HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_12_10 Town Board Minutes R MEETING OF TEE TOWN BOARD TGJH OF YAMARONEGY held December 10 ,1925 In the absence` of Supervisor Burton, it was upon motion of the Town Clerk, duly seconded, voted that Justice Shafer act as Chairman_ of the meeting, which was called at 8 .30 I.M. PRESENT: Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer Town Clerk Sherman. Upon motion duly seconded it was voted to dis- pense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. A communication from the Board of Appeals was received and read stating that at their meeting held on the 3rd and 4th days of November, 1925 , the following appeal cases were granted: l: Application of Gilbert Johnson to erect a sign in front of his office on the south side of the Boston Post Road, adjoining the Red Lion Inn. 2 : Application of John S. Dunham to alter a present one family dwelling known as 73 Edgewood Avenue on the easterly side of the building, within 30 feet of the street line . 3- Application of Estelle G.Woods to erect a one family house on the east side of Willow Road about 132 feet north of Harmon Drive, within 30 feet of the street lines . 4: Application of R. Candella to alter a present one family dwelling on the southwest corner of Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue , within 30 feet of Palmer Avenue . 5: Application of R.Candella to erect a one family dwelling on the south side of Palmer Avenue about 100 feet west of Weaver Street , within 30 feet of the street lines. 6: Application of John Hannan to erect a one family dwelling on the east side of Locust Street,Dillon Park, within 30 feet of the street line. 7: Application of William Gregg to erect a two car garage on the south side of Dean dace , about 300 feet of the Boston Post Road, within 75 feet of the street line . 8: Application of the Mahlstedt-Steen Corporation to erect a 66 family apartment on the northwest corner of Chatsworth Avenue and Myrtle Avenue , provided 1st. That no part of said building be nearer to Myrtle Avenue or Chatsworth Avenue than 5 feet in each case . 2nd . That no part of said building be nearer to Washington Street than 15 feet. 3rd. That no part of said building be higher than 70 feet above the curb line . 4th. That no more families be housed in said build- ing than at the rate of SO families per acre . The communication also stated that the following - applications were denied and the decision of the Building Commission affirmed: 1: Application of Joseph P. Cormore to erect a one car garage on the north side of Balmer Avenue , 250 feet east of Weaver Street, w ithin 75 feet of the street line. 2 : Application of C.V.Crowe to erect a private garage appurtenant to a one family dwelling on the west side of Edgewood _lace about 120 feet north of Edgewood Avenue , w ithin 75 feet of the street line . Whereupon, the following resolutions were presented and upon Roll Call , unanimously adopted: WHIREAS , the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of Gilbert Johnson to erect a sign approximately 3' r, 51 in front of his office on the south side of the Boston Post Road, adjoining the Red Zion Inn be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town La°r, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission. WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of John S. Dunham to alter a present one family dwell- ing,known as 73 Edgeaiood Avenue on the easterly side of the building, which alteration or addition will be within 30 feet of Echo Zane , be granted and the decision of theBuilding Commission be reversed, provided that no part of said addition shall be nearer than 12 feet to Echo Lane , therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to and confirms the action rf the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission. IEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of Estelle G.Vroods to erect a one family house on the east side of Willow Road a bout 132 feet north of Harmon Drive within 30 feet of the street line be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no part of said building shall be nearer than 25 feet to Jillow Road, therefore be it RESOE•VED, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5Section 26 of the Tovm ?maw, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission. 7 EREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of R. Candella to alter a present one family dwelling on the southwest corner of Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue within 30 feet of Palmer Avenue , be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, pro- vided that no part of said alteration shall be nearer to Palmer Avenue than the wall of the present building, therefore be it RESG =, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town law hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission. 'v7FEREAS the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of R.Candella to erect a one family dwelling on the south side of Palmer Avenue about 100 feet west of Weaver Street, within 30 feet of the street line , be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no part of the said building be nearer — to Palmer Avenue than the front of the build- ing on either side thereof , th.erefore be it RESO VEM, that the Tom Board pursuant. to Article 5Sect on 26 of the Town yaw, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission- WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of John Fannan to erect a one family dwelling on the east side of Locust atreet ,Dillon Park, within 30 feet of the street line be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer the street line than the front of the building on either side , therefore be it RESOLVIED, that the Town Board pursuant to — Article 5 Section 2 6 of the Town Law, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission. c'JHtREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of Tilliam Gregg to erect a two car garage on the south side of Dean Place about 300 feet of the Boston Post Road within 75 feet of the street line , be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no part of said garage be nearer than 50 feet to the street line , therefore be it R:SOIVED, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town law, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission. WHEEM , the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of the Nahlstedt-Steen Corporation to erect a 66 family apartment on the northwest corner of Chatsworth Avenue and Qrtle Avenue , be granted and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided 1st . That no part of said building be nearer to myrtle Avenue or Chatsworth Avenue than 5 feet in each case . 