HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984_02_15 Town Board Regular Minutes 1)38
The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor
Battalia at 7:50 P.M. in the auditorium.
Present were the following, representing all members of the Board:
Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia
Councilman Lee H. Bloom
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lawrence A. Lerman
Town Administrator Stephen V. Altieri, Counsel to the Town Steven M.
Silverberg, and Assessor George Derderian were also present.
On motion by Councilman Bloom and seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board immediately recess into
Executive Session in the Council Room to discuss
pending certiorari litigation.
The Board reviewed with the Town Assessor the pending certioraris in
accordance with the memoranda previously submitted.
The Town Counsel brought the Board up-to-date on the litigation involv-
ing Lt. Ralph Perritano.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
the Executive Session was unanimously adjourned.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of exits
in the auditorium as required by law for public gatherings.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 8:20 P.M.
in the auditorium.
Present were the following, representing all members of the Commission:
Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia
Commissioner Lee H. Bloom
Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke
Commissioner Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman
Also present were:
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Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Counsel to the Town
Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller
George Derderian, Assessor
Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer
Douglas Fletcher, Fire Chief
Gordon Albert, First Deputy Chief
P. Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent
William Paonessa, Building Inspector
1. Claims
Commissioner Bloom presented fire claims for authorization of payment,
and on his motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Silverstone,: it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims
as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's office:
AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $ 1,139.25
Gordon Albert 2.75
Alert-All Company 31.50
Con Edison 53.19
Con Edison 3.00
Con Edison 2.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 82.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 66.00
Economy Uniforms 147.90
Home Fair 70.93
I & T Plumbing & Heating Co. , Inc. 125.00
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 758.38
Lee Myles Transmissions 425.00
Matco Tools 811.04
MG Auto Body Inc. 1,777.02
New Rochelle Water Co. 118.61
Portronix Communications 305.50
Portronix Communications 306.80
Spiro-Wallach Co. , Inc. 406.49
The State Insurance Fund 130.77
Tri-State Tire Inc. 71.98
Uniform Rental, Inc. 25.96
Willkie Farr & Gallagher 125.00
Chief Fletcher advised the .Board that the Chief's car was hit by some-
one who went through a stop sign and that he expected that person's in-
surance to cover the cost of the damage.
2. Commendation Letter re Train Derailment
Commissioner Battalia presented Tony Faillace's letter in which he com-
mended the Fire Department on their fast and efficient action relative
to the train derailment which occurred on Saturday, January 28th. She
commended the Police as well as the Fire Department for their outstand-
ing performance on that date.
3. Presentation of Badges
Chief Fletcher presented the official Fire Commission badges to Commission-
ers Battalia and Lerman.
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4. 1983 Report - Fire Apparatus Repairs
Commissioner Amlicke thanked the Chief for preparing the report on the
1983 repairs to fire vehicles and asked that this be a yearly report.
Chief Fletcher advised that the volunteer firemen had purchased a com-
puter, and most of the type of information in that report will be put
on the computer.
5. Clarification - Fire Claim re Certiorari
Both the Comptroller and Commissioner Amlicke advised Mr. Gasparini, in
relation to his previous query, that the certiorari charge in the fire
claims presented on February 1st was relative to Larchmont Acres.
There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion
by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner Amlicke, it was unani-
mously declared that this meeting be adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
At this time, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously re-
solved that the regular meeting be reconvened.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of June 23, 1982, were presented,
and on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, were
approved by a non-majority of those in attendance at that meeting since
Councilwoman Silverstone abstained from the vote, citing that she could
not remember back that far.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of December 17, 1983, were presented
and tabled until the next meeting to give Councilman Amlicke the oppor-
tunity to review said minutes.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 19, 1983, were presented
and tabled until the next meeting to give Councilman Amlicke the oppor-
tunity to review said minutes.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of January 17, 1984, were presented,
and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Ler-
man, were unanimously approved as corrected by those Board members in
attendance at that meeting.
