HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925_01_06 Town Board Minutes raw � SPECIAL MEETING OF TIM, TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK held January 6th, 1925 The meeting was called to order at 8.30 P.M. PRESENT, Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer. Town Clerk Sherman. In the absence of Supervisor Burton, Justice Boyd acted as Chairman of the meeting. The Town Clerk reported that there had been filed with him 29 individual petitions praying for the establish- ment of a Town Park District within the unincorporated sect- ion of the Town of Mamaroneck, which petitions were signed by the property owners of said District and he further re- ported that attached to said. petitions was a certificate by the Town Board of Assessors certifying that the amount of assessed value of taxable real property represented by the owners whose names are affixed on the petition for the es- tablishment of a Park District as appears by the last pre® ceding completed assessment roll is $4,885, 675 and they further certify that the amount of assessed value of the taxable real property within the bounds of the proposed Park District as ehowr, by a map annexed to the said petitions as appears by the last ;preceding completed assessment roll was 18, 508,360. After a full discussion of the matter, the follow- ing order, duly signed by Justices Iffilliam A. Boyd, Patrick H. Collins, George B. Dudley, Frederick P. Shafer and Town Clerk, Frederick M. Sherman, was presented by Justice Shafer and. seconded by Justice Dudley : WHEREAS, a petition in due form and aur- porting to be signed and acknowledged by the owners of more than one-half in ass- essed value of the taxable real property in the proposed district hereinafter des- cribed, as appears by the last preceding completed assessment roll, has been filed in the office of the Town, Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck applying to this Town such Board. to take such steps and measures and adopt such proceedings as shall be re- quisite and necessary pursuant to the pro- visions of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 19 2143 to create and establish a Park District _ by including therein the real property and premises described in the aforesaid petit- _ shown 41 o ; mon and ,.no p r �vn on a . map ann ��rea thereto and designated as hi-bit "A" and WHEREAS, said. petition provides, among; other things, for thenaximum amount pro- i posed to be expended for the establish- ment of said Park District and for the acquisition, development and improve- ment of the lands and premises, rights of gray and easements described therein and shown on the plan annexed therdto and designated as Exhibit "B", which maximum amount is the sum of one hun- dred fifty thousand ($"1-505000 ®00) Dollars; and WHEREAS, the Town, Board of Assessors of the Town of -Vamaroneck, New York, have certified to this Board that the afore- sgAd petition is subscribed, and acknow- ledged by the owners of taxable property in the proposed district therein des- cribed representing more than one-half in assessed value of the taxable real property therein, as appears by the last preceding completed assessment roll; and WHEREAS, THIS TOWN BOARD is satisfied that the petitioner whose names are sub- scribed to the aforesaid petition are owners of real property in the proposed district and own more than one-half in assessed value of the taxable real prop- erty therein; and WHEREAS, this Town Board is further satis- fied that no property, real estate, rights of way or easements described in the afore- said petition is situated within an incur® porated Village, City or other Park Dis- trict; NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the said application for the creation and establishment of a Park Dis- trict be and the same hereby is in all respects approved and a Park District with- in the unincorporated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, including the real property hereinafter described, is hereby accordingly created and established pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 574 of the Laws of 1924; and be it further RESOLVED, that said Park District is here- by designated and shall be known as "Town Park District No.- 1 of the Town of Mama- roneck, New Yor)0 ; and be it further RESOLVED, that said "Town Park District No® 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York" hereby created and established shall in- elude therein the real property and pre- mises hereinafter described, to wit: ALL that certain tract of land, situate lying and being in the Town of yTamaroneck, County of Westchester and State of New York, oil which is bounded and described as follows : BEGINPING at a point in the monumented four track center line of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad where the same intersects the easterly line of the City of New Rochelle; running thence — northerly along the said easterly line of New Rochelle to a. point where the said line intersects the southerly line xt the Town of Scarsdale ; thence runn- ing northeasterly along the said south- erly line of Scarsdale to a point where the said line intersects the center line of the Mamaroneck River; thence running southerly along the center line of thn Mamaroneck River, as it winds and turns, to a point *mere the center line of the Mamaroneck River intersects the west- erly line of Mamaroneck Avenue; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of the Incorporated Village of Mamaroneck_ a distance of 1397 feet; thence south- westerly, continuing along the westerly line of the Village of Mamaroneck a distance of 3405.3 feet; thence south- westerly continuing along the westerly line of the Village of Mamaroneck a distance of 3465 .5 feet ; thence south- easterly along the westerly line of the Village of Mamaroneck to the point where said line would intersect the Lean High Tide ]Line of Long island Sound, on the southerly side of the point of land known as the "Hommocks" ; thence west- erly, northerly and easterly along the said Mean High Tide Line, Long Island Sound, Monroe Inlet and East Creek to a point where said High Tide Line on the northerly side of the "Hormocks" would be intersected by the easterly line of I:ot No. 6 in Block 53, as shown on Map No. 961, filed in the 44estchester County Registers office, if such line was prolonged southerly; thence north- westerly along said prolongation of said easterly line of Lot f6 aforesaid, to the center line of the East Creeki thence northeasterly, northerly, north westerly and westerly along the center line of East Creek to a point where the center line of East Creek is inter- sected by the southerly side of the Boston Post Road said point being 1012 feet and 7 inches easterly from the easterly side of Monroe Avenue, measured -- along the southerly side of the said "Boston Post. Road" ; thence northwester- ly across the "Boston Foot Road." along the easterly line of Village of Larch wont to a point in the northeasterly* boundary line of the lands of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail- road Company at a point where said boundary line intersects the north- easterly line of the property for- merly known as Chatsworth; thence - running westerly along the said northwesterly boundary of said Rail- road Colpanyls property which line is also the northerly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont, the follow- ing courses and distances: south 490 221 west 370 feet; thence north 400 38 ' west 130 feet; thence south 490 221 west 1099 .4 feet to a point in the westerly line of Chatsworth Ave- nue; thence along the said westerly line of Chatsworth Avenue south 520 301 east 130 . 6 feet; thence continuing westerly along the said northwesterly boundary line of the N.Y. N.H. & Hart- ford Railroad the following courses and distances : south 490 221 west 372 feet ; thence south 500 001 west 200 feet ; thence south 530 441 west 320 feet thence south 540 401 west 918 feet to a point where said northwesterly bound- ary line of the lands of the N.Y.N.H.& H.R.R.R.intersects the westerly bound- ary line of the Village of Larchmont, _-- which point is 2250 feet southwesterly from the westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue; thence southerly along the west- erly line of the Village of Larchmont to a point where the said westerly line of Larchmont would intersect the "monu® mented four track center line" of the N. Y.N.H.& H.R.R. ; thence westerly along the "monumen,ted four track center line/1 of the N.Y. N.H. & H,R.R, to a point where said line would intersect the east- erly line of the City of New Rochelle, the point or place of beginning. Dated, January 6th, 1925 . TOWN BOARD OF T F' HE TOWN O MAMARONECK, NEW i� YORK. (signed) by William A.Boyd Patrick H. Collins George B. Dudley Frederick P. Shafer JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Frederick Y. Sherman TOWN CLERY. The question being taken upon the foregoing order and resolution the some was upon roll call adopted by the following vote r Ayes: - Messrs . Boyd, Collins, Dudley, Shafer and Sherman. Nays : None . Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 900 P.M. wa"- Town ,C ler.