HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_06_17 Town Board Minutes VEETING OF THE TO-9N BOARD TOWN OF MAILiARONECK held June 17, 1925 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10 o° clock P.M. PRESENT . Saperviser Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and Dudley Tsi,m Cler'� Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon motion duly seconded it was voted to dis- pense with the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved. A ccrrmunication from the Village of Larchmont was received and read, a.cknowled.ging with thanks the tender f' the Town Board for- the use of its voting machines at the Village' s annual election. The communication was ordered noted in the minutes and -placed on file. The report of the Receiver of taxes for the month of 'May was received, read, ordered placed an file and is as follows : Jane 1st, 1925 Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, Ca,anty, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties therean, collect- ed by me during the month of May, 1925, and d.ep-.sited 011ar- ing the month of May. taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears Denits. Total State. & - Csun 3443. 73 697.94 _ .. 4141.72 Highwaj 3343.03 61 86 - 409.94 Town 956. 9209. 63_ _ 1166.59_ D9st _. 1052. 27 202.30 1254. 57 Sav°r'tax - --- Dist.l 201.19 - 52.86 254.05 Sewer v_ Assmt , Schoal� Dist. I 2709. 77 2709. 177 School Dist.2 _ Arrears 1013.35 253.42 139,59 146.39 Int.& Penits . 128. 37 472. 37 123. 33 63.20 100. 93 _ 888 .20__ Total _ $"12231. 73 De, sited in Larclnzaant Nat' l. Bank o o _sited in.__�__ Depo 1st Na,tml. Bank,i�2am1 "r>>® _ :�1223L. 70 Respectfully slabmitted., Harry T. McGivney, Receiver of taxes. To : Gec. `W.Burt,)n, Supervisor Ti�wn f Mamaroneck, N.Y. June 4th, 1925. Sir ; Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School; Kighway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties thereon, collect- ed by me during the month of May, 1925, and deposited on June lst and 3rd, 1925. 1925 1924 1923 1922 all. int. & taxes taxes taxes taxes_ a,rrearspenits, total State & County 7®6,1® 77 727;74 7789.51 Highyay1260 . 94 76 ._71 _ 1337. 55 Town 1958 . 97 213. 56 � � 2177. 53 Dist. 3439.37 246® 17 3685.54 Sgw°r tax DzsT.l 493. 37 5464.12 558 . 10 Sewer Assmt. School Dist.l _ 3831.01 3331.01 School Dist.2 1. 38 --------- 1.33 Arrears 230. 71 34.09 104. 19 63. 99 PPenits. 284.05 615 . 65 37. 54 _9. 99 66.,97 1014.20 Total 20763.91 Deposited with Larchwont Nat" 1.Bank lep3s1Ta-- with r FIri T National Bank,lamaroneck, 20 763.91 Respectfully submitted, Harry T. Yclivney, Receiver of Taxes. To : Geo� W. Burton, Supervisor Town of 2ama.ranech, N.Y. A. communicatian and petition wa,s received from Lester Harrisssn, requesting the cancellation of a, school tax assessment levied against the Larch-mont Community Association of the Boy Scout Cabin. The communication was ordered placed on file and the petition wa.s referred to Counsellor Gamble for reoart and recommendation. A notice was received from the Public Service Commission pertaining to the application of the Village of La.rchment before said Commission requesting the ch nae in existing bridEe over Chatsworth Avenue. The notice was ordered placed on file and the matter referred to Counsel and Supervisor. Mr. Franklin Brooks, Commander of the Larchmsnt Post, American Legion, appeared before the Board and re- quested that a resoluti3n be adopted approving of the campaign of the American Legion for the raising of the 9„;5, 000, 000 . endowment trust fund; whereupon the following resolution as presented., duly seconded, and unanimously adopted; RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Torn of Mamaroneck hearily endorses the National Campaign of the American Legion for the raising of the ;:5, 000, 000 . endowment trust fund for the support of the orphans of the deceased soldiers of the late war, of which there are - over 35, 000 at the present time, in the United States, and not arovided for by present legislation. The Clerk reported that the flag pole at the Village Square needed re-0ainting and it was RESOLVED, that the matter of re- painting the sane be left to the Clerk. The Committee on Town Hall matters submitted their report on the alteration to Said Hall and requested that permission be given that a. Committee proceed to Albany for the purpose of discussing with the Comptroller matters affecting the said alteration, Upon motion duly seconded it was zpon Roll Call RESOLVED, that the Committee, Super- visor and architect be and they here- by are authorized and empowered to proceed to Albany for the purpose of conferring with the State Department and discuss :natters affecting the chznFes and alterations contemplated in the Town Hall ; and it was further RESOLVED, that the expenses incurred thereby be made a proper Town charge. A communicatign from the