HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965_04_05 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE C TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ApRIL 5, 1965, IN THE ASSESSOR'S OFFICE OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, 158 WEST POST ROAD, MA- MARONECK, N.Y. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Fred L. Maggini, Chairman Lee Bloom Joseph Rigano G. Norman Blair Absent: D. B. Follansbee Also Present: Frederick F. Kellogg, Jr. , Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of March _ 1, 1965 were presented, and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING - Reduction of Performance Bond "Subdivision Map of Carriage House Lane" The Chairman declared the hearing open and the secre- tary presented for the record the affidavit of publication of the Notice of Hearing. At the Chairman's request, the Engineer reviewed briefly the reasons for the request for reduction of bond as set forth and recommended in his memorandum herewith presented and filed as a part of the record of this hearing. The Chairman then inquired whether anyone present wished to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to this request, and since there were none, following the Chairman's explanation that any resolution granting reduction of bond was subject to approval by the Town Board, on a motion by Mr. Bloom and second- ed by Mr. Rigano, the following resolution was adopted by unani- mous vote to be forwarded to the Town Board for its approval: WHEREAS, on June 22, 1964, a public hearing was held on a subdivision known as Carriage House Lane; and WHEREAS, at that time a resolution was duly adopted by this Board setting a Performance Bond for the construc- tion of roads, drains, etc. in said subdivision in the amount of $195,000.00; and 433 WHEREAS, certain of this construction work has been com- pleted in a manner satisfactory to the Town Engineer as set forth in memorandum from him herewith filed recommend- ing the requested reduction; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 277 of the Town Law, a public hearing was duly held by this Board on April 5, 1965, to consider the request for reduction of the Performance Bond from $195,000.00 to $150,000.00, and all present were given the opportunity to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Board pursuant to Section 277 of the Town Law and subject to approval by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, hereby reduces the amount of said Performance Bond from $195,000.00 to $150,000.00 as recommended by the Town Engineer; and be it further RESOLVED, that certified copies of this resolution be sent to Mr. William Shroder, principal, Carriage House Lane, Inc. PROPOSED GARIT LANE SUBDIVISION A communication from Garit Estates, Inc. , dated March 23, 1965 requesting a Public Hearing on either April 19 or May 3, 1965 to approve a proposed subdivision on Garit Lane was received, read and filed for the record. Mr. I J. Kulick, 2488 Grand Concourse, Bronx, N.Y. , attorney for the purchaser, appeared and presented to the Board an amended bond from the Continental Casualty Company, dated April 5, 1965 with request for return of original Bond. Mr. Maggini questioned Mr. Kulick as to whether there were any changes in the plans since originally submitted. Mr. Kulick assured the Chairman that there had been no changes. Mr. Girolomo Bauco, President of Garit Estates, Inc. , 328 So. Columbus Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. presented the plans for the proposed subdivision homes. Mr. Maggini advised that the houses' izive to conform with the Town Zoning Ordinance so that no variances would be required and both Mr. Bauco and Mr. Kulick assured the Board that the proposed houses would be so designed. Following further discussion, on motion by Mr. Blair, seconded by Mr. Rigano, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: 441111, RESOLVED, that the Secretary be and she hereby is authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck The Daily Times, on or before April 26, 1965, the following Notice: 434 j PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Girolomo Bauco, agent for Garit Estates, Inc. , owners, has filed an application for consideration and approv- al of plans for the subdivision of land known as "Subdivision Map of Garit Lane" in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, which is in Block 402, Parcel 43. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board, pursuant to Section 276 and 277 of the Town Law and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations adopted by it and approved by the Town Board, will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, May 3, 1965 in the Assessor's Office of the Mamaroneck Town Office, 158 W. Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York at 8:15 p.m. , at which time it will consider the proposed plat or subdivision plan as shown on "Sub- division Map of Garit Lane in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York" made by Thomas John McEvoy, N.Y.S. License No. 39309 and dated October 16, 1964. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons present will be given an opportunity to be heard. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD FRED L, MAGGINI, CHAIRMAN PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ROCKY LANE A communication was submitted by Mr. Lou Simon, President of Ridgeway Knolls Homes, 19 Black Birch Lane, Scarsdale, N.Y. , including plans, requesting the Planning Board review the preliminary plans for a proposed subdivision to be located at Rocky Lane, east of Country Road in the Town of Mamaroneck. This communication was ordered received and filed for the record. Mr. Simon appeared and stated that the final plans would be ready by the May 3rd meeting of the Planning Board and it was therefore agreed that Mr. Simon proceed with the preparation of the final plans. PROPOSED BALDWIN HILLS SUBDIVISION Mr. Thomas Lentini, Attorney for Jason-McKenna, Inc. , appeared and stated that he was planning to proceed with the entire development of the property known as Baldwin Hills rather than file his subdivision plat in two sections as previously planned. He then presented the re- vised plans which incorporated all of the revisions discussed at prior meetings. The Board also directed since the sewers in the proposed subdivision would have to discharge into the nearest trunk sewer which was located in the Village of Mamaroneck and the storm drainage into lands of the New England Thruway that the Town Board be respectfully requested to ob- tain the necessary permission for the sewer connection from the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mamaroneck and request its advice with re- 435 spect to procedure in the matter of storm drainage; and further ,., since the subdivision was within 500' of that Village, that copies of the Notice of Hearing, together with the plans and construction drawings, be forwarded thereto. It was also noted by the Board that a possible traffic hazard might exist in the vicinity of lot #24, and Mr. Kellogg was asked to discuss with its owner the possibility of either constructing some type of wall or correcting the grading so as to minimize any possible future danger to those premises from a runaway automobile. Following some further discussion, on motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that the secretary be and she is hereby authorized to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on or be- fore April 26, 1965 the following Notice calling a Public Hearing: : PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Thomas Lentini, agent for Jason-McKenna, Inc. , owners, has filed an applica- tion for consideration and approval of plans for the subdivision of land known as "Subdivision Map of Bald- win Hills" which is in Block 207, Parcel 56 and Block 206, Parcel 38 in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board, pursuant to Sections 276 and 277 of the Town Law and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations adopted by it and approved by the Town Board, will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, May 3, 1965 in the Assessor's Office of the Mamaro- neck Town Office, 158 W. Post Road, Mamaroneck, N.Y. at 8:15 p.m. , at which time it will consider the proposed plat or subdivision plan as shown on a map entitled "Subdivision Map of Baldwin Hills" in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N.Y. made by Thomas John McEvoy N.Y.S. License No. 39309 and dated March 29, 1965. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons present will be given an opportunity to be heard. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD FRED L. MAGGINI, CHAIRMAN C 436 11 ® Communications In reference to a communication addressed by the Larchmont Chamber of Commerce to the Town Board, referred to this Board for study and report, it was the Board's feeling that the Town of Mamaroneck did not have business areas of such character as to warrant or necessitate the adoption of any legislation of this type at the present time. Reports The secretary reported that she had been advised by Mr. Bierman, Chairman of the Board, that a report is scheduled to be delivered at the Planning Board's May meeting, with re- gard to a list of provisions of the Zoning Ordinance which the Woning Board feels to be in need of particular study. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing, on motion duly made and seconded, it was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. C Le Esta E. Davis, Secretary 437