2nd. That no part of said building be nearer to Washington Street than 15 feet. 3rd. That no part of said building be higher than 70 feet above the curb line . 4th. That no more families be housed in said build- ing than at the rate of SO families be acre . therefore , be it RESC777D, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Taw, hereby consents to and c onfirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission and changes the word- ing of the 2nd provision so that the same shall read "That no part of said building be nearer to Washington Street than 10 feet" . Messrs . Cormore and Draft appeared before the Board in relation to their application to erect a garage on the north side of Palmer Avenue ,which had been denied by the Board of Appeals . They were advised that the Town Board had no jurisdiction in an application that had been denied by the Building Commission and the Board of Appeals . The matter was referred to Counsellor Gamble . Another communication from the Board of Appeals was received and read stating that at its meeting held on November 10th,1925 , a resolution was adopted recommending to the Town Board that all property on the south side of Blossom Terrace for a depth of 100 feet south of the street be reclassified as Business G Zone instead of Residential A Zone . - The application was considered and discussed and after due consideration, it was upon motion duly seconded, RES01,1TED, that the recommendation o f the Board of Appeals that the Zoning YaV of the unincorporated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck be amended by reclassifying all property on the south side of Blossom Terrace in said unincorporated district of said Town for a depth of 100 feet south of the street as Business C Zone instead of Residential A Zone as at present , be laid over . Ex . J. Henry Esser, Special Counsel to the Town Board presented a claim for services rendered to the Town in the New York Inter-Urban 3ater Company rate litigation. Upon motion duly ; eccnded , it was upon Roll Gall unanimously MSCL=i that the claim of J. Henry Esser for legal services in the New York Inter-Urban Water "Company rate litigation in the sum of $ 4,044.16 being 14 .2;0' of - 28,480.C3 as per the agreement bet ween the municipalities, be and the same hereby is approved and the claim referred to the Bo;x d of Auditors for their audit. A communication was received from the 'ieaver Street Fire Gompany inviting the Town Board to attend the Beefsteak Dinner and Entertainment to be held at the fire house on December 9th, 2,t 10 F.M. The Communication, was ordered placed on file and the Clerk was requested to acknowledge its receipt. A communication from Architect Bedelle relating to the proposed alterations at the Town Hall tivas received and read and the matter was referredt o the Committee to secure more complete figures as to costs ,etc . of the proposed improvement. The Clerk reported that he had received an estimate of the cost of furnishing the trim for the windows of the Auditorium at the Weaver Street Fire House which matter had been referred to him at a previous meeting. The estimate proposed to furnish trim for the windows with key blocks covering 11 windows at the price of $220 .00. The _ estimate together -with the sketch was referred to the Town Glerk to take up with the Architect. A communication from the Larchmont Gardens Association was received and read requesting the use of the Auditorium of the 'Jeaver Street Fire House for their monthly meeting to be held on December 17th,1925 . Upon motion duly seconded, it zraas RES01VED, permission be granted to the 1archmont Gardens Association to use the Auditorium of the ,leaver street Fire House for the evening of December 17th, 1925 for the purljo se of holding their regular monthly meeting. The Glerk reported that an application had been made by the Knights of Columbus of Mamaroneck requesting the use of the Auditorium of the weaver Street Fire House on December 30th,1925, for a mascuerate ball . Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that permission be granted to _._.- the Knights of Columbus of Mamaroneck to conduct a masquerade ball on the evening of DecemLer 30th, 1925 , provided however that the payment of a fe-a of $20.00 be paid for the use of the Auditorium. The Clerk relclorted that through a misunderstanding a resolution had been adopted by this Taryn Board at its meeting held on November 18th, 1925, r equesting the Board of Auditors to audit the claims of the Zarchmont Times and the Laity Times for the publication of the Registration Notices each in the sum of X152.88 it be g the understand- ing of the Board that the c laims ciere not audited for their full amounts because the map attached to said notice was not allowed by the Board of Auditors . The Clerk f urther reported that he had since been informed by the Board of Auditors that the reason the claims had not been audited for their full amounts was due to the fact that the lines charged for printing did not agree with the number of lines that they counted. Upon the recommendation of the Clerk, it was upon motion duiys econded RE-SO 7ED, that the resolution adopted by the Town Board at its meeting held on November 18th, 1925 , requesting the 3card of Auditors to audit the claims of the larchmont Times and the Daily Times in the sums of $152.88 each, be and the same hereby is rescinded. Justice Shafer reported on behalf of his Committee that he had secured prices and requisitions from the Justices of the Peace of their needs and presented the same to the Town Board. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOS,',TZD, that the Committee heretofore appointed by and they hereby are authorized and empowered to purchase furniture , stationary, etc . , for the purpose of equiping the two new Justices ' quarters , at the prices submitted, said prices being to the best interests of the Town. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10.30 P.H. I / Town Clerk.