HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_07_19 Town Board Minutes 067
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by
Supervisor Battalia at 7:15 p.m. in the Auditorium.
Present were the following:
Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia
Councilman Lee H. Bloom
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lawrence A. Lerman
Town Administrator, Stephen V. Altieri and Counsel to the Town,
.Steven M. Silverberg were also present.
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
. .it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board will recess
into Executive Session in the Council
Room to discuss matters of personnel.
The Town Board discussed personnel matters relative to the Planning
Board, Human Rights Commission and Police Department.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by.Councilman Bloom,
. .it was unanimously resolved to adjourn the Executive Session at
7:50 p.m.
During the work session that followed, the Administrator presented
to the Board information relative to the Maloney Subdivision and
presented background as to how the recommended recreation fee was
At the close of the work session, the Board members moved upstairs
into .the Auditorium.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of
exits as required by law for public gatherings.
The Meeting was called!to order by Commissioner Battalia at 8:27
p.m. in the Auditorium.
Present were the following:
Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia
Commissioner Lee H. Bloom
Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke
Commissioner Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman
• Also present were the following:
Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Counsel to the Town
1. Claims
Commissioner Bloom presented fire claims for authorization of payment
and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department claims as approved by
the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's Office:
AAA Emergency Supply $ 880.00
All Power 46.50
R.G. Brewer, Inc. 19.47
R.G. Brewer, Inc. 129.24
Con Edison 3.02
Con Edison 2.00
Con Edison . 39.39
Ronald DeCosimo 4.93
ESCO, Exterminating Services 20.03
Excelsior Garage 765.95
I & T Plumbing 325.00
NYNEX Information Services 9.00
John Perri 43.66
Portronix Communications 314.90
RAD Oil Co. 444.22
Suburban Communications 142.00
.Town of Mamaroneck Professional
Fire-Fighters Association 102.18
Uniform Rental Inc. : ' 29.24
• 2. Promotion - Salary Authorization
On motion by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner Amlicke,
it was,unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
promotes Firefighter Willian Premuroso
to the position of Lieutenant at an,
annual salary of $33,075.00 effective
There being no further business to come before this Commission,
on motion by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner Amlicke,
it was unanimously declared that this meeting be .adjourned at
8:30 p.m.
At this time, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
• resolved that the regular meeting be reconvened.
PRESENTATION - 325th Anniversary Committee
Supervisor Battalia introduced Co-Chairman Roberta Semer who
enumerated the list of other members of her Committee and noted
the presence of. the Co-Chairman Beverly Adams. Mrs. Semer outlined
. .the many and diverse projects the group is planning in anticipation
of celebrating on September 23, 1987 the Town's 325th Anniversary,
namely: a kickoff in September 1986 of helium-filled balloons with
messages inside which may reach other communities; a celebration
in conjunction with the opening of the Town .Center; a crafts fair
sponsored by the Mamaroneck Artists Guild; special ecumenical
services; walking tours, displays, exhibitions, etc.
Some discussion followed the presentation with respect to contri-
butions to .the already established fund; the logo designed by
local residents, the inclusion of other community groups in the
various celebration activities and the use of the media to encourage
participation by the community at large.
At this time the regular order of the Agenda was changed.
Glenn Road & Valley Road
After reviewing the background of steps taken relative to the proposed
STOP SIGN, Councilman Bloom explained to the Board the Traffic
Committee's recommendation to change the original designated location.
Thereafter Counsel advised the Board to authorize the publication of
a revised worded notice, setting another public hearing date.
At this time, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
• RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets
July 17, 1985 as the date for a Public
Hearing on a proposed local law relative
to STOP SIGNS which would amend Local Law
#1-1965 by adding subparagraph 66;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she
hereby is, authorized to publish in The
Daily Times the Notice of said Hearing as
required by law.
PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Local Law to Amend Local Law #5-1984
Police Department
Counsel to the Town, Steven M. Silverberg reviewed the wording of
the original law adopted in October 1984, and explained the need
to clarify and add new language defining certain powers given to
the Police Commissioner. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman
Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be,
and it hereby is, declared open.
.The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication
• and Posting of the Notice of Hearing.
Councilman Amlicke inquired as to how disciplinary proceedings would
be handled. Counsel to the Town, .Steven Silverberg answered that
if .charges are brought up by the Police Commissioner, the Town Board
would act as hearing officers.