The minutes of the Special Meeting of January 26, 1984, were presented,
and on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
were unanimously approved as submitted by those Board members in atten-
dance at that meeting.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 1, 1984, were presented,
and on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
were unanimously approved as corrected by those Board members in at-
tendance at that meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING: Local Law No. 1-1984 - Fire Limits
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
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RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication
and Posting of the Notice of Hearing.
Supervisor Battalia asked William Paonessa, Building Inspector, to ex-
plain the purpose of adopting this local law. He explained that the law
provided for restrictions on certain types of construction and gave spe-
cifics. Counsel to the Town Steven Silverberg recommended the adoption
of the local law as .soon as possible in the light of anticipated new con-
struction. Leonard Martin asked if the new State Code supersedes all
others, and Mr. Silverberg answered yes and clarified by outlining the
new procedures to be followed. He further explained that the new State
Code was adopted in order to have a uniform law throughout the State
and was also adopted as the result of the fire at Stouffer's and other
prior serious situations.
Councilman Bloom added that in the opinion of the Fire Council there
are provisions in the Town Code that are better than the provisions in
the new New York State Code, therefore, consideration should be given to
obtaining permission to retain said provisions.
Thereupon, since there was no further discussion on the matter, on motion
by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unani-
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be and it
hereby is declared closed.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilwoman Sil-
verstone, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this date, at
the time and place specified in the Notice of Pub-
lic Hearing, to consider the adoption of Local Law
No. 1-1984 and has heard all persons desiring to be
heard thereon;
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby adopt Local
Law No. 1-1984 entitled "Fire Limits", and orders
that said Local Law as so adopted and herewith in-
serted be made a part of the minutes of this meeting:
Section 1.
This local law shall be known and cited as Town of
Mamaroneck Local Law No. 1 of 1984, "Fire Limits".
Section 2.
Legislative Intent
It is the intention of the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck by this local law to institute Fire Limits
within the Town providing for limitations on construc-
tion materials to be used within certain districts as
provided for in the New York State Uniform Fire Pre-
vention and Building Code.
Section 3.
Designation of Fire Limits
All construction within the Unincorporated Town of Mama-
roneck in areas designated as Zoning Districts "B"
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(Business) and "L I" (Light Industrial) shall be in
accordance with Fire Limits "A" as defined in the
New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building
Code, and no construction can take place in Zoning
Districts "B" (Business" and "L I" (Light Industrial)
unless and until a building permit has been issued by
the Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck and
he has found that the proposed construction will be
in full compliance with the Fire Limits "A", as pro-
vided by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention
and Building Code.
Section 4.
Effective Date
This local law shall take effect immediately
1. Appointments
a) Zoning Board of Appeals
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that Rene Simon of 85 Taylor Place, Town,
be and he hereby is reappointed as a member of the
Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals, to serve
a five (5) year term of office, terminating on Febru-
ary 19, 1989.
b) Traffic Committee
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Leslie Schlom of 8 Fern Road, Town,
is hereby appointed a member of the Town of Mama-
roneck Traffic Committee to serve at the pleasure
of the Board.
c) Board of Examining Plumbers
Pursuant to the Plumbing Code, Chapter 60, Article II, Section 5, Super-
visor Battalia at this time appointed the following individuals to the
Examining Board of Plumbers:
Town Engineer, Charles Elfreich
Town Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Dr. William Conway of Chatsworth Gardens Apartments, Town,
for a term of office of three years, commencing
January 1, 1984, and expiring December 31, 1986
Francis D. Lanza of 1612 North James Street, Village of
Mamaroneck, for a term of office of one (1) year,
commencing January 1, 1984, and expiring December 31,
Paul Rigano, Jr. , of 10 Blossom Terrace, Town, for a term
of office of two (2) years, commencing January 1,
1984, and expiring December 31, 1985
d) Coastal Zone Management Committee
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On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Gary E. Hirschberg of 3 Country Lane,
Town, and Mrs. Shirley Tolley of 8 Dimitre Place,
Town, be and they hereby are appointed members of
the Town of Mamaroneck Coastal Zone Management Com-
mittee to serve at the pleasure of the Town Board.
e. Narcotics Guidance Council Board of Directors
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
appointment of Mrs. Margo Freedman of -380 Orienta
Avenue, Mamaroneck Village; Douglas Kreeger of
10 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont Village; and John
Segal of 19 Huguenot Drive, Town, as members of
the Board of Directors of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
Narcotics Guidance Council;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the above is subject to a similar
resolution being adopted by the Villages of Larch-
mont and Mamaroneck.
