HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_03_04 Town Board Minutes METING OF THE TOWN BOARD
head March 4, 1925
-- The .meeting. -,vas called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9 o' clock P.H.
PRESEITT : Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd and. Collins
Counsellor Gamble:
Town C1er'_c Sherman
The minutes of the meetings of January 21st, 30th,
February 2nd, 6th and 13th, 1925, were read, and upon motion
A communication fro-,nn Mr. E. C. Griffin was received
and read, requesting t.ae re-adjustment of the esti:aa- ted
advanced premium of the Town of Mamaroneck Worlcnens° Compen-
sation policy with the Hartford Accident and Tnd_ma, .t;y*
The coinnunication was- ordered placed on file and
tle: -,matter referred to the Supervisor.
_._. A petition was received from the property owners
and residence of the Harbor Heights section of the Village
of TfamaronecLr, requesting that permission be granted to C.
W. Doody, insuring the permanent a,nd regular operation of a
bus system between Hamaroneck arid. Larchmont station, and
farther asking that consideration be given the granting of
permission for the extension of this bus system to the City
of rF+ite Plains, w'aica petition sus signed by sixty«six
The petition wars ordered placed on file and the
matter was laid over for further consideration,
A communication from the Board of Appeals was re-
ceived and read, stating that at their meeting held on January
29th last, a resolution was adopted reco:nTending to the Town
Board that the application of John C. Fisher to erect a one
car r_ arage on the nort.aerly side of Hillcrest Avenue, 480 feet
from Weaver Street within 7 feet of the street line, be granted
and that the decision of the Building Co.mmi s°-i on be reversed
provided that the garage be erected in accordance with the
slot plan _Pled. ; and a further resolution was adopted re-
commending to the Tows Board that the application of Charles
Santoro to erect a one family residence on the north ei de of
Harmon Drive about 200 feet east of Weaver Street, Within 30
feet of the street line be Pranted and that the decision of
the Building Commission be reversed provided that no part of
the house be brought nearer than 25 feet to the street lanes,.
=,whereupon the following resolutions were presented and upon
I:o11 Cal'. .were unanimously adopted:
W=EAS, the Board of Appeals has
reconargended to the TEwn Board that
the application of John C. Fisher
to erect a on-e car garage on the north
side of Hillcrest Avenue 480 feet
from Weaver Street within 75 feet
of the street line be granted, and
that the decision of the Building
Commission be reversed provided that
the garage be erected in accordance
•,e. th the plot plan filed, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pur-
suant to Article 5, section 26 of
the Town Law, hereby consents to and
confirms the action of the Board of
Appeals in reversing the derision of
the Building Commission, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has
recommended to the Town Board that
the application of Charles Santoro
to erect a one family residence on
tAe north side of Harmon Drive about
200 feet east of Weaver Street and
within 30 feet of the street line be
granted and that the decision of the
JBuilding Commission be reversed pro-
vided that no part of the house be
built nearer than 25 feet to the
street lines, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board, pur-
suant to Article 5, section 26 of the
Town ia,v, hereby emnsente to and con-
firms the action of the Board of
Appeals in reversing the decision of
the Building C6mmissiom.
A communication from the residence and tam payers
of the Dillon :ark Civic Organization was received and read,
requesting information as to the next meeting of the Town
Board for the purpose of a committee of that organization
appearing before the Board to take up the matter of sewers
in the Dillon Dark section.
The communication was ordered placed on file and
upon motion duly seconded, it was
VOTED, that the Clerk be requested
to advise: the officers of the Billon
wars- Civic Organization that a
committee of this Board will meet
with them on Saturday, Harch 7th, at
2:30 osclock,F.M. at this office for
the purpose of hearing t ei °r committee.
Mr . Ailli m. E. !yon appeared before the Board and
- *poke in some length in relation to the litigation affect-
ing the rates on the New York, New haven & Hartford Railroad
on the question of buses and also on the supposed modificat-
ion of franchise on the New York & Sta_nford. Railroad Company.
