HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_01_21 Town Board Minutes A
held January 21st, 1925.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 9.44 P.M.
pRES1'T: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
The minutes of the meetings of December 3rd
and 26th, 1924, and January 6th, -.,7th and 14th, 1925, were
read, and upon motion approved.
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month
of December, 1924, was received, read, ordered placed on
file and is as follows :
Harry T. McGivney, Receiver
Santo Lanza, Deputy
January 2nd, 1925 .
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax
Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County,
Town, School, Highway and Special District Taxes, together
with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me
during the month of December, 1924
1924 1923 1922 1921 all Int .& total
taxes .taxes taxes taxes arrearsPnits.
State &
County 1161.46 126.16 1287. 62
U hwa 327.63 42.95 _370. 53
Town 348.66 37 .76 386.42
Di s tract
1058 .24 118.52 1176.76
Sewer tax
Dist. 1 227.81 64.75 292 .56
Dist . 1 6443.02 603.54 7046 .56
Arrears r 572.87 29.65 448 .52 1051.04
Prlts. 707.53 223.04 123.57 22.53 612.72 1689.49
Total $ 13301.03
Deposited with the Larch-
moot National Bank,
Deposited with the First
National Bank of Mamaro-
neck, 13, 301.03.
Respectfully submitted,
Receiver of Taxes.
To . Geo. W. Burton, Supervisor,
Town of Mamaroneck,
Mamaroneck, N.Y.
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of
December, 1924, was received, read, ordered placed on file
and is as follows :
January Seventeenth,
1 9 2 5
Geo. W. Burton, Esq.,
Supervisor, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
Dear Sir :
-- I beg to submit herewith the report of the Town
Clerk of licenses issued and fees collected for the month
of Deeember, 1924, as follows :
Dog licenses issued 25 $ 6.25.
Marriage " It 13 13.00.
Chattel mortgageig filed 52 5. 70 .
Telephone calls .50.
Total amount, $ 25.45.
Enclosed find check covering the above amount.
Respectfully submitted,
Town Clerk.
A communication from the Board of Appeals was
received and read, recommending the changing of several
sections of the Zoning Ordinance and amendments thereto .
Messrs. Perrin and Howell were present and the matter was
taken up, considered and discussed with them. After a
full discussion of the matter and =upon the written re-
commendation of the Board of Appeals, established and
appointed pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of
It was, upon motion of Mr. Justice Shafer, se-
conded by Mr. Justine Collins, unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Zoning Ordinance of
the Unincorporated Part of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York:
"An Ordinance adopted by the Town Board
of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, at
a Meeting held on June 21st, 1922, by
virtue of the power vested in said Town
Board under the provisions of Chapter 322
of the laww,vof 1922, to establish build-
ing, lines on any property fronting or ad-
joining any public streets, and require
all buildings hereafter erected to be with-
in such lines, to regulate and restrict
the location of trades and industries and
the location of buildings designed for
special uses, to regulate and limit the
height, and bulk of buildings hereafter
erected, to regulate and determine the
area of yards, ,courts and other open spaces
surrounding buildings, and to establish
the boundaries of districts for the said
purposes and to provide penalties for the
violation of its provisions, together with
the amendments thereto" - be amended as
follows :
1. That Section 24 of Article V, Board of Appeals, of
the Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to read as follows :
Section 24. Meetings : The meetings of
the Board shall be helc? at least once a
month and at such other times as the
Board may determine. The presence of
all four members shall be necessary for
a quorum. All hearings of the Board
upon appeals brought before it, shall be
public, but the Board shall have the
right to go into executive session for
the determination of such appeals or
of other matters properly before it.
The Board shall keep minutes of its pro-
eeedir.?'s, showing the vote of each mem-
ber upon every question, or if absent
or failure to vote, indicating the fact.
