HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_07_14 Town Board Minutes `3
CLL' 1HE iG r^T )F '.�i>MAROYMC, NrLD
JU'L°_' 14, '.925, at 11 :30
i.y h lip VVJ:9
CIErJ BS 0 IrEy S = STP,E,T,
ape; 7i? or Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer
Tavm ^lurk Sherman
The meeting was called to order by Supervisc-f Bu--t,;';9a '..
The Superrv"Tor stated. that the Soeoi ,l Meeti,nc had bear
called to receive ails coen bids in cornaction :".d. th $h2 ?-'•_ :
of Seaver Dist=_. ^t Borrz ,
0 '21t^, ti o d'.°.'J Sec v, dad, '1 t s
=fin OTVIZDy 'hat the c 0,1 of th -nec"
be "Di owed®
Mi- -vi S�'r as'_—d. :if there va-._ a•/•`i 'J:ev -Ja'ese-'nt ':'v''_ -
_ y
�- On duly seconded, it rvas
11.ESOLVZD, that. tree byds rscel ed. fo:
±k.o sale of "140, 000 Sea'i-zu- ? ,Ar -k�';if-1
Seri .'n', E2 of Sewer D5 st. dct
Na . 7 of the To„vn of r. ^bas, 'check,
pursuant to -Not-,' e of Sale thereof,
dated Ju _e 24, 19253 be noav ,opened,
"Vne O'l.er?{ proceeded to Open and read each of the se-�7eral
bids receive all of vvhieh were on the off. cia.1 fc�ryn Qf
--Op0-a'l' fu-rnished. b`y' the To-err, and accoripanied by cer” fi. ed.
or ca-hi dr9s cheti s .,.Yht.:^_.: required aTlCt.<;^,.t, and i0nich ,...oe = S
fc11ovis :
H. L. Allen, 1410, 340.00
Ha:r`ly, 7crbes & Cosy 141, 036.1.^
Cso .B, Gibbon: & Ca ,TTne . 141, 263' .75
Fairser-iu & Company, 142, 345.001
Batchelder, Tack & Ce. 140, 175,00
A.M. Lampert & Co , - 236Q0 n
On :notion du' lr second-r2, it vv,s
TZSCLt LD", that the Boare, Co i n'to
exeCuti VC- sa--sion to te.bL,?.at.^-, and.
consider the bids received.
The Board then reconvened..
Thn. S',::.'per'7i sor stated that the
-- N, rd, had, cone: dIel'ed
al bids that had been eoeived, ard liras ready
to make `he
a;^varde _ a
T 9 t; Y" 1 . n t.F Y n P 1 E.ti Collins
he £ l r. e ox bj Ja ._ ce
and aeeonded by J1xstice Boyd :
H'ES LV D,, +hat the b+. d. of Far.. ser-7-J s
R. Com-oany of Few Ycr7.- Cit T' ^a77":.i'lg
bid th=e sum of 10-2, „45.00 for
0, _ t
l f4 fa^O .n .L.�c.. v:a £',arc .Y, SLT'=;° .
.�. ..t 1vT l of the
B3=xL[r o f r'e'8ti+" T ""
� � w � � a
%wn of Mamar3necy, and accrued
"terest at the rate 10Wne by the
bonds from the date thereof to the
date Of payment of the purchase price,
Pursuant to the resolution of thj ,-
Board and to the Notice of Sale made
in Accordance with law, and the said
bid being the highest and beat Wd-
received for said bonds, and, comply-
ing with the terms and conditions of
said Notice of Salep the said bonds
are hereby asurded to the said Fair-
servie & Compamy, and the aforesaid
bid is hereby accepted, and the
Supervisor is directed tc deliver the
said bonds upon their execution and
upon the receipt of the ,rchase
price thereof.