2. Proposed Certiorari Settlements
a) Addison Realty Company vs. Town of Mamaroneck
Pursuant to the discussion held in the Executive Session, on motion by
Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that, in accordance with the terms
recommended by the Assessor, this Board hereby
authorizes the settlement of certiorari proceed-
ing - Addison Realty Co. vs. Town of Mamaroneck -
for assessment years 1981 through 1983.
b) Wagner (Park Plaza) vs. Town of Mamaroneck
On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the terms recom-
mended by the Assessor, this Board hereby authori-
zes the settlement of certiorari proceeding - Wagner
(Park Plaza) vs. Town of Mamaroneck - for assessment
years 1981 through 1983.
c) Wagner (Hillman Realty Company) vs. Town 'of Mamaroneck
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the terms recom-
mended by the Assessor, this Board hereby authorizes
the settlement of certiorari proceeding - Wagner (Hill-
mar Realty Co.) vs. Town of Mamaroneck - for assess-
ment years 1981 through 1983.
3. Authorization - Con Edison Special Franchise
The Administrator reviewed the special franchise litigation brought
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against the Town and other Westchester communities in 1981 by Con Edison
and noted that the issue is for the years 1974 through 1982, with Con
Edison claiming over four million dollars because of over valuation and
wrong equalization rates. Some discussion followed, during which Mr.
Derderian, Mr. Silverberg, Councilman Bloom, and Supervisor Battalia
clarified various aspects of this litigation. When Councilman Amlicke
expressed concern about the size of the claim and stated that perhaps
additional special counsel should be engaged, both Councilman Bloom
and Counsel Silverberg advised that Mr. Smith is highly regarded in his
profession and they were comfortable with Mr. Smith's capability to
continue singly with the case.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Council-
man Lerman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the firm of McCarthy, Fingar, Donovan,
Drazen and Smith is hereby authorized to continue as
Special Counsel to the Town of Mamaroneck for the
Con Edison Certiorari,with the Town paying one-fifth
of the fees in connection therewith, and with total
charges for the services of Henry J. Smith, Esquire,
of that firm, to be at a rate of $150.00 per hour.
4. Authorization - Labor Counsel
Mr. Altieri reviewed his memorandum addressed to the Supervisor and Town
Board in which he described the necessity for and specifics related to
retaining Counsel for labor relations. Thereafter, following a brief
discussion, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby retains the
firm of Rains and Pogrebin as special counsel to
the Town for labor relations;
and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby
authorized to enter into a retainer agreement
with the firm of Rains and Pogrebin for a fee
not to exceed $7,500.00 per year, and an hourly
fee of $125.00 per hour for a Partner and $95.00
per hour for an Associate for labor relation mat-
ters not covered by the retainer agreement.
In answer to his question, Mr. Garparini was advised that the lawsuit
regarding standby time pay has been settled, and the person who insti-
tuted the litigation had lost the suit.
5. Report of Bids - Police Uniforms
Councilman Lerman advised that the Police Department has requested that
the second low bid be accepted due to the fact that the Department has
in the past had bad experiences with the lowest bidder. Thereafter, on
motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the bid
of the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifi-
cations for Police Uniforms, namely New England
Uniform, Inc. , in the amount of $284.15.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized
to enter into a contract with New England Uniform,
Inc. , for said Police Uniforms.
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6. Report of Bids - Fifth Avenue Sewer
Councilman Lerman, who had been asked by the Supervisor to review the
bids, presented the bids, and Mr. Elfreich reviewed the corporation's
Thereafter, on Councilman Lerman's motion, which was seconded by Coun-
cilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts the
bid of the lowest responsible bidder meeting
specifications for the Fifth Avenue Sewer
Project, namely Paterno Contracting Corp. in
the amount of $319,250.00;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized
to enter into a contract with Paterno Contracting
Corp. for said Fifth Avenue Sewer Project.