The following resolution: was presented by Super-
visor Fulton, duly seconded, which upon Roll Call was
unanimously adopted :
a L �PM
WHEREAS, by Chapter thirty-one of the
Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty,
provision has been made in the West-
chester County Tax Lane for estimates
by the Board of Supervisors of the
probable revenue from the state income
tax otherwise creditable to the differ-
ent towns, and
WHEREAS, said act provides that if a
supervisor of any town files with the
Board of Supervisors a certified copy
of a resolution passed by the Torn
Board of any zuchtoavn, requesting the
Board of Supervisors to estimate for
saaid town the probable revenue which
would be credited to zuch town by rea-
son of the income tax, that the Board
of Supervisors shall estimate such
probable revenue and direct the Clerk
of said Board to deduct such estimated
amount from the amount of county tax
levied against each of the towns re-
questing such deduction, X014 THEREFORE,
RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors
be requested to estimate for the Town of
iamaronech, Y.Y. the probably revenue
which would be credited to such town by
reason of the income tax, and be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to file
with the Board of Supervisors of 'Nest-
chester County a certified copy of this
The Supervisor presented his annual report for
the year 1924, thick was ordered received, noted in the
minutes, placed on file„ and upon motion duly seconded,
it was
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to send
a copy of the annual report to th, State
Comptroller and to have ts.n same published
in accordance with law.
The Supervisor presented the budget for the
year 1925.
After reading the same and discussion, it was
RESOLVED, that the budget be and it
hereby is approved, ccreod upon the
minutes, placed on file, and the
Supervipor is authorized and direct-
ed to present a copy of the same to
the Board of Supervisors.
The budget is as follows :
for the year
I ° 2 5
FIRST : - RESOLUD, that there be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the Town of
Ti1„[ar3nec'it., and collicte ,. ana when collected,
paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts
for the purposes hereinxftdr set forth, to-w t :
A® To pz ; the sa'.,a;'y of the Supervisor under 3, 000 .00 the sstc' ester County Tax Act,
To pay the salary Of the Clerk td Super-
B. 1, 500 .00
C. To pay the salary of the Town Clark, 3, 500 .00
D. To pay the salary of the Receive- of Tones 5, 500 .00
and Deputy,
E. To part the °aIsry of three Aseess=t 6, 400 .00
F. To pay the salary of the Overseer of Poor, 13500 ,00
To pay the eala,r f�,r Janitor service, 1, 200 .00
G � y ., '
H. To pay for the rent of Town Offices, 2, 640 ,00
LL . To pay for the temporary :support of the
Poor, Ax, 540.00, less amount available 500 .00
for such purpose,
J , To pay the allowa.ncts for Public Health 1, 630 .00
X. To pay for jemorial Day appropriation 300.00
and rents American Legion quarters,
L. To pay the principal on voting machine 1, 000.00
bond No . 5
To parr the interest on vctia^.,? machine `co:`!d.s, 480 .0
N. To pay the salary of the Superintendent 3, 600 .00
of Highways, allowances, etc . ,
fl. To pay the sala ry „f thn � y GK5sr under
1, 500 .00
the Highvay Law, �
P . To pay for the removal of snow, cutting
weeds, brushes, etc „ ,
a=o pay for the purchase and repair of
nee 3, 0, 0 =00
�aai -y, tools etc .,
R. To pay the princi a,l of State �l�httiay Bonds 2, M ,00
No . ll 1 R P improvementh
s t state Higlxma� Bonds
S. To pay the interest of eta 1 450 ®00
(B.P. R. improvement),
RESOLVED, that when said 148 Town Park District
No. 1 bonds shall have been duly executed the same shall
be delivered to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase
price to the Supervisor, and the receipt of the Supervisor
shall be a full acquittance to said purchaser who shall
not be obliged to see the application of the purchase
And be it further
RESOLVED, that there be levied, assessed and
collected annually upon the taxable property within Town.
