The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:30 P. M.
PRESENT: Mr . Wullschleger, Chairman
Colonel Shea
Mr . Schuler
Mr. Riga.no
Mr. Blair
Mr. Maggini
ABSENT: Mr. Burke
Presence was also noted of Mr. McEvoy, Building Inspector, Mr . Delius,
Town Attorney, Mr . Brush, Councilman, and Mrs . Barnes, Recording
Secretary, and Clerk to the Board .
On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of February 7, 1955, were
approved as presented .
Colonel Shea. addressed the Chair and stated that he understood there
were two scheduled public hearings for this evening's meeting, - one
on the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board Rzi.les and Regulations, and
C the other on the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board Requirements for
the Approval of Subdivision Plats in the Town of Mamaroneck.
He suggested that the first hearing be held on the Rules and Regulations .
The Clerk presented proof of publication, on February 25, 1955, of
notice of such pudic hearing.
The Chairman inquired if there were any appearances on this matter .
Mr. Irwin Oster, 3 Split Tree Road, presented a. letter, dated March 5,
1955, addressed to Mr . Wullschleger, Chairman, from the Home Builders
Association of Westchester, Inc . , 151 East Post Road, White Plains , N. Y. ,
saying that the Land Use and Zoning Committee of the Home Builders
Association of Westchester, coordinating with 13 Mamaroneck sub-
dividers, wished to record their recommendations with referenct to the
public hearing on the Rules and Regulations . The letter recommended
acceptance of the Rules and Regulations as proposed, with two additions :
- the retention of a professional planning technician or consultant
to work with the Planning Board ; and the service of two active Mamaro-
neck subdividers or development builders on the Planning Board .
Mr. Oster said he would present the letter for filing later in the
meeting, as part of it dealt also with the hearing on Requirements, etc .
Mr. Jerome Wanshel, 6 Beverly Place, representing several builders in
the Town of Mamaroneck, appeared and said he wished to address himself
to Section 4 of the Rules, regarding a quorum, Section 11, re the vote
of the Board, and Section 12, re suspension or amendment of the rules .
Hnmc\1 7 , ( cfrJ —
He believes that 5 members should be required to constitute a quorum
Ca.nd that the Board should not have the power to suspend or amend its
rules without a public hearing.
There were no other appearances on this hearing a.nd Colonel Shea.
assured Messrs . Oster and Wanshel that their remarks would receive the
proper consideration. He then moved that the hearing be closed .
The Board now opened the public hearing on the matter of the approval
of the Requirements for Approval of Subdivision Plats, etc . , and the
Clerk presented proof of publication on February 25, 1955, of notice
of a public hearing for this evening.
Mr . Irwin Oster again appeared and continued with the letter from
the Home Builders Association, Inc .
With regard to this hearing, the Home Builders in their letter, recom-
mended that the Planning Board take no action on these Requirements for
a period of two weeks , in order that the technical staff of the Land
Use and Zoning Committee of the Home Builders Association may make
available to the Planning Board, certain findings which they will have
ready at that time . The letter was received and filed .
Mr . Oster urged an adjournment for 2 weeks and promised he would submit
whatever suggestions might be made, in wirting, before the end of 2 weeks .
C Mr. Wanshel also urged that the meeting be adjourned for 2 weeljcs . He
said the Requirements, etc . are a splendid job but he feels the study
was addressed to over-all planning. However, as he reads these require-
ments , they will place a burden on developers . Most areas in the Town
are already developed and only small areas are left, and as to whether
you can place the usual rules on these small developers is questionable.
It may result in a burden.
He suggested the appointment of a. committee of builders from the com-
He went on to say that the men who build the houses a.nd do the develop-
ing should be considered . He again urged an adjournment . He further
stated that some of the rules here will add cost and expense to many
projects way beyond what the people who are building ever expected .
He also suggested that associations in the Town should participate in
the study of these requirements for the Town, and that they should be
given an opportunity to submit suggestions . He said that in the Village
of Larchmont, where there was a. hired consultant, they took many months .
He said generally the Requirements meet the normal standards but in an
area. which is built up like Mamaroneck, whether the normal standards
should apply in the small areas which are left, is questionable .
He said he represented 4 builders who would like to sit down with the
Board and give their ideas .
Mr . Philip Dean, 137 West Brookside Drive, representing the Larchmont
Gardens Civic Association, asked Mr . Oster to tell the reason for his
interest in the Town.
Mr. Oster said he is part of a company which is building and develop-
ing in Mamaroneck .
Mr . Wanshel said most of the builders in the Town of Mamaroneck are
members of the Home Builders Association of Westchester, Inc .
Mr. Dean suggested that inasmuch as Lr . Oster and his group are going
to submit something which will require time, would it not be a good idea,
in view of what Mr. Wanshel is proposing, for him to do the same .
Mr . Wanshel repeated that he feels the Board should meet with the
builders .
It was agreed that he will submit a. written synopsis of what the builders
want, within the next 2 weeks .
Mr. Wanshel thanked the Board a.nd stated that the Rules and Regulations
and Requirements , etc . as printed, evidenced a. great amount of labor .
Colonel Shea moved that this hearing be recessed and the Board went
into executive session.
After discussion on motion by Colonel Shea, seconded by Mr . Blair, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED that the hearing on the Town of Mamaroneck
C Planning Board Rules and Regulations be and it hereby
is closed .
After further discussion, on motion by Colonel Shea, seconded by Mr.
Blair, it was unanimously
RESOLVED that this Board hereby approves the Town of
Mamaroneck Planning Board Rules and Regulations , pre-
pared by this Board and published in the form of a Notice
of Public Hearing for this meeting, and
Mamaroneck Planning Board Rules and Regulations as
printed, constitute the rules of procedure for this
Board in all future proceedings had before it .
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town of Mamaroneck Planning
Board Rules and Regulations be a.nd they hereby are •
referred to the Town Board for its approval in
accordance with Section 272 of the Town Law.
After discussion, on motion by Colonel Shea, seconded by Mr . Blair,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the hearing on the Town of Mamaroneck
Planning Board Requirements for the Approval of
Subdivision Plats in the Town of Mamaroneck, be and
it hereby is closed.
GIt was decided that further action on the Requirements for Approval
of Subdivision Plats should await the submission by the Home Builders
Association of Westchester, Inc . , and the group represented by Mr . Wanshel
of any additional suggestions which they may have, provided these are
submitted within the next two weeks .
Mr. Blair reported that Mr. William Eipel, a member of the Planning
Board of the Village of Larchmont, had recently called him to
suggest a joint meeting of this Board with the Village Planning Board
to discuss problems . Mr. Blair said he thought the suggestion might
have some merit, and the Board agreed that at some future time, a
joint meeting of the two Boards would be advantageous .
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad-
journed at 9:30 P. M.