HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_01_09 Town Board Regular Minutes 360
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by
Supervisor Battalia at 6:15 P.M. in the_Auditorium.
Present were the following representing all members of the Board:
Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia -
Councilman Lee H. Bloom
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lawrence Lerman
Town Administrator Stephen V. Altieri and Counsel to the Town Steven
M. Silverberg were also present.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board will recess into
Executive Session in the Council Room to
discuss matters of personnel and litigation.
The Town Board reviewed candidates for various appointments at the
organization meeting.
The Counsel to the Town reviewed matters of litigation.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
Lerman, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn the Executive Session
at 7:25 P.M.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of
exits as required by law for public gatherings.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 7:30 P.M.
in the Auditorium.
Present were the following representing all members of the Commission:
Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia
Commissioner Lee H. Bloom
Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke
Commissioner Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman
et 0 n
Also present were:
Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Counsel to the Town
P. Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent
Ill1. Claims
Commissioner Amlicke presented fire claims for authorization of
payment and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the Fire
Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
A T & T $ 70.51
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 159.25
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 121.40
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 186.00
Excelsior Garage 1,679.92
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 467.00
New York Telephone Company 67.01
New York Telephone Company 955.98
NYNEX Information Resources 9.00
Sirlin, Sirlin & Nolletti 36.38
Spiro-Wallach 324.70
Town of Mamaroneck Pro Firefighters Assn. 110.04
Village Ford, Inc. 9.45
Village Ford, Inc. 28.05
Westchester Joint Water Works 57.81
There being no further business to come before this Commission,
on motion by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner Amlicke,
it was unanimously declared that this meeting be adjourned at
7:35 P.M.
On motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously resolved that
the Regular Meeting be reconvened.
PUBLIC HEARING: Lease of Maxwell Avenue Joint Garbage Commission
Facility as Transfer Station-Draft Environmental
Impact Statement
Supervisor Battalia explained that because she is a Commissioner of
the Joint Sanitation Commission which is the Applicant for the
proposed transfer station, it would be a conflict for her to take
part in this Hearing and therefore, she asked Deputy Supervisor
Silverstone to preside.
At this time on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and
it hereby is, declared open.
The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication
and Posting of the Notice of Hearing.
The Deputy Supervisor acknowledged the presence of Legislator Diane
Keane and Charles Miles, representing Westchester County, neither
of whom wished to address the. Board on the matter.
The presence of Larchmont Village Trustees Nan Forger and Paul Kean
was also acknowledged.
The Following items were entered into the record of this Hearing:
- Memorandum submitted by the C.A.C. Chairman on the Draft E.I.S.
- Letter dated January 9, 1985 submitted by Jane Bilus Gould,
Attorney representing Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Powers.
- Communication dated January 9, 1985 submitted by Mayor Robert
Funicello and Village Manager Joseph P. Fraioli, on behalf of
the Village of Mamaroneck.
The following persons addressed the Board during the very lengthy
Public Hearing:
Ralph and Bea Powers, 33 Maxwell Avenue, Town
Walter Webber, Superintendent of Public Works, Mamaroneck Village
Kathy Siconolfi, 51 North Chatsworth Avenue, Town
James Staudt, Attorney, Joint Sanitation Commission
Paul Newman, Foreman, Joint Garbage Commission
Dr. Leo Wilson, 15 Lafayette Road, Town
Mayor Robert Funicello, Village of Mamaroneck
Richard Mari, Larchmont Acres, Town
Dr. C. Alan Mason, Chairman, C.A.C.
Fred Kellogg, Superintendent of the Joint Garbage Commission
The major issues raised during the Public Hearing were air and water
pollution, noise, littering and traffic.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, the Public Hearing was unanimously declared closed.
During the discussion that followed, it was decided that written
comments would be accepted until January 22nd and further discussion
and a decision on the matter would take at the January 23rd Town
Board meeting.
Appointments of:
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that William Paonessa is hereby
appointed to the position of Building and
Plumbing Inspector for the Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Carmine A. DeLuca is appointed
as the Comptroller and Director of Finance
for the balance of the unexpired term ending
December 31, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Carmine A. DeLuca is appointed
as the Receiver of Taxes for the balance of
the unexpired term ending December 31, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Patrick Thomas Leddy is
appointed as the Superintendent of Highways
for the balance of the unexpired term ending
December 31, 1985;
and be it further
III RESOLVED, that William Zimmermann is hereby
appointed to the position of Superintendent
of Recreation for the Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Carol A. Acocella be, and she
hereby is, appointed Deputy Registrar of
Vital Statistics for the term of office of
one year commencing January 1, 1985 and
terminating on December 31, 1985, without
additional salary compensation.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman,
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck established the Office of Town
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck is desirous of providing for
an alternate means of retaining engineering
services for the Town of Mamaroneck;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck hereby abolishes the office
of Town Engineer for the Town of Mamaroneck.
