HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_09_16 Town Board Minutes P:IL7TING OF THE TOWN BOARD
TOWN OF '.f A44gR017ECK
held S.epte:mber 16, 1925
Tn the absence of Supervisor Burton, the mQet-
i ng was called to order by Justice Boyd at 10: 30 o' clock
'?R'_'SE.NT: Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer
Superintendent of Highways Coles
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
Amelia i',4irandi appeiied before the Board, rMquast-
in3 3 building per;iit which had been filed, befor° the
Bulildino Commission and approved by the Board of ap_:)Ua.ls
covrrin� the construction of €, building on his property on
A,Turray Avenua.
After discussing the matter the same; was referred
to Justice Shafer to t ke_ up with Sup--rrvisor Burton.
The report of the Rcceivar of taxes for the month
of Auqu8t,l925, via„s receiv:-d.,re:a.a., ordered spread upon the
minutes, and is as follows :
Beptembear lst, 1925.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the W--stchaster County
Tax Lo,-w 1 har by resp^ctfully report the -,mount of State,
County, Town, School, Hioh,aa,, and Special District taxes,
together with the intaTest and penalties ther-on, collected
by me daring the month of Aa ust, 1925:
1925 192! 192 Z 1922 all int .& total—
taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears penits .
State &
Bounty 1272.46 273. 99 1546.4
R' .a 1:8—mss_ 2 �. . _ _ 20o
Todin 353. 23 82. 21
;a,x Dist .
1 142.6: 1.81 ,—IT
S_x ,z
� _
Assm,t .
SG ,0.5 �
Dist .1 820, 37 ._. _ _. 820
,� 37
Dist. 2 _
5r r o ar 94 S�rO. 2
int . &
� .nalti s193. 98 212. 56 S6.S2 18.93 549m27 1051.16
Tctzl p
L-1.006 ted 'ai t}7 the La.rchmont 7; iGri 1_TB anll
Dal os7 tad with tha First Nat 's . Bank,,R
Rv.sr_°ctfully submitted.,
Harry T.EcGivney,
F.cC�iti;'r of Taxes .
'7-Burton , 615.1J w:rViSOr
Town of
_ 1
A communication from the Board of Appeals was
raceived and read, stinting that at its meeting hold on
September 10th last, it had adoptad resolutions re-
commending to the Town Board that the application. of
E. j. Becker to ar:ct a one car gaTag.e on tha cast side of
Lexington Avenue, 150 feat north of Valley Road,bwithin
5 feet of Lexington :?venue, be granted, and the decis-
ion of the Building Commission reversed,. divided that
- no part of said garage b. nearer than 4500the street
line : and also re.cokmanding to the Town Board that
the application of ismas Jm McCann to erect a one family
dwelling on the northwesterly corner of Forest Avenue and
Boulder Road, within 30 feet of Boulder Road, be granted, and
the decision of the Building Commission reversed,
provided that no part of said building be nearer than 23
feet to foulder Road, whereupon the following resolutions
were presented and upon Roll Call unanimously adopted;
TH7R7AS, the Board of ,'appeals has
recommended to the Town Board that
the application. of EW.Backer to
erect a one car garage on the east
side of LaxinZton Avenue, 150 fret
north of Valley Ro=od, within 75
fact of Valley Road, be granted and
the decision of the Building Com-
mission be reversed, provided that
no part of said garage be nearer
than 45 feat to the str=eet line,
therefore, be it
RESOLV75 that the Town Board our
_ suant to Article 5 Section 26 cf
the Town Lave hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the
Board of ,Appeals in Teversing the
decision of the Building Commission.
VT_°.ERTAS, the Board of Appeals has
recommended to the Tovn board that
the application of James J.McCann
to erect a, one family dwelling on
the northwesterly corner of Forest
Avenue and Boulder Ro-ad,within ,3Q
feet of Boulder Road, be granted �
and the decision of the Building
Commission reversed provided that
no part of said building be nearer
than 23 feet to Boulder Road, thare®
fora, be it
P75OLVED, that the Town Board pur-
sunt to Article 5 Section 26 of
the Town Law hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the
Board of Appeals in reversing the
decision of the Building Commission.