2. That Section 25 of Article V, Board of Appeals, be
amended so as to read as follows :
Section 25 . Disposition of Appeals:
The final disposition of any appeal shall
be in the form of a resolution either
reversing, modifying or affirming the
decision or determination appealed from.
if a resolution fails to receive three-
fourths of the votes of those present
at any meeting of the Board in favor of
the appelant, the decision or determina-
tion appealed from shall be deemed affirm-
ed and an order to that effect entered
upon the record.
3. That Section 26 of Article V, bard of Appeals, be
amended by adding a new paragraph after Sub-Division 9 of
said section, to be known as Sub-Division 10 and to read. as
follows :
10 . The notice required by this section
shall be given by p%blication thereof in
at least one newspaper published in the
town, and by roosting thereof in at least
three conspicuous placed within the unin-
corporated district of the town, at least
seven days before the meeting.
4. That Section 28 of Article VI , General and Admin-
istrative, be amended so as to read as follows :
Section 28 . Enforcement, Legal
procedure, Penalties :
_ This ordinance shall be enforced by
the Building Commission. The Board
of Appeals shall also have the power
-- to enforce any of their own decisions
after the same shall become effective .
The owner, agent or contractor of a
building or premises where a violat-
ion of this ordinance has been committ-
ed or shall exist, and the lessee or
tenant of an entire building or entire
premises where such violation has been
committed or shall exist, and the
owner, agent, contractor, lessee or
tenant of any part of a building or pre-
mises in which part such violation has
been committed or shall exist, and the
agent, architect, builder, contractor,
or any other person wino knowingly com-
mits, takes part or assists in any such
violation or who maintains any building
or premises in which any such violation
shall exist, shall for each and every
violation, and wiren such a violation
is continuous, for each twenty-four
hours thereof, be subjiect to a fine of
not more than $200 .00 . A violation of
this ordinance shall constitute a mis-
demeanor and a person so offending shall
be deemed a disorderly person.
5. That the present Section 32 of Article VI , General
and Administrative, be renumbered Section 33 and that a new
section to be known as "Section 33, Amendments", be adopted
to read as follows :
Section 33 . Amendments: This ordinance
may be amended by a majority vote of the
Town Board but only after the proposed
amendment shall either have originated
with the Board of Appeals or have been
referred to the Board of Appeals for
public hearing and recommendation".
And be it
FURTHER SESOLVyD, that the Zoning Hap
w'hieh, together with the designations
shown thereon, accompanies the afore-
said Ordinance and which is therein
declared to be and is made a part
thereof, be and the same hereby is
amended as follows : The districts on
both sides of the Boston Post Road for
a depth of 200 feet in both its east-
ern and western sections, respectively,
to wit, from its point of intersection
with the easterly boundary line of the
City of New Rochelle easterly to its
point of intersection with the westerly_
boundary line of the Village of Larch-
mont, and from its point of inter-
reversing the decision of the Building Com-
THEREAS, the Board of Appeals Of the Zoning Com-
mission have acted upon and have recommended to
the Town Board that the appeal of Luagi . Sgaxnga
to erect a one-family residence on the west side
of hurray Avenue, within thirty feet of the
street line be granted, and the derision of the
Building Commission be reversed, provided that
no part of the dwelling or stoops or steps there-
of be nearer than twenty-two feet of the street
line; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the 'Town Board pursuant to Article
51 Section 06 of the 'Town Lava, hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building Commission.
S"vHEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Wm-
mission have ached upon and have recommended to
the Town Board that the appeal of H,R. Mitchell
to erect a one-family residence on the west side
of Rockingstone Ave, 125 feet south of Forest
Ave, within 3O feet of the street line be granted,
Ind the decision of the Buildin6 'Commission be
reversed, provided that no part of the building
shall be nearer than IS feet to the streetline,
therefore be it
2ESOLT77, that the Town Board pursuant to Article
5, Section 06 of the Town Lase, hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building Commission,
THERUS, the Board of Zppeals of the Zoning Com-
mission have acted upon and have recommended to
the 'Town Board that the appeal of Michael 70herty
to erect a one-family residence on the east side
of premium liver Read, 250 feet south of Edge-
water Place within 30 feet of the street line be
granted, and the decision of the wilding Com-
mission be reversed, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to Article
5, Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to
and conf irms the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building Comm iasion.
