HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_02_02 Town Board Minutes I
held February 2nd, 1926,
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9 .15 o ' clock P.M.
PRESENT : Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
Captain Birch and the Officers of the Weaver
Street Fire Company were present for the purpose of dis-
cussing with the Town Board various fire matters.
The Captain, and Officers requested the re-
consideration, of the Board' s action in the changing of
the time of the blowing of the fire whistle at fire
After discussing the matter-, the following re-
solution was presented by Justice Shafer, seconded by
Justice DudlT, which was upon Roll Call unanimously
adopted :
'MREAS, a resolution as adopted by
this Board at a meeting held on Novem-
ber 10th, 1924, changing the time of
sounding the test alarm on Sunday morn-
ing from 8 A.M. to 12 noon, was granted
TEREAS, the Captain and Officers of
the Weaver Street Fire Company have since
reported that it would be to the best
interests to have the whistle blown at
8 A.M. instead of 12 noon,
RESOLVED, that the resolution, heretofore
adopted. by this Board on the 10th day of
November, 1924, changing the time of
sounding the test alarm on Sunday morn-
ing be and the same hereby is recin.ded,
and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be directed. to
notify the Officers that the sounding of
the test alarm on every morning, ir.-
cluding Sunday, shall be 8 A.M. until
further notice by this Board .
The Officers of the Company requested the chang-
ing of a hydrant at Murray Avenue and Edgewood Place to
Murray Avenue between Edgewood Place and Maplewood. Street
and they further requested and recommended that the follow-
ing hydrants be installed:
1. At Murray Avenue and Colonial Avenue.
2. At Murray Avenue between Colonial Avenue and
Forest Avenue.
3. At Forest Avenue corner of Bungalow Road.
,4. Valley Road at Birch Road.
5. Rocky Road at Lakeside Drive.
6. Springdale Road and 'hildwood. Road..
---- Upon motion duly seccrded it was
VOTED that the recommendations of the
Officers of the Fire Company in relat-
ion to the hydrants be and the same
hereby is approved, and. it was further
VOTED that the matter be referred to
the Superintendent of Highways and the
Joint Town Board.
The question of the purchase of supplies and
equipment was then considered, and after a full discussion
it was upon, motion duly seconded and upon Roll Call
RESOLVED, that the following supplies
and equipment be purchased for the
weaver Street Fire Company, chargeable
against Fire District 170. 1. and the
Supervisor is authorized and empowered
to pay for same upon the presentation
of proper vouchers therefor :
1 too! box for pumper
1 battery box for pumper
1 cahle for search light
Gasoline tank on pumper
Side tool box on pumper
Tool box on hook and ladder
Valves ground on pumper
Leather strap for hose holder
Leather cover for tormenters
12 smoke masks
6 rubber coats, size 46
6 rubber boots, size 9
2 electric hand lights
It was further
RESOLVED, that the following supplies,
equipment and matters be referred to
the fire committee for further report:
Fire -whistle, switch board and desk
railing and platform.
Increase of compensation for engineers.
2 blue dress overcoats.
Cross standbion for coats and helmets.
1000 feet 2i°B fire hose.
2 foami to guns
and. it was further
RESOLVED, that the following recommen-
dations of the House Committee be
approved and referred to the Committee
o this Board :
Front door hinges re-placed by bolts
instead of screws.
Eyes on doors for hooks on monuments.
Yale lock_ on back door.
Lower bolt on concrete to be repaired
at Edgewood Road side door.
Basement ]avatory door to be repaired.
Hand-railing on Hillcrest Avenue land-
ing to be repaired.
Curtain on shower bath and dormitory.
Electric lights to be fixed.
1e'oodwork on inside apparatus floor to
be gloss finished.
Having disposed of Fire matters, Police Commiss-
ioner -1hitaker presented his Annual Report of the Police
Commission for the year 1924, which was received, read,
ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows :
Annual report of Police Commission Town of Yamaroneck for
Personnel Dec . 31-24.
One captain.
Ten patrolmen.
During year there were five men appointed-three resigned
and one discharged.
Number of arrests 1924- five hundred ten
Of which ninety-one were dismissed and fifty-seven sus-
--- pended sentences.
Amount of fines collected 1924- $7935.
