HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982_01_20 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
Supervisor Goldsmith called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present were the following:
Supervisor Leo Goldsmith, Jr.
Councilman Stewart J. McMillan
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lee H. Bloom was not in attendance at this meeting.
Also present were the following:
Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
James J. Johnston, Town Attorney
Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer
Patrick Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent
Supervisor Goldsmith at this time pointed out to those assembled the
location of the exits as required by law for public gatherings.
1. Recommendation to State Transportation Department - Prohibit
Parking on Weaver Street from Plymouth Road to Boston Post
Supervisor Goldsmith reviewed the reasons for the recommendation
and referred to some of the past near misses and tragedies and
this Board's hopes in the future for the area to be made safer
especially for children going to and from school. He spoke about a
meeting recently held and attended by local officials, Assemblyman
Perone and representatives from the Department of Transportation .
during which this subject was discussed when the State_indicated__
they would not act unless the recommendation came from the govern-
mental body of the community and stated that is the reason for this
discussion tonight. He further stated that several recommendations
have been suggested: prohibit parking from Plymouth Road to the Post
Road, prohibit parking only during the hours the students are trav-
eling to and from school or leave situation as it is now.
George Forbes, Attorney, representing Dr. Serling, local Veterinarian
with a practice on Weaver Street in the area to be affected, asked
for a full and impartial and independent survey of the area and Dr.
Serling added that his employees do not park on the street but his
customers do.
Councilwoman Silverstone related that her own children travel along
Weaver Street on bicycles to and from school, emphasized that it is
difficult enough to maneuver without cars parked along the way, but
they must move out and around the parked cars and into traffic. She
added that prohibition of parking would be within the Town's best
interest. Mrs. Shultz noted that she does not park her car on the
street in front of Dr. Serling's office for safety reasons although
he is her pet's vet.
some further discussion followed relative to cars parked in front
of the veterinarian's office, movement of the crosswalk from the
corner, suggestion of a crosswalk bridge and emphasis on having a
full and not a piecemeal study of the area done. Mr. Forbes
requested copies of all correspondence relative to this subject.
Councilman Amlicke suggested that all homeowners in the area be
notified as well as the businesses to get their input on the matter.
Supervisor Goldsmith stated that he would follow through on all
_ suggestions made here tonight and will contact the Automobile Club
of New York and the matter will be back on the agenda of a subsequent
meeting when further information is received.
2. Report of Bids - Front End Loader
Mr. Leddy's memorandum was presented and a discussion ensued as to
the reasons for requesting acceptance of the. high bidder and the
Highway Superintendent stated that because of H.O. Penn's machine's
durability and they were the only ones to comply with all specifi-
cations and also that they would last longer with less repairs than
the other machines. Arthur Nelkin of Mohegan Road, Town, supported
Mr. Leddy's statements because of his business knowledge of the
different type of machines. Following questions and answers between
the Board members and Mr. Leddy with comments by the Town Engineer
who noted the requirement to send the reasons for not accepting the
low bid to the County.
On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby defers action
on the acceptance of bids received for the front
end loader until a detailed report from the
Highway Superintendent and the Town Engineer is
received outlining the differences in the bids.
1. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
Following presentation of the Recreation Superintendent's memorandum,
on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Lisa Siegel, Recreation Assistant at the
Hommocks Ice Rink be compensated at the rate.
of $2.75 per hour, effective January 13, 1982,
replacing Zoe Holgate.
2. Agreement - Snow Removal - State Roads 1981-1982 Winter Season
Pursuant to the communication and its enclosures addressed to the Town
Clerk, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
III authorized to sign the agreement with the County
of Westchester for the removal of snow and ice on
certain designated State Roads within the Unincorp-
orated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck at a reim-
bursement rate not to exceed $4,000 for the
1981-1982 winter season.
3. Request for Use of Voting Machines - Larchmont Village
The. Town Clerk presented the request and on motion by Councilman
Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants the
request of the Village of Larchmont for the use of
nine (9) voting machines to be used in the Annual
Village Election of March 16, 1982.
4. Comptroller's Request - Authorization to Pay Grievance Judgement
re Paper Pick-up by Highway Employees
The Comptroller's memorandum was presented and clarifications were
made by the Town Attorney and Councilman Amlicke as to the need to pay
this judgement. It was explained that when the sanitation men did not
pick up paper on holiday weeks, highway men did the pick-up and the
money represents a differential in pay for that job. It was further
noted that the highway employees stated that it was in their contract
to be paid the $10.00 increase, the Town disagreed, the matter was
taken to arbitration and the arbitrator decided in favor of the high-
way employees. Thereupon, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded
by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board, in accordance with
the grievance judgement relative to paper pick-
up by the Highway employees, hereby authorizes
the Comptroller to make a total payment of
$1,150.00 to certain highway employees.