Park District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York,
outside of the incorporated villages of Mamaroneck and
Larchmont, a sum sufficient to pay the principal and
interest of said One Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand
($148, 000 .00 ) Dollars, Town Park District No . 1 bonds as
the same respectively become due and payable.
And be it further
RESOLVED, that said bonds be sold at public
sale to the bidder offering; to take them at the highest
rate of premium on the 6th day of February, 1925, at the
office of the Town Clerk, #6 Elm Street, in the Village
and Town of Mamaroneck, New York, and that the following
notice of said sale be published in the Larchmont Times
and Mamaroneck Paragraph, two newspapers published within
the Town of Mamaroneck and in the Bond Buyer, a financial
newspaper published in the City of New York, which news-
papers are hereby designated for that purpose, once, not
less than five nor more than thirty days before the date
of said sale;
And be it further
RESOLVED, that said notice be substantially in
the following form:
"Notice of sale of Town of Mamaroneck Park
District No. 1 Bonds.
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of
the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, will receive sealed pro-
posals at the office of the Town Clerk, #6 Elm Street, in
the Village and Town of Mamaroneck, New York, on the 6th
day of February, 1925, at 8 . 30 o° clock P.M. for the pur-
chase of the following bonds of said Town, to vita
Town Park District No . 1 Bonds of the Town of
Mamaroneck, New York, in denominations of $1, 000 .0® eadh,
numbering 1 to 148, inclusive, dated. February lst, 19251
bearing interest at the rate of 4j%o per centum per annum,
payable semi -arnually on the let days of August and February
in each year after the date thereof and maturing in equal
annual instalments of $4,000.00 each, the first instalment
to be due and payable on February; 1st, 1932, and annually
thereafter until February is t, "196
Said 'ponds will be coupon bonds and may be
converted into registered bonds in accordance with the
provisions of the General Municipal Law.
All bids must be accompanied by a certified
check in the amount of at least 5% of the amount of the
bid, payable to the order of the Town of Mamaroneck.
for the year
l a 2 5
F!aST ® RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed
upon the tastable property of the Town of
Mamaroneck, and collected., and when collected,
paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts
for the purposes hereina.ftdr set forth, to-wit :
A® To pay the Wary of the Supervisor under
the 3istchester County Tax Act, 3, 000 .00
B. To pay the salary of the Clark to Super—
vi aor, 1, 500 .O0
C. To pay the salary of the Torun Clerk, 3, 500 .00
D. To pay the salary of the Receiver of Tones
and Deputy, 5, 500 .00
E. To pay the salary of three Assess ,rs, 6, 400 .00
F, To pay the salary of the Overseer of Poor, 1, 500 no
G. To pay the sa,laryfer Janitor service, 1, 200 .00
H. To pay for the rent of Town Offices, 2, 64000
T . To pay for the temporary support of the
Poor, '`r`4, 500.00, less amount available
for such purpose, 50040
J . To pay the allowances for Public Health
nursers, 1, 630 .00
To l,aS for Memorial Day appropriation
and rents American L6# on quarters, 300.00
L. To pay the principal on voting machine
bond No . 51 1, 000.00
M. To pay the interest on voting machine bonds, 00 .00
N. To pay the salary of the Superintendent
of Highways, allowances, etc . , 3, 600 .00
O, To pay the salary of thtf Supe;rT%iso; `_;nder
the Highvay Law, 1, 500 .00
P . To pay for the removal of snow, cutting
weeds, brus 6s, etc . , 21000 .00
W `to pay for the purchase and repair of
machinery, tools etc ., 330,.s0 .o0
R. To pay the principal of State Highway Bonds
No . 11 ( B. p. R. _ p ovem nQ 2, 000 ,00
S. To pay the interest of State Highway Bonds
(B.P. R. improvement), 450 .00
T. T6 pay the interest of State Highway Bondi
(u . S. Part 1, iYprovemcnt), 675 .00
U. To pay for the repair and construction of
two bridges, $2000 .00 leas amount available
for such purposes,
Total amount, Town at large, f 42, 425 .00
SECOND:- F?ESO!.VED, w✓i18.t there be le7jed and a.5ue. s..d
upon the taxable prcpert;; of thy^ Town of
Plamaroneck, lying ontwide the corporal ,
of the Villages of Larchmont and
Mun.,., or-ii, and collect!, a.nd when collected,
paid to the Supervisor, the following 2cuntei
for the purpoees hereinafter set forth, to-nit :