Since no one else wished to address the matter, on motion by
Councilman .Bloom, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be,
and it hereby is, declared closed.
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
. .the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board:
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on
this date, at the time and place
specified in the Notice of Public
Hearing to consider the adoption of
proposed Local Law No. 9-1985 and
has heard all persons desiring to
be heard thereon;
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby
adopt Local Law No. 9-1985 which
amends Local Law No. 5-1984 entitled
"Police Department," and orders that
said Local Law as adopted and herewith
inserted, be made a part of the minutes
of this meeting:
This local law shall be known as Police Department, Town
of Mamaroneck.
Section 1. Purpose:
Purpose of this local law is to amend Local Law
No. 5-1984, entitled "Police Department, Town of
Mamaroneck," Section 3. (a) to further clarify
the duties of the Police Commissioner.
Section 2. 'Powers of the Commissioner:
Section 3. (a) of Local Law number 5 of 1984 shall
be amended to read as follows:
All the powers and duties granted a Board of Police
Commissioners under Chapter 104 of the Laws of 1936
as amended, including the power to make appointments,
promotions, and to remove employees, consistent with
applicable laws concerning the procedure for removal
of employees; except that in the case of disciplinary
proceedings, if the charges .are brought by the
Commissioner of Police, the Town Board shall sit as
hearing officers.
Section 3. Severability
Should any section of this local law be declared
invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction,
such invalidity shall not affect the validity of
any other section of this law.
Section 4. Effective Date:
This local law shall take effect immediately.
The .minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 17, 1985 were presented
arid -on motion by Councilwoman. Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, were unanimously approved as corrected.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of May 13, 1985 were presented
and on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
were unanimously approved as corrected.
1. Appointments
a) Chairman, Planning Board
Supervisor Battalia announced that Paul Kalos, who has served
on the Town Planning Board with distinction for over six years,
has asked to not be reappointed, hence this Board must appoint
a new Chairman for the Planning Board. Therefore, on motion
by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman,
.it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Sandford Bell as Chairman of the Town of
Mamaroneck Planning Board, replacing Paul
b) Human Rights Commission
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Sheila Crain of 9 France Place, Town, to
the -Town of Mamaroneck Commission of Human
Rights to serve a three-year term of office,
• effective immediately and terminating on
May 19, 1988.
2.. Discussion - Court House Property
A review of the property ownership with a detailed description
of the property and the assessment record was presented by
Mr. Altieri.
The Supervisor then stated that the Town is proposing to
sell the property because the Court will be moving to the
new Town Center when the renovations are completed and
noted that she had asked the Howell Park residents to
attend this meeting and take part in the discussion in
order to give the Town the benefit of their views on the
use of the property. The following people addressed the
Board on this matter:
Donald Geary, 91 Howell Avenue
Penny Oberg, 1214 Palmer Avenue
Jean Campbell, 64 Carleon Avenue
Frank Taylor, 12 Carleon Avenue
Vince Ibelli, 1222 Palmer Avenue
Judith Taylor, 12 Carleon .Avenue
Leonard Martin, 416C, Larchmont Acres
Tim Oberg, 1214 Palmer Avenue
Helen Waters, 1298 Palmer Avenue
The following topics/suggestions were taken up during the
discussion that followed the Supervisor's statements:
--the present zoning of the property and its meaning.
--alternative zoning for the property.
--retention by Town for use as a recreational area.
--procedures for zoning change.
--possibility of relocation of the V.A.C. facility.
--maintenance of property after .the Courthouse moves.
--possibility of use as a cultural center.
--restoration of building for use as a home or a
historic site.
At this time the regular order of the Agenda was resumed.
PRESENTATION - Joint Town-Village Planning Group
Lawrence Lowy, Acting Chairman, reviewed the activities of this Group
for the past two years, enumerating the persons appointed. He
noted that the Group's first order of business was to determine
priorities and decided that traffic was the most important. He
further noted that the Committee was later enlarged and, as they
progressed, they began to look into upgrading the Master Plan
and decided to attempt this massive undertaking in stages--land
use,_ housing, sewers,. etc. Mr. Lowy stated that a decision to
spend $15,000 dollars. in order to get this project underway was
• made and, after interviews were conducted, Dan Schuster was retained
as a consultant.
