HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_01_07 Town Board Minutes MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK _._ held January 7, 1925 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9.30 P.M. PRESENT : Supervisor Burton. Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer Counselor Gamble Town Clerk Sherman. Upon motion it was votes to dispense with the reading of the minutes of previous meetings not yet approved, The Clerk presented a final Order of the Judge of the Supreme Court, Albany County, entered December 13th, 1924, reducing the special Franchise Assessment of $32, 643. against the New York, Neer Haven & Hartford Rail- road Company .axes of 1915 to an assessment of X270772.47, The same was referred to Counselor Gamble. A communication from the Weaver Street tare Company was received and read. advising the Board that at their annul meeting held on Wednesday evening, December 10th, 1924, the following were elected officers of the Company for the year 1925 : Felix C. Birch Captain Frarciv ®MCGecu,gh Ist Lieutenant George H. Moore 2nd Lieutenant Jerimiah Healy 3rd Lieutenant J .B.Clafford Treasurer L.F.Williame Secretary H.0,Mangles ASs' t.Secty. Frank Nichol Trustee Bernard Engesser " Bernard LeVino 0e Upon motion duly seconded it was VOTED that the communication of the `a4aver Street Fire Company be placed on file and that the action of the members of said Company in the elect- ion of the officers for the year 1925 be and the same hereby i4 ratified and approved. An order from the Public Service Commission was received and read, relating to the change of rates upon the Westchester Street Railroad Company. The same was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. A communication from Messrs. Taylor, Wilcox x Van Auken, Counselors, in the litigation now pending of the commutation rates upon the New York® News Haven & Hartford 159 :! I Railroad Company to question the attitude of the Town in relation to said cases, was received. After a full discussion of the matter the same was referred to Counselor Gamble to determine the legality of any ex- perditures formed by the Town in this action. Supervisor Burton reported that upon the order of the Town Board made and filed with the Towns Clerk, a Park District within said Town had beer created and established pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924 and he further reported that pursuant to the authority vested in him under the pro- visions of the haws aforesaid, he had appointed Messrs. Fernimore Goode, Alfred H. Stevens and William E. Ed® vards, residence owners of real property within the said Park District, as Park Commissioners of the Town Park District No. 1 of the Town of Yamaroneck, N.Y. , said Commissioners to rso'_d office for the terms of ore, +Alo and three years, respectively. Whereupon the follow- ing resslutior was presented by Justice Boyd and se- conded by Justice Collins, which upon roll call was unanimously adopted : ` HERI]:AS, George N. Burton, as Super- visor of the Town_ of hlamaroneck, N.Y. has appointed Fenni-sre Goode, Al- - Fred H. Stevens and William E. Ed- wards, all residence owners of real property within Town: Parka District No, 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. Party Commissioners of said Park Dis- trict for the terms of one, two and three years; respectively, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 19242 FMV, TEMREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that this Board approve said. appointment, and be it further RESOLVED, that the amount of under- taking which each Commissioner, be- fore entering upon the duties of his office is required to file with the Town. Clerk, be and the same hereby is fixed in the sum of ten thousand. ($10, 000 . ; Dollars . A cormun?cataon from the Park Commission was received, read, ordered spread. upon the minutes and is as follows ; BOARD OF PARK COIMISSIONEERS TOWN PARK DISTRICT NO.1 OF TI-M TO-K7, OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. Larclhnor.t, New York, January 7, 1925, Gentlemen.: The Board of Park Commissioners of Park Die® tract No . I of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, is negotiating the punch se of several parcels of land within the proposefiea and for that purpose this Board is in immediate need of the sum of $50, 000.oC . -- is would respectfully request that your Honorable Board take and adopt such measures as may be necessary and proper to the end that said sum of $50, 000 . may be raised by temporary certificates of indebtedness, rending the issuance and .ale of bends, as provided by Section & of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924. Respectfully submitted, BOARD OF PARK CGUHISSIONERS TOWN PARK DISTRICT NO.1 OF THE TOWN OF MAMAROYECK, NEWT YORK. (sgnd) By. . . m . <Wm- E. Edwards m . e . . . . e . . . . m m m Chairman A<H. Stevens • e e e e e . e < m s m e . s e e . . . o m e m . ♦ o . . . . Eennimore C . Goode Commissioners To Honorable Town Board Town of Mamaroneck Mamaroneck, New York After a discussion of the :n�t�Fr, the follcwing resolution was presented: by Justice Boyd and seconded