HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_02_18 Town Board Minutes 227 SPRCIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK held February 13th, 1925 `— The meeting was called to order by Justice Collins . in the absence of Supervisor Burton at 3.15 P.M. PRESENT: Justices Collins, Dudley and Shafer Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Counsellor Gamble stated that the meeting had been called, pursuant to Law and to a resolution of the Town Board adopted at a meeting held January 21, 1925, to act upof a petition duly filed with the Town. Board request- irg said Board to extend the present boundary lined of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Sewer System therein, as now established., so as to include tr and make a part of said District the territory= embraced within the said proposed extension, which is described in said petition. The Clerk reported that due notice of the time and place of holding the meeting had been given by posting and publishing, as provided by lac, and pursuant to resolut- ion of this Board. The Clerk presented and read to the meeting a copy of the notice, together with affidavits of publication and posting. Upon motion duly seconded, it was REVOLVED, that the espy of the notice of the meeting and affianTits of pub- lication and of posting be ordered filed. Counsellor Gamble stated to the meeting that the petition received and filed by the Board had been signed by the owners of real property within the area of the said Dis- trict to be served by the proposed extension to said system representing more than one-:half in value of the taxable real property within such area, as appears by the last pre- ceding completed assessment roll, and that the said petition complied in form, substance, and in the manner of execution, so far as applicable thereto, with the requirements of the petitim for the establishment of a sewer district and stated therein the maximum amount proposed to be expended for such extension or extensions, to wit : the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150, 000 ) , and that said petition, had endorsed thereon the written approval of all of the members of the Board of Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1, ant that there was presented with the said petition a map prepared by a competent engineer, shoving the area proposed to be served by such proposed extension and such change or changes from the plans shown: by the map and plan attached to the petition for the establishment of the said Sewer District No . 1, which is prepared in the some manner as the original map and plan and approved by the State 229 Board. of Health. The Chairman stated that the Board would be glad to hear any person Who desired to be heard prior to the Board taking action upon said petition. After discussion, all persons present being in favor of the adoption of a resolution by the Board author- izing the aforesaid extension, it was, upon motion of Mr. Justice Shafer, seconded by Mr. Justice Dudley, unanimously RESOLVED, ZvBLREAS a petition signed and acknowledged by owners of real property in a proposed extension to the present Sewer District No . 1 of the Town, of Mama- roneck, representing more than one-half in value of the taxable real property therein, as appears by the last preceding completed assessment roll, as is pro- vided by Sections 230 and 230-A of the Town Law of the State of Drew York, has been duly filed with this Board, which said petition describes the proposed ex- tension to Sewer District No , 1 and states the maximum amount proposed to be ex- pended in the eonstruation of said pro- posed extension to the aforesaid Sewer System; that opposite the name of each petitioner appears the assessed valuat- ion of the real property owned by him or her in such proposed extension to the said Sewer District, according to the last preceding assessment roll ; and. '.t�REAS, there is annexed to and presented with and made a part of said petition a map and plan of the proposed extension to the said Sewer District No . 1 and said Sewer System, with specifications of dimensions and conn- ections and outlet to the Sewerage Disposal 'Aorks and outfall Sewer, which has been prepared by a competent engineer ; and "BERIAS, said petitioners ask the Town Board to make an order establishing the Sewer District described in said petition and stating the amount proposed to be expended in the construction of said Sewer System; and vMRFAS, in said petition asking for the establishing of a Sewer system the petitioners likewise pray as pro- vided. under Section 230-A that the entire portion of the system in said proposed extension designed ultimately to serve the entire proposed extension to said Sewer District No. 1. shall be constructed in the first instance, and have described the said portion or portions in their petition and indicated the same on the said map and plan annexed to said petition and have specified the maximum amount proposed to be exptnded in the construction of said portion or portions of the said system, and said petitioners further