The resolution was put to a vote, and ,ray e adopted.
as follows :
Ayes - Supervisor Burton
Justice Boyd
Jucti :e Collins
Justice Shafer
Tn7r Clerk Sherman
NAM - - None -
adopted. The Supo=isyr thersulcr declared the resolution
Upon motion du? Y,' sarordeO, it -we,,s
7, SOLVLD that the Counsel te, and he
hereby is uthorized and emerc? and
HMOs? to a 1ow take any and all ste;,,s
7tinh nay be recezzary in the premises
to conzu-nmaatc the sale of the aforsyzid
W0, 025 -00 Seter YEtrict Bonds.
Upon the recommendation of the SuperVsor, the
following resolution was presented by justice Boy can
d, vid,..',
Xstiyz 0711W , which uTon Roll Call sac unanincuely
adopts? :
VHZ"TAS, the SupsTwiscy has reported that
certificate cf indebtedness Number 77
late? September 27, 1924, fea, the surn of
the proceeds of which were
applied to pay the cost of laying an
o d
cnstructing a concrete sidewalk ajorC
the southerly side of Palmer AvEnuc Votweer
Wea7er Street and the weaterly boundary
line of the Village of Mamaroneck became
due on Tune 1, 1225 ant that there were no
funds a7vilab10 with which to Day and
retire the same for the ressor that the
amo=t thereof was net included in the 1?2,m
Bu6gst ; aro
IHWIZZ, it is the senew of this Board
that the best interests of the Town wil:
be promoted by renewirg said certificate
of indebtedness so that the same 017
become Ws and payable on May !, 1?2e.
row, THIRZFou' be it
mouzz, that pursuant to the pzoviAons,
of the Westchester County Tax act, the
Super7izor be and he hereby is authorize •
an& empowers? to borrow upon the faith
nn? czedit of the Town of Mamaroneck the
sum of in anticipation of the
taxes to be le7ie • and collected on
1526, against saij zifewa!17
district, ant that the yrocecQ thereof
be applieA in payment of certificate Of
indsbtednes8 Yumber 7, date? September
27, A24 ; and it is furth6r
PZSOLVID, that the Supervisor be an%
he hereby is nuthorizeJ and empowsied
to issue one or more certificates
of indebtedness, each of such Knomi -
notion as the SUDel7iSOr May determine
in the aggregate not exoeedirF the vinr.
of 19, 123 ,19 . Said certificates Of
indeitainzen shall be sigred by the
Super7isor and counterEigned ty the
Town Clerk, shall bear internst at
rate of not more than 61 per annum and
shaii be made payable on Hay 1, 1926 ;
and it is further
RESOLVEA that the supervisor be and
he hereby is authorized and empowered
to dispose of aaid certi ficates of
injebtedrezo for not less than the
Pir 7aIUC the o f' and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Su;ervisor and Toler,
Clerk be and they herab- -w- -uthorizcd
Of emp6wered to sign and execute such,
papers as may be necessary to effect
the sale of sait certificates ,
Upon the recommendation of the Super7izor, the
following resolution VaZ presented by Justic' Boyd, esconded
by Justice Collins, TUch upon P.-Il. Call va. uranimolusly
adopted :
:=En, the Supervisor has rspertO
thaj certificate of indebtedness No ,
1 0 Vee at Eecember W, 1924, for the
sum of Q4, 92ijo, the procced: if
,tic> were applied to pay the cost
of remo7al and alteration of police
station at Edgewoad Road, in said
Timn of Lramaronech, became doe on
jujy 1, ARK, and that there are no
funds available with which to pay
and retire the some for the reason
that the amount thereof was not in-
cluded in the 1925 Budget; and
WHEREAS, it is the sense of this E2a.W
that the beat interests of the Town
mill be promoted by rerewing said
certificate of indebtedness so that
the same will become ?we and payable
or May 1, 021.
yo f, THEAZZAA Is it
RESOLVED, that purtuant to the Iz:-
visions of the Westchezter County Tay.
let the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to borrow
upon the faith and credit of the Town
of Mamaroneck the sum of j?, 921 ,00 for
which s,-rm 'no shall issue in the name
and under the sea! of said Town one or
more certificate: of indebtadncon each
of such denomination as the Supervisor
way determine, not exceeding in the
aggrugato the sum of id, 92100 . Said
certificates of indebtairess shall be
nigned by the Supervisor and counter-
tignea sy the, Town Clerk, shall !car-
interest at the rnie of not more thar.
per ann'um and shall be made payable
at such times an the SuperTisor may
fix, not later, however, thin June 27,
192e and it is further
RESOLVED, that the SuPervivor be and-
hie herety W authorized and empowered
to dispose nf said certificates far
not less than the par value thereof;
and i t is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized
and smPowered to sign and cNecute
such papers aF may be necessary to
effect the sale of said certificates.