s � �
?"HEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Corm-
mission have acted upon and have recommended to
the 'Town Board that the appeal of Mrs . Bernetta
Bowman to erect a two®atory residence on the north
side of Hillcreat Ave. 350 feet east of Judson
Street within 30 feet of the street line be granted,
- and the decision of the Building Commission be
reversed., provided that no part of the building or
any portion thereof shall set closer to the street
lane than 16 feet, and in no case shall the porch
be within 18 feet six inches of the street line,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Torn Board pursuant to Article
5, Section 26 of the 'Town Law, hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building Commission.
� s �
THEREAS, the Board of Appealsof the Zoning Coam-
mission have acted upon and have recommiended to
the Town Board that the appeal of George L.
Synett to erect a one-family residence on the
east side of Edgewater Place, within 7O ark,
feet north from Premium River Roo ,
feet of the street line be granted, and the de-
cision of the Building Commission be reversed,
provided that no part of the building or portion
thereof shall set closer to the street line than
11 feet three inches, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the 'Town Board pursuant to Article
5, Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the Board of Appea,lsin
reversing the decision of the Building Commission.
7HEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Com-
mission have acted upon and have recommended to
the 'Town Board that the appeal of the New Rochelle
Realty Company to erect a one-family residence on
the south side of edgewood Avenue, east from Edge-
wood Terrace, within thirty feet of the street line
be granted, and the decision of the Building
Commission be reverse?., therefore be it
BESOLVEE, that the 'mown Board pursuant to Article
51 Section 26 of the Torn Law, hereby contents to
and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals
in reversing the decision of the Building Commission.
WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the 7oning Com-
mission have acted upon and have recommended to
the 'Town Board that the appeal of the NI' Rochelle
Realty Company to erect a one-family residence on
the east side of Chatsworth Avenue, south from
Edgewood Avenue, within 20 feet of the street line
be granted, and the decision of the Building Corm-
mission be reversed, therefore be it
RESOLIQ, that the gown Board pursuant to Article
5, Section 26 of the Town Law, hereby consents to
and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals
in reversing the decision of the Building Commission.
s � �
The Clerk presented the bond of W. I.Pulmer, Sewer Com-
missioner, also the bond covering the fire headquarters in the wood,%
of Larohmont and the bond covering the Weaver Street Fire H-ousej the
same were ordered held and laid over for a later meeting.
The Cleric presented the claim of the Larchmont Post of the
tmerican Legion for the Memorable 'day exercises and the rental of
their American Legion headquarters at Larchmmaont, and it was upon
70TEE that the Supervisor be authorized and
empowered to pay upon the presentation of
a proper voucher therefor, the sum of 000.00
(which seam had been levied in the Tax Budget)
to be divided equally between the Larchmont
and Mamaroneck American Legion Poets .
Justice Shafer, as Chairman of the Fire House Committee of
the weaver Street Fire Haase, reports that he has obtained a legal
opinion from counsel as to the power of the 'Town Board to purchase
fixtures , furnishings and articles of furniture for the Weaver Street
Fire Haase. That his committee has accordingly furnished and pro-
vided for said fire house such furnishings and articles of furniture
as they in their discretion deemed necessary from Julian L. Frank,
® 7
after having obtained a release from the State Commission of Prisons
under the Prison Leer, and that the cast of such furnishings and
articles of furniture amounted to x$1,172.000
Justice Shafer thereupon moved the adoption of the follow-
ing resolution, which upon ROLL CALL, was unanimously adopted-
BE IT RFSOL?!ED, that there be lieved and assessed
against the tax=able property sitv_a,ted within Fire,
Lighting :,nd dater Supply District Nog 1 of the
Town of Mamaroneck and collected the sum. of
$1,172.00 to pay for the cost of furnishings and
articles of furniture provided for the Weaver
Street Fire House of said district, and be it
RFSOVEn that the Supervisor be and hereby is
auth iVe' a, and empowered to borrow upon the faith
and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the said sum
of J1,172,00 and to issue, if necessary, a certif-
icate of indebtedness , therefor, and be it further
RESOD, that the Supervisor0e and hereby is
a.�thorized and empowered to negotiate and sell said
certificate of indebtedness for not less then the
par vdlue thereof, to bear interest at the rate of
not more than 6% per annum., and to mature at such
time as the Supervisor may dstermine, and be it
RESOLVE"r that the Supervisor and Torn Clem be
and theyfare hereby authorized and empowered to
make, execute and deliver such papers that may be
necessary in order to effect the sale of the afore-
said certificate, and be it further
R7101'FE2 that all resolutions heretofore adopted
relating to the foregoing expenditures , be and the
same hereby are declared rescinded.