ask that the Town Board may include in its -- order establishing the said Sevier Dis- trict a direction that the Sewer Commissioners shall construct the entire portion, of the said system in the said proposed extension designated in the said petition until extensions thereto shall be authorized as provided by law; and 4;'HERI;AS, the Town Board is satisfied that the petitioners are owners of real property in the proposed district and own more than one-half in value of the taxable real property therein, and that all provisions of the law relating to the establishment of the proposed extension to Sewer District No. 1 have been complied with; and WHEREAS said. proposed extension is described in said petition as follows : BEGINYING at a point on the easterly boundary line of Sewer District No. l of the Town of Mamaroneck as now established, which point is approximately 125 feet southeasterly from where the southerly side of Howell Ave- rue if prolonged across Weaver Street and 100 feet east- erly from the easterly side thereof would intersect the aforesaid line (and continuing easterly and northerly a- long said boundary line of Sewer District No. 1 as follows) ; thence easterly and at right angles to weaver Street 350 feet ; thence northwesterly 400 feet to a point 75 feet southerly from the southerly side of Palmer Avenue, `:hence northeasterly and parallel with Palmer Avenue 1000 feet to the intersection of the boundary line of the Town of Mamaro- neck with the westerly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck; (at which point said proposed extension to Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck leaves the easterly boundary line of Sewer District No. 1 and proceeds southerly therefrom) ; thence southerly and along the afore- said boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Mamaroneck to a point approximately 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of the Boston Post Road, thence west- erly and parallel with the southerly side of the said Bos- ton Post Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom 1050 feet to a point 100 feet easterly from the easterly side of the Hummocks Roadway, thence southeasterly and parallel with said Hummocks Roadway and 100 feet easterly therefrom 925 feet, thence southwesterly and across said. Hummocks Road- way at right angles to the westerly side thereof and 100 feet beyond, thence northwesterly and again parallel tith said Hummocks Roadway and 100 feet westerly therefrom to a point 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of said Boston Post Road, thence westerly andagain parallel with the southerly side of the Boston Post Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom 550 feet (at which point said line joins and continues northerly along the present eastern boundary line of Sewer District No ® 1 of the Town of Mama- roneck_ as now constituted as follows) ; northerly and straight across the said Boston Post Road, at right angles with the north side of same at a point approximately 250 feet from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of ',leaver Street and the northerly side of the B'astor. Post Road, thence northwesterly 500 feet and Parallel with TeaverStreet, thence easterly and at right angles to said last mentioned line 125 feet, thence north- erly and parallel with 'a;eaver Street and crossing the west- -- - erly end of Beech Street 300 feet; thence easterly and parallel with Caerleon Avenue 400 feet to the westerly side of `ffeaver Street, thence northerly 150 feet along the westerly side of Weaver Street to the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Caerleon Avenue and the westerly side of Aleaver Street, thence easterly and across Veaver Street to a point where the southerly side of Caerleon Avenue if prolonged easterly would inter- sect the easterly* side of said weaver Street, thence east- erly 100 feet therefrom and at right angles thereto, thence northerly and parallel with the easterly side of Weaver Street and 100 feet easte.rl - therefrom to the point or place of beginning. All of which proposed extension to said Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck is more specifi- cally shown on a certain map entitled "Tosm of Mamaroneck, a general plan of proposed Section D, Sewer District T#1, L.E. Van Etten, Civil Engr. , December 1922. 11 All cfwhich aforesaid proposed extension to said Sewer- District. No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck joints and abuts upon Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Mamaro- neck, as now established along the easterly boundary line thereof. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the __. aforesaid petition be approved by this Board; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid described property and proposed extension be and the same hereby is established, annexed to, and made a part of said Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pre- sent Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck as now constituted, to- gether with the extension thereof as herein established, continue to be known and designated as "Sewer Dis- trict No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck" and that the said District No. 1 and the extension thereto as herein author- ized and hereby established, i . e., the original District No.1 and the extensions thereto, be hereafter bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue 210 feet south of the intersection of the southerly= side of Myrtle Avenue and the westerly side of -- Chatsworth Avenue at which the intersection of the boundary lines of the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaro- neck converge, running thence southerly and along said westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue which is also the bound- ary line of said Village of Larchmont and. Town. of Mamaro- neck 125 feet to the northerly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont, running thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont 2400 feet to a point where said Village line if continued would intersect the easterly boundary line of the City of New Rochelle, thence northerly along said boundary* line between the Town of Mamaroneck and the City of New Rochelle, 5600 feet to a point 625 feet north of the northerly side of Forest Avenue at ntiieh point Forest Avenue intersects the afore- said boundary line, thence easterly 1150 feet and nearly parallel with said Forest Avenue, thence northerly 200 feet ; thence northeasterly 300 feet ; thence northeasterly 275 feet from said point last described to a point 150 feet westerly from the westerly side of Vurray Avenue ; thence northerly and parallel with Murray Avenue (and "Weaver Street after they join and 150 feet westerly therefrom, 350 feet; thence easterly crossing ,,Weaver Street at right angles to the westerly side thereof to a point 150 feet easterly from, the easterly* side of said Weaver Street; thence southerly and parallel with Teaver Street and 150 feet easterly therefrom 250, to a point 150 feet northerly from the easterly side (northerly at this point) of Rockland Avenue ; thence easterly and parallel with Rockland Avenue and 150 feet northerly therefrom, 1425 feet; thence southeasterly to the westerly side of Rockland Ave- nue intersecting the same at a _point 125 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Forest Avenue with the westerly side of Rockland Avenue; thence southeasterly and along the easterly side or boundary of the Developments or Sections known as "Col- onial Park" and "Larchmont Gardens ", respectively, and as shown on the respective recorded maps of said sections, 1400 feet, to the northerly side of Little Farms Road which point is 150 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Little Farms Road and the easterly side of Fdgewood Place ; thence easterly 200 feet along the northerly side of Little Farms Road if the same were prolonged; thence southeasterly, and at right angles to said line just described. to the northerly side of Stoney Side Drive; thence southeasterly 200 feet crossing Stoney Side Driveabd a right angle to the north- erly side thereof; thence southerly 200 feet; thence southeasterly and to the westerly side of Grey Stone Road intersecting the same at a point 125 feet northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Greystone Road and the northerly side of Garden Road; thence southeasterly 350 feet, crossing the easterly side of Greystone Road and the northerly side of Garden Road, intersecting the said streets at pcints 50 feet northerly and 25 feet easterly, respectively, from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Greystone Road and the northerly side of Garden Road; thence easterly and at right angles to the line just described, 100 feet; thence southeasterly 300 feet crossing Rocky Road Drive at a right .angle to the northerly side thereof; thence southerly, and approximately parallel with Rocky Road Drive, 225 feet; thence easterly and crossing North Brook Road and South Brook Road, at right angles thereto, to the southerly side of South Brook Road, intersecting the latter at a point 25 feet northerly from the intersection of the westerly end of South. Brook Road and the easterly end of Lake Side Drive ; thence 450 feet easterly to the boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck which is also the easterly boundary line of the Village of Mamaroneck, intersecting the same at a point 125 feet northerly from the intersect- ion of said boundary lines with the northerly side of Har- mon Drive ; thence southerly and along the aforesaid_ bound- ary line of the Town. of Jiamaroneck and the easterly bound- ary line of the Village of Mamaroneck, crossing the Right- of-Tay of the Nei', N.H. & H. R.E. and Pabner Ave rue to a point on the aforesaid boundary lines 175 feet southerly from where it crosses the southerly side of Palmer Avenue (at which point it joins the proposed extension hereby pro- vided to be included in said Sewer District) ; thence south- . i d erly and along the aforesaid boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of 'Mamaroneck to a point approximately 