7. Authorization - Comptroller's Request to Invest Funds
Some discussion followed the presentation of the Comptroller's request
with Mr. Fisher inquiring as to what money is to be invested, and Coun-
cilman Amlicke requested assurances that the money would be completely
insured. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the
Comptroller and the Deputy Comptroller to place
funds in short-term investments, known as "re-
purchase agreements", with the Barclay's Bank
in Mamaroneck, said funds to be invested to be
in the range of $1,000,000 to $2,000,000, subject
to confirmation that the investment is insured.
8. Request re Change - Clean-Up Month
Following presentation of the request and the discussion that followed,
during which it was noted that Highway personnel could be busy during
April with the joint project relative to the maintenance of the playing
fields; that the refuse collected can be disposed of free at the County's
Charles Point facility during March, and Councilman Amlicke expressed
opposition to the idea for various reasons, on motion by Councilwoman
Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the following resolution was
adopted by majority vote of the Board, with Councilman Amlicke voting
in the negative:
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has
advised that April and May are two of that Depart-
ment's busiest months, and that during March solid
waste can be disposed of at Charles Point at no
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has
recommended that Clean-Up Month be shifted from
the period April 15th through May 15th to the
period March 1st through March 31st;
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the
designation of the month of March 1984 as Clean-
Up Month in the Town of Mamaroneck.
Councilman Amlicke emphasized that it will be difficult to make this
change work since most residents do not do their spring clean-up that
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early, and it is hard to get people to change' their habits. This pre-
cipitated a discussion on various ways to publicize the change to make
it work.
9. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously
III RESOLVED, that Joseph Paterno, Substitute
Recreation Attendant at the Hommocks Ice
Rink, be compensated at the rate of $3.00
per hour effective February 18, 1984;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that James Codispoti, Pool Director
at the Hommocks Pool, be reinstated to the
payroll and be compensated at the rate of
$6,500.00 per annum effective February 9, 1984.
10. Authorization - Municipal Computer Service
Town Administrator Stephen Altieri outlined the computer billing service
for the burglar and fire false alarms. He explained that the billing and
other related functions have been the responsibility of the Town Clerk's
office, but the number of users and number of false alarms to be billed
have increased consistently. Dr. Mason questioned the confidentiality
of such a system, to which Mrs. Miller answered that it is completely
confidential since the verification numbers assigned are not to be pro-
vided to the Computer Service. It was noted that the number of false
alarms could be reduced if the residents were better educated in the
use of their various systems, and to that, Supervisor Battalia replied
that such an education system can be worked out by Sgt. Munch.
III Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes
the Town Administrator to enter into an agree-
ment with Municipal Computer Service of Larch-
mont, New York, to provide billing and other
related services for burglar and fire false alarm
11. Authorization - Use of Voting Machines - Larchmont and Mamaroneck
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby grants the re-
quests of Larchmont Village for the use of eight
(8) voting machines and Mamaroneck Village for
the use of seventeen (17) voting machines to be
used in the Annual Village Elections of March 20, 1984.
12. Authorization - Deputy Supervisor - W.J.W.W. Board of Trustees
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, as a member of
the Board of Trustees of the Westchester Joint
Water Works, be and she hereby is authorized
to appoint Deputy Supervisor Caroline Silver-
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stone to act in her place and stead at the
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the W.J.W.W. to be held at 1625 Mamaroneck
Avenue in Mamaroneck Village on February 28,
1984, with full power to vote, pursuant to
Section 6124 of the Unconsolidated Laws of
the State of New York.
There were no written communications to come before this Board.
1. Overnight Parking Problems
Lauren Tait of 17 North Chatsworth Avenue addressed the Board relative
to the limited overnight parking in the area of the apartments, causing
problems for the apartment dwellers, and asked the Board for a solution
to their problem, especially in light of the recent notice that the
overnight parking regulations would soon be strictly enforced.