Justice Shafer of the Fire House Committee spoke of several
matters which had been presented to him in the past and suggested
the advisability of appointing another member of this Board to
act on said Fire Haase 'Committee, The Supervisor thereupon appoint-
ed Justice Dudley as a member of the Fire House Committee to act
in conjunction with Justices Shafer and 0011inso
Counsel reported on the settlement made with the Village
of Larchmont in connection with certain unpaid taxes on the pr%e rty
which it acquired from the Lerchmont Water Company-
He stated that certain school taxes for the year 1923 had
heretofore been erroneously paid, that the Town Board had adopted a
resolution refunding the sane, he stated that certain other school
taxes for the year 1932 should be cancelled as the property was
exempt under the provisions of Section 4 Subdivision 3 of the Tax
Law, when the said tax becamla, lien, he further reported that certain
unpaid taxes which, under the terms of the settlement arranged, the
Village of Larchmont had agreed to pay, that the property had been
sold by the Town daring the settlement and he therefore recommended
_ that the flat amount of said taxes plus interest from their respect-
bedcancelled, and that®the costcOftsalenandladvertisin the Le t I that
g and
-- accrued interest and penalties since May 2wrd, 1923 be cancelled; he
recommended the adoption of the following resolution which was offered
by Justice Boyd and seconded by Justice Shafer®
RESOLVYn, that the Receiver of Taxes be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to cancel
and discharge of rdoord, school taxes for the
year J%Z, assesse! on Page YooOOSOIK for
special franchises aga=inst the Ull age of Larch-
mart, said amount of taxes being 142. 56, said
property being exempt from taxation under the
provisions of Section 4 Subdivision a of the
Tax Law, and it wz1a further
® 8 �
RESC°L•'ITF , t7aat ttae Receiver of Taxes be and he
hereby io outhorized and empowered to accept from
the Yil a.ge of Larchmont the following taxes ,
capon receiving from the Tillage of La.rchmOnt the
flat amount of said taxes plus twelve percent
>%) penalty thereon: to may Q, 1=
1 m Tazchmont ?^'titer Co. Pilau Line an Murray Ave. yaoo.)
State County and 'Town Taxes of 1922
May .��Q rda IS
2Z D:,
x for taxes of 1922 472.52
2 - Larchmont 'Mater Co. Speoiaal Franchi.se,5"illage of Larchmont
State County and Town Taxes of 1922
Sold. Pf,;a.y 2vrP,., 1523 for taxes of 192u
x363. l8
Z - Larchmont hater 'Company
Special 7rarchise Fire 'district 1
state County and Town 'Taxes of 1922 � 72
Sold Yay ZOO 1923 for taxes of 1.920 X71.
