HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_05_27 Town Board Minutes MEETING OF THE TO0T BOARD 5't7 CIT OF MAMARONECK held May 279 7x925® The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9 o' clock P.M. — PRESENT a Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd and Cc17.ins Tzwn Clerk Sherman Upon motion duly seconded it iras voted that the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved by dis- pensed with. A communication frcn Dirs. M. J. Norwood was received and read requesting that her applica.ti n per- taining to the erection of a residence in Larclmgont Hil3,s on Bloch 101, lots 39®40 and 41 be. allowed, with a set back of 20 feet. The communi.casticn was received and ordered placed can file. The Commander of the American Legions Mamaroneck Post X90 appeared. before the Beard and asked that their Post be designated by the Town Board. to decorate the graves on Decoration Day of all veterans. - Upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that this Eoard does de- signa..tc the American Legion Ylamarom neck Past y'190 to decorate the graves of all war veterans or. behalf of the Town an Decoration Day, May 30th, 1025, a;,.nd it is further FESOLVyD, that the said Post be, re— inbursed for any expenditures made in connection with the same upon the presentation of proper Town vouchers du.lg verified by the Commander of the American Legion Mamaroneck Pest #90 or someone deeignated in smiting by him for said purpose. A communicatia+n from the Board of Appeals was received and read, .stating that At 'their meeting held on May 14th past, resoluti- r ; timre adopted rec; mending to the Town Board as fc l�_!`�is°"~• That the application of George Grunner to erect a, one family dwelling on the northwest corner of Echo Lane and Hillside Foad, Larchmont Hills within 30 feet of Echo Lane be granted and the decision of the Build;.ng Commission reversed., provided_ that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feat to Hillside Road or 20 feet to Echo Lane. That the application of James Powell. to erect a one farAly dwelling on the south side of Plyrtle Avertre about fcc feet west of Chats-worth Avenue within 30 feet of the street line be granted., and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, provided that no past Of ;aid. building be nearer to the street than the houses on either side thereof. - That the appli ca ti on of Bernard Epstein to erect al one family dowelling on the northeast corner of Edgewood. Avenue and Lookout Circle, Larchmont Hills, within 30 feet of Edgewood Avenue, be granted and the decision of the Build- ing Commission; reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Lookout Circle or 15 feet to Edgewood Avenue. The communication was Ordered received, placed on file, and the following resolutions were offered, duly seconded, which upon Roll. Call, were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town Board that the application of George Grunner to erect a, one family dwelling on the northwest corner Of Echo Lane and Hillside Road, Larchmor.t Hills, within 30 feet of Echo Lane, he granted, and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, pro- vided that no part of said building be nearer than 33 feet to Hillside Read Or 20 feet to Echo Lane, there- fore be it RESOLVED, that the foregoing applicat- ion of George Grunner, be laid Over until the next meeting Of the Board. AREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to the Town board that the application of James Powell to erect a one family dwelling on the south side of _Ryrtle Avenue about 600 feet west of Chatsworth Avenue within 3@ feet of the street line, be granted. and the decision of the Building Commission reversed, provided that no part Of said building be, nearer th the street than the houses on either side thereof; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pur- suant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to and con- firms the action of the Board of Appeals -- in reversing the decision of the Build- ing Commission. WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has re- commended to the Town Board that the application of Bernard. Epstein to erect a, one family dwelling on the northeast corner of Edgewood Avenue and Lookout Circle, Larchmont Hillss within 30 feet of Edgewood Avenue, be granted and the decision of the Build- ing Commission reversed, provided that no part of said building be nearer than 30 feet to Lookout Circle or 15 feet to Ed.gewood Avenue, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the TowTMa Law, hereby* consents to and confirms the NetkKn of the Board of Appeals _._ r reversing the decision of the Build- ing 'Commissi,on. A communication from Mr. Ferdinand Fish eras received and read pertaining to a claim for disbursements which is now pending before the Board. of Auditors. The matter vaas referred. to Supervisor Burton, for his report and recommendation. A communication from Yr. Ralph Rushmore was re- ceived and read requesting on behalf of thelSayersa Club of Kamaroneck the use of the Weaver Street auditorium. The communication was ordered placed on file and the matter referred to the Fire House Committee for report. The Committee on fire matters reported in sconnect- ion with the use of the auditorium, After discussion, upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the procedure in connection, with the use of the - auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House be fixed- as follows : 1.- All applica.tione for the use of the auditorium shall be filed With the Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck; then transmitted to the Fire House Committee and upon obtaining approval or 6therwise shall notify the party making the application. 2. - That no charge shall be made for regular organizations of the district requesting the use of said auditorium for regular monthly meetings of their repsective organi- za,tiane or other civic purposes. 3.