A great deal of discussion followed relative to the area that will
be covered .in Mr. Schuster's study which will be Palmer Avenue from
Chatsworth Avenue to Weaver Street. The matter of the Town's
moratorium on building was also discussed and Councilman Bloom
asked Mr. Lowy if his Group's proposal would be accomplished by
March 1st, 1986. Mr. Lowy emphasized the importance of Mr.
Schuster's flexibility and, in answer to other questions posed,
V ( .
Mr. Lowy stated that he would ask for a study of the Court.-.House
property to be included.
Other topics taken up during this discussion were a concern that
a greater area was not being considered, whether funds can be
obtained from the County for this study since Palmer Avenue is
a County road and further suggestions for the Court House
property such as senior citizen housing and a compost area.
The Board thanked Mr. Lowy for his presentation and members of
the Howell Park Association thanked the Supervisor for inviting
them to this meeting.and hoped that they would continue to be
advised of and involved in what is being done.
3. Recreation Fee - Maloney Subdivision
The Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri, explained the reason
for imposing the $50,000 recreation fee and, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck on June 12, 1985, granted pre-
liminary subdivision approval for the
subdivision application of Joseph Maloney
on Fenimore Road in the Town of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, as part of that subdivision approval,
the Planning Board determined that a suitable
park of adequate size. could not be properly
located in such subdivision and is otherwise
not practicable;
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Town Law Section
277, this Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
hereby determines that the sum of $50,000 be
paid to the Town to constitute a Trust Fund
to be used by the Town exclusively for
recreation purposes.
At this time the regular order of the Agenda was changed and Item
#13 was taken up.
13. Salary Authorizations
a) Town Center Caretaker
• On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Lerman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is
hereby authorized to place the position
of Thomas Russell, caretaker, in Step 2
of Grade V of the CSEA salary schedule
at $16,565.
b) Recreation
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
07 ..
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the
1985 Town Budget, this Board hereby
authorizes the following salary
expenditures to the persons named on
the list annexed hereto, for the terms
of employment and at the rate of
compensation for -each as set forth:
• Michael Chiapparelli Director 6 weeks $350.00
Debra Cunningham Art'Director. 6 weeks $155.00
Margaret O'Neill Ass't. Director 6 weeks $150.00
Carolyn Reilly Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $126.00
Gary Bregman. Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $110.00.
John Castiglione Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $110.00
"Denise Gacio Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $110.00
Othello Rollon Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $110.00
Dawn Donato Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $105.00
Tor Hyams Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $100.00
Jennifer Needleman Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $100.00
Monica Parnell Rec. Assistant 6 'weeks $100.00
Kathleen Trezza Jr. Rec. Ass't. 6 weeks $100.00
Keith Fairy Jr. Rec. Ass't. 6 weeks $100.00
Joshua Starr Jr. Rec. Ass't. 6 weeks $100.00
John Walsh Jr. Rec. Ass't. 6 weeks $100.00
Michael Sapery Jr. Rec. Ass't. 6 weeks i $100.00
Estelle Laska Director 6 weeks $164.00
Edward Helmrich Sr. Rec. Asst. 6 weeks $ 65.00
-Christine Kraus Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 50.00
Elizabeth -Parnell Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 50.00
Abigail Brodsky Ass't Rec. Ass't. 6 weeks $ 50.00
Maggie O'Hara Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 45.00
Kate Maloney Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 45.00
-Dan Katz Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 45.00
Jacquelyn Sloan-Brown Director 6 weeks $160.00
Andrew Mohan Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 55.00
James Nealon Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 55:00
Liz Chianese Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 50.00
Jennifer McCue Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 50.00
Greg Gordon Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 45.00
Kate Buckley Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 45.00
• Marion Davidson Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 45.00
El-len Friedman Director 6 weeks $160.00
Patricia Woods Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 60.00
Eileen Woods Rec. Assistant 6 weeks $ 55.00
'Marie Salantino Rec. Assi-stant 6 weeks $ 70.00
Anne Treacy Lifeguard $4.50 per hour 6/22/85
Greg" Johaison Lifeguard $3.50 per hour 6/22/85.
