This meeting was to be held in the Court Room at 11 Edgewood Avenue,
but because of the large crowd, it adjourned to the auditorium of
the Weaver Street Fire House.
The Chairman called the meeting to order in the auditorium at
8:30 P. M.
PRESENT: Mr. Wullschleger, Chairman
Mr. Maggini
Mr. Schuler
Mr. Rigano
ABSENT: Mr. Burke
Mr. Blair
Presence was also noted of Mr. McEvoy, Building Inspector, Mr.
Delius, Town Attorney, and Mrs. Barnes, Secretary to the Board.
On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the previous meet-
ing, held June 6th, were approved as presented .
The Chairman stated that this was the regular monthly meeting of
the Planning Board and it had been planned to again consider the
application of Frank Guadagnolo to re-zone the block of property
bounded by Garfield Street, Madison Avenue, North Chatsworth
Avenue and Adams Street in the Town of Mamaroneck, from residential
to business area, so as to permit erection of a shopping center
and parking area, which application had been referred to this Board
by the Town Board, for recommendation. Some surprise was expressed
at the large crowd attending this meeting which had not been advertised
as a public hearing. A public hearing on the application is
scheduled for July 13th, before the Town Board.
Mr. Jerome Wanshel, attorney for Mr. Guadagnolo, appeared and
presented letters and telegrams from various people. He also
presented pictures of the area which he said he would like to have
returned to him, and a typed list of names of people who had
signed a petition asking for the re-zoning. This was received and
filed .
Mr. Wanshel said he would like to make it clear why the application
was withdrawn after having been submitted to the Town Board some
time ago. The reason was that a piece of property in the block
under consideration, was owned by a woman who was in an institution
and before title could close, some court proceedings were necessary.
All the property in question is now in Mr. Guadagnolo's name.
Mr. Wanshel also presented a blownup article by Albert W. Lockyer,
White Plains appraiser and consultant for the New York State Thru-
way, which appeared in the New York Works Telegram and Sun on
Thursday, February 10, 1955. This was received and filed.
Mr. Wanshel showed a copy of an artist's conception of the pro-
posed shopping center and stated that his client will eliminate
the garage if necessary.
Colonel Shea asked if the shopping center would be finished as
shown in the picture, (provided the re-zoning application were
granted) or would it be a "piecemeal job" . Mr. Wanshel said the
property would be developed immediately in the form as shown in
the picture.
Mr. Wanshel said Mr. Guadagnolo will be forced to ask for an
apartment house use, if this application is refused.
Mr. Robert L. Parsons, 42 North Chatsworth Avenue, representing
the Larchmont Hills Civic Association, addressed the Board and
showed certain exhibits, such as maps, sketches, etc .
Mr. A. G. Bogardus, 17 Overlook Circle, also representing the
Larchmont Hills Civic Association, stated that the Association
has about 70 members and that the assessed value of the property
owned by the respective members, is approximately 1/2 million
dollars .
Mr. Bogardus introduced Mr. Benjamin Jaffe, who, he said, has filed
plans to erect a shopping center at the corner of Madison Avenue
and Maxwell Street, with parking area for 100 cars . Construction,
he said, is to be commenced this week.
Mr. Frank Gironda, 11 Cabot Road, also addressed the Board in
favor of the re-zoning.
After some further discussion, the Board adjourned to the Court
room at 11 Edgewood Avenue for an executive session.
The Secretary read to the Board a number of letters and telegrams,
most of which were in support of the application to re-zone, and
also a copy of a resolution passed by the Real Estate Board of
Larchmont, which opposed the application.
After a lengthy discussion it was decided to take a vote on the
proposition of whether or not a favorable recommendation should be
made to the Town Board with respect to this application to re-zone.
The vote recorded was as follows:
AYES: Mr. Wullschleger
Colonel Shea
NOES: Mr. Schuler
Mr. Rigano
Mr. Maggini
There being no further business to come before the Board, it
adjourned at 10:30 P. M.
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