Supervisor Battalia explained that the town-wide ban on overnight park-
ing was adopted about fourteen (14) years ago and about the change in
car usage since that time. She further noted this matter cannot be
handled on an individual basis, adding also that other residents had re-
cently urged that the ban be enforced. She stated that the Traffic Com-
mittee, which she hopes will be expanded to five (5) members, will at-
tempt to deal with that problem and added that a meeting of that Committee
will be held on Monday, March 5th.
Hubert Alton and Vivian von Bernuth, both of 17 North Chatsworth Avenue,
addressed the Board on the parking matter, also.
2. Patricia Latona - Joint Planning Committee
Mrs. Latona inquired of the status of the Joint Planning Committee, and
Councilman Amlicke advised that the group is holding tri-monthly effec-
tive meetings and reminded the Board that someone must be appointed to
fill the vacancy caused by Norman Blair's death.
3. Leonard Martin re Update - Hommocks Field
Leonard Martin re Update - Cook's Litigation
Town Counsel Steven Silverberg answered Mr. Martin's query, noting
that his firm had made a motion to dismiss Aqua Dredge's claim against
the Town and was awaiting a decision on that matter.
Councilman Bloom answered Mr. Martin's query and stated that there were
two parts to Melron's litigation - one involving the extension to the
present building and the other regarding the video machines - the lat-
ter of which is presently being reviewed for appeal purposes.
Mr. Martin indicated that he was interested in the hazardous situation
created when making a left turn out of Cook's parking lot since cars
park right up to the curb, obstructing vision for oncoming cars. Mr.
Bloom advised that the Cook's owners have shown no interest in pursuing
that matter until the litigation is resolved relative to the video machines.
Councilwoman Silverstone asked that periodic reports be made relative to
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Regular Reports
The Town Clerk presented the report of the Town Clerk's Office for the
month of January, 1984.
1. 1982 State Comptroller's Audit
Mrs. Battalia spoke of her directive to the Administrator relative to all
State audits and those completed by the private auditors to allow her the
opportunity to see that all is being complied with. She noted further
that she has asked Mr. Fischgrund, a member of her transition team, to
work with Mr. Altieri on the audit documents.
At this time Supervisor Battalia presented the response to each item noted
in the 1982 New York State Audit:
Office of Town Administrator
The State Comptroller's Office feels a local law is required to estab-
lish this position and cites Section 58 of the Town Law as basis for
their opinion. It is our contention that the Town Board in 1981 did
not seek to establish the position of Town Manager under Section 58
of the Town Law, rather the post of Town Administrator which embod-
ies significant differences in responsibilities.
Therefore, Counsel to the Town has submitted additional documenta-
tion to the State Comptroller's Office describing the duties and
responsibilities of the Administrator and asked that another opinion
be rendered. The Town is awaiting a response from the State Comp-
Office of the Receiver of Taxes
Counsel is currently investigating the method used by the Town to
change this position from elective to appointed and determine if
it was appropriate.
Tax Liens Held by Town
In September of 1982, prior to the State Comptroller's Audit, the
Town Board retained counsel to implement In Rem proceedings for tax
liens prior to 1978.
Due to a Federal decision handed down in the summer of 1983 (Menon-
ite Case) , our In Rem attorney was required to conduct mortgagee
searches and serve notice on all involved property owners to estab-
lish good title. This process is now complete, and the attorney
will be sending final notices during the week of February 20, 1984.
Foreclosure proceedings will begin 120 days after the mailing of
these notices should the taxes not be paid.
Taxation of Exempt Property Upon Transfer of Title
According to the State Comptroller,purchasers of formerly tax exempt
property who obtained title during the year should be billed in the
following year for additional taxes resulting from the lifting of the
exemption. The Town's present practice is to bill the owner upon the
transfer of the property for the pro rata taxes in the year of the
transfer. By conducting business in this manner, the taxes are col-
lected in the year they are owed, and in the following year, the
tax levy will reflect the revised assessment.
If we adopt the State's recommendation, there is the potential for
as much as a one-year lapse in the collection of taxes. Addition-
ally, if there is a second transfer of the property, there is a
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question as to which owner is liable for the taxes. To resolve
this problem, the Town would have to attach a lien to the pro-
perty. Our procedure relieves this administrative burden and
allows the Town to realize its tax revenues in the year they are
Payment of County Taxes
Presently, Town tax bills do not itemize Town, County, and Judicial
taxes. The Town, upon receipt of the County tax levy, remits 60%
on May 25th and the balance on October 15th. In order for the Town
to comply with the State Comptroller's recommendation, one of two
alternatives would be utilized.