Christopher Wells Lifeguard $3.50 per hour 6/22/85
Jon Schwartz Lifeguard $3.50 per hour.. 6/22/85
. Amy McGarry Lifeguard $3.50 per hour 6/22/85
Caroline Gordon Lifeguard $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Laurie Logan Lifeguard $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Chris Adams Lifeguard $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Martyn Kroon Lifeguard $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Jennifer Bentley Lifeguard $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
.Agnes Mendoza Alt. Lifeguard $3.50 per hour 6/22/85
Carolyn Reilly Alt. Lifeguard $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Edward Bender Alt. Lifeguard $4.50 per hour 6/22/85
Ci-ndy Ferro Alt. Lifeguard $5.25 per hour 6/22/85
Suzi.e Ladin Key Attendant $3.25 per hour 6/22/85
Mimi Glassman Key Attendant $3.25 per hour 6/22/85
Coleen Quinlan Key Attendant $3.25 per hour 6/22/85
Steve Larkin Key Attendant $3.00 per hour 6/22/85
Colin Villone Key Attendant $3.00 per hour 6/22/85
Chrissy Feuerbach Key Attendant $3.00 per hour 6/22/85
ALL LIFEGUARDS Alt. Key Attendant $3.00 per hour 6/22/85
Kenra Cowan Alt. Key Attendant $3.00 per hour 6/22/85
John Dindas Alt. ' Key Attendant $3.00 per hour 6/22/85
Anne Treacy 'Matron $4.50 per hour 6/22/85
:Caroline Gordon Matron $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Laurie Logan Matron $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
:Amy McGarry Matron $3.50 per hour 6/22/85
Jennifer Bentley Matron $3.35 per hour 6/22/85
Cindy Ferro Swim Team Coach $5.25 per hour 6/22/85
'Ed .Bender Ass't Swim Team Coach $4.50 per hour 6/22/85
Lu:cy-Moore- Asst Swim Team Coach $3.75 per hour 6/221.85
"Perry Martin Director 5 weeks $270.00
Jean Peale Instructor 5 weeks $ 85.00
Richard Williams Instructor 5-weeks $ 85.00
Debbie Moran Instructor 5 weeks $ 85.00. '
'Paul Rutkowski Instructor 5 weeks $ 85.00
Joann Martello Instructor 5 weeks $ 85:00
Jennifer Sylvia Instructor 5 weeks $ 70.00
-Joshua Berman Instructor -5 weeks $ 35.00
Je:ss.ica Bady Instructor 5 weeks $ 35.00
`Anne O'Reilly Rec. . Assistant $3.50/hour
ancisco Crespo, P.ec. Assistant, Maintenance, $3.60/hour, effective 6/17/85.
Marie Salantino, Temporary Office Assistant, $3.60/hour, effective retroactive to 6/6%85.
Robert Caserta Instructor 8 weeks $ 17.50/hour
Margaret O'Neill Sr. Rec. Leader 6 weeks $ 30.00
c),--=School Crossing Guards
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes salary to be paid to
School Crossing Guard, Dorothy
Batsakis of 708 Palmer .Avenue,
Mamaroneck Village, at a rate of
$27.00 per day, effective June 23,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes salary be paid to
substitute School Crossing Guard,
Natalie Craparo of 65 Orchard
Street, Eastchester, at.a rate of
$27.00 per day, effective June 22,
d) Police Department
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
• RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes salary be paid to Police
Officer Richard Rivera, as a Police
Sergeant, at an annual rate of
$35,015.00, effective June 20, 1985.
At .this time the regular order of the Agenda was resumed and Item #4
was taken up.
4. Authorization - Lease Agreement-Girl Scout House
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes the Town Administrator
to execute a lease agreement between
the Town of Mamaroneck and the Putnam
Girl Scout Council.
5. Report on Insurance
The Town Administrator explained that the Town's major
insurance policies expire in ten days and that he would
like to investigate some alternatives. Some discussion
followed relative to the problems that all municipalities
are experiencing with respect to their insurance coverages.
Therefore, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by
Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes the Administrator to
appropriate funds for the purpose
of renewing the following insurance
policies at a total premium of
General Liability (National Union - AIG)
Property Coverage (National Union)
Auto Liability & Physical Damage (N.U.)
Police Professional Liability (Calvert)
Umbrella Liability (Granite State)
6. Update - Drought Emergency
Supervisor Battalia stated that a report on the drought
emergency is not possible at this time due to a confusion
about the regulations.
7. Discussion - Senior Kitchen at the Town Center
Supervisor Battalia asked the Administrator to explain the
situation relative to the improvements for a full preparation
kitchen in the Senior Center as required by the County Health
Department. Mr. Altieri enumerated the many 'items required
as well as the changes from the original plans for that area.