5. Request to Install Solid Fuel Burning Appliance and Metal.
Chimney - 19 Leatherstocking Lane
The above noted request was presented. During the discussion, Mr.
Teper advised the Board he wished to enhance and improve the heating
system in his home in light of the high oil bills and Councilwoman
Silverstone noted that it is important to write the new law as soon
as possible due to the many applications coming before this Board.
After the Board was assured that preliminaries had been approved, on
motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby varies the
regulations of the Building Code as permitted
under Article V, Chapter 14, Section 14-19 so
as to permit the installation of a "0" clear-
ance metal fireplace and metal chimney as
shown on the plans and in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications, in the resi-
dence located at 19 Leatherstocking Lane,
Town of Mamaroneck.
6. Resolution - Approving Agreement for Expenditure of Highway Monies
Following presentation of Highway Superintendent's memorandum, on
motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of
Section 284 of Highway Law, this Board agrees
• O! 4
that highway monies be expended in accordance
with the Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds,
a copy of which is annexed hereto.
7. Authorization - Reimbursement of Expenses - Town Clerk's
Attendance at State and County Meetings of Clerks
The Clerk presented her memorandum and after a brief discussion, on
motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
reimbursement of expenses not to exceed $25.00
to the Town Clerk for her attendance at N.Y.S.
Association of Town Clerks in Binghamton on
January 21, 1982 and a meeting with the County
Clerk in Elmsford on January 26, 1982.
Regular Reports
The Clerk presented the Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector's
Office for the year 1981 and the Affidavit of Publication of the Bond
Resolution adopted on January 6, 1982.
Arthur Nelkin related to the Board the problems he has had with his
car being broken into five times in the last five years at the Town
commuter parking Lot #1. He noted his car has been broken into even
after the installation of an alarm on his car to which there was no
response by Town police. He described the types of vandalism taking
place and felt professionals with easy access to the thruway for get-
away were the culprits, noting further that no arrests have ever been
made in connection with these thefts. Suggestion was made for a
higher fence separating the Town land from the Thruway, but it was
noted that the fence does not belong to the Town and provision is made
for the easy ingress and egress by emergency vehicles. Mr. Nelkin
stated that he had spoken to the Chief of Police about the matter and
was sorry the Chief was not in attendance at this meeting and urged
the Board to do something about the situation. Several suggestions
were made by members of the audience who realized that it is a dif-
ficult situation, but noted there must be a solution. The Supervisor
agreed to take up the matter with the police.
Mr. Amlicke
Councilman Amlicke reported that at the last meeting of the Recre-
ation Commission, consideration was given to a special swim hour at
the Hommocks Pool and decided to send out a mailing to all pool per-
mit holders and after responses are received, further consideration
will be given, keeping in mind the number interested in the extended
hour and the cost for additional wages, custodial fee and utilities.
He added that the proposed time will be from 6 - 7 p.m. The discussion
followed turned to the last time special extended hours were made
available and how the number of users dwindled from many to a very few.
Mr. Amlicke stated that more information will be forthcoming.
Following Supervisor Goldsmith's presentation of the Larchmont Library
Contract, on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized to execute
the contract for the year 1982 between the
Town of Mamaroneck, Village of Larchmont and
the Larchmont Public Library as provided for
in the 1982 budget, the amount of $226,780.
being the Town's share.
Following Mr. Scheuble's request for the Board to consider his assess-
ment and some discussion, it was agreed that Councilmen Bloom and
Amlicke would at a convenient time for all concerned, meet with Mr.
Scheuble to explain the Board's position in this matter.
In answer to Mr. Gasparini's query, Supervisor Goldsmith stated that
he had visited the District Attorney's Office as a follow-up to the
investigation of the Town Police Matter, but was unable to see either
Mr. Vergari or Mr. Fleming because neither was in due to bad weather.
A brief discussion ensued following Mr. Gasparini questioning of the
situation with the oil burner. The Supervisor gave an update on the
burner and the Town Engineer gave further information relative to the
metal asbestos flu to go through the roof of the highway garage,
which is the manner in which the burner will be vented.
Mrs. Mary Carlson thanked the highway department for the excellent job
of clearing snow on the Chatsworth Avenue Bridge for pedestrian walk-
ing. Councilman Amlicke asked if the same kind of job could be done
on the Weaver Street bridge.
Thomas Nealon as Chairman of the Committee on Family and Youth re-
quested that the gymnasium space be made available for youth activ-
ities when the Town purchases the School-Town Center. He was advised
by the Supervisor to put his request into writing to be considered at
the proper time.
There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion
duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:58 P.M.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately
upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
1. Claims
Commissioner McMillan presented the fire claims for authorization of
payment and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims
as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's office:
Con Edison $33.25
Portronix Communications, Inc. 3.75
Portronix Communications, Inc. 916.50
There being no further business to come before this Commission, on
motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned
at 9:59 P.M.
Town Clerk