1. At the end of each month, a review of each tax bill would
be conducted, and the amount of County tax received calcu-
lated for payment to the County.
2. A separate tax billing for County taxes would be implemented,
which would require an additional tax assessment roll.
Both alternatives would require additional operating expenses and per-
sonnel. The County of Westchester has not criticized our method of
payment, and one reason may be that they are aware that Towns must
absorb the cost of collecting their taxes and purchasing their tax
Therefore, it is our intention to continue our present practice, but
as a service to the residents, we are going to investigate the pos-
sibility of itemizing the Town's tax bills to present a clear pic-
ture of the taxes paid each year.
Accounting of Tax Liens
Simply stated, the State Comptroller is recommending that the esti-
mated amount of tax liens be added to the tax levy of the next fis-
cal year. The State Comptroller feels that tax liens should be
accounted for as increases and decreases in an asset account, not
as expenditures and revenues.
Our financial status allows us to not include tax liens as part of
the tax levy, thereby saving one to two points from the tax rate.
The amount of tax liens is always an estimate, and it, therefore,
seems unnecessary to include them in the tax levy. However, the
private auditors are going to be consulted further on this matter.
Fines and Forfeited Bails
In the past, we have been cited for not crediting the full amount of
fines and forfeited bails to the General Fund, General Town. It has
been the Town's contention that since the two Villages receive the
same revenue from their individual court operations, a portion of
the Town's revenues should be credited to the Unincorporated Area.
The Town will comply with the State Comptroller's recommendation on
this matter, but because the 1984 Budget was prepared on the basis
of crediting these revenues to both the General Town and Part Town,
the State Comptroller's recommendation will be implemented for pre-
paration of the 1985 Budget.
Safeguarding Public Records
The State has noted that minutes of the Town Board meetings were not
being inserted into bound volumes on a timely basis. In response,
the Town Clerk's Office, through a reorganization of tasks, has de-
veloped a system whereby approved minutes will be typed in final
form for inclusion in bound volumes and indexed for future reference.
This task will be a primary responsibility of a member of the Town
Clerk's staff to assure its implementation.
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Deposits - Town Clerk
According to the State Comptroller, the Town Clerk's Office was
not depositing monies in excess of $50.00 pursuant to Town Law.
Procedures in the Town Clerk's Office have been revised to provide
for the preparation of deposits on a daily basis or no less than
every two days.
Parking Meter Collection
Presently, the parking meter collector is responsible for all phases
of collection, including emptying the meters, counting the money,
and preparing the deposit. The State feels that this practice pro-
vides no internal control by the Town. Additionally, they have
recommended the purchase of meters with locked internal coin boxes.
Effective immediately, the collection process will be revised as
follows: The parking meter collector will collect monies from the
meters and turn them over to the Comptroller's Office to be counted
and deposited. To improve internal control, we are also investigat-
ing the cost of meters with locked coin boxes, with the intent of
purchasing them when it becomes necessary to replace our current
stock of meters.
Accountability for Gasoline
On January 1, 1984, prior to the receipt of this report, the High-
way Department and Police Department were instructed by the Admini-
strator that all tickets prepared after the disbursement of gaso-
line include vehicle mileage readings.
As a response to the Auditor's report, the Highway Department and
Police Department will conduct daily measurements of gasoline stor-
age tanks so as to prepare daily inventories of fuel.
Transmittal of Receipts - Recreation Department
It is the opinion of the State Comptroller that receipts of the
Recreation Department were not deposited on a timely basis. The
new Superintendent of Recreation has established a procedure whereby,
receipts are deposited daily. On January 1, 1984, a direct night
deposit system was instituted with a local bank to handle Ice Rink
Monthly Reports - Recreation Department
In the past, the Superintendent of Recreation did not provide a
monthly report of monies to the Comptroller's Office. Rather, the
Superintendent did submit monies for deposit to the Comptroller's
Office and also maintained his own ledgers for money received from
various activities. The new Superintendent of Recreation has been
instructed that a detailed monthly income report must be submitted
to the Recreation Commission and Comptroller.