Some discussion followed relative to the costs of these
changes and Mamaroneck Village's request that the Town share
in such costs. There was also some discussion about whether
or not it will be a regional kitchen or just a food preparation
kitchen for the local seniors. Thereafter, on.motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Administrator to execute change orders
for the Town Center project relating to
construction requirements for the Senior
Center kitchen;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
appropriates $15,000 for said kitchen,
conditioned upon the Village of
Mamaroneck appropriating the remaining
costs relating to the construction of
of the kitchen.
Town. Counsel, Steven Silverberg, reminded the Board that
consideration should be given to the drafting of a formal
lease agreement with the Village of Mamaroneck relative to
the Senior Center.
8. Resolution - Sidewalk Maintenance-North Chatsworth/Murray/
Myrtle Intersection
Following Mr. Altieri's explanation that the State had forwarded
the wrong resolution previously, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the following resolution
was adopted -by unanimous vote of the Board:
WHEREAS, the New York State Department of
. Transportation proposes intersection
improvements which include traffic signals,
pavements rehabilitation, landscaping and
other improvements on Murray Avenue in the
Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the State will provide for the
construction of sidewalks as shown on
the contract plans, identified as P.I.N.
8752.04, and located as follows:
¢ STA. M 14+17, 29' LT. to ¢ STA. MU 11+50, 31' LT.
¢ STA. M 15+55, 24' RT. to ¢ STA. MU 11+50, 31' RT.
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck
approves the construction of these
sidewalks and that the Town of Mamaroneck
will maintain these sidewalks which will
include snow and ice control.
RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Board is
hereby directed to transmit six (6) certified
copies of the foregoing resolution to the
New York State Department of Transportation.
• 9. Resolution - Amendment to ACT for County Sewer-Rushmore Avenue,
Village of Mamaroneck
Mr. Altieri advised the Board that Assemblyman Tocci has
requested an amended resolution and on motion by Councilman
Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck hereby approves the proposed
legislation pending in the Senate and
Assembly of the State of New York under
numbers S.6153 and.A.7621, as amended,
such amendment providing that the surface
of any such easement shall be restored
and continued to be used for park purposes
upon construction and/or necessary repair
or maintenance of the sewer pipeline.
10. Authorization - Sale of Truck to Joint Sanitation Commission
Mr. Altieri provided the Board with a review of the
circumstances relative to the truck and, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, the
following resolution was adopted by a majority vote of
the Board, with Supervisor Battalia abstaining from the
vote because she is a member of the Sanitation Commission:
RESOLVED, thatthis Board hereby authorizes
the Town Administrator to negotiate the
sale of the Town of Mamaroneck 1978
Chevrolet Pick-Up Truck to the Joint
• Sanitation Commission for a price ranging
between $2,200. and $2,800. ;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the
Town Administrator to take the necessary
steps to purchase a replacement pick-up
truck through the appropriate New York
.State contract.
11. Set Date for Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law-Tree Preservation
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets
July 17, 1985 as the date for a Public.
Hearing on a proposed local law relative
to tree preservation;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and
she hereby is, authorized to publish
An The Daily Times, the Notice of said
Hearing as required by law.
12. Set Date for Public Hearing - Authorization-Borrow Funds re
Refuse Packer
Pursuant to Mr. Altieri's explanation, the following resolution
was offered by Councilman Lerman who moved its adoption, seconded
by Councilman Amlicke, to-wit:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,
has had under consideration the purchase
of an auto-car Model K-S 42 twenty-yard
packer truck to be used for garbage and
refuse collection ur oses for Refuse and
Garbage District No. l in said Town; and
WHEREAS, the maximum amount .proposed to be
expended for the purchase of said truck is
$75,700; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public
hearing on the question of the purchase of
the aforesaid men e ui for Refuse equipment t r e use and
Garbage District No. 1 in the manner
described above, and to hear all persons
interested in the subject thereof,
concerning the same, in accordance with
the provisions of Section 202-b of the
• Town Law;
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,
as follows:
Section 1. A meeting will be held at the
Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, in
Mamaroneck, New York, in the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York,
on July 17, 1985, at 8:15, o'clock p.m. ,
Prevailing Time, for the purpose of
conducting a public hearing on the matter
described in the preambles hereof, and to
.hear all persons interested in the subject
thereof, concerning the same, and to take
such action thereon as is required or
authorized by law.
