HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_11_05 Town Board Minutes HEETITIG OF THEE TO-KT BOA1U TO-51TIT OF convened as a Board Of Canvassero held Yovember 5th, j.9125 The meeting was called- 'to 0rd!-'-.T 1--27 s-uj-oe.-vjso-1 Burton at 2 0 1 cl 0 ck 'P X, I., Su,,.-,e r7ri2ir Bur cn Justicee Boyd ard Tovm Cleri, Sherman Cou-sellor C-aii.-rille U,,jon notion mealy, second-ed. it voted that a :cecers be takcn until 8 :30 o1 clock P ,1,iEfcr the vanpcEe of canvassing votes catt at the General 7lecon l- i Ii held, Yovember 3,1925 , The meeting vas r6convened at 8 :130 o' clock P . 14.by Su-oer- v1sor Barton., The officicbl retums from the canvz�,sserE of the votes cast for Toiur Officials 1 at 'he 71 ection held -1 n Ycireziber 131rd ,.1925, reUulterl 0 ws 2nd q-ra 4� 6�P. 17-1 Sth 9th 1 0 t a t al D1 C,+ st . 5t, S TJF 7,7vi S C',P pT Eg�gelr q 76 1,- 135 85 122 98 43 4E 68 96 813 Burton 5 15 6 219 200 208 322 23 3 6,G2 21 122 2129 70-TjN- Sullivan 4y lt5 10 2- 116 12 3 ' 5 01 70 74 1,13 5 =,,�i�r e 20 Q !Z4 20 2 I ES 0 2 7 2�-,- 4 17G 239 20 9 - 98 19;6 5 IJUSTICE OF F-EAOF 0 1 Co nn,o r 119 60 -- 57 6 82 66 36 38 63 102 I( 819 Aa r-1 a ch 79 48 139 87 87 93. 55 i Ze 10 0 102 I 786 Fowell 181 148 9 9 1�)3 24 66 2 0 2 70 21 2 20 111 2102 7�e e dq - -- 124 !-07 1-8 i 224 327 194 ' 265 !217 107 2042 ASST C R4 4 j L e-'r�y 6-', 3�� 126 -9, P.3 6 1 36 37 61 99 693 213 157 203 199 229 335 2,00 264 220 112 i 2132 SES Q i1 a If ror t 42 133 82 7 5 04 3V 211. 152 2 193 242 336 t 210 281 224 1z0 2186 T A x ES Faurot 6 f� Z8 114 !0 6 122 1 1 �6 87 129 141 10 68 Lanza 2112 1 b t 19-4� 175 9 1 272� 2&C,) 158— , 7�) ! 1348 71 -1�MRS---ZR=77 THE POOR Ha7i I and p Oar i1 !28 71 68 65 35 41 53 95 X71 Bloomer 5 21 2c 3 2,!.7 30 6 162 1266 19 U 116 21 5 At D!TIN-)RS veiner 72 C, 13'2 76 5 6 33 '7, IS 6�� �7 68� Fall"a e 1 .1� I ou 5-5 6 124 81 6"y 53 34. 1 3C- 52 674 TaYl D r y 71 42 127 95 71 60 3 2 4- 61 95 696 212 149 20(,1 196 241 '4 195 1267 220 i112 : 2134 Cu.n n i aim 20c 15y 213 196 243 20 G 2 1 54 111 21°2 !93 247 329 194 1263 2222 �1 13 1125 MfSTASLE Lau n 6_9 132 7 1 7 3 6i 46 1 36 60 97 692 0, 117 00 76 70 62 34 39 v7 r6 055 11 S o r a-1 0 7 2 423 21 7 11 67 32 .5 33 646 !I :1 13b 1 i 41 41 1 9i 7 . 2 56 35 Z,. e Phan r3 -ru 36 122 7s S s 71 ,f µJ I p,- 0 1 7.r) �Soon �Carey I I 55,�) 212 9 1i 21 lAl 1 37 3 4. 1 D 15 22G 122S 1 6 I 1117-i chcl S 211 15t 2 11 197 21 J.5 "233 196 :,6-5 2 2 b 114 21 Wel sh 2,27 1 ' 54 20 9 24-1 Z2 1 4 63 1226 122�? 215 Thomas 20 1 -, '-'7 11 - 20 1 -0 -11 2 4 3) 3 3,� 192 1�A Iq 2,2 ix 1 1� 113 206 1 i6 203 190 224 31C 184 '259 220 11O_. 1 2_07 1 SCHOOL DT 77 CTOR d. 6 r. 37 76 S n 59 34 3 12,5:� 5' �222 99 645 17�1 142 ;�C,= 1 190 241 31 26 9 -0 .._ -. .____ .... ..... ..... In conformity ivith the official returns of the canvassers aoove shown, upon motion duly seconded,it was upon Roll Call unanimously SOLVED, t:iat the foI10%,Fing named are duly declared to have received the majority -- vote for their res•oective offices and here- by are declared elected for the respective -.--_ terms set t3'0?7o Site their "nine? d FF'2 Supervisor George ','d. Burton 2 years Town 'Clerk Frederick Id. Slaeriman 2 J;astice of Pewee T. Palmer Howell 4 years William Da Leers 4 f1 Assessors 'William E uln.alh'y' 4 years John F.ii,faddo ok n 2 It Recei-�'er of Ta;.ez Santo Lanza 2 years Overseer of Poor ,john J. Bloomer 2 years Auditor-s Richard Stack 2 years ®uen Cunningham 2 H William F.May 2 " Constable 'William F. Carey 2 years John -Ni elsh 2 Anthony V,Tru i.a 2 ___ liJilliaii] C.17ichols 2 " It John A. Thomas 2 School Director Inez Lloyd 2 years The Board then convened for a regular meeting to take u-'o various Town natters . A CCimiuni Cat i.G n from the Board of ApJeals was receivre!'A and read, stating that at its meeting held on October 8t'a, 1825, the fo"llcwing resolutions were ado,:,ted The alo-:olication of the Standard Conroany cf Ne,� Yor'-, to cance-_ the ',3er:-1t issued �Ir 'd,i:1.11 as MonK, and to .)lace an the same ;alct ,ncar ei the southwest corner of Dean --Place and Boston "Post Road, in an unclassified section, a gasoline filling station. 