Upon the recommendation of the Superrivor, the
following resolution was presented by Justice Boyd, seconded
by Justice CoPirs, ihich upon Roll Call was unanimously
7HEREAS, the Supervisor has reported,
that certificates of indebtedness
numbers 11 and 12, dated December 26,
1924, the forme n in the sum of 010, 4C;?
anf the latter in the si,xm of 15' 0F4.45
issued against uncollected State one,
County Taxes levied on April 1, 1924
become due on July 1, 1925, and that
there are not sufficient furda avail-
able -,,' th w1ILLch to pay an? retire the
same in fall for the reason that the
entire amount of said uncollected State
and County taxes has not yet been
coijected; and
KEEIAS, this Board has received fro=
the Receiver of Taxes a statement under
provision; of See. , S of the We0che0er
County TaxAct from which it appear;'
that on July 1, 2925 the sum o,
%aa still outstanding and unpaid for
State and County taxes levied on April
1, 1924, as aforesaid; and
TEIRZA2, it is the sensc of this Board
that the test interests of the Town wi2l
be pro=wtej by retiring ant paying in
fu7l certifinate nuffiber 12 and paying
Dn account of certificate number 11 the
Wee of issuing a new certificate
for the amount of uncollected State and
County taxes, riz j7, 59&31 as reported
by said Recci7er of Taxas.
:'.l'i OT'VED, that pursuant to the pro-
visions of the Westchester County Tax
Act, the Supe`visor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to ,o ro,n
upon tie faith and credit of the rTo'�m
of '1'a'azcrecl< the sum o f " P , 594. 31
for Y,'1^ich ..�,.1n? he shall.~ issue in the
Y1?..me and. under the ca!of said Town:
.ain:t uncollected. State and County'
taxes levied on April l, 192? one o:`.:
r,,,c e certificates each in such d..snGmi—
nati o 'i as the Supervisor sor "Ilay determine
not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of 071 59 6.31. �Sai Cl certificates of
indebtedress shall be signed by the
Supervisor and countern Zned byr the
TcTm Clerk, shall bear interest at the
rate of rot more than 6% per annum are,
shall be made payable at such timee aE
the Supe3"7"._ ."'SFr MOY fix, not latl
4 "7
however, than June 26, 192e ; and it is
REo.+CL'ED, that the Supervisor be and
he hereby is authorized and a;?l ';?'dErcr
to dispose of said Certificates far
net lei=s than the jar value thereof,
and it is further
RESC ,:SVED, that the Su ery ezr and Twor
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized
and a17poweree to sign and execute :unh
supers as may be necessary to effect
the `ale of said certi fic te5,
Upon the recommendation of the Suyervieor, the
following resolution van presented by Justice Boyd, seconded
by Justice Collins, ihich sTon _ oM Call was un nim:`w my
':T'CT Rr 75S, this Board has recei.7'.s? from
the _.''..rei.7cr of Taxes of this Soup] _.
statement under the provisions of Sec .
2a of the Westchester County Tax Act
fr^Tii which
(�it appears that. n April. J-,
1.925, the sum If 9, 60S.`i r 2 as still
ail_tptanding and 1 ncoliscted for School
ta.Y•.ee levied on Septembe,. 1, 1223 ; and
7HyIMAS, the Suy'.eTvieor has requested
this oar'd to authorize the issuance
a>n:d sale of a certificate of 7.YIdebteG-
ing the amount eja C'' by the Reczirer
of Taxes as uncollected and outet^a,.,,,a'ing
on said April 1, 1925 .