Inventory of Equipment as of December 1924,
2 Dodge runabout cars, 1924 model $ 1400.00
2 H. D. motorcycles, 1924 model 400 .00
6 Iver Johnson bicycles 240 .00
1 saw 20.00
1 index filing cabinet 8 .00
1 newman time clock 60.00
1 doz. hat shields 9.00
1 doz. breast wields 9.00
9 blue winter uniforms and caps 470.00
9 blue summer urifosms and caps 245.00
3 corduroy caps and uniforms(for motorcycle) 50 .00
3 summer caps and uniforms (for motorcycle) 50 .00
5 rubber coats 35.00
6 pair of rubber boots 30 .00
3 rubber hoods 7 .00
10 police positive 32 auto colt revolvers 190 .00
6 wincheeter repeating shotguns 150 .00
11 handcuffs 11.00
11 black jacks 22.00
8 police whistles 4.00
7 boxes of 50 cartridges (32 long colts) 17 .50
8 pair of leggings 40 .00
3469 .00
Certificate of Public Accountant as to Financial opera-
tion, of this department attached.
Respectfully submitted,
(sgnd. ) H. 19. WHI TAKER )
FELIX C. BIRCH ) Commissioners.
To the Supervisor and Town Board of Mamaroneck - January
� 5. 1A4fl.
Thile your commission is satisfied that the work of the
department for 1924 is an improvement over the preceding
year, we call your attention to the proposed situation,
for 1925.
The phenomenal growth of the district, the opening
of different additions and number of new houses and the
taking over of miles of new Highways, together with the
large proposed Public improvements, will make it necess-
ary to materially increase the Police force. The use of
motors has enabled us to cover the old district in a way,
but there will have to be new permanent posts establish-
ed. 'Ale recommend the placing of at least three or more
Police booths at the limits of the district-these booths
to be equiped with phones for communication with the
Police Station. We also recommend the purchase of an
additional care for patrol purposes, experience having
shown that a mobile force is the best method of covering
the large area.
The traffic problem is one now confronting the towns
and villages . INe are compelled to police Highways for the
general benefit of thepublic for w ich there is no adequate
return to the corporation; for instance the amount of fines
collected during 1924 is less than 1923, because the men
were not enabled for traffic duty, the protection of our
own tax payers taking more of the time of force.
May we suggest the passing- of an ordinance respect-
ing peddlers- it has been found that the unrestricted oper-
ation of certain of these people are a menace . The li -
censing of them would give the police some control of this
For these reasons we find it necessary to ask for
an increase in the police appropriation for the year of 1925 .
Respectfully submitted,
(sgnd. ) H. M WHITARER )
FELIX C. BIRCH )Commissioners,
Public Accountant 280 Broadway, New York City*
21 3
Balance in first National Bank of
Mamaroneck on January 1, 1.924, 629.00
Receipts :
Appropriation from Town Board, $ 25, 000.00
Damage claim collected, 125.00 25125.00
Disbursements :
Pay roll, 209578.00
Equipment, supplies and. expenses, 4. 552.95 25130.95
Balance in First National Bank
of Mamaroneck on January 1, 1925, L 623 05
I have made an audit of the cash records of the
Police Commissioners of the Town of Mamarcneck, N.Y. , for the
year ended. December 31, 1924, and hereby certify that the
foregoing statement is a correct summary of the transactions
for the period and that the balance on hand of $623.05
agrees with the books of the First National Bank of Mamaro-
neck after considering unpresented checks .
New York, January 120 1925.
( sgnd. ) J . B. CLIFFORD
Public Accountant.
The Clerk presented the matter of increased
compensation for the janitor of the Town. offices .
Upon motion duly seconded, the following reso-
lution was presented
RESOLVED, that the compensation of
the janitor of the Town offices be
fixed at $50 . per month for the en-
suing year.
The question, being taken upon the foregoing re-
solution the same was upon Roll Call unanimously adopted.
Supervisor Burton presented the matter of the
application of the Nev., York & Stamford Railway Company
for a temporary consent for a change of rates and zones..
After a full discussion of the matter, the
following resolution was offered by Justice Boyd, seconded
by Justice Collins :
WAY COMPANY has made application to
the Town of Mamaroneck that it tem-
porarily consent that said Railway
Company may charge a rate of fare
in excess of the rate now permitted
under the terms of the franchises
heretofore granted to said Railway
Company and its predecessors, and
R.AILWAY COMPANY has represented that
the rates of fare now charged by it
are insufficient in amount to permit
of the continued operation of its
railroads and has requested the
several To.rns and Villages in the
County of Westchester, through which
it operates, to consent that it may
charge increased fares in order to
enable it to continue the operation
of its railroads, and has submitted
to said Towns and Villages a Zoning
Plan and Fare Schedule, entitled
"Neer York & Stamford Ry, Co. Zoning
Plan, Jar_„ 22, 1925, " (hereto .annexed
as Schedule "A" and made a part
hereof. ) , requesting the said Towns
and Villages to approve thereof, and
RAILWAY "I"IMPANY has agreed to forth-
with obtain by lease or operating
contract the right to operate its
cars over the Mamaroneck Avenue Line
of The Westchester Street Railroad
Company, between the Bandstand in
the Village of Mamaroneck and Rose-
dale Switch in the City of White
Plains, if the Supreme Court of
Westchester County and the Public
Service Commission will consent.
thereto;- and, when such right is
obtained to operate its cars thereon
for a period of at least three months,
W11EREAS, it is to the public interest
that the operation of said system of
railroads be continued ;
franchises heretofore granted by the
Town of Mamaroneck to the NEW YORK &
predecessors, and accepted by said
Company and its predecessors, be and
the same hereby are temporarily modi-
fied for the period herein limited
and specified so as to permit the
to put into effect the Zoning Plan
and Fare Schedule entitled "New York
& Stamford By. Co. Zoning Plan, Jan.
