HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_12_03 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF M"MARONECK held December 3rd, 1924. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9.15 P.M, PRESENT: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer, Town Clerk Sherman. Upon motion duly seconded it was voted to dispense with the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved. The Clerk reported having received two envelopes containing bids for the removal of police headquarters to the new site and for the excavation and erection of foundation walls and a portion of the carpenter work. The Clerk thereupon read the notice to bidders inviting bids to the aforesaid work. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Clerk open and read the bids. The Clerk thereupon read the following bids: i Bid received from the Taylor-Boll Company of 7 East 42nd Street, New York City, whereby they agree to do all necessary excavation, build new foundation and garage walls to receive the present police house and move the same from its present location and perform all of the work shown on the plans and specifications prepared by Messrs.Eggers and Mink for the sum of $4,962. ,whioh is based on the earth excavation. They agreed to do all blasting at the rate of $8.00 per cubic yard and any additional stone work which may be necessary on the basis of $7.00 per cubic yard, provided they are furnished with stone for same. Bid of Charles G.Maiolino in which he agrees to furnish all labor and material in and about the work called for in the plans and specifications prepared by Messrs. Eggers and Mink and move the building to the new site for $4,921.00 Ech bid was accompanied by check for the required amount of 2% of the amount of the estimate. After the matter was discussed and considered at some length, Justice Collins offered for adoption the following resolution: WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly pub- lished according to law inviting bids to furnish and provide the necessary labor and material for the excavation masonry and carpenter work upon the new site of the police house and for the removal from the old site of the present building used for police purposes, two estimates were received, one from the Taylor-Boll Company of 7 East 42nd Street, New York City, in the amount of $4,562.00 besides $8.00 per cubic yard for rock excavation and $7.00 per cubic yard for additional A �{ stone work should the same be required and another from Charles G.Maiolino of 32 Fayette Street, Mamaroneck, N.Y. , in the sum of $4, 921.00 and WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the best interests of the Town of Mamaroneck would be conserved by the awarding of the aforesaid contract to Charles G.Maiolino, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that said contract for the performance of said work, as aforesaid, be and the same hereby is awarded to said Charles G.Maiolino of Mamaroneck N.Y. , upon terms stated in the said estimate and pursuant to terms and con- ditions set forth in the specifications and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Messrs. Eggers and Mink, Associated Architects ; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to enter into a contract for the per- formance of said work as aforesaid with said Charles G.Maiolino upon the terms and conditions aforesaid; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to return to the unsuccessful bidder its certified check; and be it further RESOLVED, that the certified check of Charles G.Maiolino be returned to him as soon as he shall have executed a proper contract with the Supervisor, and shall have filed with the Town Clerk a Surety Company Bond, satisfactory to the Sup- ervisor as to manner, form and suffic- iency of surety. Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolutions, the same were declared adopted. The Supervisor reported that there were no funds available with which to pay for said work and suggested that provision be made to finance same by the issuance and sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness. Justice Dudley thereupon offered for adoption the following resolution: WHEREAS, by resolution heretofore adopted by this Board, this Board has awarded to Charles G.Maiolino the contract for the removal of the police house from its -- present site to the new site and for the excavation, construction of foundation walls and crapentry for said police house in accordance with certain plans and spec- ifications dream and prepared by O.R. Eggers and Charles Mink, Associated Arch- itects, for the sum of $4,921. ; and 119 WHEREAS, by resolution heretofore duly adopted by this Board the said sum of $4,921. was appropriated and a levy therefor was made upon the taxable real property situated within the mnincorpor- ated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck, the same to be collected with the taxes on April 1st, 1925; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor has reported that there are no funds available with which to pay for said work, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the Westchester County Tax Act, the Z Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of X4,921, in anticipation of the taxes to be collected on April 1, 1925, levied against the taxable real property situate within the unincorporated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck, tkxxxz%zxtffi tax(raiiam kz dxxkkkxtkaxt zacxsxaxxApxtix t, for police purposes; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to issue a temporary certificate of indebt- edness in the amount of $4,921. which shall bear interest at a rate of not more than 6/o per annum and shall be made pay- able at such time as the Supervisor may fix, not exceeding, however, eighteen months form the date thereof; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to dispose of said temporary certificate of indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and .Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign and attest, re- spectively, said temporary certificate of indebtedness and sign and execute such other paper and documents as may be necessary to effect the sale of said certificate. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolutions, the same were upon roll call unanimously adopted. A communication from the Board of Sewer Commissioners was received,xead, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows: December 1st, 1924. Hon.Town Board, 6 Elm Street, Mamaroneck, N.Y. Gentlemen: We hereby recommend the issue and sale of WS000.00 in bonds out of the amount remaining from the $5OOj000.00 auth- 2 prized for the Gardens and Colonial Park additions to Sewer District No.l. On monday November 24th, we opened bids for contract #S covering additional sewers in this territory. The lowest bid was $51,222.9 7; allowing for additional expenses for en- gineering fees and legal expenses we find that the amount re- quired to complbte this contract will be $60,000.003 and we respectfully request the issue and sale of bonds for this sum for this purpose. Respectfully yours, (Sgnd) Board of Sewer Commissioners, H.R.Mitchell, Secretary. Upon motion duly seconded it was Voted that the issue of $60,000. for sewer work be and the same hereby is approved and the matter referred to Counsellor Gamble for the necessary action. The Clerk reported having been served with a notice and stipulation of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company vs the State Board of Tax Commissioners affecting an assessment in the Town of Mamaroneck in the year 1914, return- able in the Supreme Court at Albany, New York, on the 13th day of December, 1924. The matter was referred to Supervisor Burton who was authorized to attend said hearing and who was further authorized to engage Counsel if necessary. A communication from the Occum Realty Corporation was received and read requesting the removal of the fire house from their property situated on the north side of Forest Avenue at Rockingstore Avenue, due to the fact that the property is under development. The matter was referred to the Fire Committee who were authorized to take same up with the officers of the fire company and who were further authorized and empowered to take whatever action may be necessary to find new quarters for the building. A communication from the Chamber of Commerce was received and read advising the Board that at their last meeting they adopted a resolution requesting the Town Board to favor bus transportation. The communication was ordered filed and the Clerk was requested to acknowledge bts receipt. A communication Stephen J.Stilwell, Chairman of a mass meeting held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce was received and read advising the Board that at a mass meeting held at the Town Hall for the purpose of discussing the question of forty percent increase in cormutation rates on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, a resolution was adopted indorsing the action of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck in cooperating with other municipalities in this litigation and a request of that meeting that a copy of the resolution be sent to this Board. Mr.william E.Lyons was present and addressed the Board in thlation to the foregoing communications from the Chamber of Commerce and after a full discussion of the matter, the following resolution was presented and adopted: 2"3 RESOLVED, that the question of the forty percent increase in oommutat- ion rates on the New York New Haven & Hartford Railroad, now in litigat- ion before the Public Service Comm- ission and the Intersate Commerce Commission, be referred to the Sup- ervisor for the purpose of ascertain- ing the number of municipalities joining in this litigation and to further ascertain the proportionate share of the Town of M ziaroneck and when ascertained, to report back to this Board. The communication from the Chamber of Commerce in relation to the favoring of bus transportation, was referred to the Supervisor and the Clerk was requested to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. The Clerk presented a communication from the West- chester Lighting Company stating their reasons for not in- stalling the extension of gas mains on Weaver Street from the Post Road to Howell Avenue and on Weaver Street from Myrtle Avenue to Forest Avenue. After discussing the matter, it was upon motion duly seconded RESOLVED, that Counsel be and hereby is authorized and directed to take the necessary action to compel the Westchester Lighting Company, to lay and install the gas mains in and along Weaver Street from the Post Road to -- Howell Avenue and in and along Weaver Street from Myrtle Avenue to Forest Avenue, in accordance with the resol- utions heretofore adopted by this Board. The Clerk reported that the registered letter sent to Charles Whalen as directed by the Board, demanding the completeion of the installation of the Fire whistle at the Weaver Street fire house, had been returned unopened and after discussing the matter it was upon motion duly seconded RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sand to Charles Whalen, a three days notice by registered mail, de- manding the completion of the in- stallation of the fire whistle at the Weaver Street fire house in acc- ordance with the terms of the con- tract, and if said order is not complied with within that period it -- was further _ RESOLVED, that the Dire Committee be and they hereby are authorized to make what other arrangements may be necessary. Upon motion, the muting adjourned at 12.30 A.M, �� �.,