HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_12_16 Town Board Minutes OTC MEETING OF TEE TOXIN BOARD T0'9N OF NIAlARGNECT held December 16 , 1925. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor -- Burton at 9 P.M. PRESENT: SupervisorBurton Justices Boyd and Collins ANo &AFEa, Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble . Upon motion it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. A delegation comprising Mrs. Shongut , airs . Dr . Cantle and Mrs . Thomas of the Child Welfare Station of Mamaroneck was present and appeared before theBoard requesting an increase for the nurse allowance for the Mamaroneck Station from $900. to $1600. After a full discussion of the work being accomplished by the Child Welfare Station, it was upon motion duly seconded and upon Roll Call unanimously RESCI,VED, that dvhereas request has been made to ThisBoard by the Mamaroneck Child Welfare Station for an increase of the 1925 appropriation for the employment of its health nurse, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that an appropriation of $1600 . be made for the year 19261 for the purpose of employing a health nurse at the Child welfare Station at Mamaroneck, which had heretofore been authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 21-C of the Nblic Health P,aw of the State of New York, and be it further RESOIVED, that said expense be levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the Town of Mamaroneck lying and being outside of the Villages of Zarchmont and Mamaroneck in said Town. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of November, 1925 , was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows:- December 1 , 1925 . Sir Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax haw I hereby r espectfully report the amount of State , County, Town, School , Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of November, 1925. 1925 1924 1923 1922 all int .& taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears penalties total State 8c 921 .57 County 700.45 ­11 ! 12 r Highway 197 .961 1�51.00 - 248.95 j 260 .65 '',Town 194.28 ` 66 .37 —: _-_ 811.21 District 644.60 1166.61 Sewer Tax 168.04 Dist . 1 123.83 44 .21 Ilj Sewer �i�assessment III School 10356.29 !Dist . 1 9729 .12 627 .171 131 .1 88 8 1 328.96, __ 048 88 P n � C a ° 3= Interest & 1319 .28 ! penalties668 58257 6536 50L 42 1 316 .451 i Total vG 14669 .01 —Deposited with the Larchmont National Bank — Deposited with the 1st Nat' l. Bank of Mam'k< 14669 .61 ! Respectfully submitted, - ( signed) Santo Lanza, Receiver of Taxes . To. Geo .W.Burton,Sutervisor Town of Manaroneck,N.Y. Mamaroneck ,N.Y. The report of the Tarn Clerk for the month of November ,1925 was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows : December First 1 9 2 5 Geo . J. Burton ,rsg- , Supervisor ; Town of Mamaroneck ,N.Y• Dear Sir : I beg to submit herewith the re port of the office of the Town Clerk for the month of November, 1925 , which is as follows ; Dog licenses issued 12 30 .00 Hunting '' " 33 41 .25 - marriage 11 " 8 16.00 Chattel mortgages filed 67 7 .08 Total amount received, 94 .33 IT Total amount received , 94.33 Remitted to County Treas. dog fees , 27100, Clerk,Hdnting " 33100 n n " ,marriage iP 8.00 68 .00_ Remitted to Supervisor 26 .33 Respectfully submitted, ( signed) Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk. The Committee on Justices' quarters submitted a lease for the rent of Justices' rooms at 225 Test Post Road hamaroneck ,N.Y: 'which lease is for a two year term, at a rental of $50 .00 for the first year and 165.00 thereafter; and the Committee asked that the form be approved. Upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that the lease for the renting of the quarters for Justice elect Leeds at 22C West Post RoadNamaroneck,N.Y. be and the sane hereby is approved and it was further RESOLVED, that the lease be referred to Counsellor Gamble for his approval as to form etc . A communication from lair . William A. Boyd, Secretary of the Republican Town Committee , was received and read, advising the Board that at a meeting of the Republican Town Committee a resolution was unanimously adopted requesting the Receiver of Taxes to appoint Mrs. Jennie L. Griffen , as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and recommending to the Town Board the confirming of said appointment. The communication was ordered placed on file and the matter was referred to Mr . Lanza, Receiver of Taxes. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Assessors it was upon motion duly seconded, resolved: WEEREAS, a petition has been made by W.R. Wilder the owner of Dots 38 and 39 in Block 31 of Section 1 on the tax map of the Town of Mamaroneck that the aforesaid lots have erroneously been assessed as improved property and TEEREAS, in fact the same are unimproved , and w=REEAS, it is apparent that said assessment was made through an error; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Board of Assessors be and they hereby are authorized and empowered and directed to correct the assessment on Lots 38 and 39 in Block. 31 of Section 1 on the tax may of the Town of Yamaroneck, for the year 1924 , and to cancel the present assessment heretofore levied upon said property as improved property , and to assess the same at a price of not over One Thousand ($1000) Dollars as unimproved property, - --- 3ILU 10 0-Y and to reduce the taxes heretofore levied and assessed against said property accord- ingly , and be it FURTEER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to refund to the said W.R;Vilder, upon filing a proper Town claim therefor , the difference be tween the tax aid on the assessment of Four Thousand (0 000) Dollars and the tax due and payable on said property w hen assessed in accordance with the terms of the foregoing resolution. Upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes, it Baas , upon motion duly seconded, resolved: WEEREAS, the Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a religious corporation of the State of New York , purchased lots 2 and 3 in Block 81 in Section 1 on the tax map of the Town of Mamaroneck in the year 1919, since when it has held said lots continuously and has recently or is about to c onvey the same , and dt: REAS, it appears that there are unpaid taxes on said lots, together with interest , cost of sales and penalties thereon cover- ing taxes due in the years 1920, 1921 , 1922 1923, 1924 and 1925, amounting in the aggregate to $168.17 , said taxes being as follows , to wit : 1920 : . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . : 30:64 1921 . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,76. 19221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25:82 1923. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 29..00 1924. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 .96 1925. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 .99 and WEEREAS, said property is exempt from taxation under the provisions of the tax law, it being real property of a corporation organized for religious purposes from which no rents ,profits or income are derived, the same being exempt even though not in actual use therefor by reasono f the absence of a suitable building or improvements thereon if the construction of such building or improvements is in good faith contemplated by suchcOrperation, and EEREAS, such property is so held, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed t o cancel on the records, the aforesaid taxes for the years 1920, 1921, 1922 , 1923, 1924 and 1925 , and to take all such and further action as may be necessary to cleax . he unpaid taxes on the aforesaid tats for thg1jars , and be it FURTEMR. RESOLVED, that nothingherein contained shall , however, be construed to exempt said 19ropeny from taxation when , as and if maeap k 3 is conveyed s aid 2ican Methodist Episcc pal Church: The Supervisor reported that an application had been made to him by the Ban rd of Appeals for the services of a clerk. Mr. Breuer of the Building Commission, who was -- present, stated thatzzthe 'Building Commission would also desire the services of a clerk to take care of their clerical work and filing. It was the sense of the Board that the matter be referred to the Supervisor for the purpose of securing from the Board of Appeals and the Building Uommission, the name of the person they desired as clerk and submit the recommendation to the Town Board . Counsel reported that he had drawn the advertise- ments for the bids to be received in connection with the remodelling of the Weaver Street Police Headquarters. I Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to fix the date for the receipt of bids by the Town Board for the remodelling of the Weaver Street Police Headquarters, and it MRS FUSTY a RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to publish said notices in at least two successive issues of the Yamaroneck Paragraph and the Larchmont Times. Upon motion the meeting adjourned, at 10.45 P.M. Town Clerk.