22, 1925, " hereto annexed as Schedule
"A" and made a part hereof, for the
period of one year and ninety days
from and after the date when the same
is approved and made effective by
order of the State of New York, sub-
ject to the restrictions and condi-
tions hereinafter stated; and it is
asw.t'g' a>o AN21E a^r`z. `3,�`+s`i„' '11TI2"`
ZONE -NO. 1 Betwean Y iE,'c'dts°.a`i^.ic atreota 0 1 t of Uaw Roches lle and Dean lL ae At the BG,7
Rochelle aad yillaga of Larahmont dividing line - a distance of cap-
larc+a<imsa elY 1r5 milers. fare 5 ;ants with Free transfer privilege to ant from
the Wes Of tho tiestoheater dleetria Railroad Oompany In the City of iew
Rocholl e.
a ZONE RD. 2 Between lean More asars the 'Wfaberly boundary of the Village of Larchmobt -
a distance of arnav ately miles, with lap zone extending an to
1ylaney IL'reet in the Village of ° rarsrrOneck, Sere 7 cents Faith free transfer
Privilege to and f-cm ears of the Larenmout Hasor Line.
The Lrarur ont NaAtnor Line exteY.1:41.^ng setween the a;e�"s*n.Tb"s rt�T.i'r�n:ta CO.'s SUtion
and the groin-us of line, at Laralrliort lianor, Village of :La aa'fi2; nt- a distance
Of a0raz .mai:oly 1.45 mile, is included in Zone No. u^. Pare 7 seats with
tree transfer privilege between :main line ;points in the Village of larabmomt
'.�3n XO. 3 Between the Westerly boundary of the pillage of Mamaroneck an the
Naawwroraaak -Harrison Qua line, a eisLayz= of approximately 1.9 mules, with
lap zone extending West to B=eaver Areat, Town at Mamaroneck, fare 7 cents r
Transfers drill be issaad to proposed line to be Operated between to Band-
st d, Village of Mamaroneck and Rosedale Switch in the %ity of White Mains
near the t"utherly DIN line upon payment of 3 cents for transfer. "base
transfers to be good In the Village of haavaroneck only,
Zone NO. 3 to contain proposed line between Bandstand, Ville, at lias:aroneck
and Rarodale Switdh, salty 09 White 21ains, a distance of approximately 4.51
'ailes. his line to be divided into two zones, the first zone e tessirg
:; from the Bandstand in Uomaroneok to the northerly line of the Village of
"amaxoneck, as distance at aapsoxi atoly 1.7 miles. rise aecona zone to
extend from the Northerly line of the Village at z,r raronoek to Rosedale Switch
in the A t,Y Of 3''ihita a distance of 1.77 miles. fare 10 cents in
each zone.
ZON2 NQ. 4 isotaroon the hostearl;y boundary of the `own of Hawrison and North Gtrect
in the village or 31s, aYa`iroxinate distance 1.8 Kips �- tore 7 Gents*
yee Notes A'and S.
Z.: s 204. 5 - BeDt+?P on north Areet, Village of Rye and Liberty "?Q.uarea, :'iL:ago of
.yore, Koster, sa. distInse of applO ximWel.j 2.61 Al ad, with la; ;one exte din
to Ull amA lain Streets, Village of Port &heater. Pure 7 cents withfree
AramaAr. privilegsAo and tram the l e Qaide-Rye Ant ion line out the Z70
3eraoa.-?o rt``kk Koster linmo�y
See Hoses A B. 1. D and 4.
3 Irn fU. & 1 Between Liberty Square, Fart uzaazter <anL Railroad cnd `z2t3on vinh *.venues,
! �t3`ee..T�^<F�..ch, 1Jotn.g. .a17pY`O:r"i1'ate diata Zce 3.12 miles, with lap zone extending
westerly to the dto? 'Hall, ireenvish, "l( na-, and ZastOrly to the Now York
Utaudord }gtAbnay Compamy's car baar::s in fort Chester, Pare, 7 cents.
See .votes D and S.
