the Ward LaFrance Pumper and authorizes
the sale of said vehicle to that Company.
There being no further business to come before this Commis-
sion, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was de-
clared adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Town Clerk