HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965_06_07 Planning Board MinutesOr MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK © PLANNING BOARD HELD JUNE 7, 1965, IN THE ASSESSOR'S OFFICE OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, 158 WEST POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N.Y. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Fred L. Maggini, Chairman Lee Bloom D. B. Follansbee G. Norman Blair Absent: Joseph Rigano Also present: James J. Johnston, Town Attorney APPROVAL OF MINUTES The secretary stated that the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 1965 are incomplete and will be presented for approval at the next C meeting of the Planning Board. PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Subdivision - Rocky Lane (Leather Stocking Lane) The Chairman declared the hearing open and the secretary presented for the record the affidavit of publication of the Notice of Hearing, which was herewith received and filed. The Chairman inquired whether anyone present wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to this application, whereupon Mr. Claude Latimer, Engineer, noted that a fire hydrant had been g � y added to the drawings in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Chief and the Town Engineer. Mr. Maggini read a communication, dated June 1, 1965 from Mr. Fred F. Kellogg suggesting that a name other than Rocky Lane be submitted to avoid confusion with streets of similar names, which was filed for the record. At this time, Mr. Simon suggested several names and noted since most of the homes will be Colonial, he pre- ferred Leather Stocking Lane. A vote was taken and the Board unanimously agreed that Rocky Lane be and hereby 440, is changed to "Leather Stocking Lane", and Mr. Latimer agreed to have the street name changed on the subdivision maps and construction drawings. 446 1 C Following some further discussion, on motion duly made by Mr. Bloom and seconded by Mr. Follansbee, the follow- ing resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, Ridgeway Knolls, Homes, Inc. , owners of premises shown on a map known as "A Subdivision Map of Leather Stocking Lane (formerly Rocky Lane) A Part of Section 2 - Glen Rock Estates", whieh is known as Block 320 on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck has filed with this Board an application for the approval of this plat and the accompanying construction drawings for the con- struction of roads, drains, sewers, water lines and all necessary improvements; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held pursuant to the provisions of Section 276 of the Town Law after publication of notice thereof in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times on May 26, 1965; and WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and de- termined that the same are all satisfactory sub- ject to the conditions hereinafter recited: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT (:: RESOLVED, that the application of Ridgeway Knolls, Homes, Inc. be and it hereby is granted, and the map known as "A Subdivision Map of Leather Stock- ing Lane (formerly Rocky Lane) , A Part of Section 2 - Glen Rock Estates", made by Claude Latimer, P.E. , L.S. , N.Y.S. License #5804 and Sal Spinelli, L.S. , N.Y.S. License #23043, dated April 9, 1965, together with the construction drawings for all roads, drains, sewers, water lines and all neces- sary improvements, be and they hereby are approved subject to the following conditions: 1) That the applicant shall install all street improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications filed with this application, and in accordance with the stand- ards and specifications and procedure accept- able to the appropriate Town Departments, all of which is more particularly set forth in Section 277 of the Town Law. 2) That no building permit shall be issued un- less or until the applicant has furnished a bond in the amount of $64,000.00 for the completion of (:: such improvements, such bond to run for a term of three years and to be issued by a bonding or surety company 447 _` __ -. .. _ - - -/- . - --.... �.._._.-. 11 approved by the Town Board as to form, sufficiency 41:1) and manner of execution. 3) That formal offers or deeds of cession to the public of all streets, highways or public places not marked with such notation on the plat be filed with the Planning Board in form satisfactory to the Town Attorney to be held until such streets are formally accepted by the Town Board, provided that such delivery of such offers or deeds shall not constitute an acceptance by the Town of the dedica- tion of any such street or highway nor waive the payment of necessary title charges and recording fees; but that such acceptance shall be based sole- ly upon the adoption of a resolution by the Town Board. 4) That the applicant obtain approval of the exten- sion of the water mains shown on said construction drawings from the Westchester Joint Water Works and the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, and de- posit with the Westchester Joint Water Works an amount sufficient to cover the cost of the install- ation and/or inspection of said lines and appurten- ances as estimated and required by the Manager of the said Water Works. 5) That easteastlittits for the installation, mainten- ance and service of water lines, sewers, drains and roadway items, and for the construction and maintenance of "off-street" sewers and drains, and such other easements as the Town Attorney may require, shall be delivered to the said Attorney in form satisfactory to him for recording prior to the installation of such above set forth items. and be it further RESOLVED, that upon compliance with the above set forth conditions, the Chairman of the Planning Board be and he hereby is authorized to sign the subdivision plat as evidence of the approval of same by this Board. COMMUNICATIONS 1. - Letters from P. M. Hughes, Jr. A communication from P. M. Hughes, Jr. dated May 18, 1965, in reference to Revised Subdivision Map of Murdock Woods - Section 5 requesting an extension of 90 days from the date of the resolution adopted at the Public Hearing held by the Planning Board on February 1, 1965, was read by the Chairman and filed for the record. L, 44 j 1 CA second communication from Mr. Hughes, also dated May 18, 1965 was read by the Chairman and filed for the record. This letter requested a reduction in perform- ance bond from $200,00ito $75,000 and the extension of said bond for a two year period from 6/19/65. The Board decided it should study this matter before tak- ing any action and further that they should discuss any reduction in detail with the Engineer and the Town Attorney. 2. - Letter from Dudley B. Follansbee A communication from Mr. Follansbee dated June 7, 1965 was read by the Chairman and filed for the record. This letter advised the Board of his resignation due to the fact that he will be moving from the unincorpor- ated area of the Town of Mamaroneck to the Village of Mamaroneck. The secretary was directed to send a memo to Mr. Burchell suggesting the name of Winfield James of Eton Road, Larch- mont for consideration as a possible replacement on the Board. 3. - Letter from George P. Forbes, Jr. 4610 Re: Knappland Application for Special Permit A communication from Mr. Forbes, dated May 27, 1965 was read by the Chairman and filed for the record. The secretary was directed to submit the following re- port to the Town Board re: Application for Special Per- mit - Knappland, Inc. : In accordance with direction of the Planning Board at its meeting of June 7, 1965, please be advised that in response to the Town Board's request, The • anning Board hereby sub- mits the following report re: , ap• ..':-tion for Special Per- mit - Knappland Inc. : -'- 1. The Planning Board recommends to the Town Board that the application of Knappland Inc. , 5 Washington Square, for a special permit to permit the use of the garage at that location for the undercoating of cars on a contract basis have a single local distributor of automobiles pro- vided that the number of automobiles so treated shall not exceed 55 per month. 2. That the material used shall be non-inflamable, free from fumes, and meet all local and state requirements. 0410 447 I 3. That this special permit shall be limited to a 41111) period during which Knappland, Inc. holds the lease on this property, add during which the principals in Knappland, Inc. remain the same as they are pre- sently. 4. That the air compressor should be located in the small room on the lower floor. 5. That said special permit be terminable by the Town Board at any time on 60 days written notice. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 41:) Le Esta E. Davis, Secretary 4150 450 I