HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_10_07 Town Board Minutes MEETING OF THE TOW BOARD
held October 7, 1925
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9 o' clock P.M.
PRESENT : Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd and Collins
Town Clerk Sherman.
Counsellor Gamble
Upon motion duly seconded it was voted that
the minutes of the meetings of September 1st and September
2nd, 1925, be approved.
Mr. Samuel DeVeau and a delegation from Dillon
Park were present and presented a petition regarding the
deferring of any further action, in relation to the newly
created Sewer District No. 2; stating that in their
opinion a majority of the people of that district were
against the creation of the sewer district because of its
prohibitive cost. Mr. Michael Hannon and Michael Doherty
were also present and spoke in favor of the sewer district.
After a full discussion of the matter, it was
VOTED that the petition be received,
placed on file and the matter eras
referred to Counsellor Gamble.
Amelia Mirandi again appeared before the Town
Board and requested a building permit for the construction
of a building on his property on Murray Avenue. An
appointment was made with him and the Supervisor to take
the matter up for disposal and settlement.
A committee from the Veterans of Foreign Velars
appeared before the Board and requested the payment of
their claim which had been filed heretofore for the
decorating of graves of war veterans.
The Supervisor suggested that they meet with him
on Saturday afternoon, October loth, at which time he would
try and adjust the matter with them.
Mr, hilliam E.Lyon, Jr. appeared on behalf of
Counsellor Van Auken requesting an application by the Town
Board for the legal expenses in the New York, New Haven &
Hartford rate case now before the courts. Mr.Lyon was
asked to submit the percentage of costs to the Town. of
Mamaroreck, upon the receipt of which proper action will
be taken.
Upon the recommendation of Counsellor Gamble
the following resolution was presented and upon Roll
Call unanimously adopted
'NHEREAS, it appears that lots 4 and 5
on the map of Dean Place in the Town
of Mamaroneck were sold on October 51
1897, for the tax of 1896 for $5.n,
to the Town of Mamaroneck for one
thousand years and are marked "can-
celled" in the office of the County
A communication from the Weaver Street Fire
Company was received and read, advising the Board that
special officer, Fred Kraft, stationed at':,the Iffeaver
Street Fire House had resigned, and Francis Riiley had
been appointed in his place.
The Clerk_ was requested to secure from the
Fire Company the resignation of Fred Kraft and the date
of appointment of Francis Rilley, upon the receipt of
-- which proper action would be taken.
A communication from Mr.Z.R. 44ilder was receiied
and read., requesting the refund of taxes on Section Ii
block 31, lots 33 to 44, claiming that the assessed
valuation is placed. at $4350 . made in June 1924, and in
November 1924, the building upon these lots was destroyed
by fire and should be reduced according to his opinion
to not over $1000 .00 .
The matter was referred to Counsellor Gamble
for his report and recommendation..
The Clerk reported that it would be necessary
to appoint new inspectors for the ten new election
districts, and after due consideration, it was upon
Roll Call and motion duly seconded
RESOLVED, that the following be
designated as inspectors of the
various districts in accordance
with Section 311 of the Election
The Board thereupon proceeded to appoint the
following inspectors :
First District
Republican.- James 'W.Yaple and Rocco Migliacca
Democrat- Viola Murray and James Lambaisi
Second District
Republican.—Emmett J . Hausler and James P. Caputo
Democrat- Jeremiah Manning and Anthony Pirrone
Third District
Republican- Jennie B , Gri ffen -are? Harrison H.Ballou
Democrat- kargaret=McDonald and=J6hn 'F.-lrane,Jr.