Board of Sewer Comndse- i oners was received, read, ordered spread. upon the minutes and is as follows : June S, 1925. Tour Board, Town of Mamaroneck, Elm Strest,yamlk.N.Y. Gentlemen: It beg to advise you that this commission has recently opened bids for the construction of contract NO of the server system in District #1, Town zf lamaronech, Based on these bids we hereby respectfully report t you that the amount of cost of construction of contract #10 of the sewer system in Sevier District #1, including engineer= s fees and other necessary expenses in connect- ion therewith will be $140, 000.00 . We theref'are, respectfully suggest that you immediately authorize and direct the issuance and Bale rf bonds for the amount required to complete this contract, to-wit: 01 0, 000 .00. Respectfully y3ars, BOARD OF SEWER COMMISSIONERS, R.H. Stevens, Chairman. The communication was ordered placed on file and the matter referred to Counsellor Gamble for his report. The following resolution was presented duly sec nded and upon Roll Call unanimously adopted: WH=RAS, the registration of voters in the several election districts of the Torn of Mamaroneck shoves that the con- venience of the voters will be promoted -- by altering and increasing the present number of election districts in said town, NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 64 of the Election Lava of the State of New York, known as Chapter 538 of the Laws of 1922 that the number of election districts in the Town of Mamaroneck be altered, increased and new districts created and said Town be divided into ten election districts, each district to contain respectively as nearly as possible the requisite number of voters required by law; and be it further RESOLVED, that the said ten election districts hereby created in the Town of Mamaroneck be bounded and described. .respectively as follows : ELECTION DISTRICT NO®l BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the northerly and easterly boundary lines of the Town of Mamaroneck, the westerly boundary line of the Town of Harrison and the southerly boundary line of the Town of Scarsdale and running thence Southerly along the easterly boundary line of the Town of _Mamaroneck and the westerly boundary lines of the Town of .Harrison and the Town of Rye, respectively, to the point of intersection of said boundary line with the center line of the right-ef--way of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company; running thence southwesterly along the said center line of said right-of- any to its point of intersection with the center line of Mamaroneck Avenue ; thence northerly along the center line of said Mamaroneck Avenue: to its point of intersection with the center line of Old shite Plains Road; thence northerly along the center line of Old ':bite Plains Road as it winds and turns to the paint of intersection with the northerly boundary line of than Town of Mamaroneck and the southerly boundary line of the Tawas of Scarsdale ; thence northeasterly along the aforesaid boundary line to the point or place of beginning, ELECTION DiSTRICC NO. 2 BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of Old Thite Plains Read with the northerly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the southerly boundary; line of the Town of Scarsdale ; running thence southerly alone the center line of said Old White Plains Read as it winds and turns to its point of intersection with the center line of Mamaroneck Avenue ; thence continuing along the center line of Mamaroneck Avenue to its point of inter- section with the center line of the right-K-way of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company, and thence southwesterly along the center line of said right ff-avay- to its point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck and the boundary line of the Town ; thence northerly and northeasterly along said boundary line to its point of intersection with the center line of Fenimore Road; thence northwesterly along the center line of Fenimore Road Q its paint of intersection with the northerly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the southerly boundary lint: of -- the Town of Scarsdale; thence northeasterly along the aforesaid boundary lines to the point or place of beginning, ELECTION DISTRICT NOW BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of the right-ef-way ,af the New York, New Haven & Hartford -Railroad Company with the easterly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the westerly boundary line of the Town of Rye ; running thence southerly along the said boundary line to the shores of Mamaroneck Harbor; thence continuing in a southerly direction along the aforesaid westerly boundary line of the Town of Rye to the point of intersection of same with the center line of the parer at Shore Acres, if prolonged; running thence northwesterly in straight line to