PRESENT: Mr. Wullschleger, Chairman
Mr. Burke
Mr. Maggini
Mr. Schuler
Mr. Rigano
ABSENT: Mr. Blair
Presence was also noted of Mr. Thomas J. McEvoy, Building Inspector, and
Mrs . Barnes , Secretary to the Planning Board .
Mr. Wullschleger called the meeting to order at 8:30 P. M. and on motion
duly made and seconded, the minutes of the previous meeting, held
October 3 , 1955, were approved as presented .
Mr . George R. Bishop, President of Split Tree Realty Corporation,
accompanited by Mr. Irwin Oster, appeared and presented the following
November 7, 1955
Town Planning Board
Town of Mamaroneck
Mamaroneck, N. Y.
Dear Sirs :
We ask your kind permission to obtain a certificate of occupancy
on premises known as Job No. 59 on Split Tree Road in our
development, Murdock Woods, before the final 150 feet of Split
Tree Road is completed .
We have a penalty clause in the Contract of Sale which we must
meet in the next two weeks .
The reason for the non-completion of the 150 feet of road was two
long delays -- one a three month delay. Although we had the
trenches open, the water company was unable to lay the water
pipe because of a long strike in the cast iron pipe companies .
When the water pipe was finally installed , then we were delayed
another six weeks by the gas company, due to emergency work from
the hurricanes and flash floods of the past summer and early fall .
It is our intention to deposit a bond as security in the amount
desired by your Board to cover completion of this 150 feet of raod.
Thanking you for your courtesies in this matter.
Very truly yours,
Split Tree Realty Corporation
George R. Bishop
Mr . Bishop explained that their subdivision plan had been approved by
this Board approximately 8 months ago. After the series of delays as
explained in the letter, they now have everything ready (with the
exception of the overhead wiring) and will finish the road very shortly.
In the meantime, they wish to close title on a house and, therefore,
request this Board to authorize Mr. McEvoy to issue a certificate of
occupancy. They are willing to furnish the necessary bond for the com-
pletion of the road . There is approximately 150 feet of road to be
completed . All utilities are laid in the street and the poles are in
for the power lines .
Mr. Bishop also brought up the matter of asphalt rolled curbing and
said it is being used in many of the surrounding municipalites including
the cities of Rye and White Plains. Board members seemed interested
and said they would investigate this further at some future date.
The Board next considered the preliminary map of Lakewood which had
been presented at the meeting of October 3, 1955, and after study and
consideration, it was decided that Mr. Maloof would be asked to submit
his final or Permanent Map.
Next considered was the preliminary map of Saxon Parks Estates, also
submitted on October 3, 1955, and here also it was decided that Mr.
Scarpinato would be asked to submit his final or Permanent Map. Mr.
McEvoy was instructed to notify Mr . Scarpinato that the Board would
prefer to have one of the two streets shown on the map as Marbourne
Drive, renamed as it was felt that it would create considerable con-
fusion in the case of fire, possible necessary police action, and
for the mail carrier, to have the two streets bear the same name .
In the case of the preliminary map of Glen Rock Estates , it was de-
cided that Mr . McEvoy would notify Messrs . Glaser and Gleicher to meet
with the Board at the scene of the property on Saturday, November 19th,
at which time the owners would be notified of the changes which are
desired by the Planning Board .
The Board now considered the request of Mr. Bishop, and after some dis-
cussion, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Building Inspector be and he hereby is
authorized to issue a certificate of occupancy to Split
Tree Realty Corporation for premises known as Job No. 59
on Split Tree Road in the Murdock Woods development,
being Lot No. 59 on Map known as Subdivision Map of
Murdock Woods in the Town of Mamaroneck, filed in the
County Clerk's Office on May 27, 1955, as Map No. 9919,
provided that the owner, Split Tree Realty Corporation,
furnish a performance bond pursuant to Section 280-A of the
Town Law, for the proper improvement, including paving,
curbs, gutters, drains and street lights, of the street
known as Split Tree Road as shown on said Map No. 9919,
for a distance of not less than 150 feet from the
presently dedicated portion of said road, accepted by
the Town Board by resolution dated January 19, 1955, all
in accordance with the standards and specifications adopted
by this Board and approved by the Town Board for the
improvement of streets and highways in the Town of
Mamaroneck, which bond shall be in the sum of $3 ,000,
issued by a Bonding or Surety Company, to be approved
by the Town Board and in such form and manner of execution
as may be approved by the Town Board, and the term
of which is to be one year, the manner of modification
and method of enforcement to be in substantial conformity
with the provisions of Section 277 of the Town Law.
Mr. Schuler brought up the matter of a playground for children in
the Town of Mamaroneck and there was some discussion of this .
Mr. Maggini referred to the minutes of the previous meeting and reported
that Mr. Foote's office is working on the official map, in accordance
with a letter dated October 19, 1955, signed by Mr. Blari, Acting
Chairman, and in which it was stated that the fee would be $5. an
hour and in no case to exceed $1,000. Part of this will be paid out
of the budget for 1955.
Mar . Maggini also reported on his appointment as a committee of one
to consider the employment of technical assistance for the Planning
Board . He said he had talked with several, and now has an appointment
with Mr. Fred Clark, Consultant Engineer in Rye .
Work on revision of the Zoning Ordinance will be laid over until
some future date.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting
adjourned at 9: 55 P. M. to meet again on November 14, 1955.
Secre ary