Section' 2. The Town Clerk is hereby
authorized and directed to cause a copy of
the Notice of Public Hearing hereinafter
provided to be published once in The Daily
Times, the official newspaper, and also to
cause a copy thereof to be posted on the
sign board of the Town, such publication
and posting to be made not less than ten,
nor more than twenty, days before the date
designated for the hearing.
"Section 3. The notice of public hearing
shall be in substantially the following
Section 4. This resolution shall take
effect immediately.
The question of-the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Dolores A. Battalia VOTING Aye
Lee H. Bloom VOTING Aye
Thomas R. Amlicke VOTING Aye
Caroline Silverstone VOTING Aye
Lawrence A. Lerman VOTING Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
13. Salary Authorizations
This item was taken up earlier in the meeting.
Appointments - Ice Rink Study Committee
Supervisor Battalia spoke about the presentation made at the last
meeting with respect to the Report of the Ice Rink Committees and
noted that she has reviewed the points raised in the report and
would like to now make the following recommendations to the Board
relative to appointments and the charge to the committee: that
Councilman Amlicke and Lerman to continue, that Trustees Astle
and Kean of the Village of Larchmont continue, that Bud Walsh
further represent the Village of Larchmont, that Ron Keelan
represent the Town Recreation Commission, . that the Village of
Mamaroneck and the Board of Education provide the Town with the
names of the prsons they designate to serve, and further that
Rene Simon and Dominick Ruggiero serve with the latter serving
as Chairman of the group. She also stated that the Committee
be charged with carrying out the recommendations of the Report
and to interview consultants and report back to this Board with
recommendations for the future of the Ice Rink.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, .it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board concurs with
the recommendations of the Supervisor
with respect to appointments to the Ice
. Rink Study Committee and that said
Committee be charged with carrying out
the recommendations in the.Report of the
Ice Rink Committees, interview consultants
and report back to this Board with
recommendations for the future of the Ice
14. Authorization - Capital Fund Projects and Budget Transfers
Following Mr. Altieri's explanation, on motion by Councilman
Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes the Comptroller to set up
. the following Capital Fund Projects
and to make the following necessary
budget transfers:
• Capital'Project No. 85-2/Purchase of Police Vehicles-
Transfer of $50,000 from the Federal Revenue Sharing,
Part Town to the Capital Projects Fund.
Capital Project No. 85-3/Resurfacing Streets 1985-
Transfer of $120,000 from the Highway Fund to the
Capital Projects Fund.
Capital Project No. 85-4/Purchase of a Highway Vehicle-
Transfer of $9,000 from the Federal Revenue Sharing
Highway Fund to the Capital Projects Fund.
Capital Project No. 85-5/Purchase of a Pickup Truck
for Recreation Department-Transfer of $8,000 from
the Federal Revenue Sharing, General Town to
Capital Projects Fund.
There were no written communications to come before this Board.
There were no oral communications to come before this Board.
Regular Reports
The Report of the Building Inspector for the month of May 1985 was
presented for the record by the Town Clerk.
Supervisor Battalia reported:
a) that on July lst at 10:30 a.m. a meeting will be held with
the County on the matter of the proposed transfer station
and thanked the Administrator and Mr. Kellogg for the many
hours they have spent negotiating this matter with the County.
b) that she and the Administrator are working very diligently
to resurrect the grant application which has been turned down
by the County and thanked Dr. Mason for his input and expressed
her disappointment that the Town's CDAG representative was
not in attendance at the crucial meeting when the joint
application by the Town and Village of Larchmont was presented.
c) on her participation as a panelist at a workshop at the
Municipal Law Center at Pace and stressed that she was quite
vocal during the discussion of the topic on the homeless.
Councilman Bloom reported:
a) that the Board of Ethics will hold its quarterly meeting in
July and inquired of Counsel of the status of the draft of
the changes proposed by that Board.
b) on his interest in knowing the status of the closing with
Garfield Housing since the contract provides that such
closing be held within six (6) months after final decision.
Mr. Silverberg advised Mr. Bloom of such status.
c) on the state of disrepair of Griffen Avenue making it almost
impossible on which to drive and inquired about the status
of the agreement with the Town and Scarsdale Village. He
was advised by Mr. Altieri of the search for the previous
agreement and further notation on the matter by the Supervisor.
d) on the role of the liaison person with respect to calls on
the hot line and suggested an appropriate procedure other
than referring such calls to the liaison Board member.