the point of intersection of the center line of the Boston Post Road and the center line of Fenimore Road; running thence northwesterly along the aforesaid center line of Fenimore Road to its "ooint of intersection with the center line of the right-ef®way of the New York, New Haven & Hartfordi. Railroad. Company; thence northeasterly along the said center line of said right-if-way is the point or place of beginning. ELECTION DISTRICT NO.4 BEGINNING at the paint of intersection of the - center line of Fenimore Read and the center line of the right-of-way of the New York, New Haven w Hartford Railroad Company ; thence southerly along the center line of Fenimore .Road to its point of intersection with the center line of the Boston Post Road; thence southeasterly in a straight line to its point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of the Town of Rye and the center line of the pier at Share Acres, if prolonged; thence continuing southeasterly along said westerly boundary line; of the Town of Rye; thence southerly, southwesterly, westerly and northerly along the shores of Orienta Point and the low water :nark of Lang island Sound te the point of intersection with the breakwater at Fla.gler Point in Larchmont: Harbor; thence northerly along the ';westerly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck to a point opposite the center line of Delancey Cove if prolonged southerly to said point; thence northerly and along the center line of Delancey Cove to a paint opposite the entrance to Prickley Pear Inlet ; thence westerly through the points of entrance to Prickley Pear Inlet and to a point 200 feet east of the westerly shore of Prickley Pear Inlet ; then c e southwesterly to the point of intersection of the center line of the Hommocks nadway and the westerly boundary line of the Village of Ma,maroneWc and the Town of Mamaroneck; thence northerly :Tong the aforesaid boundary line to the center line of the right-of- may of the Yew YorR, Yew Haven & Hartford. Railroad Company, t'fiE9nce northeasterly along the center line of said right-of way to the point or place of beginning. EnC 101 DI SIRI C i NO Beginning at the point of intersection of the center- line of the Fenimore Road with the northerly boundary lane of the Toga of Mamaroneck and the southerly boundary line of the Town of Scarsdale and running thence southerly along the center line of said Road to its point of intersection with the northerly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck and the boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck; thence southwesterly and southerly along said boundary line to tie point of intersection of said boundary line with the center line of the Hommocks Roadway; thence northeasterly to a point 200 feet easterly from where the said line would intersect a line drawn from the westerly shore of Prickley Pear inlet through and between the _points of entrance to Prickley Pear Inlet; thence easterly between The said points of entrance to Prickley Pear Inlet to the center line of Delancey Cove; thence southerly and alone the center line of Delancey Cove to its point of intersection if prolonged with the westerly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck; thence southwesterly alone said boundary line to the break- water at Flagl.er Point; thence northwesterly through Larchmont Harbor and in a straight line to the point where said line intersects the boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the easterly boundary* line of the Village of Larchmont in Monroe Inlet or "Thc Gut" (between Cedar Island and The Hommocks) ; thence southwesterly, northwesterly, northeasterly and northerly along the easterly boundary line of the Village of Larcamont to the point of intersection with the center line of the Boston host Road; thence easterly along said center line of the Boston Post Road to its point of intersection with the center line of 'Weaver Street; thence northerly and along the center line of Weaver Street as it winds and tarns to the point of intersection with the northerly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck P aand t,r.,e Town of Scarsdale; thence northeasterly along said boundary line to the point or place of beginning® ELECTION DISTRICT NC.6 BECINS,eNG at the point of intersection of the center line of Naver Street with the northerly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the southerly boundary lane of the Town of Scarsdale; thence scuiherl:y alone the center line of J1eaver Street as it winds and turn; to the point of intersection with the center line of the Boston Post Road; thence southwesterly along the center line of said Bost ; Post Road to the point of intersection with the boundary line of the Town of :rairarr neck and the easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont ; thence northerly along the said boundary line between said