HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_06_24 Town Board Minutes ? M
held June 24,192]
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9 o ' clock P .M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer
.Goren Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been
tailed for the purpose of opening bids for the removal
of swill , garbage , ashes etc. , from the buildings in the
Fire , Lighting and water supply District yl of the Town
of 3. amaroneck and Fire District #2 of the `.Gown of Eamaro-
Upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED , that the Board. now _proceed
to open the aforesaid bids.
The Clerk then proceeded to open and read the
bids , each of which was accompanied by a duly certified
check or bid bond as provided in the advertisement and
The following bids were received:
Edwin S.Diamond, one year period, 08500. 1100. cash deposited.
Edwin S. Diamond ,one year period,51500. 0100. cash deposited.
After due deliberation, Supervisor Burton stated
that the Board had considered the bids 'received and were now
ready to make the award.
Upon notion duly seconded it was upon Roll Call
RESOLVED , that whereas this Board has
duly advertised for bids for the removal
and disposition of swill , garbage , ashes
etc„ from buildings in the fire , light-
in, and water supply District V"l of the
Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS , the bid of Edwin S.Diamond is
the lowest bid submitted for such contract
_.J which bid it is deeded best to accept in
the interests of the Town of Mamaroneck,
RESOLVED, that the bid of Edwin S.Biamond
for the removal and disposition of swill ,
jaib_age and ashes from buildings in the
fire , lighting and grater supply District
a' Ida
1 of the Town of hamaroneck to make said
removal at a price Of 0500. per year be
accepted upon said .Edwin a.Diamond
co :-qplyina with all the terms and.
conditions of said bid , proposal and
specifications , executing a contract
with the Town of Hamaroneck in
accordance therewith and filing; the
necessary bonds and insurance policies
as provided in said advertisement
proposal and specifications all in
foray satisfactory to counsel , and be
it further
RESOLVED, that said contract be entered
into for a period, of one year from
July. 1 , 1925 to June 30 , 1926 and that
Counsel be authorized and directed to
prepare the necessary contract ; and
be it further
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor and 'Town
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized
directed and empowered to execute the
aforesaid contract on behalf of the
Town when in fore satisfactory- to Counsel
and to affix, the corporate seal thereto
and to do any and all acts and take any
and all steps which in their judEment
may be deemed necessary to carry the
aforesaid resolution into full force
and effect.
Upon notion duly seconded it was upon Roil Call
resolved, that
WHEREAS , this Board has duly advertised
for bids for the removal and disposition
of swill , garbage , ashes etd. , from
buildings in Fire District 07-2 of the
Town of Iciamaroneck; and
sVt1Lt AS , the bid of Edwin S .Diamond is
the lowest bid submitted for such con-
tract , which bid it is deemed best to
accept in the interests of the Town of
RESOLVED , that the bid of Edwin S.Diamond
for the removal and disposition of swill ,
arbade and ashes from buildin s in Fire
District ?t"2 of the Town of Mamaroneck to
make said removal at a price of A 500.per
year be accepted upon said Edwin S.Diamond
complying with ail the te'r'ms and conditions
of said bid, proposal and specifications ,
executing a contract with the Town of
Mamaroneck in accordance therewith, and
filing necessary bonds , insurance policies
as provided in said advertisement , pro-
posal and specifications all in form
satisfactory to Counsel ; and be it further
RESOLVED , that said contract be entered
into for a period of one year from July
na 1.92.4 to June 3Q , 1.926 , and that CoL?nse],
be authorized and directed to prepare the
necessary contract; and be it further
RESULVED, that the Supervisor and Town
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized.
and directed and empowered to execute
the aforesaid contract on behalf of the
Town when in foam satisfactory to
Counsel and to affix the corporate
seal thereto and to do any and all
acts and tale any and all steps which
in their judSment may be deemed
necessary to carry the aforesaid
resolution into full force and effect,
The Supervisor brouryht to the attention of the
Town Board the matter of the claim for disbursements made
by Yr. Ferdinand Fish and after due consideration and a
full discussion of the matter, it was upon motion by
Justice Shafer seconded by Justice Collins
RESOLVED, that the claim of Mr.
Ferdinand Fish for disbursements
:,jade inthe taking of photographs
in connection with his field work
be and the some hereby is disapproved.
