HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020_06_09 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative Meeting Notes,June 9, 2020 (Meeting via Zoom) Attendees: Mitch Green,Jeff King, Sue Odierna,June Wallach, George Roniger,Arlene Novich, Elizabeth Poyet, Karen Khor, Frank Owens, Luke Brussels, Kevin Crowe, Nick Zuba, Girl Scout Leader Lisa Pascetta, Mark Kramer, Marc Karell, Kristin Andersen Notes of March 3rd meeting were accepted. Town Updates from Nancy S.and Steve A. Town Comprehensive Plan-Nancy reported that the Town Board has put the Comprehensive Plan on hold since COVID-19 has made life uncertain in terms of schools, work, etc. and that having community input in the form of meetings would be difficult. Some Collabs responded that this actually seems to be a good time to "think big"as people are more available now. Nancy said the Collaborative could send a letter to the Town Board encouraging them to not put the process on hold. Mitch asked for the "scope"of the plan so that he could write a letter to Town Board. (Update: Sue sent scope to Mitch—see below Next Town Board meeting is July 15th-Collabs will decide at our July 7 meeting if we would like to send letter prior to the Town Board meeting) Update:The ToM Comprehensive Plan is likely to include sections on: • Community Character • Mobility&Parking • Housing • Commercial Activity • Recreation &the Public Realm • Environmental Sustainability&Climate RBI update-Sue noted that-- due to COVID-19--stores felt that single-use bags would be less likely to be potentially infected and so local stores here stopped charging a fee for paper and some brought back single use plastic bags(and didn't charge a fee for them either). In addition,stores said shoppers who brought reusable bags into their stores would need to pack the bags themselves. (Update: Despite the fact that on 3/1/20,the new plastic bag legislation took effect, pursuant to an Order signed in NYS Supreme Court,Albany County on 4/16/20, DEC agreed to take no enforcement action until 6/15/20. Awaiting an update from DEC on this as 6/15 has come and gone. Also,was informed that if collection containers for plastic bags and films are not available in a regulated store,shoppers are asked to email recyclling@decny.gov or call(518)402-8706 with store name and location (street,address and city). Community Choice Aggregation with Westchester Power-Nancy reported that there are benefits to being part of this program despite the fact that the first quarter prices from Con Ed were lower than what our CCA customers are paying. Benefits include that we have created a demand for green power since thousands are enrolled and over the time the Town has been part of this program, residents have saved money overall. County Food Waste Program. Steve A. reported that the Westchester County contract for the hauling of the food waste has gone out to bid. Bids due June 12 and the hope is to have a contractor set by September. The food waste will go to Kingston which has the capacity required, but up till now but price has been the issue. Municipalities have stressed that pricing has to go down as the volumes continue to rise—the Larchmont- Mamaroneck Sanitation Commission currently collects 1-1% tons of food waste each week. From ToM's point of view, the County's hauling price should get as close as possible to the approximately$29/ton that we currently pay for solid waste. Steve is hoping that having a contract with the County will lower the price. Regarding pick- 1 up points, the County will be able to pick up at Maxwell Street as this is considered a "depot", which will help the Sanitation Commission minimize our local costs. The County is estimating a total of 105,000 tons per year Community Solar- The developer,Sunlight General, met with structural engineer to ensure structure issues are strong, also met with roofing company to ensure there are no routine maintenance issues that should be addressed prior to panels'installation. Biking Signs and Sharrows: Steve A reported that the contractor that the Town had hired had scheduling issues but sharrow painting should begin later in the week and "Share the Road"signs are being made and should be installed shortly as well. Michele L. suggested the Town have maps available of the bike routes. Steve M. offered to help, if needed, with getting this done. Update from Steve A.: Fenimore Road sharrows have been completed. The contractor that completed Fenimore Rd is not available for other bike routes,so we are going to determine next week if we can do the work with our own staff. Steve M.to follow up with Steve A. regarding bike route maps. Compost Giveback Day-Karen K. reported on the third annual Compost Giveback event, which was held May 30 and again, on June 6. The Town purchased a total of 20 yards of compost. Over 100 resident families came for the compost, the small amount that remained after June 6 went to Town-run fields. At the event, there was successful community outreach by the volunteers—they distributed the Healthy Yards pamphlets(getting a few healthy yard pledges in the process), LoveYourFood palm cards and introduced a new program-- delivery of food waste kits to residents'homes and also sold 10 kits on the spot! Native Plant Restoration—Existing Conditions Census- Luke B. reminded us that he has been working on the Larchmont Gardens Brook("the Brook")for about 1 years adding native plants. The LGCA has been supportive of the removal of non-native plants. Unfortunately, Luke added that the Town's mowing company destroyed some of the native plants and he is trying to schedule a time to meet with Steve A. and Nancy to ensure this does not happen again. Update from Steve A./Nancy S.: Reps of LGCA met with Steve and Nancy and talked about a plan to remove the non-native vines which are choking some of the existing plants. The Town will develop plan going forward to improve the performance of the grass maintnencae contractor and to develop a native planting plan. ToM Parks& Public Space Existing Conditions Census-Luke is asking for help with a project to determine the invasive and native plants that already exist on town land. He can recommend an app that identifies plants and we can get a Town inventory, if the Town could list all of its properties. Discussion ensued:could an