Now, THEREFORE, be it
RESOLVED, that nurs_aant to the provisions
ofthe Westchester Count Tax Act the
Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized
and empowered to borrow upon the faith
E!n'6 credit 1. of the Town of L'io'aRaronook wa:i d.
sum of 09, F`S m 32 for .:°fr', ch Sum he shall
issue in t'_!'ie name and under the seal '4f
said Town against uncollected School
taxes levied on September 1, 2923, one or
nore certificates of indebtedness _ach
71" 3
of such deromination as the SuT)srvi. F�or
may determine which shall bea-r in'clest
at 9. .--ate not exceeding 6,% ,per F,n rrzu
and shall- be zmaoc. Payable at such tiz�es
a,-, the mav f-x,
not late
than; May 1, 17,26 . Said certificstes of
irdebtedneze shall be si.�ned by 'he
pe_-v' soi and courterzigncd by the
To in C 1 e rk,-; and i t i s further
11ELSOUED, that the be and he
. 1 1 _
hereby is authcrized and er,,owercd to
— �, jr ,
es c s a 4 d CC,I,t- -F-� ' C p, I- c 1 no
tiw than the -par value thereof;
ard it is further
RZZOLVZD, that the Supervisor and Tomr
Cl,.zl- be and they 'raereby are aurlho_Tized
ard enn]powcred tC sign and. execute such
1� -
,pers as may be reccE.,.-,ary to effect
the sale of eaid certificates.
Upon the reCommend. tion Of the SU.&er7iC0, th�
tcl1 -.v,-!nL- rccol-L2tion .ate presented by 3oyd, ��ccicnded
by Tu.etice C.allinz, ahich upon Roll, Call, vrs-
adcr�c te' d
th -. Board had rsceived from
the FeCe_17Pr of Ta-, cf this Tnwn
ctatemen+ -c.nder the -orcvisions of Sec .
2v of the -Arestch-c--ter County Tax act
from vmAch it appeai-e- that on July 1,
19',75, the cf �1,4172 51-5. 50 vma E s t:L I
v�' aRa.-din,q and urpal- 0 fo:f- Sc ,I
taxes levied on Sp_,ptaTn_1),_-:r 1, 19 24 ; an
ZIHEREAS, 4.,hc _Suy�ervi �sor has recd aeLtLd
,hi Board- to authorize 'h�- I s 2-ua,n c e
ard sale of a certif.-Lca' e of indelb,Led-
rjcsF in the said eum of
being the amount reported. by the R c-
csi7er of Taxes as and
out,qta-d-'Ln_q c.r. said. July 13 1,925.
yC ai8 Tj:T.L�-
:P.ESD^;L'V'ZD, that rursuant t�? the -rcvisicr,�
of the 7!cetclester Count-', Tax 'let t1ht�
S,upervizoz, 'be „rd, la4F hereby i?E a-,_;,11hori' _-ed
and eirpowered tj bo-3-ow u:)on the faith
and credit of the To,,%rn of Haaiar-jracll- caid
z um 0.1 �, for ,4,hich sgum he shall
is,v-uc iri the came and under the cal of
7',7,rn againc', uncollect 'Ech-o.l ta es
le-vied on Septem-ber 1, 1-0-1211, one or morle
certificates of irdeb-Lecriness each of euc'n
denor.iratic,r"z ' the Super7_11or may dct2',-
mine vhich shall b interest at :-., rate
not exceeding 6%. pe. arniz.n., and shall be
i�r a cle -c a.yab I s a, such timiez as the Super-
74. 9,-Y fix, not late.- than Maly lj.
SaicI certificatrs c,-” indebtec.ress shall
be signed by the SLipervisox, and counter-
,dgne6 by the To,,iin Clerk; and it is furtler
RESOINED, `ha, the Supervisor be a.rd he
herelby izo, aut'norized and
of said certificates, for not
less than +he -oar valuc therec,f; and it
i z further
u'JV 1r�J_,:D, that the Suoer,7iso a d i own
ul€rk be and they hereby are authorized
e+,r.:' emrar*ere:,' tc sign =-.r,:i execute such
papers ass may be necessary to effect
the sale of said certificates.