Councilman Amlicke reported:
a) on the matter of the C.A.C. 's concern about encroaching on
conservation areas and stream beds and asked if Mr. Emanuelson
can get some assistance in trying to eliminate this problem.
The Administrator was asked to follow up on this matter, with
respect to inventorying the encroachments and then go forth
advising the resident in question.
b) on the statement annexed hereto which he asked be made a
part of the record of this meeting:
Councilman Lerman commented on various parts of Mr. Amlicke's statement
as did Supervisor Battalia.
Councilwoman Silverstone did not have any reports to present at this
Councilman Lerman did not have any reports to present at this meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion
duly made and seconded, it was unanimously resolved that this meeting
be adjourned at 11:50 p.m.
Town Administrator
Town Clerk
TO: Town Council DATE: June 19, 1985
FROM: Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
SUBJECT: Reducing Cost of Government
At a previous Council meeting, a resolution was
presented to this Board to support the continuance of State
and Local Tax deductions. I abstained because I was not sure
what effect this would have on New York State or on our
community. I have since researched this issue and I am
slowly being convinced that the political leaders in New York
State seem to be overly concerned and that my vote should
have been against the resolution. A large New York City
accounting firm did an analysis of what New York State citi-
zens would pay in Federal Income Taxes if the Tax Simplifi-
cation Law were passed and the State and Local Tax deductions
repealed. They used the average family of four and ran
computations based on incomes of $40,000 or less and $80, 000,
$120,000 and $160,000. They reported that those receiving
$40,000 or less would pay less and those receiving between
$40,000 and $160, 000 could pay up to $1 ,000 or a little more.
I rather doubt that this would cause an exodus from New York
State. A very interesting observation was made in the June
10, 1985 issue of the New York Times. The paper said that
"Concern about the deductibility of State and Local Taxes
seems to be confined to New Yorkers. There are three of them
on the Ways and Means Committee - - But their colleagues
from other high-tax states have mostly kept their peace" .
These states are not convinced that the repeal of State and
Local Tax deductions would be especially damaging. I tend to
agree with this view. Furthermore, Tax Simplification can
only be effective if it is not riddled with exceptions.
My colleagues on this board support the proposition
that State and Local Tax deductions should be preserved.
There reasoning is that it will have a major impact on the
economic well being of the Town if they are repealed. If
they truly believe this, then I suggest that they start
preparing contingency plans right now to reduce the cost of
Town Government and to increase its revenues.
There is one suggestion in the revenue area that I
would like to make tonight and have it become part of the
record of the meeting. The extra space we have at the Town
Center should be rented for the highest commercial rents we
can obtain. This will help finance the new Town Center. I
am asking this board to direct our Town Administrator to
strive for this goal. If there are any stumbling blocks in
the way of obtaining the maximum possible rent, then we
should direct our Town Attorney to figure out a way around
these problems. In any event, I would like a report from our
Town Administrator at our next meeting covering potential
tenants and the rents they are willing to pay.
On the expense side of the problem, we should start
looking for novel ideas to reduce the cost of government
without reducing services. Even if the Tax Simplification
Law, ...if___pas.s.ed, -does not produce the negative economic impact
that the other members of this board think it will have, we
cannot go on for ever expecting 7% or higher annual increases
in taxes. As taxes go higher, we are limiting the number of
young and older people who can afford to live in our com-
I am happy to mention that some of the members of
the Town Management Committee at our last meeting with them
appear to agree with this and were willing to consider new
approaches to reduce the cost of government. Speaking only
for myself, I would like to see the three municipalities
begin to discuss the possibility of consolidation of programs
and .services and even consolidation of communites. I would
like to see our recycling programs upgraded, their adminis-
tration improved and mandatory paper recycling considered.
This could produce savings and revenues in excess of
$100,000. We must make sure that this community has a place
to compost its leaves. Our composting operation saves over
$75,000 a year and this will increase as the dumping charges
at the Charles Point Plant increase. We should join with
other communities to petition New York State to see if we can
minimize the exposure of local communities to suits which in
turn would help to reduce our insurance costs. We should
look to our more affluent residents to make charitable gifts
of cash and land to our community which will, continue to be
deductible for income tax purposes under the new Tax Simpli-
fication Law. I am sure there are many other money saving
suggestions that will be uncovered if we make a concerted
effort to find them. This board with the help of its commis-
sions and boards and the residents of our community should
begin a sincere effort to find news solutions to making
i government affordable. Lets begin tonight.