intern(s) take this on and what would be the process? Update:the Existing Conditions Census will be an Agenda Topic for the July 7 meeting.Goal is to get this moving ASAP,so assembling the Core Team will be the main discussion focus.The Action Plan will include: • Identify ToM properties to be surveyed • Build and Train the Census Team • Do the Survey • Show the Survey Results • Create an Action Plan for 2021 ToM Straw Law-Capstone Project for Girl Scouts GS Leader Lisa Pascetta reported that the girl scouts created an online petition to ban straws in the Town of Mamaroneck. According to Lisa, the ban was adapted in the Village of Mamaroneck and they would like the Town to pass a ban as well. Mitch suggested Lisa get more names on their petition and that the Collabs could help. Sue to send the petition link out to Collabs. If Collabs are in favor of the straw ban, they could recommend the TB create a law banning the straws. Girl Scouts could present to the TB and Michelle L. suggested the girl scouts make a video of their presentation since all TB meetings are being done by Zoom. Beth R. suggested the law include allowing an alternative biodegradable straw so that we comply with ADA. 2 Update: Sue sent the petition out to Collabs. If you have not yet signed and would like to do so, here is the link Ihttps://www.change.org/p/t.own-of-mamaroneck-resi•ents-an•-businesses-ban- V stp_c.:is s-uu -tlh -tow - f-u a rpu_ .?u.su cont.en =cV sharecopy 21743460 en- lS%3Av8 recruiter=1047565563 recruite• by i•=fce4•570-5feb-Ilea-gb02- ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 07c3.ee17.0utm source=share etitionutm me•ium=co Vinkutm cam ai n= sf combo share alai ................................................................................................ u tm term=tap basic share Repair Café George updated the group on the progress he, Todd and Wendy had made. The first-ever Town of Mamaroneck Repair Café scheduled for March 14th was cancelled due to the Coronavirus but George has followed up with volunteers to let them know we will pick up where we left off when it is safe to do so. Love Your Food Beth updated the group that the LYF insert for Nancy's summer mailed-out newsletter was approved and finalized;the subject matter is "Meal Planning." Each home in the Town (over 11,000 people) will receive the newsletter/insert in early July. Beth introduced to the group the "Backyard Farm Initiative"she has been working on—encouraging people in our community who are gardening to donate food, vegetable/fruit plants to help with food insecure families struggling during the Coronavirus pandemic. This would be similar to the "Victory Gardens"initiative during WWII. Beth has been working with another resident, Lisa Chase, on the Victory Garden concept. She is also planning an online fair: posting photos of funniest looking carrot,for example and artistic depictions of food on the LYF webpage. Can be a fun contest to run this summer and beyond. Elana Mass mentioned that we will have cooking demo videos completed soon, to be posted to LYF. Leaf Blower Legislation George R. gave brief history of leaf blowers in this country and--for the benefit of many new Collabs--in our community. Blowers were created after WWII and leaf blowers came about in the 1970's. In 1995, the Mamaroneck Town Board banned leaf blowers in evening hours. In 1996, they amended the law to include the dates of June 1—September 30. In 2014, the Town held a community event("charrette") which identified issues of community concern and noise was one of the issues. The Collaborative created a committee to look at noise and found that noise was not the only consideration, there was an exhaust/air pollution component to consider. Suggestions were made to the TB, one of which was enacted--increase fines given to landscaper companies for violating the law. Kristen updated our group on the presentation the Larchmont Environment Committee gave to the VoL Board. The proposed Vol law would include: • banning of gasoline-powered blowers completely as of 1/1/2022 within the Village of Larchmont • electric leaf blowers allowed only in November and December • ticketing both the property owners and landscape company owners for non-compliance • no leaf blowing exceptions for Vol subcontractors LEC are asking VoL residents for letters of support of the ban. Kristen mentioned a group called AGZA (American Green Zone Alliance) which gives workshops on how to switch from gas powered to electric powered leaf blowers. Frank O. said he knows an expert on health risks and would be happy to give Kristen the contact info if needed. Kristen closed with the news that the VoL public hearing would be Monday,June 15. Discussion ensued as to what the Town's next steps should be towards potentially trying to pass a similarly-strict leaf blower law. Nancy was asked if she would write a letter of support but she felt it was not appropriate for the Town Supervisor to do so;she suggested Mitch write a letter of support as Chair and that he and George plan next steps. Mitch 3 thought his letter should include the fact that the three municipalities have tried to work together to have similar legislation/dates of effect so it would be helpful for us all to have a new, modified law that is similar. Mitch thought we should reach out to VoM to have them weigh in. He also suggested asking landscapers how much more it costs them to switch to electric blowers. Kristen said it is not more costly to use, other than the price of buying the electric blower. Steve A. suggested the allowable months for electric leaf blowing include October(in addition to Nov/Dec as suggested in VoL proposal)because getting to all of the leaves starting in November would be difficult. Kristen thanked the Town Collabs for their support of the proposed VoL law and also,for"blazing the trail"with regard to electric vehicle charging stations as the VoL is now looking into installing them. Update:The Collaborative's proposed letter will be an Agenda topic for the July 7 meeting The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 7 at 6pm, OUTSIDE,socially distanced at Memorial Park! Please bring a chair. In the event of rain, we will meet under the tunnel at Memorial Park. Sue will bring a table with individually-wrapped snacks. Please 8YO8, and let's have fun! 4