Yr. Shafer moved. andldr. Collins seconded the
adoption of the following resolution, which was unanimously
'1/HEREAS the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck has, in the manner
provided by law and by resolutions
dated: Tune 11, 1923, and February
18, 1925, respectively, extended
Sewer District Nos 1 of the Town of
Mamaroneck and
AREAS the Board of Sever Commiss-
ioners of Sewer District No . I or the
Town of Mamaroneck '_ .", heretofore
filed in the office of the Town Clerk
maps and plane of such District, az
extended and as required by law, and
has reported to the Town Board the
amount of cost of construction. of
Section 10 and Section 8 of the Sever
System, respectively, deter-Wined as
required by law, the said report of
said cost reading as follows :
Post Office Address: Larchmont,N.Y.
June 8, 1925.
Town: Board
Town of D"amaronecic
8 Elm Street
Yamaroneek, N.Y.
-y Gontleren :
We beg to advise you that this Commission has
recently opened bids for the construction of Contract No .
10 of the Sewer System in District No ® 1, Tozn of Mamaro-
neck„ Based_ on these bids, we herewith respectfully re-
port to you that the amount of the cost of construction
of Contract No . 10 of the Sewer System in Sever District
No . 1 of li the
� Town of Mamaroneck, including engineers' fees
wall. e $140, 000.i00.
We therefore respect&lly request that you
immeaiately authorize and direct the issue and sale of bonds
for the amiunt recuired to complete this contract, to *;sit,
X14;0, 000 .eG .
Respectfully yours,
by: R.N. Stevens, Chairman
W. 1 . Palmer,
H. R. Mitchell. ai
of the Town of Plamaroneck:
-- 1 . $140, 000 , Seer District Bonds of the Town of
Mamaroneck shallbe issued pursuant to the provisions of the
Town Law, constituting Chapter 52 of the Consolidated Laws
of the State of New York, and Chapter 422 of the Lags of
1922 of the State of New Yorke Said bonds shall be dated
July 1, 1925, shall bear interest at the rate of four and
one quarter per centum (4®1/4j) per annum, payable semi -
annually on January let and July lst in each year, and shall
be one hundred and forty in number, numbered 1 to 140ai.n-
elusive, and shall be of the denomination of $1, 000 . each.
Said bonds shall mature, 6.4, 000. on July let of each of the
years 1930 to 1954, inclusive, and shall be substantially
in the following form:
1TG. µ
The Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester
a municipal corporation of the State of New York, for value
received promises to pay to bearer, or if this bond be
registered, to the registered holder thereof, on the first
clay of 19 , the sum of ($
and to pay interest thereon at the rate of four and one
quarter per eertram (4®1/4%) per annum, payable semi-annually
on January let and July* let of each year, upon presentation
and surrender as they severally mature, of the coupons
therefor annexed hereto, or if this bond be registered, then
to the person in whose name it is registered , Both principal
and interest of this bond are payable in lawful money of the
United States of America, at the office of the United States
Mortgage & Trust Company, New York. City.
This bond may be converted into a registered bond
as provided by the General Municipal Law, and be registered
in the books of the Town Clerk, and thereafter is trans®
ferr•ablhe only upon presentation, to the Town Clerk. of said
Towhj r`�7: written assignment dilly acknowledged or _:,roved. Upon
presentation thereof, ti-s^ th such assignment, the Clerk mill
note such transfer on this bond and on said books.
This bond is one of an issue of 6140, 000 .. of. like
date and tenor, except as to maturity, numbered from I to
140, inclusive, maturing in order as numbered, ? 4, 000 . on July
let, in each of the Fears 1930 to 1964, inclusive, issued
pursuant to the provision: of the Town Law constituting
Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York
and Chapter 422 of the lays of 1922 of the State of New York,
and a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck,
duly adopted June 24, 1925.
it is hereby certified and recited that all con-
ditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and
Statutes of the State of New York, to exist, to have happened
and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this
bond., exist, have happened and have been performed, and thAt
the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with
all other indebtedness of said Town, in within every debt
and other limit prescribed by the Constitution, and Laws
of said State®
IN 5ITNESS (HEREOF, the Town of Mamaroneck in
the County of West ;'rester, has caused this bond to be
signed by its Supervisor, and the seal of said Town to
be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk, and
the coupons hereto attached to be authenticated by the
facsimile signature of its Supervisor, and this bond to
be dated. July 1, 2925.