'A To pay for the repair and -- -_i;veme'.�w of
Highways, $ 22, 501 , i l
b . To pay tin principal of Murray Avenue
improvement band Yo . `S, 1, 000.00
C, To pay the principal of Murray Avenue
completion on bend, Na. 10, 1, 000 .00
D, To pay the interest on Murray Avenue
completion bands, 225.00
E. To pay the pri_ rci.pa.l of Cha .vort?v
Averse improvement bond Nom v, 1, 000no
YJ To pay the interest of ChatsTorth Avenue
improvement bend, 380.00
G. To pay the principal of side-walk bond.
Noo 8, 1, 0v0,Q0
I� To pay the interest of side-walk bonds, 100.00
? , To pay for the preservation of peace, 31, 000so
u. To pay the salary of the Health Office:., :00.00
l�. To pay for the rental of stmtt light, G,000no
L. To pay the u'a1..w2'y of i:s%'m Building Inspector, 1., ^00 at00
Total amount, Outside District, VQ 06,875 .00
T: RD:- RESOLVED, that t1 e c be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the Town of
Mamaroneck, lying within Fire Distri. cat. PTO . l.,
,and- collected, and when collected® paid to
the Supervisor, the foll.ovaing a.mount5 for the
-'31:rpopes hereinafter zet forth, to-wit :
A. To pay he principal. of Fire House bonds,
Nos: 15 to 21 inclusive, V 6, 500 .00
R. To pad. the interest e,r� Fire �?ou.tie bonds, ;i 2, 387 ,50
C. To pay the prs nnipai Of ri •re Appa,ra."s
bondE Now. I and 2, 2, 000 00
D. To pay the interePt of Fire Apparatus
bonds, C0° 0
F To pay the rental of fire hydrantoa 2, 650 .00
F. To pay compensation of special Olfice.ra, 6, 650 .00 ',.,..
G. To pay for the collection and disposal
of ashes, garbage, refine, etc ., 3, 500 .00
H. To pay for supplies, t?yL','POent, ...,,in s"
a:rce, etc „ of fire apparatus, buildings,
7, 70U .a0
etc . ,
. To pay audited claims, fire ? 3t_'ic .-, x
526 --49
Total amount, Fire District Yo. l
662 623 < ter,
FOvT TH:- RESOL 12, that where be levied and assessed
upon the taxable property of the To Am of
Yamaroneck, lying jit in Fire District No, 2
and collected, and when collected, paid to
--- the Super7jeor, the following amounts for the '..,..,.
purposes; hereinafter' set forti , to-wit ;
A, To pay for the rental of fire Hydrants,
To pay for the rental of fire hou:xe, re°pr iris,
mainte nand, cite . fire: company No . A 350.00
C. To pay for the collection and di mposal H
azheaq ga.xbage, refuse, ete.� 700 00
Total amount, Fire District No . 21, 170 .00
7IFTH•. RESOLTI;D, that them: be levied and assessed upon
the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck,
lying within Sewer riotridt No. 1 , a'-a collectV,
zee ;hen collected, turned over to the Supervisor,
the following amounts for the purposes herein-
after set forth_, to -wart :
A. To pay the principal of Sewer Bonds ar.d mainten-
ance of plant, 11a750.00
A communication from the Boar? of Assessors was re-
ceived and read calling the attention of the Town Board to the
condition of the Assessment Maps . The same SYzr ordered noted in
the minutes and placed on file.
On motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 Yclocl=_ F.M.
To 1 Clerk.