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Lerman, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck has abolished the office of
Town Engineer and the Town Law of the
State of New York, Section 20 Subdivision
2 (b) provides that where there is no
office of Town Engineer, the Town may
employ engineers to give professional
service and advice;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby
retains the firm of Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. ,
2 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, N.Y.
10602, to provide professional service
and advice, as engineers to the Town of
Mamaroneck and to sign all documents
required by law, ordinance, rule or
regulation to be signed by the Town
Engineer subject to such requirements as
may be provided for as preconditions to
the signing of said documents by the
On motiom by Councilman Lerman seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Dolores A.
Battalia and Councilman Lee H. Bloom be,
and they hereby are, appointed Trustees
of the Police Pension Fund of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the year 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Carmine A. DeLuca be, and
he hereby is, appointed Treasurer of the
Police Pension Fund of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1985.
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Ralph Condro be, and he
hereby is, appointed a Civil Officer of
the Town of Mamaroneck with powers and
duties in civil actions and proceedings
as provided for in Town Law Section 20
(1) for a term of office of one year
commencing on January 1, 1985 and
terminating on December 31, 1985.
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Frank Comblo be, and he
hereby is, appointed a Civil Officer of
the Town of Mamaroneck with powers and
duties in civil actions and proceedings
as provided for in Town Law Section 20
(1) for a term of office of one year
commencing on January 1, 1985 and
terminating on December 31, 1985.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Stephen Cassiero be, and
he hereby is, appointed a Civil Officer
of the Town of Mamaroneck with powers and
duties in civil actions and proceedings
as provided for in Town Law Section 20
(1) for a term of office of one year
commencing on January 1, 1984 and
terminating on December 31, 1985.
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Marianne McElhinney be, and
she hereby is, appointed a Civil Officer
of the Town of Mamaroneck with powers and
duties in civil actions and proceedings
as provided for in Town Law Section 20 (1)
for a term of office of one year commencing
on January 1, 1985.
The Supervisor announced the appointment of Paulette Gabbriellini
as Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor. She announced that
Judi Ross would be leaving to work for Senator Oppenheimer.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the salary for Paulette
Gabbriellini, the Supervisor's
appointment as Confidential Secretary
be, and hereby is, fixed at the rate
of $16,500. per annum.
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that David Klein, Dennis Kenny,
H. David Willey, Carol Gristina and Stephen
V. Altieri, Town Administrator are hereby
appointed as members of the Board of Ethics,
to serve for a term of office of one year,
effective January 1, 1985 and terminating on
December 31, 1985;
1 NW
and it is further
RESOLVED, that David Klein be, and he
hereby is, appointed Chairman of the
Board of Ethics for the year 1985.
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Douglas MacDonald is
hereby reappointed to the Board of
Review for the term ending December
31, 1989.
The matter of an appointment to the Zoning Board of Appeals was tabled
to a subsequent meeting.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that F. Peter O'Hara of
61 Vine Road, Town, is appointed to
the Joint Town-Village Planning Group
to serve at the pleasure of the Town
III On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Carol Scharff of 25
Pryer Manor Road, Town, is appointed
to the Joint Town-Village Planning
Group to serve at the pleasure of the
Town Board.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Daniel Greenbaum of 4
Boulder Brae Lane, Town, is appointed
to the Joint Town-Village Planning
Group to serve at the pleasure of the
Town Board.
Supervisor Battalia announced the Board's desire to begin planning
for the Town's 325th Anniversary celebration and noted that a
III committee for said purpose is to be formed with former Town
supervisors serving as honorary chairmen. Therefore, on motion by
Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
the following individuals to serve on the
325th Anniversary Committee for the Town
of Mamaroneck:
Hon. George D. Burchell, Hon. Christine
Helwig, Hon. Joseph Vandernoot,
Hon. Leo Goldsmith as Honorary Chairman;
and James and Beverly Adams, Mary Carlson,
Roberta Semer, Maryann Sulivan, Burton
Meighan, Phillip Reisman, Missy Eagan Wey,
Grace Huntley Pugh, Marlene Kolbert,
Judy Zern, Judith Spikes, Lisa Rey,
Alton Tobey, Joseph Hopkins, Milo Dalbey,
Gloria Poccia Pritts, Sheila Crain,
Charles and Kay Pangburn.
It was noted that Jackie Albert and Bill Vlasic have offered to
lend their expertise to the Committee.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that regular meetings of the
Town Board be held at 8:15 P.M. on the
first and third Wednesdays of each month
except the month of January whereby the
meetings will be held on the second and
fourth Wednesdays and during the months
of July and August during which months
meetings will be held only on the first
Wednesday of each month in the Auditorium
of the Weaver Street Firehouse;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that said meetings, dates and
places may be changed at the pleasure of
the Board upon adequate notice being given.
