HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_01_30 Town Board Minutes MEFTINC OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF IAVIARONECK Held January 30th, 1925, The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 2 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd and Collins Town Clerk Sherman Upon motion it vms voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of previous meetings not yet approved. The Supervisor reported that the Park Commission had re-.quested the issuance of a certificate of indebtedness for the sum. of n10, 000 .00 . in anticipation of the sale and delivery of Town Park District No , 1 Bonds, whereupon the following resolution was offered by Justice Collins and seconded by Justice Boyd, which upon. Roll Call was unani- mously adopted: WHEREAS, by an order of this Town Board made and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of this Town on January 6, 1925, a Park District within the unincorporated _ portion of said Town of Mamaroneck, de- signated in said. order as Town Park Dis- trict No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, waE duly created and establish- ed, pursuant to the provisions of Chap- ter 574 of the Laws of 1924; and V1131REAS, three Park Commissioners, as provided for in said petition, have been duly appointed by the Supervisor df said Town and their appointment approved by this Board; and WHEREAS, said Park Commissioners have duly qualified and are now acting in the per- formance of their duties; and WHEREAS, said Board of Park Commissioners have presented a statement to this Board in which they request that the additional sum of 9,10, 000 .00 be made available at once pending the issuance and sale of the bonds authorized to be sold by the afore- said petition, to the end that said Board of Park Commissioners may be enabled to acquire by purchase certain real estate and premises situate within the park, area of said Park District; and WHEREAS, this Town Board has not yet sold any of said Park District Bonds to raise any portion of the amount authorized by the 201 aforesaid petition to provide the necess- ary funds pro_; osed to be expended for the acquisition and development of the lands and premises, rights of way and easements shorn and designated on the plan annexed to said petition, D;O'h', THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that this Board borrow on the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of $10, 000.00 in anticipation of the sale and delivery of the bonds herein- before mentioned, pursuant to the provis- ions of Section 8 of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924 ; and be it further RESOLVED, that thepervisor be and he hereby is a d and empowered to issue in the name nd under the seal of Town this Tow one or more certificates of in- debtedness , each of such denoffiinatior» as the Supervisor may determine not exceed- ing in the aggregate the sum of $10, 000 .00. Said certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the Town, Clerk, shall bear interest at a rate of not more than 6% per annum, and shall be made payable at such time as the Supervisor may fix; and it is further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to dis- pose of said certificates for not less than the roar value thereof. The Supervisor also reported that the Police Commissioners of the Police District have requested the issuance and sale of a certificate of indebtedness for the sum of x;6500 .00 in anticipation of the collection of taxes which will become due on April lst, 1925, for police purposes ; whereupon the following resolution was offered by Justice Collins and seconded by Justice Boyd., which upon Roll Call was unanimously adopted. IgUREAS, the Board of Police Commission- ere of the unincorporated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck has _presented a state- ment from which it appears that they have not sufficient funds with which to meet the pay roll and other expenses incurred by them and. request that this Board take the necessary steps to raise the spun of X6500 .00 which amount is deemed to be sufficient to meet the financial require- ments of said Board of Police Commissioners, until the 1925 taxes are collected. NOuV, TBEREFOR.E, be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaror.eck,., the sum of 86500 .00 for which sum he shall issue in the name and under the seal of said Town a tempor- ary certificate of indebtedness in anti- cipation of the collection of taxes le- vied and assessed. for police purposes against the taxable property situate �a within the unincorporated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck and which taxes will become due and payable on April 1st, 1925. Such certificate to be sold for not less than the par value thereof, to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6% per annum and to ma- ture at such time as the Supervisor may dete mine. Said certificate of indebtedness to be paid from the taxes which will become due on April let, 1925, 1.evied for police purposes, as aforesaid; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to exc+cute such documents as may be necessary to effect the sale Of said certificate . Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 2.25 P.N. Tor Clerk. i i