- That all other organizations including organizations within the district requesting the use of the auditorium for special functions or functions held for pecuniary bene- fits, that o, charge of 6;15®00 be paid in advance to the Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck for said use, The Clerk brought up the matter of furnishing window trip: for the windows of the auditorium at the Weaver Street Fire House and the matter was referred to him to secure prices for said work and submit same to this Board. The Clerk also reported that the Captain of the Fire Company had requested that he bring to the attention of the Town Board at its meeting the matter of removing the auxiliary fire house which is situated on the school property at Weaver Street. The matter was referred to the Supervisor and Superintendent of Highways. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of April, 1925, was received, read, ordered spread upon the minutes, and is as follows : May Ist, 1925. Sir : Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties thereon, collcct�, ed by me during the month of April, 1925, and deposited. during the month of April. -------1925 1924---1923 1921­07- — int,& Total 11 E_ taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears Pnits. Wate & Clunty_ 87499.15 2308 .42 89807.57 High,ay,32e8.21_416. 56, 13684.77 Toom 24287*26__ 593.Sj___ ------------24931.07 Dielt. 40126.821328.87---------------- 41455� 69 Sewer Tax Dis- trict 1 5559.22338 .42 5897 72 Asamt. .......... School Dist.1 5904.27 09 Scheel ------------------- - Dist. 2 Arrears 2422. 59 240.05 427,32_ KUM InI. & PenIts=__ 1309.1a 330 .0 11S. 63 0705 2376.37 --------------- Total 187197.41 Deposited with Larchmont Nattl.Bank Deposited with the First National ___Bank_ojf MamarZgeck , respectfully submitted, HARRY T. McGVUZY� Receiver of Taxes, TC : Get. Q Burton, Super7iesr Town of Yamaronech, N.Y. May 11th, 1925. Si r : Pursuant to Sectior. 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties thereon, collected -- by me during the month of April., 1925, and deposited -on May 5th, and 9th, 1925. 1925 1924 1923 1922 all Irt.& Total a.taxes taxes tares-taxes arre_.rs pent State & County 31370.27 18�� .01 31471.28 Highway 6439.11_ 27. 64 6466.75 Tawr 8600.61 30. 34__ 8630 .95 Dist. 18578.8:, 90. 40 18559.23 Sewer Tax Dis- trict 1 2518.26 23. 97 2542. 23 Sewer - -- -- - asfimt. School - -- — - - Dist.l 364. 65 36^.65 School -- Dist. 2 Arrears 39.4`2 13. 92 80 . 60 133. 94 Int. & m Pentle. 76.31:':9.76 5. 69 93 .67 185.43 Total _ w 68464.46 Deposited *ith Larchmont Nat' l. Banks Deposited with the First DTatianal- Bank of Mamaronmck 68464.46 Respectfully submitted, HARRY T. McGIVITLY, Receiver of taxes. TO Gee . 77.Burton, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. The report of the Town Clerk far the month of April, 1.925, was received, read, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows : Geo. W.Burton, Esq.., Supervisor, Town Iff Mamaroneck, New York, Dear Sir : I beg to submit herewith the report of the office of the Town Clerk far the month of Nay, 1925, which is as follows : Dog licenses issued 14 28 .50 Hunting '" 11 2 2.50 .Marriage es ea 6 12.00 Chattel mortgages filed 88 9.56 TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED, 52.56 Brought forward, - _ _ - _ �w 52.56 Remitted to the Co .Treas. dog fees, 26.00 Clerk, hunting " 2.00 marriage "" 6.00 34.00_ n n n Supervisor, -- - - 15 . 56 Respectfully submitted, - FREDERICK M. SHERMAN Town Clerk. The Clerk presented a claim from Dr. Goldhorn of Mount Uernen, New York, for services rendered to Charles Schlierer, fireman engeineer at the Weaver Street Fire Company. The some was referred to the Fire House Committee. Mr. Michael Doherty appeared before the Board with a petition signed by certain residents of Millen Park requesting the Board to take such steps as might be necessary to create a Sewer District in and far the Dillon Paris section of the Town of Mamaroneck. Upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that the petition be referred to Supervisor .Burton., Chairman Stevens and Counsel, and that Coun=sel be authorized and directed to prepare the necessary petition, and other documents to create a Sewer District in the Dillon Park, section of the Town of Mamaroneck; and it was further RESOLVED, that said Committee be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to have such map and plan of the proposed district: prepared as may be necessary and as is required by law. The Supervisor reported in connection with the reconstructing and altering of the police Headquarters on Edgeweod Read in accordance with the drawings and speci- fications of Messrs. Eggers & Mink, associated architects, that he believed the work of "furnishing all labor, tools, teams, etc . , except stone for constructing retaining walls on the south and west sides of property to the dimensions shlb on Sheet #1 of the said plans and specifications, and minor instructions given at job, made necessary by certain contours of land" could be done more economicklly by the Town under the supervision of the Supervisor and Superin- tendent of Highways rather than by requesting bids and — letting a contract therefor. The Supervisor stated that he believed this work could, be done at a cost not to exceed $750 . in this manner. Upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that the following work required for reconstructing and altering the Police Headquarters on Edgewand. Road in accordance with the drawings and specifications of Messrs. Eggers & Mink., associated ar6hitects, be done under the super- vision of the Supervisor and Super- intendent of HiAways, to-wit: "furnishing all labor, tools, teams etc . , except stone for constructing retaining walls on the south and west sides of property to the dimen- sions as shown. on Sheet 11 of the said plans and specifications, and minor instructions given at job, made necessary by certain contours of land", at a cost not to exceed Y750. The Supervisor reported that there were no funds available with which to pay for said work and suggested that provision be made to finance the cost thereof by the issuance and sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness. Upon motion duly seconded it was ress2id: WHEREAS, in connection with the reconstructing and altering of the Police Headquarters an Edgewood Road in the Town of Mamaroneck in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by