Fourth District
Republican- William D. Daymon and John Sugrue
Democrat- Frank Monuese and Robert Burger
Fifth District
Republican- Dominick Martino and H.J. Brewer
Sixth District
Republican- Henry A. Schwartz and George. J®hnson
Democrat- William-I' Palmer and Frederick J . Ozab
Seventh District
Republican.- L. M. Danner and Josephine V. Time
Democrat- Margaret Dempsey and Dorothy M. Lee
Eighth District
Republican- Charles McC .Nesbitt and 'William D.Craig:
Democrat- George S.Towle and Richard Cussin
Ninth District
Republican', Pierre Mosser and Amelia Ernst
Democrat- Cornelius Fitzsimmons and Edward Gleason
Tenth District
Republican- Denis Boehm and Julia F,Brennan
Democrat- Lester C. Faurot and Mary Carcano
The matter of having the registration notices
published in the Daily Times was taken up by the Board
and it was the consensus of mpinion that the widest
publicity should be given to said notices; whereupon
the following resolution was presented to the Town
WHEREAS, heretofore and on August
18, 1425, a resolution, was adopted
by this Board, designating the
Larchmont Times and the Mamaroneck
Paragraph, two newspapers published
i,t the Town of Mamaroneck, to pub-
lish the registration and election
notices, pursuant to the provisions
of Section 75 of the Election Law,
RESOLVED, that the aforesaid resolu=
tion be and hereby is amended so as
to read as follows :
"BE IT RESOLVED, that the Daily Times
Mamaroneck Paragraph and Larchmont
-- Times, be and hereby are designated
to publich the registration and
election notices as required by
Section 75 of the Election Law".
The question being taken upon the foregoing
resolution, the same was upon Roll Call unanimously adopted.
The Clerk reported that he had secured prices
in accordance with the directions of the Town Board, on
twelve pairs of boots, twelve rubber coats and six
helmets; and that the bid of O.M. Harris of the Foamite
C'na ld' s Corporation, was the best bid.
it was, therefore, upon motion duly seconded
RESOLVED, that the bid of the Foam-
ite Child' s Corporation for twelve
regulation rubber firemen' s coats
with corduroy collars and snap
fasteners at $6.50 each; twelve pairs
of firemen' s Storm King rubber
boots at $6. 25 per pair and six helmets
with front pieces lettered as requested,
_ at $6.25 each, be received, and the
Clerk be directed to purchase the
same immediately.
The Clerk presented a claim of William Quinlan
for electrical work at the 'leaver Street Fire House in the
sum of $44.33.
The matter was referred to the Clerk for in-
vestigation and report.
The Clerk, also presented a claim of Lynn H.
Buck for a first aid kit ordered. by Captain Birch of the
Weaver Street Fire Company in the sum of $15.00 .
Treasurer of Westahester County on
the Supervisor' s certificate dated
June 28, 1904; and
WHEREAS, through an apparent error
these taxes were not cancelled on
the records of the Receiver of
_. Taxes at the time of said payment;
therefore, upon the recommendation
of the Receiver of Taxev; be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and
Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby
are authorized and empowered to can-
cel on their books of record the
sale of Lots 4 and 5 on the map of
Dean Place sold October 5, 1897 for
the taxes of 1896 for $5.85 to the
Town of Mamaroneck for one thousand
years, and to take any other and
further action which may be necess-
ary to correct the record and have
said payment marked "Paid. and Can-
Upon the recommendation of Counsellor Gamble the
following resolution was presented and upon Roll Call
unanimously adopted
d"RERTSAS, it has been brought to the
attention of this Board that Lots 4
and 5 on the map of Dean Place were
assessed against M,C,Hoye for the
taxes of 1909 and said lots sold on
October 4, 1910 ; and
',�NERE:AS, the same lots were assessed
against the Mahletedt Lumber and Coal
Company f.,r the taxes of 1909 and
sold on October 4, 1.910 ; and
'TlHEP.EAS, the aforesaid taxes were paid
on January 51 1.918, by the New Rochelle
Realty Company; and
uHEREAS, there is apparently an error,
in that said lots were doubly assessed
against two owners ; therefore, upon
the recommendation of the Receiver of
Taxes, be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, Receiver
of Taxes and Board of Assessors be and
they hereby are authorized and empowered
to correct the error in tie double
assessment of Lots 4 and 5 on the map
of Dean Place for taxes of 1909, 2nd to
strike one of said assessments from
the records, or mark both of said
assessments "Paid" ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor,
Receiver of Taxes and Board of Assessors
be and they hereby are authorized and
empowered to take such steps as may be
necessary to fully cancel said double
assessment as herein provided,
The claim was ordered approved and sub-
mitted to the Board of Auditors.
The Clerk then reported that he had reeeived bids
and several samples of hose which he submitted to the Town
After discussion of the matter, he was advised
to take the matter up with the Captain of the Fire Company
and secure his recommendation as to the make of hose
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10 ®30
o' clock P.I.
Tc Clerk.