HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_06_03 Town Board Minutes oil MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK held Jane 3, 1925 The meeting Was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9 :30 o' clock P.M. PRESENT : Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer Town Clerk Sherman The minutes of meetings of April 13th and 15th and 24th, and Shay 6th, 1925, were read, and upon motion approved. A communication with claim attached was received from Air. J . H. Van Nordan, on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign `dears, requesting reimbursement in the sum of { 76. 60 for decorating graves of veterans of wars. Mr. Van Nordon appeared before the Board personally and spoke of the work being done by his organizatisnand requested that the claim be paid. The communication and claim was ordered received, placed on file and the matter was laid over for a future meeting. A communication with claim attached was received from the Mamaroneck Pa,ragrsph requesting payment for the publication of the tax sale list. The communication was ordered filed and the claim was referred to the Supervisor for adjustment. A communication from the Board of Appeals was received and read stating at their meeting held an May 228th past resolutions were adopted recommending to the Town Board as follows : That the application of Amelio Mirandi to erect a two family dwelling and store an the east side of Murray Avenue about 250 feet north of Myrtle Avenue intersecting partly in a residential zone be granted and the decision of the Building commission reversed, provided that no housekeeping or living rooms be allowed in the basement of said building. That the application of Lea Feibel to erect a one family dwelling an the southwest corner of Fenmare Read and Copley Road within 30 feet of the street line be granted and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, provided that no mart of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Copley Read or 22 feet to Fenmare Road- That the application of ,Maria Ciancia to erect adone amily,d dwelling on the northeast corner of Fernwood Road within 30 feet of Orchard Road be granted and the decision of the BuildinZ Commission reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Ferr,w:god Read or 23 feet to Orchard Road, CAL That the application of Mary J. Norwood to erect a one family dwelling on the west side of Echo Lone about 130 feet north of Hillside Road within 30 feet of the street line, be granted and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer than 25 feet to the street line. The communication also stated that at the some meeting of the Board of Appeals the application of Stephen Ba,dolato for an amendment of the Zoning Neap of the unin- carporated portion of the Town of famaroneck affecting the Boston Post Read was received and the action of the Board was to oppose the amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, The Supervisor suggested that a Committee be appointed to take this matter up with the Board of Appeals ; : hereupon he appointed the following Committee for said purpose : Justices Collins and Shafer and Town Clerk Sherman, The following resolutionswras offered, duly seconded and upon Roll Call„were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has re- commended to the Town Board that the application of Amelia iii randi. to erect a two family dwelling and store on the east side of Murray Avenue about 250 feet north of Myrtle Avenue thtersecting partly in a .residential zone be granted and the decision of the Building Commiss- ion reversed, provided that no housekeep- ing or living rooms be allowed in the basement of said building, therefore be it -- RESOLVED, that the Torn Beard, pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby defers action on the foregoing application of Amelia .Mirandi, until the next meeting of the Board® WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has re- commended to the Town Board that the application of Leo Feibel to erect a one family dwelling on the southwest corner of Yenmare Read and Cooley Road within 30 feet of the street line be *ranted and the decision of the Build- ing Commission reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feetto Copley Read or 22 feet to uenmare Road, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Town Lana _ -- hereby ,consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in revers- Ug the decision of the Building Commission. AREAS, the Board of Appeals has re- commended to the Town Board that the application of Maria Ciancia to erect a one family dwelling on the northeast corner of Fernwaod. Read and Orchard Road within 30 feet 4f Orchard Road, be granted and the decision of the Building Commission, reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Fernwoad Road or 28 feet to Orchard Road, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 5, Section 25 of the Town Law hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in revers- in,g the decision of the Building Commission. w3i EREAS, the Board of Appeals has re- commended to the Town; Board that the application of Mary J . Norwood to erect a one family dwelling; on the west side of Echo Lane about 130 feet north of Hillside Road within 30 feet of the street line, be granted and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, provided that no post of said building be nearer than 25 feet to the street line, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 5, Section 25 of the Town Law hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in revers- ing the decision of the Building Commise- icon. The Clerk advised the Board that the registration of voters in the several election districts in the Town. of Mamaroneck shows that the convenience of the voters will be promoted by altering and increasing the present number of election districts in said Town, and that said alteration increase and creation of new districts, if undertaken, must be completed on or before July 1st, 1925. After a discussion, upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that a special meeting of the Town Board be held June 9, 1925 for the purpose of considering the alteration, increase and creation of new districts of said Torn so that the convenience of the voters of said Town will be promoted thereby. Justice Shafer requested that permission be given to the Village of Larchment for the use of the Town voting machines at their annual election. Upon motion duly seconded it ,;vas, Upon Roll. Call TESOLVED, that the custodian of the voting machines be and he hereby is authorized and directed to permit the Village of Larchmont to use the vot- ing machines for their annual elect- - ion bf so desired by them, and the Clerk was requested to so notify the —.-- officials of the Village of Larchmont. The Clerk informed the Board that the present contracts far the disposal of garbage, etc , from Fira, Light and water Supply District #1, and rise District ;r2, expires an June 30th, 1925, and it would be necessary to advertise far bids for contracts for the ensuing year. Upon motion duly seconded, it was 7 RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare the necessary notices for publication for the receipt of sealed bids for the contracts for the removal of garbage etc, : from _ Fire, Light and 'Water Supply District ?l, and Fire District ,'#2, for the period of one year,beginn- ing July 1, 1925 and ending June 50, 1926, forms of bids, or estimates in the terms and conditions under which bids must be made, forms of contract, bonds, and any other necessary documents ; it was further ' RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to advertise for bids for the aforesaid contracts in the Mamaroneck Paraggraph and Larchmonter Times; and it was further RESOLVED, that bids will be received by the Town Board at a special meeting on June 24, 1925 at which time the bids submitted will be opened® The Fire Committee reported that the application of the Players' Club of Mamaroneck for permission to use the auditorium of the weaver Street Eire House had been denied by them and requested approval by this Board of their action, Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the action of the Fire Committee in denying* the request of the Players' Club of Mamaroneck for the use of the auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House be and the same hereby is ratified and app rz wed, The Committee heretofore appointed to investigate the possibility of reconstructing and altering the To an Hall on Prospect avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck reported that they had made a careful inspection of the property and that they believed it was feasible and desirable that the Town endeavor to reconstruct and alter said building. They recommended that they be authorized and empowered to engage the service, of an architect to prepare ten Live plans and specifications, which the Committee would in turn lay before the Board for its consideration. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Committee hereto- fore appointed in connection with the --- reconstructing and altering of the Town Hall be and they hereby are authorized and empowered engage the services of an architect to draw pre- liminary plans and specifications in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee ; and that the cost of same be made a regular Town, charge, ON The Clerk presented the application of George Grunner received from the Board. of Appeals which met laid over at the last, meeting. After due consideration, upon motion duly seconded, the following resKution was presented, and upon Roll Call, unanimously adopted: :9FER.ErAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of George Grunner to erect a one family dwelling on the northwest corner of Echo Lane and Hillside Road, Larchmont Hills, within 30 feet of Echo Lane, be ?ranted, and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, pro- vided that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Hillside Road or 20 feet to Echo Lane, there- fore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pur- suant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the action of the Building; Commission, provided however, that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Hillside Road and 25 feet to Echo Lane. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11 ;30 o'clock P.M. C�J.u��t• ate✓•�_s T< wn C1.erk,