2® The application c= R. J, ,,cGecugh to ercc4 a c e ga-rage on the west side of Forest Avenue, 2'41 feet south of Rockland Avenue, °,vithin 75 feet of ;lie s'tre; t sine . 3® Th u:jpli Catic-n o Corrine T'e"_tere li' tv alter an e-r_isting one Ia.mily ing on the south side of "y"rtle P1,2,ce n 15� feet iffiest of i:a;.,_�Als-xCrtn kTenute, ,,,,dthiln 5 feet of the E ea>„ t _rly li -:e whereupon the following resolutions were presented, duly seconded and unon Roll Call unanimously udaylea wHHOLA3, tne Boars of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the apn1joat10n of the Standard Oil Company Of New York to cancel the permit issued to Tilliam y0nk, and to place on the same piot ,naneiy, the southwest corner of Deane Place and Boston lost Road in an unclassified sectinn, a gasoline filling station, be granted and the decision of the Building commission re7eTFed,TWOVided Said bui!QnS be in ncnformity with the plans filed and that the consent of said Ailliazi Koni to said cancellation be filed with the Building co_,inii ssicn, theref ore be it RESCIV✓D, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decisio-n of the Building Commission. IHEREAS, the Board of 10yeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of R. J.YcGecugL to erect a one car garage on the West side of Forest Avenue 241 feet south of Rockland Avenue within 75 feet of the street line , be granted and the decision Of the Building Commission reversed,p=7ided that no part of the said garage be nearer than 62 feet to the street jine, therefcrs be it RESCIVED, that the Tonn Board pursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the Town Law,hersby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building comnis0on. 7HEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of Carmine Tortorelli to alter an existing one family dwelling on the south side Of Ortle place,150 fedt west of Chatsworth Avenue within 5 feet of the ea5terly line,be granted and the decision of the Building Commission ..re-j yrovided that no part Of said build- leT' inn be nearer than 2 feet to the easterly sio.e line of the lot , therefore be it RESOL771), that the ToTn Board0ursuant to Article 5 Section 26 of the To,,�m, Law,hereby consents to and. confirms the action of the Boar? cf Appeals ,in reversing the decision of the Building commission, A communication from the hamaronech LodZe, B.PeO-E, Elks, #1457 , was received and read, rqyVesting yermi2sion to use the anditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House on November 25, 132- B for the ouroose of holding a Charity Ball , Me compunication was placed On file and upon motion duly seconded, it was MW ING CP THE TOTV BOARD TO` E OF Y LTIAROFECx held April 13, 1926. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burtonat 8.30 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins,Howell,Leeds Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble. Upon motion, it was voted to dispense with the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved. A committee from the Colonial Park Association appeared before the Board and stated that buildings are being construct @d in Colonial Park not in accordance with plans filed and that changes are made to the buildings after the same have been approved by the Building Inspector, Mr.Brewer, chairman of the Building Commission, was present and he stated that his Commission had met with the same trouble and was doing all that was possible to maintain the building code, and he further stated that the Building Inspector would be asked to make closer inspect- ions of buildings in the future. Mr.Thomas E.Whitbread of the Chatsworth Heights Association appeared before the Board in relation to street signs and he was advised to meet with the committee at this office on Monday evening® April lhh,at 8 P.M. M r.H.J.Breweg on behalf of the ParkCommission, again brought up the .subject of rezoning certain sections } g venue and of Myrtle A within the Park arse. in the vicinity +.;I Vine Street. Mr.Stephen Badolato was present and voiced his objection to the change. The matter was laid over for future consideration. A communication from a joint committal representing theHowell Park, Chatswgrth Heig YEts and Larehmont Gardens Associations wad seeeved,:.}resentng.'. vo the Town Board their objections to the remodeling of the Town Hall on its present site and recommending the location of same in the unincorporated section of the Town. The communication was ordered placed on file and the matter referred to The Committee on Town Hall. A communication, from The American Legion,Mamroneck post#90, was received and read, requesting that they be designated to take care of the graves of dead soldiers on Memorial Day. The communication was ordered placed on file and upon motion duly seconded, it was voted that the Supervisor be authorizri ino q nested to meet with the representatives of the _ ost#90-Ammxican: legion; the Veterans of Foreign Ware and the AmericanAmericanLegion of Larchmont for the purpose of arranging with t'reir repre- sentatives the method of disbursing the annual Memorial Day appropriation. RESOLVLD, thut permission is hereby granted to !Aarna.rcneck Lodge, B. R. O. L. Elks, #1457 , to use the auditorium of the 7veaver Street Fire House on Thursday evening, November 25, 1925, rrovided, hoi e':rer, that the puyinent of a fee in the sum of ��20 .00 is ,paid for the use of said �i di tori•wm. Justice Coll ins, requested the use of th-, auditorium of the +' cave-- Street Fire House on behalf of St . ugustinegs Church of Lar Chmont for the afternoon of Noverr.CCr 13, 1925 . Upon < otion duly seccnded, it was Pi £G1t J3 that p Trnies: o n be r ranted to St .U6;UstineasChurchof Larc.I.Lr,aont to use the auditoria: of the leaver Street Fire House on the after-noon of Xo =ember 13, l9'25, prJ' Lfi2d,'_�,7u Pxe7 , that a payriient of 4,c .c0 be made for the use of said ra.iditoriura. The Cler .. epo::ted that the -Vomen' s Club of La-rc'_ mont requested the use Cf the auditorium of the vVeaver Street :Fire tl cnl _fy L' oj e[ 2' . ULon motionduly seconded, it nrae A'C'TED that per:.iss. n be ranted to tl:e Women' lub of L rc mont o use the aJcu tor' ti. a __ °r nM et of U� ,�J9e _ .t,l^^e Fire Houae on ' he afternQcr of i1;JVeil'Ocr 12, 1'925, prov -;ed,ho-,,Never, that the ptayrnent of -5 .00 is made by said 'di'omene e Club for the a-e of the aUditcrlum: co_nnun;_c°;tioii from the 'VEa;*Er StreE�;, Fire Coinpun; ','J'wa re Ce_'ied and read, relat„r!