_ 23
�hes and f Assessors having completed the
Grand and rial`sury �ists, the hme were presented to
thv Town Board for its approval.
The Board having cone over the said lists it
was upon motion duly seconded
RESOLVED, that the complete lists
of Grand and Trial jurors be and
tai: same hereby are approved and
certified by the members of both
Boards, and it was further.
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be
and he hereby is authorized and
directed to forward certified
lists to the Commissioner of Jurors
in the form required by law.
Supervisor Burton reviewed the situation in
connection with the establishment of a proposed. Sewer
District in that portion of the Town of Mamaroneck known
as "Dillon Park" and comprising a -part of Tire District No. '...
2 of the Town of Mamaroneck. He stated that a petition
had heretofore been press=ntedto the Board., signed and
acknowledged by a sufficient number of taxpayers owniNg
over one—half of the taxable real property in said proposed
District and requesting the =establishment of the aforesaid
Sewer District . He stated that the said petition had been
checked by the Board of Assessors with the assessment roll
of the Town of Mamaroneck both as to the value of the taxable
real property lying within the proposed Sewer District and
as to the value of thz real property owned by those who had
signed the petitions. He staged to the Boird that in accords
wince with z prior resolution of the Board, a, public meeting ad
been held on September 11, 1525, after due notice and posting,
of the residents of the Dillon Park section, and that after
a full discussiono` the proposition, the residents of the
District present at said meeting had voted in favor of the
Town Board taking immediate steps to establish and constitute
a Sewer District so that the proposed SawarSystsm could be
built at the earliest possible moment . He presented the
certificate of the Board of Assessors of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, which is as follows-
WF, the undersigned, Board of Assessors of the Town of Mama-
roneck, hereby certify that we have checked the annexed
petition of property owners petitioning for the establishment
of a sewer district in the territory described in said
petition %arid that the assessed valuation of the property
owners who have executed said petition is a total of $255, 100.
WE hereby farther certify that the total assessed valuation '.
of all of the property in the district described in said
— petition is a total of n
IN WITNESS THER'`OF, we have hereunto set our hands and the
seal of the Town this :31st day of July, 1525,
Ferdinand Fish, Chairman
Wm. E. Mulcahy, Sooty
John H. Murray.
Upon :notion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the petition be ordered
filed with the Town Clerk.
Upon motion duly seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED, whereas a petition signed and
acknowledged by owners of real property
— in a proposed Sewer District represent-
ing more than one–half in value of the
taxable real property therein, as appears
by the last preceding completed assess-
msnt roll, as is provided by Section 230
of the Town Law of the State of New York,
has been duly filed with this Board,which
said petition described the proposed
Sewer District and states the maximum
amount to be expended in the construct-
ion of said sewer system; that opposite
the name of each .petitioner appears the
assessed valuation of tha real property
owned by him or her in such district,
according to the least preceding assess-
ment roll; and
'pAREAS, there is annexed to and presented
with and made aa, part of said petition a
map and plan of the proposed sewer system,
with specifications of dimensions and
connections and outlet, and/or sewerage
disposal ,;corks, arhich has been prepared
by a competent engineer; and
-- y WRM, said -petitioners ask the Token
Board to make an order establishing the
seeder district described in said petition
and stating the amount proposed to be
expended in the construction of said serer
system; and
THERDAS, in said petition asking for the
establishment of as sewer system the
petitioners likewise pray as provided
under Suction 230–a. that a. portion or
portions only of the system designed
ultimately to serve tho entire district
shall be constructed in they first instance,
and have described - the said cortion or
perti one in their petition -and indicated
the same on the said map and plan annexed
to said petition and have specified the
maximum amount proposed to be expanded in
the construction of such portion or port-
ions of the said system, and. said petition-
ers further ask that the Town Bo=ard may
include in its order establishing the
said sewer district a direction that the
Sower Commissioners shall construct only
the portion or portions of the said system
designated in the said petitions until
extensions theroto shall be .authorized as
provided by law; and
T FUTS, the Town Board is satisfied
that the petitionais are owners of
-aa,l property in the proposed district
and own more than one-half in value
of the taxable real prOPert•,= therein,
and is also satisfied that the real
property situated within the proposal
district is or will be of sufficient
value to pay for the cost of the
construction of the Sewer system in
said proposed district, according
to the estimated cost thereof, as set
forth in the petition, and th >t all
provisions of the law realting to the
establishment of the proposed district
have been complied with.
