HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_03_10 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD HELD MARCH 10, 1971, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Fred L. Maggini, Chairman Mr. Joseph Rigano Mr. G. Norman Blair Mr. Howard W. Hand, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Cibulay Also present: Mr. William P. Widulski, Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1971 and February 10, 1971 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. APPLICATION OF POWER TEST PETROLEUM DISTRIBUTORS, INC. - BOSTON POST ROAD AND DEAN PLACE - BLOCK 505 PARCEL 415 Mr. Milton D. Jacobs, an Attorney, of the firm of Jacobs & Rubin of 10 Fiske Place, Mount Vernon, New York represented the applicants, Power Test Petroleum Distributors, Inc. , who are applying to the Town Board for a Special Permit for a new gas station. The Town Board referred the application to the Planning Board for their recommendations. Mr. Jacobs stated that Power Test was seeking to con- tinue the use of the property as a gasoline station only eliminating the garage and repair work which is part of the use of the present station. The ap- plicants intend to demolish the existing buildings and erect a new one story building 30' x 15' to be erected 10' from the southerly boundary line, said 10' to be permanently landscaped. Mr. Jacobs said the new building would consist of 450 square feet as compared to 1234 square feet of the existing structures. Mr. Jacobs stated that the applicants had gone before the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance, which had been granted, to erect the new gas station 10 feet from the rear property line instead of the 25 feet setback that is required from an adjoining resi- dential district. The applicants had agreed to all of the conditions that the Zoning Board had requested and those conditions were incorporated into the plan. 7? Mr. Jacobs said that the present buildings are old and unsightly and he presented photographs to the Board showing views of the property from the Boston Post Road. The Board raised questions concerning the lighting and the drainage and asked Mr. Widul- ski to check into both. Mr. Jacobs said the appli- cants would be willing to abide by whatever the Board requested. Mr. Hand questioned the Board's duties as to architectural features and it was pointed out that this was more the jurisdiction of the Architec- tural Board similarly specified in the review for a Special Permit and not that of the Planning Board. The Chairman had requested the Secretary to notify Mr. Spano, the owner of the adjoining property, which she did,but no one appeared at the meeting to repre- sent the neighbors. After further discussion the Board recommended ap- proval of the granting of a Special Permit by the Town Board provided that the applicants submit more details regarding lighting and that they provide suitable drainage. OLD BUSINESS - SUBDIVISION OF LOT ON FENIMORE ROAD - BLOCK 302 PARCELS 54 and 216 Mr. Kaneji.Domoto, Architect, representing Mr. Lynton and Mr. Stern the owners of the property on Fenimore Road presented th Board with a copy of the subdivi- sion plan for the two lots with one driveway for the two houses. The original subdivision plan showed two driveways but Mr. Domoto said the property owners felt that there are already three roads within 140 feet and that another road would be too much. Mr. Lynton and Mr. Stern, according to Mr. Domoto, are both agreeable to an easement for a common driveway. The Chairman pointed out that since 1956 the Town has not permitted a subdivision with two houses on one driveway. Mr. Rigano asked if the Chairman had spoken to the Fire Department as to whether the fire apparatus would have easy access to the properties in question. Mr. Maggini requested the Fire Chief to come into the meeting. Mr. Santora, the first Deputy Chief appeared and stated that he thought it would be ad- visable for the Fire Chiefs to go out and look at the property in question before recommending to the Board on the elimination of a driveway. The Board pointed out that there was a second driveway which been used for construction purposes but has not been used in about six months and has gone back to a natu- ral state. After further discussion it was decided that deci- sion would be withheld until after the Fire Chief his inspection and report. Members of the Board would go out and look at the property. The Board pointed out that although the original approval of the subdivision had been made some time back, a final map had never been signed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meeting it was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Rita A. John n, Secretary C gI