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of the Boston Post Road; thence westerly and parallel with the southerly side of the said Boston Post Road -- and 100 feet southerly therefrom 1050 feet to a point 100 feet easterly from the easterly side of the Hummocks Roadway, thence southeasterly and parallel with said Hummocks Roadway and 100 feet easterly therefrom 925 feet, thence southwesterly and across said Hummoc'_cs Roadway at right angles to the westerly side thereof and 100 feet beyond, thence northwesterly and again parallel with said Hummocks Roadway and 100 feet west- erly therefrom to a point 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of said Boston Post Road, thence westerly and again parallel with the southerly side of the Boston Past Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom 550 feet (at which point the said proposed extension rejoins the pre- sent southeasterly boundary line of Sewer District No. I as now established) ; thence continuing westerly and parallel with the southerly side of the Boston Post Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom 800 feet to the point of intersection of said boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck with the easterly boundary line of the Village &f Larel--nont, said point being about 100 feet southerly from the south side of the Boston Post Road, thence north- erly and along said easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont and across the Right-of-,11ay of the N.Y. N.H. & H. R.R. to the junction of said easterly boundary line of said Village of Larchmont with the northerly boundary line of said Village, thence westerly, northerly and west- erly and along said northern boundary 'Line of the said Village of Lare}zmont to the point or place of beginning; and all of which said proposed Sewer District and the extensions thereto is more specifically shown and set for- th on three certain maps entitled "Town of Mamaroneck, -,Westchester Co . , New York, a general plan of proposed sewers in certain districts the outlet from which is through District No. 1, Larchmont, by L. E. Van Etten, Civil Engineer, February 7th, 1918" ; and "Town of Tdama-r-oneck, ffestchester County, N.Y.A. , General Plan of Proposed Sewers in District No . 1, Section C, by L. E. Van Etten, Civil Engr., December 12, 19210 ; and "Town of Mamaroneck, a General Plan of Pro- posed Section D, Sewer District No. 1, L.E. Van Etten, Civil Engr ., December 1922". and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District No. I are hereby directed and empowered to construct, attain by purchase, agreement or otherwise in the first instance the entire portion of the said Sewer system in said proposed extension designated ultimately to serve the entire proposed extension to Sewer District No . 1, as describ- ed herein and as designated in the said ,petition at a cost of not to exceed 1'.150;°000, until extensions thereto shall be authorized as pro- vided by law; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that for all pur- poses of taxation and assessments this resolution and the Certificate herein authorized to be filed shall take effect immediately; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid extension to Sewer Dis- trict No . 1 herein authorized and established shall hereafter, for all purposes be regarded as a part of the original system, heretofore es- tablished, and shall be constructed and maintained by the Sewer Commiss- ioners of the said Sewer District No . 1 of the Town of Yamaroneck, and the cost of construction thereof shall be provided for by the issuance and sale of Town bonds in the same manner as is provided in the Town Law and by Chapter 422 of the Laws of 1922 of the State of New York(or so much thereof as is applicable) for the pay- ment of the cost of the original system, 7 ich said bends shall be a Town charge, and the principal and interest thereof, together with the cost of maintenance of such extension or ex- tensions, shall be collected from the real property within the said District by the aforesaid Sewer Commissioners in the some manner as though said extension or extensions had formed a part of the original system constructed in said Sewer District No , 1. Mf. C. W. moody appeared before the Board and requested the granting of a temporary permit to operate buses in conjunction with its present bus line continuing up Larchmont Avenue from the Boston & 0stchester Station northerly to Rockingstone Avenue. After discussing the matter, it was, upon motion duly seconded RESOLVED, that the application of C. 'N.Mopdy, requesting a temporary permit to operate buses in conjunct- ion with its present bus line con- tinuing up Larehmont Avenue from the Boston & Westchester Station northerly to Rockingstone Avenue be granted for the period ending March 4th, 1925, and it kas further RESOLVED, that the matter be referred to Counsellor "amble for the drawing of the necessary papers and documents in connection with this special permit . Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 9 .50 o' clock P.M. T ,ffn Clerk.