Supervisor of the Town of
Town Clerks
(Corporate seal)
(FORM OF ccupo i)
The Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester
will pay to the bearer on the Ist day of 19
the spun of Dollars in lawful
money of the United States of America, at the office of the
United. States Mortgage & Tryst Company, New York City, being
six months interest then due on its Server bond, Series E,
dated July 1, 1925, bearing number
WE HEREBY CERTIFY that upon the presentation of
the within bond with a written request by the owner thereof
for its conversion into a registered bond, we have this day
cut off and destroyed coupons attached thereto,
numbered from to , . incluaive, of the amount
and value of Dollars ((v ) , each,
amounting in the aggregate to Dollars($ }
and that the interest at the rate of four and a quarter per
centum (4-1,/45) per annum, payable semi-annually on the
first days o£ January and July in each years as was provided
by the coupons, as well as the principal, is to be paid to
legal representatives,
successors or assigns, at the United States Mortgage & Trutt
Company, New York City, the place stated in the coupons®
- Supervisor of the Town of--
Town Clerk. ------ _._
IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the within bond was
this day registered in the name of the payee above named in
the books kept in the office of the Town Clerk cf the Town
of Mamaroneck, in the County ofWeetcheste-r, and is trans-
ferrable only upon presentation to said Clerk with a written
-- assignment duly* acknowledged or proved, at which time the
name of the assignee shall be entered hereon and in said
books by said Clerk_.
IN WITNESS 1H EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and official seal this day of , 19
�. To,= Clerk.
Date of Name of Registered.
Registration Registered. Holder
2 The Town of ?Mamaroneck hereby covenants to
pay the principal and interest of the said bonds as the
same shall become due by levying and collecting an assess-
ment or assessments on property of the district at such
time or times and in such amounts as may be necessary there-
for. The Town of Mamaroneck further covenants, that in case
of a default in carrying out the terms of the foregoing
covenant the said Town will raise by tax upon all the taxable
property in said Town from time to time a sum or sums suffi -
cient to pay the principal and interest of said bond` as the
same may be or shall become due.
3. The said bonds au thori zed by this resolution
shall be sold upon sealed proposals upon notice published
not less than five or more than thirty days before such sale
at least once in The Larchmont. Times, which is designated
the official newspaper of said Town for the purpose of such
publication, and also in The Daily Bond Buyer, a financial
newspaper, published in the City of New York, . Said notice
- of sale shall be substantially in the following form:
$140, 000. SE12Ri DISTRICT BONDS
Sealed proposals will be received by the Town Board
of the Town of Mamaroneck on July 14, 1925, at 8 .30 P.M.
oocloek (daylight saving time, at No . 8 Elm Street, :Mamaroneck
New York, for the purpose of 140, 000 . Sewer District Bonds
of said Town. All of said bonds oil! be of the denominations
of "l, 000 . each. Said Monde will be dated July 1, 1925, and
will mature, $4, 000 . on July 1st in each of the years 1930 to
1964, inclusive.
Said bonds wi11 bear interest at the rate of four
and one quarter per centum (4-1/4°x) per annum, payablo semi -
annually on January 1st and July 1st of each year, Both
principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of
the United States of America at the office of the United
States Mortgage & Trust Company, Now York City. The bonds
will be coupon bonds, with the privilege of registration
as to both principal and interest.
The right is reserved to reject all bide and any
bid not complying with the terms of this notice will be
rej ected.
The bonds will not be sold for less than par and
in addition to the amount bid the successful bidder must
pay accrued interest at the rate borne by the bonds
from the date of the bonds to the date of payment of the
purchase price,
All bidders are required to deposit a certified
check payable to the order of the Town of Mamaroneck for
two per centum (2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, drawn
uon. an incorporated bank or trust company. Checks of
unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the award of the
bonds. No interest will be allowed upon the amount of the
check of a successful bidder and such check will be retained
to be applied in part payment for the bonds or to secure
the Town against any loss resultin^ from the .failure of the
bidder to comply with the terms of his bid.
The bonds All! be prepared underthe supervision
of the United States Mortgage & Trust Com pany. owhich'-vill
certify as to the genuineness of the signature of the officials
_ 11 and the seal impressed thereon,
Bids are desired on forms which grill be furnished.
by said Trust Company or by the undersigned,
Proposals should be addressed to the Town Clerk
mamaroneck, New York, and enclosed in a sealew on7elope marked
on the outside P1Proposa,ls for Sewer Bonds, ''
The successful bidder will be furnished with the
opinion of Messrs . Hawkine. Delafield and Longfellow! of
New York City, that the bonds are binding and legal obligat-
ions of the Town, payable in the first instance from assess-
ments and not from a general town tax, which, however, may
be levied if there is a shortgge in the primary fund.
By order of the Town. Board of the Town of Mamaro-
Town Clerk.
DATED: Mamaroneck, N.Y.
June 24, 1925.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11 ,1,5 P.M.
o 'clock.