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that The Daily Times be, and
it hereby is, designated as the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for
the purpose of publishing legal notices
during 1985.
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the following Banks and Trust
Companies are hereby designated as depositories
for funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
year 1985 to be continued in their present status:
The Bank of New York County Trust Region, Mamaroneck
National Bank of Westchester, Larchmont
. Citibank, .NA, Mamaroneck
Barclays Bank, Mamaroneck
Sound Federal Savings and Loan Association, Mamaroneck
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore granted
to withdraw funds from, and to draw checks,
drafts and other orders upon the Town of
Mamaroneck accounts maintained at the aforesaid
banks hereby is rescinded and revoked and
hereafter such withdrawals, checks, and drafts
and other orders shall be authorized when signed
by signature or facsimile signature by Dolores
A. Battalia, Supervisor, and Carmine A. DeLuca,
Comptroller; or by Dolores A. Battalia, Supervisor,
and Genevieve F. Soriano, Deputy Comptroller;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all withdrawals, checks, drafts and
other orders relative to the Community Services
Discretionary Fund located at the Bank of New York
shall be authorized when signed by the signatures
of Elaine N. Samuels, ,Director or Community Services
and Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of September 12, 1984 were
presented and, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, were unanimously approved.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 3, 1984 were presented
and tabled for action at a subsequent meeting.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of October 30, 1984 were presented
and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Lerman, were unanimously approved.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 5, 1984 were presented
and, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, were unanimously approved as corrected.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of December 15, 1984 were presented
and, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
were unanimously approved.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of December 28, 1984, were
presented and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by
Councilman Bloom, were unanimously approved.
1. Discussion and Authorization - Submission-Community Block Grant
The Town Administrator reviewed the reasons and steps taken
relative to the application to be submitted jointly with the
Village of Larchmont and thanked Dr. Mason for his assistance.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by
Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves
the application of the Town of Mamaroneck
for Community Block Grant Funding for
flood control projects at the Larchmont
Reservoir and along the Sheldrake River
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is
hereby designated as the Urban County liaison
with the County of Westchester.
2. Request to Rent Parking Meters - Burbank Realty
Some discussion followed presentation of the above-captioned
request and thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone
seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Town Administrator to enter into an
agreement with Burbank Associates, Inc. ,
2097 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, for the
rental of parking meters in Lot #1 and those
on Vine Street and Depot Way on Thursday,
February 14, 1985.
3. Authorization - Continued Participation in Westchester County
Purchasing Program
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the continued participation by the Town of
Mamaroneck in the Westchester County Municipal
Purchasing Program for the period January 1,
1985 to December 31, 1985.
4. Set Date for Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law-Admin. Portion
-NYS Building Code
5. Set Date for Public Hearing - Proposed Local Law-Amendment to
Local Law #1-1977.
Both of the above matters were tabled to a subsequent meeting.
6. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Anne Brenner, Elizabeth Irwin, Barry Ross,
Lynda Jones, Ed Bender and John Quinlan,
Alternate Lifeguards at the Hommocks Pool,
be compensated at the rate of $3.35 per hour,
effective retroactive to December 20, 1984;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Dennis Ahearn, Senior Recreation Leader
at the Teen Center, be compensated at the
rate of $6,000 per annum, effective January
1, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that James McNearny, Assistant Recreation
Leader at the Teen Center, be compensated at
the rate of $10.00 per hour, effective
January 1, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Richard Rella and Dean Reben, Substitute
Assistant Recreation Leaders at the Teen Center,
be compensated at the rate of $10.00 per hour,
effective January 1, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
Eleanor Smith and Suzanne Elson, Recreation
Attendants at the Teen Center, be compensated
at the rate of $7.50 per hour, effective January
1, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
Margaret O'Neill, Sharon Ladrek and Darleen
Jackson, Recreation Attendants at the Teen Center,
be compensated at the rate of $6.00, effective
January 1, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Alana Kelton, Recreation Attendant in the
Figure Skating Program, be compensated at the
rate of $10.00 per - hour, effective January 1,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Jenny O'Hara, Swim Instructor at the
Hommocks Pool, replacing Peter Treacy, be
compensated at the rate of $12.00 per season,
effective January 12, 1985.
7. Authorization - Westchester Joint Water Works-Project A-924
Following the Administrator's explanation, on motion by
Councilman Bloom and seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Westchester Joint Water
Works is hereby authorized to expend an
additional amount of $233.00 for Project A-924.