4 - Larchmcan.t Water Company
Special Franchise Fire Vetrict 41
School taxes for 1922 1
Assessed value $00 , amount of tax q:�1.�2
State County and Town taxes of 1922
6 s Larehmana�. Water Cornpary
Pipe Lines and Hydrants (within Tillage of Larehmont)
Page 293 flax
WOO feet pipe 11250 55.60
o 1 as 15000 78. V,
�OGQ ar n 4000 21.19
000 vo Z500 18. 54
X000 �� Z000 1500
75 hydrants 1875 9.9Z 4204.Q
and it is further
77SO17Eo, that the Deceiver of Taxes be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered upon receipt
of the aforeeadd, sure to cancel the cost of
sales and advertising and accrued interest and
penalties since May Ord, 1 223.
communications were received from Mr . v.iaa. C•agliardi in re-
I&tion to matters taken up with Messrs . Clay & vi.11on effecting the
bond Woue of $10,000. for the purchase of a hook and ladder fire
truck. After a considerable discussion, it was upon motion. duly
FF OLVED that the matters effecting the band
issue of $10,000. for the purchase of a hook
and ladder fire track be and the same
td are
ka ere
Gamble,referred to Counsellor ,
by iz authorized and empowered to take w a
steps are necessary to conclude the
said bonds .
THFUTAS 'The New York 'telephone Company heretofore
:resented a petition to this Board alleging that
it was assessed in the yeIr 1920 un a Spec"
Franchise for School purposes, the tax thereon
amounting to $1,512. 71, which said tax was due and
payable without penalty on or before September Kth,
1920; and
T FFAS, said petitioner prays that the Town accept
in fall payment of said tax and penalties and int-
ereat the fu 11 amount of taxes so levied.. The
cost of sale and interest at the rate of 6% from
eptereber Ctki, 1920 to March 3lst, 1923, which
amount the Company tenders with its -petitioni and
. . . . ._-._..._ ...
YBE.REAS, said Park Commissioners have
duly qualified and are now acting in
the discharge of their duties as said
Park Commissioners ; and
`iYHEREAS, said Board of Park Com-ai ss-
__- loners have filed with this Board a
written statement requesting this Town
Board to raise the sum of x"148, 000.00
by the issuance and sale of bonds, to
the end that said Board of Park Com-
missioners may be enabled to acquire
and develop the lands and premises for
park purposes and to pay and redeem the
temporary certificates of indebtedness,
the issuance and sale of W ich was au-
thorized by this Board by resolution
adopted at a meeting thereof held on
January 7, 1925.
RESOLVED, that this Town Borrow upon its
faith and credit the sum of $145,000.00
and issue its bonds therefor for the pur-
pose-of acquiring, developing and improv-
ing for park purposes the lands and pre-
raises mentioned and described in the
petition for the creation and establish-
ment of said Park District, dated November
26, 1924, and filed with the Town Clerk of
this Town on January 6, 1925; and be it
RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be issued
in the name and under the seal of said
Town in denominations of X1, 000.00 each,
numbered 1 to 148, inclusive, dated Feb-
ruary 1, 1925, and payable in equal annual
instalments of .'$"4, 000 .00 each, the first
instalment to be due and payable on February
1,1932, and annually thereafter until "
Fe btuary 1, ,1969, - with interest thereon
at the rate 6f' 4 1/2/ per annum, payable
on the 1st day of August after the date
thereof and semi -annually thereafter until
the principal is fully paid. Said 'ponds
shall be signed by the Supervisor and
attested by the Town Clerk of said Town
under the seal thereof, and shall be coupon
bonds with the privilege of registration
and shall be made payable at the Trust
Company of Larchmont, Larchmont, New York,
in New York exchange and shall be negjbtiated
and sold by the Supervisor of said Town at
a price of not less than par; and be it
RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be in form
substantially as follows, the blanks
therein being properly filled, viz :
The bonds will be sold to the bidder offering
to take them at the Highest rate of premium.
