HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984_04_04 Town Board Regular Minutes 090
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location
of exits in the Auditorium as required by law for public
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at
8:19 P.M. in the Auditorium.
Present were the following representing all member of the
Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia
Commissioner Lee H. Bloom
Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke
Commissioner Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman
Also present were:
Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Counsel to the Town
1. Claims
Commissioner Bloom presented fire claims for authorization of
payment and on his motion, which was seconded by Commissioner
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the
Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
Garfield-Wolar Electrical Corp. $ 55.26
National Fire Protection Association 143.88
New York Telephone Company 867.60
New York Telephone Company 65.38
Portronix Communications, Inc. 3.75
Suburban Communications 343.45
Westchester Joint Water Works 45.65
$ 1,524.97
There being no further business to come before this Commission,
on motion by Commissioner Silverstone, seconded by Commissioner
Lerman, it was unanimously declared that this meeting be
adjourned at 8:21 P.M.
At this time, on motion duly made and seconded, it was
unanimously resolved that the regular meeting be convened.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of March 2, 1984 were
presented and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded
by Councilman Lerman, were approved by a majority of those in
attendance at that meeting.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 7, 1984 were
presented and on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by
Supervisor Battalia, were unanimously approved as corrected.
The minuntes of the Regular Meeting of March 21, 1984 were
presented and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded
by Councilman Amlicke were unanimously approved as corrected.
Supervisor Battalia introduced Conservation Advisory Commission
Chairman Alan Mason and, after he presented copies of the
Commission's report to the Board, he introduced Mrs. Susan
Amlicke who spoke about Solid Waste Management and Recycling.
She enumerated the Town's various types of recycling and the
financial aspects of each. She noted further, when comparing
1982 and 1983, the reasons for the drop in the participation
of some of the recycling efforts, and recommended ways to
solve the problem.
Mrs. Elizabeth Stern from L.I.F.E. Center spoke about
Beautification Day, Saturday, April 7th and urged all citizens
to participate in the cleanup, both civically and personally.
Dr. Mason referred to a portion of the report written by
Friends of the Reservoir President, James G. Johnson, Jr.
about the reservoir which has become an extended classroom
for students by showing -the impact of the environment on man
and vice versa.
Dr. Mason also brought to attention the listing of emergency
telephone numbers on the back cover of the report as compiled
by Mary Anne Johnson relating to oil spills or other toxic
III substances in waterways.
Concern about the possible impact on recycling programs in
relation to the proposed transfer station was expressed by the
C.A.C. Chairman.
He also proudly reported to the Board that he has been
advised by the State Environmental Conservation Department
that the Town's C.A.C. is its model program and whenever a
community wishes to initiate such a program, the Town's
report is used as the model. He then asked for approval of
the report so it can be sent to Albany.
Thereafter, following further discussion about specifics of
Saturday's upcoming Beautification Day and Councilman Amlicke's
congratulations to the C.A.C. for an excellent report and
fine presentation, on his motion, seconded by Councilman
Lerman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
accepts and approves. the 1983.Annual
Report of the Conservation Advisory
Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck
with a vote of thanks and appreciation
to the Chairman and all members of
the Commission, James G. Johnson, Jr. ,
President of the Friends of the Reservoir
and Elizabeth Stern and all others
involved with the L.I.F.E. Center.
A brief discussion followed about the problems encountered at
the Town yard by persons wishing to participate in recycling
programs and Supervisor Battalia noted that new regulations
have been instituted and written up for the staff to hand
out. At this time also, the Supervisor reminded the C.A.C.
Chairman that minutes of their meetings should be timely
filed with the Town Clerk.
NOT ON AGENDA - Mrs. Keane re Informational Meeting
re Transfer Station Proposal
At this time County Legislator Diane Keane addressed the Board
stating that she and County Deputy Commissioner of Public Works,
Ed Davies will be available to answer specific questions after
the L.W.V. forum on April 11, 1984.
Councilman Bloom spoke of the urgency of correcting the
signalization problem at the intersection of Murray/Myrtle/
-Chatsworth which is to be tied into the transfer station proposal.
1. Appontments:
a) Joint Planning Committee
Councilman Amlicke reiterated the above captioned Committee's
desire to have representation from the C.A.C. and following
his motion, which was seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
appoints Chiarman Alan Mason, Chairman
of the Conservation Advisory Commission
to serve as liaison to the Joint
Planning Committee.
Thereafter Supervisor Battalia reminded the Board of her
request at the last meeting for them to submit a job
description for the members of that Committee, so the Village
Attorney and Town Counsel can move along with charging that
group with their responsibilities.
b) Coastal Zone Management Committee
Councilman Lerman advised that the work load of the Committee
will be increasing and explained their present lack of a
co-chairperson, representing the Town. After some discussion
during which the need for a co-chairman was clarified, on
motion by Councilman Lerman, who recommended Shirley Tolley,
seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
appoints Shirley Tolley of 8 Dimitri
Place, Town to serve as the Co-
Chairman, representing the Town of
Mamaroneck, of the Coastal Zone
Management Committee.