8. Authorization to Advertise for and Accept Bids-Police Uniforms
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is
hereby authorized to advertise for and
accept bids for Police Uniforms for the
summer_ and winter 1985 calendar year;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the publication in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times,
of said Notice of Invitation to Bid.
9. Notice of Annual Meeting - Association of Towns Designation of
Delegate and Alternate
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Battalia be, and
she hereby is, named as delegate to attend
the Annual Business Session of the Assoc-
iation of Towns of the State of New York to
be held in New York City on February 20,
1985, and cast a vote of said Town of
Mamaroneck, pursuant to the By-Laws and
Consitiution of said Association;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Councilman Bloom hereby is
named as alternate delegate to the aforesaid
business session.
There were no written communications nor did anyone wish to address
the Board.
Regular Reports
The Town Clerk presented the report of the Town Clerk's Office for
the month of December 1984 and the reports of the Building Inspector's
Office for the month of December 1984 and the 1984 Annual Report.
31 2.
Supervisor Battalia reported:
a) that the Substance Abuse Community-wide Forum is
definitely scheduled for January 24th at 7:45 P.M. in
the Large Group Instruction Room of the Hommocks School,
noting further that it will also be telecast over the
local cable access station.
b) that County representatives have been invited to the
meeting of January 23rd to make a presentation of
infiltration and inflow of the local sewer system and
how to correct such problems and the Clerk was asked to
notify appropriate residents and groups of this
c) on the joint meeting of the Town Board and the Recreation
Commission held on January 7th at which time a Committee
was appointed to study the future of the Ice Rink.
d) that she and Councilwoman Silverstone spoke at the
Larchmont-Mamaroneck Civic Association's forum where
the Supervisor spoke on the position of Police Commissioner
and Mrs. Silverstone on the Town Center renovation.
e) on the formation of sub-committees comprised of Board
members to increase efficiency of handling Town's
affairs and to minimize the number of full meetings
of the Board which were required last year. She
designated Councilman Bloom and Councilwoman Silverstone
to serve on the Legislation Committee. They will review
all pending legislation and legislative proposals and
make recommendation to the full Board. Councilman Amlicke
and Councilman Lerman will serve on the Public Safety and
Public Works Committee to review and address matters of
concern, and to recommend formal proposals to address them.
She advised further that she and the Administrator will
work with the Financial Advisory Committee on a Finance
Committee concerning all aspects of the Town's finances.
Councilman Bloom reported on his attendance at the Cable TV Board
of Control meeting held on January 8th.
Councilman Amlicke reported:
a) briefly on his request relative to the traffic problem at
the intersection of Weaver Street and West Garden Road
and asked if the Traffic Committee had addressed this
matter. Some discussion followed during which Mr. Amlicke
was advised of the status of the matter which involves
the shrubbery and trees on the corner property.
b) on his request to the C.A.C. with respect to the Wetlands
Act and asked Dr. Mason about the status of the updating
of that Act.
c) briefly on his request that this Board move forward
on the enactment of the litter law. Some discussion
followed with clarification by Counsel.
d) on information he received with respect to the
transportation of nuclear waste. Some discussion
followed with the Supervisor updating the Board on
the matter of the transportation of all hazardous
wastes and her discussions with County and State
legislators and other concerned municipal officials.
She advised that as the result of said dialogue,
arrangements have been made for state police escorts
along the proposed routes.
Councilwoman Silverstone reported:
a) on her recent tour of the Town Center and the status of
the renovation work. She noted that the Administrator
will present a detailed report at the next meeting.
b) her discussion with Tenants Council members in regard to
the fire at Larchmont Acres and the suggestion that
something be included in the Town Code for each apartment
to have s smoke detector.
Councilman Lerman reported:
a) on the condition of the area at the foot of Falls Road.
The Administrator gave a detailed explanation of the
III corrective measures to be taken as a result of his meeting
with County personnel on this date.
b) the question of a stop sign at Sheldrake and Rockland and
asked the Administrator to look into the matter of whether
or not authorization has been previously given for said
c) on the Coastal Zone Management Committee's redrafting of
its revitalization proposal which must be presented to
both the Town and Larchmont Village Boards for the require-
ment of the Draft E.I.S. He than asked Counsel to review
their proposal with a mind toward the type of legislation
to be enacted.
At this time Supervisor Battalia asked the Town Clerk to add to each
agenda the dates of the next two ensuing Town Board meetings.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board will immediately at
10:40 P.M. recess into Executive Session in
the Council Room to discuss matters of personnel.
The Board discussed matters of personnel pertaining to the police
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously resolved to adjourn the Executive Session.
Since there was no further business to come before this Board, on
motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously resolved that this meeting be adjourned at
11:00 P.M.
Town Clerk