HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_04_15 Town Board Minutes s MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK held April bath, 1925 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9 :45 o° clock P.M. PRESENT : Supervisor Burton. Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon motion, the minutes of the meeting of April let, 1925, were read, and upon motion, approved. Captain Birch and a Committee of the leaver Street Fire Hompany appeared before the Board and stated that at the last meeting of the Fire Company they were authorized to appear before the Town Board and request that the control and management of the auditorium be taken over by the Town Board. Upon the requests and recommendation of the "leaver Street Fire Company, it was, upon motion duly seconded,, RESOLVED, that the auditorium floor of the fire building at Weaver Street and Edgewood Road. be and it hereby is left under the control and management -- of the Town Board, and it was further RESOLVED, that the Captain be directed to transmit all requests for the use of the auditorium floor to the Town Clerk for submission to the Town Board in order that said requests may receive due consideration. Captain Birch on behalf of the Fire Company request- ed permission for the use of the auditorium floor of the fire building on April 21, 3.925, for the staring of boxing bouts. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Weaver Street Fire Company be and it hereby is given permission to use the auditoriums of the fire building, on April 21st, 19259 in accordance with the request of its Captain. Mrs . `11. E. Concklin appeared before the Board, and on behalf of the ":Soman® s Club of Larchmont, requested per- mission to use the auditorium floor of the fire building on April 24th, 1925, for the purpose of conducting. a meeting. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Woman? s Club of Larchmont be and it hereby is granted permission to use the auditorium floor of the fire building., on April 24, 1925 in accordance with the request of Mrs. -11. E. Concklin . A notice from the Public Service Commission, was received and read, ir relation to a hearing before that body affecting; the rates of fares and zones on the New York & Stamford Railroad Company, The matter was referred to Counsel. Communications from Mrs. J . B. Hull and the Receiver of Taxes were received and read, relating to a -- duplicate assessment on Lots Nos , 240 and 241, Map of Long Island Sound Land & Improvement Company for the taxes of 1908 and 1910, and requesting. the cancellation, of same. The matter was referred to the Counsellor for his report and recommendation. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of March, 1925, was received and read, ordered placed on file and is as follows ; April 1st, 1.925. Sir „ Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hdreby respectfully report the amount of State , County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties thereon, collected, by me during the month of March, 1925. 1924 1923 1922 1021all Int. & total taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears _kenits6 _ -- State & County _737,50 174.4Q _ ° 911. 90 High- _ _ 125.54 6.16 - - 131. 70 Town 221.54_ 52.24 _ e _ 273. 78 Dis- t--i c t 410,47 16. 9! -e_427 4 5 Sewer TaxDist. 7. 90, 73 73 6. 64 -�. _ _ e 97 .37- - uer _ Assess ment School Dist, 3F5�2�,3�437 ,27 _ _ _ �s, 6265. 6_3 School Dist. 21 13®84 � �_ 13.84 Arrears_ 266. 99 98.85 716681 1082. 65_ _ Int. &-^� Penits. 774137 194.80_ 91 . 71 54.73_ 904. 62 2020. 23 ca s Total $11224. 55 Deposited with-tlae Larcrmont - National Bank, -� Deposited with the First Nat' l.. ---Bank of Mamaroneckz_g___ 11224. 55 Respectfully submitted, HARRY T. McGIVITEY, To . Geo . W. Burton, Supervisor, Receiver of Taxes. Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, N.Y. e The report of the Town Clerk for the month of March, 1925, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows : April. Fifteenth 1 9 2 5 Geo. 1. Burton, Esq. , Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck, New York.. Dear Sir . I beg to submit herewith the report of the office of the Town Clerk for the month of March, 1925, as follows : Dog licenses issued 11 $ 19. 75 Hunting It 0 3 3.75 Marriage" to 7 14.00 Chattel mortgages filed 79 8.38 Total amount received, 45.88 Remitted to County Treas, dog fees, $ 17.00 of " " Clerk, hunting fees, 3.00 to of " " marri age 1° 7 .00 2700 Supervisor, 18.88 Respectfully submitted, FREDERICK M. SHERMAN Town Clerk, Counsel advised the Board that the Sewer Commission. of Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, in connect- ion with constructing the Sewer System and trunk sewer lines through various properties in the Torun of Mamaroneck, had obtained certain easements for rights of way in, through and over a certain roadway known, as the Hommocks Road and along said roadway and thence southerly to Long Island, Sound, and thAt certain agreements had been entered into for said purpose by the Sewer Commissioners, acting for and on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck, in all of which agreements the rights of way have been taken in the name of the Town and consents given to the Town. He stated that all of these agreements have heretofore been executed by the Supervisor and the Town Clerk, and that it was advisable that the execution of sam4w, should be approved by the Town Board. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the action of the Super- visor and Town Clerk in executing the following agreements for rights of way for and on behalf of the Sewer Commiss- ion of Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, all of said agreements — having been dated December 31, 1921, be and the same hereby are in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed, to 1. Agreement between Ella Cecilia Howell, et al, Howell C. Perrin and wife, Hom- mocks Realty Corporation, and the Town of Mamaroneck. 73 2. Agreement between Leo Markendorff, Hommocks Realty Corporation and the Town of Mamaroneck, consented to by Mary C . Mead and Beulah Irene Mills. 3. Agreement between Beulah Irene Mills and Mary C. Mead., Hommocks Realty Company and Town: of Mamaroneck. A. Agreement between Edward F. A1bee and. the Town of Mamaroneck. The Board then conferred with the members of the Board of Appeals. After a full discussion pertaining to amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, the following resolution was presen- ted : WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended to this Board the amend- ment, hereinafter set forth, to Sec . 21 of Article I4 of the Zoning Ordin- ance adopted by this Board at a meeting held on June 21, 1922, is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 21 .aatptions as to spires, etc . The provisions of these regulations _ shall not apply to the erection of church spires, belfrys , chimneys, .flues, grain elevators, scenery lofts --- and wireless towers. The provisions of these regulations moreover shall not apply to bulkheads, elevator en- closures or water tanks, occupying, on the aggregate, less than ten(10%) per cent. of the area of the roof on which thev are located. No tower or other structure shall be erected in any district embraced by this ordin- ance having a height of more than 50 feet from the level of the ground surrounding the base or foundation of such structure without the joint con- sent of the Board of Appeals and Town. Board. This amendment shall take effect immediately. It is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and requested to publish a certified copy of the fore- ,oing resolution in the Larchmont Times and Mamaroneck Paragraph, two newspapers published in the Town of Mamaroneck, which are hereby designated for that purpose; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and requested. to post five certified copies of the fore- going resolution in five public plr.cee.. within said Town and that he transmit a certified copy of said resolution to the. Secretary; of the Board of Appeals. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as follows : Ayes : 5 Noes : None. The Clerk reported that the Board of Appeals had requested that chairs be furnished for a meeting place as additional chairs were needed at their meetings. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon Roll Call, unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to purchase additional chairs for the meeting; room of the Board of Appeals at the best terms possible and that the cost thereof be charged against the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck. The matter of the publication of a tax sale list was taken up, and after discussion, it was, upon motion, duly seconded, and upon Roll Call, RESOLVED, that the publication of the Tax Sale list be published in the Larchmont Times in the manner as provided by law, Upon motion the meeting adjourned at midnight.p To Clerk® r