Messrs. Eggers & Mink, associated architects, that the work of "furnishing all labor, tools, teamsp etc „ except Cane for constructing retaining walls on the south and west sides of property to the dimensions as shown an Sheet #1 of the said plans and specifications, and minor in- structions given at job, made necessary by certain contours of land" is to be done under the Super- vision of the Supervisor and the Superintendent of Highways at a cost of not to exceed $760. and WHEREAS, said amount is to be approg printed, levied and collected upon the Police District in the Town d' Mamaro- neck. in the next regular budget of the said Town upon the taxable real property situated within said police district of said Town, the same to be collected with the taxes on April 19 1926, and WHEREAS, the Supervisor has reported that there are no funds available with which to pay for said work, NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered in accordance with law to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of not to exceed .$750 . in anticipation of the taxes to be collected on April 1, 1926, levied against the taxable real property situated within the Police District of the Town of Mamaroneck which comprises the unincorporated portion of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and. empowered to issue a temporary certificate of indebtedness in the amount of not to exceed $750. which shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum, payable at such time as the Supervisor may fix, not exceeding, however, 18 months from the date there- of, and to dispose of said temporary certificate of indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town: Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered. to sign and attest, respectively, the aforesaid temporary certificate of indebtedness, in the name and an behalf of the said Town and execute such other and further documents as may be necessary* to affect the sale thereof. Upon Roll Call the resolution was unanimously adopted.. The Supervisor presented bids received by Messrs. Eggers & Mink, associated architects, for "furnishing all labor and. material necessary to do all rough and finished carpentry such as new portico, new =windows, new door, new cornice mouldings, close up present windows and doors, all as shown and called for on drawings #2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8" . The bids were as follows : Berford Oakley, $ 1400 .00 . Richard Thorburn, 1200.00. Mr. Mink, on behalf of the architects, recommended to accept the bid of Richard Thorburn, it being; the lowest bid. After discussion, upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that the bid of Richard Thorburn in the sum of $1200. for "furnishing all labor and material necessary to do all rough and finished carpentry such as new portico, new v+ ndows, new dear, new cornice mouldings, close up present windows and doers, all as shown and called for on drawings #2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8", be and the same hereby is accepted; and it was further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and _ he hereby is authorized and empowered to enter into a contract for the performance and completion of said work in accordance with the plans and sDecificatiens of Messrs . Eggers & Mink, and on the terms and conditions aforesaid with the said Richard Thor- burn; and be it further 17 RESOLVED, that the aforesaid con- tractor be and he hereby is re- quired to furnish and file with the Town Clerk of Mamaroneck, a surety company bend in form and sufficiency satisfactory to the Supervisor. The foregoing resolution was upon vote unanimously adopted. The Supervisor reported that there were no funds available with which to pay for said work and suggested that provision be made to finance the cast thereof by the issuance ah0 sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness. Upon motion duly seconded it was resolved WHEREAS, in connection with the re- constructing and altering of the Police Headquarters on Edgewood Road in the Town of Mamaroneck in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by Messrs. Eggers & Mink, associated architects that the work of "furnishing all labor and material necessary to do all rough and finished carpentry such as new portico, new windows, new door, new cornice mouldings, close up present windows and doers, all as -- shown and called for on drawings #2-3- 4-5-6-7 and S", ie to be done by Richard Thorburn at a cost of not is exceed $1200 ; and WHEREAS, said amount is to be appro- priated, levied and collected upon the Police District in the Town of Mamaro- neck, in the next regular budget of the said Town upon the taxable real property situated within said Police District of said Town, the same to be collected with the taxes on April 1, 1926; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor has reported that there are no funds available with which tc pay for said work, 11316, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered in accordance with law to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum if not to exceed $1200. in anticipation of the taxes _ to be collected on April 1, 1926, evie,d against the taxable real prop- erty situated within the Police District of the Town of Mamaroneck which comprises the unincorporated portion of the Town ; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to issue a temporary certificate of indebtedness in the amount of not to exceed $1200 . which shall Sear interest at a rate of not is exceed 6% per annum, payable at such time as the Supervisor may fix, not exceeding, however, 18 months from the date thereof and to dispose of said temporary certificate of indebt:- edness for not less than the par value thereof; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and. Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign and attest, respectively, the afore- said temporary certificate of indebtedness in the name and on behalf of the the said Town and execute such other and further docu- ments as may be necessary tq affect the sale thereof. Upon Roll Call, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 o' clock PA. orvn C1erSs;