The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:30 P. M.
PRESENT: Mr . Wullschleger, Chairman
Mr . Burke
Mr . Rigano
Mr . Blair
Colonel Shea
Mr. Schuler
Mr. Maggini
Presence was also noted of Mr. McEvoy, Building Inspector, Mr. Brush,
Councilman, and Mrs . Barnes , Recording Secretary.
On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of January 3rd, 1955,
were approved as presented .
Mr . Jerome Wanshel , 6 Beverly Place, Larchmont, an attorney, appeared
representing Mr . Frank Guadagnolo, 195 Myrtle Boulevard, who had
presented a petition to the Town Board to rezone the entire block
bounded by Garfield Street, Madison Avenue, Chatsworth Avenue, and
Adams Street in the Town of Mamaroneck, from a residence district to
a business district, which petition had been referred to this Board
41. for study and recommendation .
Mr. Wanshel addressed the Board and presented a photostatic copy
of a map showing part of the subject property and its relation
to the Station area; an artist 's conception of the proposed shopping
center to be erected on the subject property; and a blueprint showing
the entire subject property. These were received and filed .
He said there will be parking for 140 or 150 cars . The property
will be buffered with planting on all sides . He concluded with a
plea for the business men who have been in business in the Town for
many years and are being evicted from their present places of
business by the building of the Thruway.
Mr. Robert Parsons, 42 North Chatsworth Avenue, spoke next and
opposed the petition. He said he lives immediately across from the
subject property and will look right down on it . He said he was
representing his neighbors and, while he had sympathy with the
problem of the business men, he did not feel that he and his
neighbors should be sacrificed .
He presented certain drawings to demonstrate his arguments .
He feels the entire area should be considered .
He said there is ample undeveloped commercial property in the Town,
which can more than replace the businesseswhich are being forced to
move . He displayed a. map which he said showed that in a proper over-
all plan, the entire area could be developed and not infringe on
any residential rights .
He continued that should this petition be granted - "you cannot
take one block in the middle of a.n 'A' area, and say this is it,
and go no further" . He feels that if this block is made commercial,
there will be other applications .
In an effort, he said, to take care of a.n alleged hardship on the
part of the business men, they are suggesting that this hardship
be shifted to the shoulders of the residential owners .
Mr . Parsons thinks the subject property, contrary to Mr. Wanshel 's
views , is eminently suitable for residential building.
He understands that the Thruway will bear only local traffic at this
point . The property in question will face an attractively landscaped
area with only local traffic to and from New York City.
Across the track, in the Village, there are many vacant stores .
Therefore, the Town is not badly pressed for stores .
If this petition is granted , and the owners have to change their
41, plans for any reason, the land can be transferred to anyone else
who can build anything allowed in a B district, there .
Throughout the years , the Pelham Port Chester Parkway has been re-
garded as a. buffer zone between business and one-family dwellings
and it would seem to be a mistake to do away with it now.
Mr . W. s Ber a s ein, 1 Huguenot Drive,submittedplaque or board, on
which 7 pnY$ A.phs of the Myrtle Boulevard area.
Mr. A. G. Bogardus, 17 Overlook Terrace, feels that the principal
thing for the Planning Board to consider is the buffer zone which
has existed in the Pelham Port Chester Parkway.
Mr . Wanshel asked the Board to also consider that the proposed center
will be a modern building; that the Thruway will be a truck highway
and there will be constant traffic over it ; that this land is not
usable in any reasonable sense for any other use ; that existing
uses can be changed by the Planning Board ; and that this is an
opportunity to do what is being done in other places , i .e . take
a large area, using buffer zones , etc . and create a necessary
shopping area.
Mr. Bernstein thinks the Planning Board should do a. complete planning
Mr . George Bishop appeared before the Board and presented a. proposed
subdivision in what was known as Murdock Woods . He said he would like
4 this Board 's permission to file a subdivision map a.nd also permission
or an ok to the Water Company so they can install water, gas, and other
utilities and sell some of the lots . He said they had originally filed
a subdivision map on November 12th a.nd had received permission to pro-
ceed with part of the work. They can now go no further. He presented
an estimate from the Westchester Joint Water Works .
Mr . Bishop was informed that the Planning Board may not take any action
on subdivision plats without holding a public hearing. He was fUTthe?
advised to appear before the Town Board under the conditions or regu-
lations which prevailed before the creation or appointment of the Plan-
ning Board . He was notified that the next meeting of the Town Board
will be on February 16th.
Mr. Albert Steinberg appeared to ask permission to apply for a build-
ing permit to erect another house in his development, and submitted a
plot plan.
He was also advised to appear before the Town Board .
The Board now turned to the business of its organization work.
Colonel Shea stated that all members had received the final draft
of the Board 's Rules and Regulations and Requirements for Approval
of Subdivision Plats .
.., Mr. Blair submitted a letter from Mr . Delius stating that he had
examined the proposed Rules and Regulations ' as well as the Require-
ments for Approval, etc . a.nd that they are all that is needed at the
present time .
He suggested one change or correction which was noted . (On Page 9,
the excerpt from §277 of the Town Law should come after the words,
"Spec ifica.tions,"etc . )
Colonel Shea said that he will present new street specifications for
inclusion in the Specifications, as the present ones are not suffi-
ciently precise .
The Board set March 7th as a date for two hearings : One on the Rules
a.nd Regulations, and One on the Requirements for Approval, etc . and
ordered that a notice be published on or before February 25th, in the
Daily Times and posted on the Bulletin Board at the Town office, on
the same day.