2. Resolution - Board of Ethics
Councilman Bloom reviewed the law creating said Board and its
need for advice from Counsel as well as the request for
stenographic services, if and when needed. He further noted
that Board has also specifically requested a resolution by
this Board formally requiring the Board of Ethics to review
the Town's Ethics Code and make recommendations. Thereafter,
on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board pursuant to
Chapter 24, Section 8 of the Town Code
formally request that the Board of Ethics
review Local Law #3 of 1970 (Ethics Code)
and the rules and regulations of the
Board of Ethics,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Ethics provide
to the Town Board recommendations for
revisions and/or amendments.
3. Resolution - Recreation Commission
Councilwoman Silverstone explained several reasons why a study
of the Hommocks Ice Rink's future should be undertaken at this
time, and on her motion, which was seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, it has become necessary that
the Town review the Hommocks Ice Rink
facility for the purpose of determining
its operation in the future;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby formally
requests the Recreation Commission to
prepare a report evaluating the Hommocks Ice
Rink facility and prepare recommendations for
its future.
Councilwoman Silverstone advised that, since the Recreation
Superintendent has not seen all programs in action, no
changes are contemplated until he has had an opportunity to
observe all of them before making any recommendations. She
further noted that the Commission is in a position to prepare
the report with the able assistance of the Recreation Super-
intendent, the Administrator and the Comptroller.
When Councilman Amlicke started to pursue the matter of the
energy study, he was advised that the matter should not be
discussed because it could be the subject of litigation.
4. Authorization - Consultant Contract - Coastal Zone
Management Committee
Councilman Lerman reviewed the work done by the Coastal Zone
Management Committee thus far and the steps the Committee
followed to secure a Consultant. Upon Councilman Lerman's
motion, which was seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Town Supervisor to execute an agreement
between the Town of Mamaroneck and Shuster
Associates for work relating to the preparation
of the Town of Mamaroneck's waterfront
revitalization plan.
5. Authorization - Use of Voting Machines - Board of Education
Mrs. Miller presented the request of the District Clerk and
advised Board members of her concern that no fee is assessed by
the Town to the School District even though the Town pays the
School District for custodians' overtime at each school building
used during elections. She stated that this adds up to a
considerable amount. Some discussion followed and Councilwoman
Silverstone stated she would take up this matter at the next
Joint Coordinating Committee meeting. On motion by Councilman
Amlicke, seconded by Supervisor Battalia, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants
the request of the Board of Education
District Clerk for the use of fifteen
(15) voting machines to be used in the
Annual School District Budget Vote and
Election on Wednesday, May 16, 1984.
6. Salary Authorization - Recreation
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes the Town Administrator
to hire Peter Treacy as a Recreation
Assistant at $12.00 per session,
Debbie Woods as a Recreation Assistant
at $12.00 per session, Dominic Penzine
as a Recreation Attendant at $4.00 per
hour and Steven Iarocci as a Recreation
Attendant at $4.00 per hour.
The Town Administrator advised that the Central School and
Memorial Park Tennis Courts are in good shape, but those at
Hommocks, which can be used, will be unattended and no permit
will be required for such use.
7. Not on Agenda - Murray Avenue and Weaver Street Intersection
Councilman Amlicke noted that the proposed planting at the above
noted area could be a major undertaking because of the need to
remove rock and macadam. The Supervisor spoke of her discussion
with a member of the Larchmont Garden Club and that she and
Mrs. Silverstone would attend their next meeting. Some
discussion followed and Supervisor Battalia stated that both
the Police and Traffic Commission will also be asked to follow
up on this matter.
1. Letters - Former Policemen, Larry McAllister and James Mancusi
Councilman Bloom presented two letters addressed to the Town
Supervisor by the above named retired police officers who
recommended that the Town create a Safety Commissioner or
Department of Public Safety, after which a brief discussion
1. Leonard Martin
Mr. Martin reminded the Board of the Budget Study Committee's
prior recommendation for supporting financial information from
the various committees and groups which receive Town funds.
Supervisor Battalia responded that each Board member, in his
or her capacity as liaison to a particular group, would obtain
information piror to budget preparation.
2. Patricia Latona
A brief discussion followed Mrs. Latona's query about adequate
training of the Town's firemen and policemen in the event of
an accident involving a truck traveling through the Town
carrying hazardous materials. She was advised that the
firemen are adequately trained. Supervisor Battalia noted
that Assemblyman Perone is attempting to arrange a meeting with
municipalities along I-95 and State Thruway authorities on the
matters of safety of the Thruway.
Regular Reports
The Town Clerk presented the reports of the Building Inspector
and the Town Clerk's Office for the month of March 1984.