Village and Town to the center lane of the right-of-way of the New York, Few Haven & Hartford Railroad Company; and thence southwesterly* along said center line of said right-of-way to its point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of the Torn of Hamaroneck and the easterly boundary line of the City of New Rochelle ; thence northerly and northeasterly along said boundary- line to the point or place of beginning. LECT'TJSI DISTRICT 1I0$7 BEGIN71YG at the point of intersection of the boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont with the right-of way of the New York, new Haven & Hartford Railroad Company; thence southerly and along said boundary line between said Town and Village to the point of intersection of said boundary line with the center line of the Boston Post Road; thence southerly along the center line of said Boston Past Road to its point of intersection ';7ith the center 'line of Larchmont Avenue; thence northerly along the center line of Larchmont Avenue to its point of intersection with thoo center line of East Place; thence alone' the center line of 1, East Place and a . i e tee: �. V a:.v bz�r :a,� , o she center 7inz of the right-of- way of the New 'Fork., Net' Wen O Ira""rtford Railroad Company; thence easterly alone the center line of said right-of-wain to the point or place of beginning. - ELECTION DISTRICT NO.3 BEGIFFING at the point of intersection of the center line of the Boston Post Road with the boundary line of the Torn of Mamaroneck and the easterly boundary line of the pillage of Larchmont; running thence southerly along said boundary line to a point in Monroe Inlet or d/The Tut" and thence southeasterly in a straight line through Larchmont Harbor to the breakwater at Fla.gler point ; thence south- . westerly across Larchmont Harbor and alone the low water mark shore of Lone island Sound to the point of intersection of said law 'eater mark with the center lane of Beach Avenue, if prolonged; thence northerly along the center line of Beach Avenue to its point of intersection with the center line of the Boston Post Road; thence easterly along the center line of the Boston Post Road to the point or glace of beginning. ELECTION DISTRICT BEGIEFIYG at the p,.wn� t of intersection of the rish3;,e of-gray of the New York, NewHaven & Hartford Railroad Company and of the center line of East Place, if prolonged_ northerly; thence southerly along the center line of East place to its point of intersection with the center line of Larchmont Avenue; thence continuing southerly along the center line of Larchmont Avenue to its point of intersection with the center Line of the Boston Pa_{, load; thence sauthoosterly along the center line of said Boston post Road to its point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of then Town of Mamaroneck and the easterly boundary lane of the City- of New Rochelle; thence northerly along said boundary line to its point of intersection with the center line of the right-of-way of the New York New Ha ve ; F Hartford Railroad Company; thence northeasterly along said Center l.inie of said right-of-way to the point or ;dace of beginning. ELECTION DISTRICT N3®lO BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the centenr line of the Boston Post Road with the center line of Beach Avenue ; thence southerly and along the center line of said Beach Avenue to the point of intersection of said line if prof rge? with the low water mart in Long Island Sound.; ,hence southwesterly and northwesterly along the low wate'<' mark shore of _[,one_, island. Sound to the 'paint of intersection of said line with the westerly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the easterly boundary line of the Cit y of Teti. ^, z.e lie Terri thence northerly ., f aid boundary line to its point of intersection, with the center line of the Boston: Post. Read ' thence easterly along said, center line of the Boston Post Road to the point or place of beginning. Be it further RESOLVED, that thisrzsolution shall take effect immediately. The Supervisor brought up the matter of the clair- of Mr. Ferdinand. Fish and after discussion it was "voted that same be laid. Oyer to a future meeting.. IE Suioervisor Burton reported that the term of Yr. Robert B. Carrick , the Build.inv Commissioner, expired on June o , 1925. He furtizer reported that in accordance with the -power vested with hirn by the Building Code of the Tome of 4Sarmaroneck, he had re-appointed Mr. Carrick for a period of three years and requested that his action -- be approved. Upon motion, duly seconded , it was RESOLVED , that this Town Board an-jroves and. confirms the action of the Su,er- visor in the apopointraent of lair. Robert E. Carrick as Building Conmissioner for th• term of three years commencing June 7t3l , 1925 and ending June 6th, 2928. Upon motion y1"ae rmeetinS, adjourned at 1 : 05 a°clock A.1d .