Currently, Town employees and officials do not submit to the Comp-
troller verified statements for monies received during the month.
The practice is for the Comptroller to issue to the Town employees
a receipt for the monies submitted to his office. The Town Admini-
strator has instructed the Comptroller to draft a verified state-
ment form which will be implemented immediately and will comply
with the State Comptroller's recommendations.
Pool Receipts
The cash collection procedures at the pool will be revised as fol-
lows: During the winter months, key attendants will be required to
sign out cash banks which they must reconcile each day. In the sum-
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mer when attendance increases significantly, cash registers which
provide daily receipt tapes will be rented and installed at the
two locker room entrances.
Concession Receipts
At the time this audit was conducted, the Town operated the conces-
sion stands at the pool and ice rink. For the 1983/1984 ice rink
season, the Town has contracted the operation of the ice rink con-
cession to a local concessionaire. This arrangement has provided
revenue to the Town without the burden of operating a food stand.
The continuation of this program for the ice rink and pool will
alleviate the need for maintaining the records as recommended by
the State.
Purchase Orders
In January of 1983, the Town Administrator revamped the entire pur-
chasing system to increase accountability of department heads for
their purchases. Spending limits were set that prohibit purchases
above those limits without prior approval.
The concerns expressed in the State Auditor's report have been ad-
dressed through the revision of the purchasing system.
Claims and Abstracts
The State has recommended that an audited voucher of claims be pre-
pared for submission to the Town Supervisor to approve for payment.
As a result of the new purchasing system, all claims for payment
are audited by the Comptroller and approved by the Administrator.
The Supervisor and Town Administrator, prior to receipt of the audit,
discussed the following plan whereby members of the Town Board, on
a rotating basis, will review all purchase orders with the Admini-
strator twice a month. Additionally, a list of all purchase orders
will be prepared by department and provided to the Town Board.
Itemization of Claims
The State expressed concern that claims relating to services rendered
by individuals were not sufficiently detailed to permit a proper audit.
Specifically, they refer to monies spent for stenography services for
the Town Attorney and for field engineering services for the Town
Engineer. In both instances, the claim merely refers to the fact
that services were provided for the aforementioned departments, the
type of service, the hours of service, and the dates were not included.
The purchasing system has eliminated this problem by requiring on all
claims the date the service was performed, the time, number of hours,
and the type of service performed. The claim must be signed by that
person who provided the service and also the department head who re-
tained the individual.
Payment without Contracts
The State feels that written agreements are required when organiza-
tions receive Town funds. From this point forward, when necessary,
written agreements will be prepared with those organizations receiv-
ing Town funds.
We are also reviewing whether those organizations currently receiv-
ing funds require written agreements. If they are required, they
will be prepared by counsel.
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Councilman Bloom commented further on the first item relative to the
Office of the Town Administrator. He reviewed the circumstances from
the time of the report of the study committee and enumerated the steps
that were taken leading up to the subsequent hiring of Mr. Altieri, the
Town's first Administrator. He stated that the steps were done quite
deliberately; Section 58 was not followed since a department was not be-
ing created. The Town's intention was to differentiate from a Town Mana-
ger form of government to a Town Administrator form of government, with
III the responsibilities of the Administrator clearly defined, and empha-
sized that no powers of elected officials were to be turned over to that
At this time, Supervisor Battalia stated that it was her intention to
review all past audits with the Town Administrator to determine the need
for additional adjustments in procedures for the Town government. Addi-
tionally, she noted, that upon completion of the private audit, it is
also her intention to meet with the private auditors to discuss the
State's audit and ask their advice on other financial matters of the Town.
2. Bureau of Municipal Police Report
Supervisor Battalia advised that the report of the Bureau of Municipal
Police is quite a voluminous document and is presently being reviewed
and will be dealt with subsequently.
3. Thruway Noise
Supervisor Battalia reported that the State Transportation Department
has begun the decibel readings which should be completed within the
next few months.
