HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964_02_03 Planning Board Minutes I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD, HELD FEBRUARY 3 , 1964, IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE TOWN OFFICES, 158 WEST POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. PRESENT: Fred L. Maggini, Chairman Joseph Rigano Lee Bloom G. Norman Blair ABSENT: D. B. Follansbee ALSO PRESENT: Frederick F. Kellogg, Jr. , Town Engineer James J. Johnston, Town Attorney Anthony G. Quadrine, Town Councilman MINUTES On motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the meeting held January 6, 1964 were approved as presented. COMMUNICATIONS: Murdock Woods - Section One The secretary read a memo, dated January 7, 1964, addressed to James J. Johnston, Town Attorney, from Frederick F. Kellogg, Jr. , Town Engineer, which pertained to the need to start suit against the bonding company, Royal Globe Insurance Companies which company bonded Peysam Developers, Inc. This memo was received and filed for the record. Mr. Johnston stated he had written the bonding company and that the bonding company had asked for a substantiation of the $3 ,500.00. Mr. Kellogg said that he was working on the estimate and would formally transmit a cost breakdown to Mr. Johnston in the near future. Murdock Woods - Section Five The secretary stated a "subdivision status inquiry" had been received from Continental Casualty Company on January 22, 1964, the bonding company covering Mansol Developers , Inc. , Stanart Development and Solomon M. Straus- berg and had been completed and returned to them on January 28, 1964. A copy of this answered inquiry was received and filed for the record. OLD BUSINESS Carriage House Lane Mr. Kellogg explained and presented a report on the Griffen Avenue sewer. He stated this report was prepared on the basis of the proposed new houses plus the existing houses on Griffen Avenue. Said report was recieved and filed for 398 the record. Mr. Kellogg also stated he had been directed by the Town Board to contact the County of Westchester regarding a possible County participa- tion on the general subjects of sewers and sewer districts where none now exist. Portions of his letter and the reply from the County were read to the Planning Board. These letters are on file in the Engineer's office. The subject of sewers in general was discussed and the Planning Board felt by unanimous expression, of all members present, that if at all feasible, a trunk sewer system should be provided to serve any areas now having septic tanks (such as Griffen Avenue) and that such a trunk sewer would be particu- larly appropriate because the Planning Board could then require that the proposed development by Mr. Shroder be connected to such a trunk sewer. CROSS COUNTY LAND Mr. Bloom discussed the booklet report entitled "A Survey and Nature Center Plan for the Cross County Lane, Town of Mamaroneck, New York" briefly and presented copies to the Planning Board members present. He asked that the members review the report and known their thoughts in the future. Mr. Bloom also stated that the Town Board and the Mamaroneck School Board presently had this under advisement as well. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meeting it was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. -)V/ Ajile7 '1 Genevieve F. Soriano, Secretary 399