% to the l adng of S'_'Jeclal Office,. r o _.ra_. and the temporary rary u;l, os ..t,x,e 7t of .Francis ,eil-.ng to r_ y�11 the vaear<cy. After due cons'ider. tior it was upon motion duly seconded an°d upon Roll Call =-SOLVED, that the aapoint':iieint of Francis Rei l'L i'n5 as aecial Offi Cer at the :fea?'er Street fire House be and the same hereby . _S ap_ roc ed., effe{'_:ive as of Sept,_=_,fiber 17, 19� , at a salary of i'25. per mont'r_, said a :_7 -j, n.,P,ent to be at the ),I easure of the Bo ar'd. ao76L ra i.i Cam:t.t 0?1 from ;.:_, F. Fish rece-ved and arfel na t D a --chase the films of plotzres of -:ne bu ldi nos b_.. the Tu Tnn n. a'1 maroneck, The CCre?imnication �v..'as ordered ":paced on file and the ;offer was l ejected. I"cuort C1 the Receiver CI Taxes fo.- the rIlonth of October,1 25, wd :,E received, read, orde_ed Dicaced on file and is November 2, 1925 Sir : Pursuant to Section 23 of the 17estchester County Tax law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, Schocl,Highway and Special District taxes, together withthe interest and penalties thereon, collected ay me during the month of October* 1925. It 2,3 1-922 Al_ In _TOT An TH BLOC= taw- ur'mrq -1State & County 1040 .03 403.Cl 1441.6- "Hi Shway 116.91 32,12 143 .03 a TIT, 288 .49 l-lo 11) i J1 z�-T?r i c$­------395.22—10 3.6 ------ Sewer Tax Distj 62.13 26 .0 109 .09 Assessment �School Dist .1 10004.96 11193.07 11198.0 3i 1� I School Dist . 2 13902 139 .02', Arrears 346.69 175.88 242.77 1 76 5 34 i !Interest and !Penalties 394.10 311 . 66 62 . 66 60 .76 242.97 1079 .151 Total 15701.121 Deposited withthe Larchmont National Bank Demosited with the 1st National Bank,l am! rr 15701 .12 Respectfully submitted, SANTO LANZA Receiver of Taxes. To . Geo .W.Darton, Supervisor Town of MamaroneckY.Y. A supplementary regart of the Receive, of Taxes for the wonth of Octoterpl?25t and Deposited November 5th, 1925, was received, read, ordered placed on file, and is as follows : November 2, 1025 Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Testchecter County Tax Lae' j hereby respectfully report the amzuht of State, County, TownySchool, Highway and special district tayes, together with the inter it and nenalties thereon, collected by me during the monthof Octcber* 1925, and deposited November 5th,1325. ---------- 192.5 1924 19232 19212 all irt .& e 0 taxes taxes taxes arrears 2 enl.t o ..t ot z�a AState & County 451.77 261079 713.51 H i ghvvo y 33.81 50-.31 78� T o vm 125.30 7 8 6"1 20 3.99 District 114. 64. 114.64 r a_ Dist .1 24, 59 24.59 Sewer Asses-- de n t School Di5t .1 1115Z .41 627 . 59 11783.00 School D 4 st.2 55.2 iArrears 749 .90 62 •.89 1244.69 262C) .48 Interest and Penaities 310. .55 212.04 ZW. 11 208 .85 JLO 37 .15 1998 .70 Total 17547 .97 Dei,)osited wit'n the Larchiaiont Yational Sunk V Delp o�i t e Ct vi th MILE I st Yat I I . k i17 47 ,97 Respe--tfally su'rrf.ittcd, SAYTCO LA 7,77A Receive.- of Ta-xes Tc,, Geo . W. Burton, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. The Clerk sub-geSted to the Board that it would be well o.+ thiq time to zecuze. an rolo all depar,ments Of all Town prop erty in o-rder that the same, may be of record. U,00n :P-tic-n duly seconded it was Iv'OTED, that the Town Clerk be and he 4.erc-by is authorized and di.rected to reqlue-.t�`all depurt----,nts that ar -inventory of Town prol,erty be eubm-itted Und thbt the s. e when Zeceil.red by pla-ced on file. Justice Boyd brought up the question of alterations to the Tcv.,n Hall and Spoke about the tentative sketches -oreparedi by the a'°cliitcct , Bedell a. The plane 01,r4 sl-Ketches were, gone over and considerec' by the 3ca--d Li,nd upon moticn d,,Llly z c- o 1.1d e U' , i t- wu z VOTED, that the Co,,,mittec on Town Hall be requested to secure specifications and further infomatiCan relating to the cilter® ation and renLodelin.,-- -If the Tow- Hall, and the Emue be eub7Ilitted- to this Board at its -nc-It mcet-rg. T ,Jpon motion, the meeting ad'yourned at 10 ;115 c I clock 'P .M Tdwm Clerk.