:. BBtwaaga Ryii- :arrisoa. "Town line and Parohase Areat and =urt'y Avenue,
Village of Rye, fare 7 Cents*
B: Between = twe points in the Village of =;lie, fare 7 camas.
Mx "the l?Ve Besach line bonsen Part Chester aid Bye Beach is included in
Zone No. 5.
is Passengers, boarding oars in the Village of Port Chester are entitled
to a free' transfer KKK than Village or fart Ohnster only.
:.r>° Passengers boarding oars in Zones No. 5 and 6 outside of Port Lester
are entitled to transfer to loyal line vithin Pores shatter 'Car
3•cents for transfer. aPazaengers boarding cart of local line in
WrtAhwes+ter are entitled to transfers to points. in Zone too. 5 or
6 outside of :,port hostor including 1aTM,ye Beach lire upon payment
of 3 cents for transfer.
*z ttYY
Hoops containing twenty-sight tickets each will be :sold for One
filar to pupils under eighteen years of age, attending public sahools
or private schools havin; &=z Ar gra.des, upo.. PrMatatiOU of aPPiIi0ation
in form required by this Company. "base tickets are not tranlerable.
lab ticket is good for one continuous ride between. any two points :^within
a zone designated herein accept bet=ween Dean Place and Yeahamla Street
In the 01ty of New Rochelle.
� i
; I
I� !
}: I
i I' 2
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of
Mamaroneck does hereby consent that
the Public Service Commission of the
State of New York may for the period
of one year and ninety days (said
period to expire in no event later
than July 1, 1926) regulate the rates
of fare to be charged by the NEW YORK
transportation of passengers within
the Town of Mamaroneck in accordance
with the aforesaid Zoning Plan and
Fare Schedule hereto annexed, not-
withstanding any restrictions or
limitations upon the rate of fare to
be charged by said NEW YORK & STAM-
any franchises or consents given by
the Town of Mamaroneck to said NEw
its predecessors ; provided, however,
that the said Public Service Commiss-
ion shall not increase the rates of
fare beyond those set forth in the
Zoning Plan and Fare Schedule herein-
above referred to; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this consent
is granted by the Town of Mamaroneck
and accepted by the NEW YORK & STAK-
FORD RAILWAY COMPANY under the further
condition that this modification and
consent is temporary only and shall
automatically expire and terminate as
herein provided, at which time the
aforesaid franchises and consents
heretofore given shall again be in
full force and effect, subject to the
same covenants and conditions as when
granted by said Tonm and accepted by
the Railway; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this consent is
hereby granted subject to the follow-
ing amendment being made to the afore-
said Zoning Plan and Fare Schedule, so
far as the Town of Mamaroneck is con-
cerned, to wit :
1. That the proposed service from the
Bandstand in th.e Village of Mamaroneck
to Rosedale Switch shall continue for
a period of at least one year .
2. That the line from said Bandstand to
Rosedale Switch shall be included arithin
one zone and the fare within such zone
- shall be ten cents.
3. That the Company will sell school
tickets to school children within the
entire territory covered by the Town of
�Iama.roneck (including the Villages of
Larchm:ont and ,famaroneck) at a rate of
C)� 4-.
4- 19
one-half the regular fare provided for
under said Zoning Plan and Fare Schedule.
a That no modification or amendment
to said Zoning Plan and Fare Schedule
shall be entered into by the Railway and
Public Service Commission without the
prior consent of the Town, of Mamaroneck,
And it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaro-
neck reserves to itself the right to re-
cind and revoke this resolution at any
time during the period that the aforesaid
modification is in force, by giving to
the Railway Company ninety days notice
in writing of the revocation and cancell-
ation thereof, in the event that the Rail-
way Company does not carry out all of the
terms and conditions thereof, in which
event at the termination of said ninety
days notice to said Railway Company, this
modification and consent shall automatic-
ally cease and terminate and the afore-
said franchises and consents heretofore
given shall again be in full force and
effect, subject to the same covenants and
conditions as when granted by said Town
and accepted by they Railway* Company; and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that any approval by
the Public Service Commission of this
modification and consent shall be subject
to all rights of the Town of Mamaroneck
in the premises and shall in no way now
or hereafter be construed by the Rail-
way or the Public Service Commission as
a waiver of any rights or otherwise now
held by said Town under its franchises,
the Laws of the State of New York or
the decisions of the Courts of the State
of New York; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this modification
and consent is made and accepted by the
Railway without prejudice to any of
the rights of the Town of Mamaroneck
in the premises, and shall in no may
abrogate, waive or modify any of the
terms, conditions, restrictions or
limitations of the aforesaid franchises,
except to the extent and for the period
hereinabove provided ,
The question being taken upon the foregoing reso-
lution the same was upon Poll Call unanimously adopted.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11,30
o "clock P.M.
Tov Clerk®