Upon the recomraendatiors of the S.ifer7isOr, ';hr
fcIIo-xi ng .resolution was presented by Justice Boyd, seconded
by Jas ti c F' Collins, 'Pa .ic +nor Poll `all 'i,,,a,* ura.nlrnoLls y
adopted :
SJHFREe S, this Bcard 'as recei-�red from
the Receiver of Taxes of this Tolyn a
sta;tc=er.t under the, pro Sri dons of Sec.
28 of the .'Iestchestr_ Count; Tax act
from whieh it appears that on June 1,
1925, the sum of W062007.17 was stall
m=7uts;ar.ding and unpaid for Toxin taxes
1-vied or A)ri 2 1, 192,4 ; and.
h e aC..lareY'Vi z or has regaeeted
hat steps be taker: to raisc the said
x'.11??. o£ "6 , GGry 3.7 'by the issue and sale
of ccr ti f:. _"ate= of i.ndebt-_dne;=•a.
TTO'-,, THL''REFOR.Sy, be it
tlnat ursuant < c the nro-
,rivicns of the r`r'estchester. County Tax
Aot the Sup eY7isor be and he hereby
i s authori zed and cmucv:re:red to borro
_ '�J�1 o n the f.,,.1 61� and o-r e r.'.1, 4 4i f the Tom✓"'n
of I!anaroneclr said c= of 6W6, 997, 3.7"•
for wbsch eL'•,P he zha,1 L '. =_a, e in the names
Wrw under the seal of said: Tour against
uncofll€.cted Tc-,,tm taxG�F on A,Jr-i ",
1924, 'l'one az.` T^re certific te— of
w a f c ., d p tit e
indeb �ednes� e�a�ch a� u.,.. ornir,�� r
th, S" e T,ri date =n,iirn irraIn t -
..a ., 'gip .d' oT' mfR:' ��..-.-"�� u_...n C.f].
shall bey:.. rtereEt at ral rot e. ---.ed.-
nu 6"/ pew - nrur: and s'_�all 'be made
payable at such tines a the Supervimor
r a.-, fix, not later than Dec emib er 1, 1,926.
Said. certificate- of indebtadnese shall
be signed by the S,?p:r isor and counter-
siFred by the Tn-im Clerk; and it i � further
RESOJVZD, that .the SuperTaisor be and he
hereby is authorized and em"^owcred to
dim oec of eai d.! cL^-rtil fl Catcs for riot
lcss than h.e _Jar 7alue thereof; and
it is further
F.ESO?VEE, that the Supervisor -and To';kt.s
Clerk be and they hereby are a�uthori zecc
and empowered tc sign and execute such
papers as may be necessary to effect
the mule of said certificates.
- The Clerk reported that due to the increased number
of election districts it would be necessary to purchase
additional voting machines for election purposes , and upon
his recommendation it was upon motion duly seconded
RESOLVEM, that the Supervisor and
the Town Clerk be and they hereby
are authorized and empowered and
directed to enter into a contract
with the Automatic Registering
Machine Co.Inc. , of Jamestown,N.Y.
rt+cP F m4
for the purchase of two U.S.
Standard voting machines of the
nine row, thirty column size, at
the net price of 4940. each
f.o.b. cars Jamestown,N.Y. and
be it further
RESOLVED, that in payment for said
voting machines the Supervisor and
the Town Clerk be and they hereby
are authorized, empowered and
directed upon the receipt of said
machines to issue and execute
negiotable Town of Mamaroneck
certificates of indebtedness amount-
ing in the aggregate to $1880.00.
Said certificates to bear interest
at the rate of not more than 6a
per annum, and shall be :lade pay-
able at such times as the Su-nervisor
may determine; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and
the Town Clerk be and they hereby
are authorized and empowered to sign
and execute such papers as may be
necessary to affect. the sale of said
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10:50 o' clock
/ Town Clerk