HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956_07_02 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JULY 2, 1956, AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS, 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:30 p. m. PRESENT: Mr. Fred L. Maggini, Chairman Mr. G. Norman Blair Mr. Henry E. Mullick Mr. Joseph Rigano Mr. John F. O'Conor ABSENT: None Also Present: Building Inspector McEvoy Town Engineer Friedlander Councilman Kane NEW MEMBER Mr. John F. O'Conor, newly appointed member, was welcomed by the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Mr. Mullick, seconded by Mr. Rigano, the minutes of the meeting of June 4, 1956, were approved as presented. COMMUNICATIONS Two resolutions pertaining to the Planning Board and passed by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck at its meeting on June 6, 1956, were presented, discussed, and accepted by this Board. RE OFFICIAL MAP Mr. McEvoy presented a tracing of the official map which he explained was incomplete due to the lack of definite information at this time on a number of streets, not as yet determined whether public or private. -57- RE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION MAP - GLEN ROCK ESTATES Mr. William A. Glaser, together with Mr. Ralph Cronquist, Land Surveyor, appeared in connection with the Glen Rock Estates de- velopment. Mr. Glaser informed the Board that the plan for the sewer had been approved by the State Departmentof Health, and the plan for the water main had the approval of the Westchester Joint Water Works No. 1. At this point the Town Engineer read a resolution from the minutes of a Town Board meeting on October 10, 1955, authorizing the installation of the water main in this development. In view of this information, the Chairman stated that insofar as the Planning Board is concerned, the installation of water is not a problem of this Board and should be handled direct between the developer and the Westchester Joint Water Works. The preliminary subdivision was further discussed by the Board with Mr. Glaser and Mr. Cronquist, who is presently engaged in the preparation of the final plans. Mr. Cronquist stated that he expected to have them available by the next meeting of the Planning Board. At the conclusion of this discussion, the Board unanimously approved that portion of the preliminary plan, provided that the final layout shall meet all the Rules and Regulations of the Planning Board, with the exception that the cul de sac shall be approximately 475 feet from the center line of Old Country Road, to the center of the turn around. RE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION SOUNDVIEW WOODS, INC. Messrs. Newburgh and Muson appeared and stated that they had on hand a preliminary plan which they wished to leave with this Board for study. They explained that the original 72 plots had been reduced to 62, with approximately one-third acre in each plot. -5$- I They informed the Board that the preliminary layout was basically the same layout which Mr. Clark, Planning Con- sultant, who had been retained by this Board had prepared, and which the Planning Board recommended to them. Mr. Frank M. Gagliardi, Attorney, appearing on behalf of his clients, the Bonnie Briar Association, stated that he had examined the preliminary plan as submitted to this Board and wished to state for the record that so far as his clients were concerned, there were no objections to this plan since it did not show ingress and egress to Bonnie Briar Lane. Messrs. Newburgh and Muson stated that they would like to get started as soon as possible, and were, therefore, submitting this preliminary plan at this time. The Board informed them that the Town Engineer would study the preliminary plan and report his findings to the Board. During the course of study of said preliminary plan, it was discovered that errors had been made in its pre- paration, and Mr. McEvoy withdrew the preliminary plan for correction. RE PRELIMINARY MAP OF SAXON PARK ESTATES The Secretary informed the Board that an application and a check in the amount of $10. 00 was received on the above captioned subdivision. In view of the fact that no final lay- out, as provided in the "Requirements for the Approval of Subdivision Plats", accompanied the application, no action was taken until such time as a final layout, approved by the Town Engineer, is filed with the Secretary. -59- RE PETITIONS FOR CREATION OF A NEW RESIDENCE AA1 DISTRICT With reference to two (2) Petitions previously presented to this Board, requesting the creation of a new residence dis- trict to be known as AA1, the matter was deferred for fur- ther consideration. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 11 p. m. All , C1 . 11 tt Secretary -60-