Supervisor Battalia reported on the following:
a) a fixed and firm time for holding special meetings prior to
the regular board meetings. After apologizing for any
inconvenience caused by the times the previous special
meetings have been held. Explaining why, Mrs. Battalia
announced that every attempt will be made to hold such
special meetings on the Wednesday prior to the regular
meeting at 7:00 P.M. in the Supervisor's Office.
b) the informational meeting on Westchester County's transfer
station proposal to be held on Wednesday, April 11th at
8:00 P.M. at the Central School and invited local residents
to remain after the meeting to hear County officials answer
questions about technical aspects of the proposed agreement,
who had agreed to do so at her request.
c) various traffic and overnight parking problems encountered
by apartment dwellers which made it apparent that it is
desirable to re-establish a Tenants Council in the Town
and stated further that the Supervisor will be seeking
resumes for service on that Council.
d) the heavy rain storm last week and announced that if
residents received any damage from said storm, they should
contact the Westchester County Department of Disaster and
Emergency Services.
e) Saturday, April 7th Cleanup and Beautification Day and
urged all to participate. At this time Councilwoman
Silverstone referred to the unsightly condition of certain
properties in the Town, namely Guadagnolo and the adjourning
Town property, M & M Market on Boston Post Road and Daitch
Shopwell on Madison Avenue.
f) that she had been invited to welcome those attending the
County-wide annual meeting of Business and Professional
Women at 12:00 noon on April 7th, which is to be hosted by
the Mamaroneck Chapter.
g) her appearance on Radio Station WVOX and at a meeting of the
Rotary Club, at which times she spoke of, among other things,
the thirty-nine (39) new appointments made since the
beginning of the new year, only eleven (11) of whom had
previously served in Town government, thus involving a
broader segment of the community in Town affairs.
h) that the Recreation Superintendent, William Zimmermann, will
report on programming at the April 18th Town Board meeting.
i) her attendance, along with Councilwoman Silverstone and
Councilman Bloom, at a very special evening, marking the
60th Anniversary celebration of the V.F.W.
j) her attendance with Councilwoman Silverstone at the Annual
Interfaith Day.
k) that the Supervisor, Councilman Lerman and Administrator
Altieri had met last week with the President of the Larchmont
Hills Association and that she had also met with the
immediate adjacent neighbors. Councilman Lerman and the
Town Administrator had met earlier this evening with a
number of local residents on the issue of the transfer station
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Councilman Bloom reported on the following:
1) his attendance at the most recent Cable T.V. Board of
Control meeting at which time a section of the franchise
agreement was discussed with respect to the emergency
override transmission. He stated that it was agreed that
two persons from each of the three municipalities would
be designated to be trained to be responsible for
transmitting any required emergency information.
Following some discussion as to whom should be so
designated, the matter was tabled to the next meeting.
Councilman Amlicke reported on the following:
1) his attendance on the previous night at the Tri-Municipal
Bicycle Safety Commission meeting and reviewed the reason
for the Commission's creation. He submitted to the Clerk
for filing and distribution, a listing of the Commission's
membership and noted that since there is very little
written documentation on the formation of the group, he
proposed that this Board consider a resolution creating
such a Commission, consider that Commission's request for
$200, consider the request for a ramp or curb cut on the
island located at Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue, consider
enacting an appropriate proclamation relative to an
Awareness Day. The Town Administrator was asked to follow
up with the Highway Superintendent the cost for ramping or
curb cutting the island and report back to the Board.
2) the possibility that the Town may not be able to continue
composting leaves at the Taylors Lane site and suggested
that a meeting be set up with Mamaroneck Village officials
relative to securing an alternate site.
Councilwoman Silverstone reported on the following:
1) the fact that the State Department of Transportation will
be conducting readings on noise levels along 1-95.
2) the fact that there is no American Flag at the Town Board
meetings and asked that one be present in the future.
3) the final meeting of the Town Center Study Committee to be
held on April 10th for the last presentation on the
renovations to the Town Center. She urged all to come
since this Board would like to have as much community input
as possible.
Councilman Lerman reported on the following:
1) his attendance at the March 28th meeting of the Town Zoning
Board at which time a .variance was granted to L.M.R.
Associated for modification of the original plan for an
office building at Harrison Drive and enumerated other
aspects of the application.
2) that the Coastal Zone Management Committee will present
a brief overview of its past and future activities at
the Town Board meeting of April 18th. He noted
further that that Committee's next meeting will be
held on April 26th at the Weaver Street Firehouse and
any interested resident is invited to attend because
the Committee is anxious to hear from the citizenry.
NOT ON AGENDA - Leonard Martin re Melron's (Cook's) Appeal
& Con Edison Franchise Trial
Counsel to the Town, Steven Silverberg, answered Mr. Martin's
specific questions about the two above captioned matters.
There being no further business to come before this Board, on
motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
Town Clerk