T'-ERTFOR7, BF K ^17=77, that a 9W,+"a*er _
District to be known and d si na.t'ed as
"T:wer District No . 2 of the Town of
An aronock b'a nd tl a :'a r!,,Ib r is
established, - n .Lhe district bounded
and described as follows, and that a
certificate to this .effect be executed
and filed in the office of the Town
BEGINNING at the point of intersection
of the southerly 00 of the Boston Post
Road with tho easterly boundary line of
the City of New Rochelle and the westerly
boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck,
thence north crossing said Boston Post
Road and along tha afores=aid bow da7y
lin: between the 'City of Few Rochelle
and the Town of Mamaroneck, a distance of
1700 feet, thence northeasterly 425 feet
to a point on the westerly boundary line
bctrre- n the Town of Mznnronnnk and the
Village of Larchmont, Which point is 1300
f at northerly from the northerly side
of the Boston Post Road, th n e southerly
and along the said boundary linJ:,twenn
said T'oxn and Village as follows : 1300
fast to said norther silo t
northerly `'f the Bo==s ,,_ on
Post Road, thence easterly a.nd along the
northerly side of the Boston Post Road,
450 fact to the corner formed by the
intersection of said northerly side: of
the Boston. Post Road and the westerly
side of Echo Road as laid out, thence
southerly, southeasterly, easterly and
southeastorly 1075 feet, thence (leaving.
said boundary line', running wost of sorth-
w st erly t9;50 feat , themo
050 foot to the point of ; rtersection of
said line with the westerly boundary line
of the Town of Mamaroneck and the aastarly
boundary lino of the City of Now Rochelle
which point is 1100 feet southeasterly
of the southerly sid=e of the Boston Post
Road, thence northwesterly and along said
boundary Pane 1100 feet to the point or
place of beginning. All of which pro-
posed Sewer District of the Town
of Mamaroneck is more specifically
shown on a certain map entitled,
"Dillon Park in the Town of Mamaro-
nook, Testchoster Co. ,N.Y. Outlines
of Sewer District by A .j.Foote,
Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Uay
29, 1?25- 11
And be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sewer
Commissioners to be hereafter
appointed under the provisions of
Section 231 of the Town Law are
hereby directed and empowered to
construct, attain by Purchase,
agreement or otherwise in the first
instinca the entire portion of the
said sewer system in said proposed
district, as described herein and
as desiSnated in the said petition
at a cost of not to exce3d, $125,000
until extensions thereto shall be
authorized as pTovtod by low.
And be it
7- FURTHER RFSOLV7r, that for all pur-
poses of taxation and assessments
this resolution and tha"cartificate
heroin authorized to be filed shall
take affect immediately, and that
all of said costs incurred in said
Sager District No . 2 of the Town of
lamaronack3 for the purposes of
constructing and operating said sewer
system shall be levied and assessed
in aocoTdznce with the lax provided
therefor and shall be and become a.
lien on Said Property located within
the said District, as is provided by
And be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all
acts of this Board or its predecessors
in office inconsistent herewith be and
the same are rescinded and declared
to be of no effect, with the exception
however,that nothing herein shall do—
lay or defeat the collection of taxes
and assessments at present a lien.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11: 50 o'clock
T ern Clerk.