The opinion of Messrs. Clay and Dillon,
Attorneys of #120 Broadway, New York City, as to the
legality of the issuance and sale of said bonds, will be
furnished to the successful bidder ,
The Town Board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids,
Dated, January 21st, 1925,
Toinn Clerk" ,
The question of the adoption of the foregoing
resolutions eras duly put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes : 5
Nees : None
The resolutions were thereupon declared unanimously
Mr. Gagliardi, on behalf of the park Commission,
stated that the Park Commissioners were in need of additional
funds with which to continue their work and requested the
issuance of certificates of indebtedness in the sum of Twenty-
Five Thousand ($25, 000 ,00 ) Dollars, pending the issuance and
sale of the bonds authorized by this Board, 'Whereupon the
following resolution was presented by Justice Collins and
seconded by Justice Shafer, which upon Roll Call was unani-
mously adopted :
WHEREAS, by an order of this Town
Board made and filed in the office
of the Town Clerk of this Town on
January 6, 1925, a Park District
within the unincorporated portion
of said Town of Mamaroneck, desig-
nated in said order as Town Park
District No , 1 of the Town of
Mamaroneck, New York, was duly
created and established, pursuant
to the provisions of Chapter 574 of
the Laws of 1924 ; and
'WHEREAS, three Park Commissioners have
duly qualified and are now acting in
the performance of their duties ; and
WHEREAS, said Board of Park Commiss-
ioners have presented a statement to
this Board in which they request that
the additional sum of 0,25, 000 ,00 be made
available at once pending the issuance
and sale of the bonds authorized to be
sold by the aforesaid petition, to the
end that said Board of park Commission-
ere may be enabled to acquire by pur-
chase certain real estate and premises
situate within the park area of said
Park District; and
"7HEREAS, this Town Board has not yet
sold any of said Park District Bonds to
� raise any portion of the amount author-
i zed by the aforesaid petition to pro-
vide the necessary funds proposed to be
expended for the acquisition and develop-
sent of the lands and premises, rights
of way and easements shown and designated
on the plan annexed to said petition,
RESOLVED, that this Board borrow on the
-- faith and credit of the Town of Mamaro-
neck the sum of $25, 000 .00 in anticipa-
tion of the sale and delivery of the
bonds hereinbefore mentioned, pursuant to
the provisions of Section 8 of Chapter 574
of the Laws of 1924 ; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to issue
in the name and under the seal of this Town
one or more certificates of indebtedness,
each of such denomination as the Super-
visor may determine not exceeding in the
aggregate the sum of x,25, 000 .00 . Said
certificates of indebtedness shall be sign-
ed by the Supervisor and counter-sig?ned by
the Town Clerk, shall bear interest at a
rate of not more than 6% per annum and
shall be made payable at such time as the
Supervisor may fix; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and em-,.powered to dis-
pose of said. certificates for not less than
the par value thereof.
Justice Shafer presented the following resolution,
which was seconded by Justice Boyd:
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Clerk to
the Supervisor be and the same hereby is
fixed at the sum of $1300 .00 per year for
the ensuing year, and that the same be
paid in equal monthly payments .
The question being taken upon the foregoing re-
solution, the same was, upon Roll Call, unanimously adopted.
A communication from Mr. Richard C .Heather was
received and read, in relation to the blowing of the fire
whistle at the 'Heaver Street Fire House. The communication
was ordered placed on file and the matter referred to the
Fire Committee,
Counsellor Gamble reported upon the petition to
extend the present Sewer District and after a full discuss-
ion the following resolution was upon Roll Call unanimously
-- NHEREAS, there has been presented to
this Board a petition requesting this
Board to extend the present boundary
lines of Sewer District No . 1 of the
Town of Mamaroneck, and
IGIERFAS, pursuant to law this Board
must give notice of the meeting at which
it will act upon said petition, there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, that a special meeting of
this Board be held on February 18th2
1925, at 8.30 o' clock P.M. , at the
office of the Town Clerk, #6 Elm
Street, Town of Mamaroneck, New York,
at which time and place it will meet
to act upon the aforesaid petition
to extend the present Sewer District
No . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck and
the Sewer System therein, as now es-
tablished so as to include in and
make a part of said District the
territory embraced within the said
oro�oosed extension Wnich is described
in said petition, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give due
notice of such special meeting by
posting and publis'ring as provided by
Upon :notion, the meeting adjourned at 11 .15 P.M.
Town Clerk.