by Justice Collins WHEREAS, by an order of this Town Board made and filed in the office of the Town. Clerk of this Town on January 6, 1925, a ,:ark District within the un- incorporated portion of said Town. of Mamaroneck, designated in said order as Park District No .l of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York„ was duly created and establiehed,pursuan.t to the pro- visions of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924 and WHEREAS, three Park Commissioners, as provided for in said petition, have been duly appointed by the Supervisor of said Town and their appointment approved by this Town Board; and WHEREAS, said Park Commissioners have duly qualified and are now acting in the performance of their duties ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Park Commissioners have presented a statement in which they request that the sum of $50, 000 .00 . be made available at once psndinE the issuance and sale of the bonds author- ized by the petition of the taxpayers -- requesting the creation and establish- ment of said Park District, to the end that said Board of Park Commissioners -- may be enabled to acquire by purchase certain real estate and premises sit- uated within the Park area in said Park District ; and WHEREAS, this Town Board has not yet sold Park Distract Bonds to raise the amount of $150, 000.00 authorized by the aforesaid petition to provide the funds proposed to be expended for the acquisition and development of the lands and premises, rights of way and easements shown and designated on the plan annexed to the aforesaid petition. 170,471 THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that this Board borrow on the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaro- neck, the sum of 050, 000 .00 in antici- pation of the sale and delivery of the bonds hereinbefore mentioned, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 of Chap- ter 574 of the Laws of 1924. And be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to issue in the name and under the seal of this Town one or more certificates of indebtedness„ each of such denomin- ation as the Supervisor may determine not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of 050, 000.00 . Said certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and counter-signed by the Torn Clerk, shall bear interest at a rate of not more than 6% per annum and shall be made payable at such time as the Supervisor may fix. And be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to dispose of said certificates for not less than the par value thereof. The question being taken upon the foregoing revolution the same was upon roll call unanimously adopted. Mr. Howell C . Perrin, Chairman of the Board of Appeals was present at the request of the Town Board heretofore made for the purpose of discussing the pro- posed changes in the Zoning Ordinance. After a lengthy discussion of the matter he stated that he would take the same up with members of his Board and report back to this Town Board. Counselor Gamble presentee the following resolution for adoption: i 8, the Canavan. Garry Construct- ion Company were heretofore owners of property in the Town? of Mamaroneck described upon, the assessment map there- of as Lots I-a, 2-a and 5 in Block 82 Section 7, and as the owners thereof - were assessed for 1924 school taxes; and =PEAS, said property was purchased by one L.F.Bxiers, the owner thereof at the time of said taxes becoming a lien and therefore liable for said taxes; and V=REAS, the Canavan. Garry Construct- ion Company paid the 1524 school taxes on the above described property in the amount of $12. 35 through error; and 'i=RHAS, said taxes were likewise paid by the said L.F. Priers, the owner thereof; and WHEREAS, the Canavan Garry Corstruct- ion Company have requested that the said taxes so paid by them in error be refunded to them; therefore, upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empowered upon the receipt of a proper voucher therefor, to refund to the Canavan Garry Construction• Company the sum of $12.35 erroneously paid by them to the Receiver of Taxes for school taxes for the year 1924 on the aforesaid property; and BE IT =.THER RESOLVED, that the Super- visor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized and empow- ered to take such other action as may be necessary in the premises. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution the same was upon roll call unanimously adopted. The Committee on Telephones reported that they had taken the matter up with Mr. Hummel, local manager of the New York Telephone Company and had gorse into the quest- ion of telephone contracts pertaining to the Town. offices® Upon the recommendation of the Committee it was RESOLVED, that the contracts as presented by the Committee for tele- phone service in the several town de- partments be and the same hereby is approved, and it was further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town. Clerk be and they hereby are n� d authorized and directed to sign said contracts accordingly. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11.40 P.Y, w own Clerk.