4. Transfer Station
III The Supervisor stated that representatives from the County of Westchester,
Mr. Castaldo and Mr. Davies, met with Town officials in anticipation of
seeking to take over the transfer station and accept solid waste from
another community.
5. Rock Ridge Road Residents
Supervisor Battalia reported that she had met with the Rock Ridge Road
residents earlier this evening at the Town Center and noted that the fence
was installed by Town personnel on Town property during the last week.
6. Miscellaneous
Supervisor Battalia acknowledged the cooperation of Mamaroneck Village
for notifying the Town of meetings other than public hearings.
She advised that the review of the fire claims will be rotated among
the Board members.
She also stated that all Board members have been assigned specific
liaison responsibilities.
7. Appointments
III The Supervisor announced that appointments are imminent to the following:
Human Rights Commission, Committee on the Handicapped, Budget Finance
Committee, and Architectural Board of Review and urged those interested
to submit resumes.
8. Varying Times - Board Meetings
Supervisor Battalia stated that the criticism of the varying times that
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the Board has been meeting has been duly noted and that the early morn-
ings have been set to accommodate those who work out of town and that in
the future as many as possible will be scheduled at more reasonable times.
9. Proclamation - Brotherhood Week
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Lerman, the Super-
visor was authorized to proclaim the week of February 19, 1984, as Bro-
therhood Week in the Town of Mamaroneck.
Councilman Bloom
1. Cable T.V.
Mr.. Bloom reported that the appeal of the rate increase granted to U. A.
Columbia has been filed and that a strong position in opposition to the
increase was taken.
2. Resignalization - Myrtle/Murray/North Chatsworth
Councilman Bloom spoke of the Town's long-time quest to get the resig-
nalization at the above noted intersection corrected and noted that the
Administrator's most recent follow-up with the County of Westchester
did not get a satisfactory response. He stated that it is the Town's
intention to continue to urge the County to make this project a number
one priority.
Councilwoman Silverstone
1. Larchmont Village Planning Commission
Mrs. Silverstone reported on her attendance at the above noted Commission
meeting, at which time the approval of a two-story office building on the
site of the Old Pioneer Supermarket was given.
2. Town Planning Board
Councilwoman Silverstone reported that the Town Planning Board has set
the second Wednesday in March as the date for the final public hearing
on the Garfield Project before the matter is turned over to the Zoning
Board. She noted further that the L.M.R. proposed office building pro-
ject decision has been tabled until the next meeting and that the Traffic
Committee has been requested to take another look at the situation.
At this time, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Council-
man Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby will recess into
Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.
Since there was no further business to come before the Board during this
� portion of the meeting, on motion by Councilman Bloom which was seconded
by Supervisor Battalia, and after they spoke of the passing of two dis-
tinguished Town residents, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this meeting of February 15, 1984, is
hereby declared adjourned at 11:07 P.M. with respect
to and in honor of the memory of G. Norman Blair, who
provided the Town of Mamaroneck with his architectural
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expertise through his dedicated service on the
Planning Board for twenty-seven years, his ser-
vice on the Joint Planning Committee, and his
most recent service on the newly constituted
Construction Board;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this meeting of February 15, 1984,
is also declared adjourned with respect to and
in honor of the memory of Lionel P. Marks, who
provided the Town of Mamaroneck with his sense
of fairness through his service as a member of
the Commission of Human Rights and his dedica-
tion by serving as a member of the Board of the
Volunteer Ambulance Corps;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Resolution be entered upon
the minutes of this meeting as a public and per-
manent tribute to G. Norman Blair and Lionel P.
Present were the following, representing all members of the Board:
Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia
Councilman Lee H. Bloom
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lawrence A. Lerman
Town Administrator Stephen Altieri and Counsel to the Town Steven Silver-
berg were also present.
The Board continued to discuss with the Administrator and the Counsel
various aspects of the Perritano litigation.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously decided to adjourn the Executive Session
and reconvene the regular meeting of the Town Board.
At that time, on motion duly made and seconded, and since there was no
further business to come before the Board, the meeting was declared
Town Clerk
Town Administrator
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