The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at
8:30 P.M.
Present: Mr. Fred L. Maggini, Chairman
Mr. Joseph Rigano
Mr. G. Norman Blair
Mr. Edward J. Cibulay
Mr. James G. Couch
Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer
Mr. Maggini asked Mr. Blair if he would act as Chair-
man for the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting of May 12, 1972 were pre-
sented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved
as corrected.
Mr. Blair asked the Secretary to read the Public
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Mama-
roneck Planning Board pursuant to Section
276 and 277 of the Town Law will hold a
Public Hearing on June 14, 1972 in the
Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse,
Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue, Larch-
mont, New York at 8:15 P.M. on the appli-
cation of a Subdivision known as "The Fair-
ways" located at the end of Fairway Drive
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 333 Par-
cels 836, 837 and part of Parcel 880.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons pre-
sent will be given an opportunity to be
Mr. Cannella, as one of the owners, presented the
application to the Board and stated that Section
1 of the subdivision is owned by Mr. Cannella, Mr.
Quadrini and Mr. Sicuranza and Section 2 is owned
by Mrs. Cannella. Mr. Cannella explained that they
wanted approval of both Section 1 and 2 but did
not intend to improve both sections at the same
Members of the Board had visited the site and decided
that they wanted Barn Wall Lane completed out to
Stonewall Lane. Mr. Cannella said that he thought
the road should be completed but he did not think
it was his responsibility to finish the road out
past his property line. The Board pointed out to
Mr. Cannella that the Town had put in the sewer
at a great expense which was to his advantage in
developing his property and by finishing the road
it would only be a matter of approximately 150 ad-
ditional feet of grading and curbing.
The Board stated that before Mr. Cannella develops
Section 2 and requires a building permit it would
be necessary for him to demolish the present build-
ings on the property.
Mr. Elfreich pointed out that the deed of records
does not list the road as Stonewall Lane and that
the deed of dedication does not show the portion
of the road in question. The Board, also, pointed
out that Stonewall Lane came into existence before
the Planning Board was formed.
Mr. Couch brought up the question of the drainage
on the lots at present and it was pointed out that
there had never been any water until the sanitary
sewer had been constructed.
The following persons all appeared to examine the
Mr. Isidore Feil 5 Stonewall Lane
Mr. Frank Becker 11 Stonewall Lane
Mr. Charles Levitt 7 Stonewall Lane (President of
Stonewall Association)
Mr. S. B. Frank 3 Fairway Drive
Mr. Myron L. Weinstein 12 Doris Road
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel S.
Warshauer 30 Doris Lane
Mrs. H. Stoller 9 Stonewall Lane
Mr. Philip Quadrini and Mr. Carmine Sicuranza, part
owners of the property in question also appeared.
The neighbors all discussed the problem of the drain-
age and Mr. Elfreich stated that Mr. Cannella had
given the Town Highway Department permission to
do some trench excavation to relieve the condition.
Mr. Cannella stated that he proposed to put in the
proper drainage. Mrs. Stoller stated that she did
not like the name of the proposed street "Barn Wall
A question was also raised as to whether the pre-
sent water system would be sufficient for 17 addi-
tional homes and Mr. Elfreich said that the water
would be coming from two directions and would be
The Board decided that they would request the appli-
cants to finish the road or post a performance bond
before any building permits could be issued. The
Board, also, decided that because of the proximity
of Saxon Woods Park, a County recreation facility,
instead of land being dedicated to the Town for rec-
reation purposes, as provided for by Town Law, the
applicants would be required to donate a sum of money
to be determined by the Town Board as provided for
by law.
After further discussion the Board decided to approve
the subdivision and the following Resolution was
duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. William F. Cannella has filed
an application for the approval of a sub-
division known as "The Fairways" Sections
1 and 2 located at the end of Fairway Drive
and known on the Tax Assessment Map as
Block 333 Parcels 836, 837 and part of
Parcel 880; and
WHEREAS, pursuantto Section 276 and 277
of the Town Law a Public Hearing was held
on June 14, 1972 after notice was published
in the official newspaper of the Town of
Mamaroneck, the Daily Times; and
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans
and determined that the same are all satis-
RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. Wil-
liam F. Cannella be approved subject to
the following conditions:
1. That the applicants obtain
approval of the Westchester County
Health Department for all public
water supply facilities and pub-
lic sanitary sewers to serve all
structures intended for human
occupancy constructed in said
2. That the applicant obtain
approval from the Westchester
Joint Water Works and from the
Town Board, of the Town of Mama-
roneck for the extension of the
water mains as shown on said con-
struction drawings and that an
amount sufficient to cover the
installation of said water lines
and appurtenances as estimated
by the Manager of said Water Works,
be deposited with said Water Works.
(amended as per minutes 3. That no building permits shall
of January 10,1973) be issued for the construction
of any buildings in Section One
until the applicants complete
all the roadways, utilities and
all public improvements includ-
ing Barnwell Lane in its entirety
from Fairway Drive to Stonewall
Lane or post a cash deposit and/
or performance bond in an amount
specified by the Town Engineer
for the completion of such improve-
ments, such bond to run for a
term of one year and to be issued
by a bonding or surety company
approved by the Town Attorney
as to form, sufficiency and man-
ner of execution.
(amended as per minutes 4. That the applicants in lieu
of January 10,1973) of dedicating land for a recrea-
tion area donate a sum to the
Town, such sum to be determined
by the Town Board and placed in
a trust fund pending development
of one or more park or play areas
to be used exclusively for the
development of such neighborhood
park, playground or recreation
areas, including the acquisition
of the land.
5. That no building permits shall
be issued for the construction
of any buildings in Section 2
until the applicants either com-
plete all the roadways, utilities,
all public improvements and demolish
or relocate the existing dwellings
or post a cash deposit and/or
a performance bond in an amount
specified by the Town Engineer
for the completion of such improve-
ments, such bond to run for a
term of one year and to be issued
by a bonding or surety company
approved by the Town Attorney
as to form, sufficiency and man-
ner of execution.
(amended as per minutes 6. That the applicants shall
of January 10,1973) install all street improvements,
including Barnwell Lane in its
entirety from Fairway Drive to
Stonewall Lane, in accordance with the
plans filed with this application
and in accordance with the stan-
dards and specifications and pro-
cedure acceptable to the appro-
priate Town Departments, and any
revisions which are noted on the
final plans.
7. That formal offers or deeds
of cession to the public of all
streets, highways or public places
and any necessary easements in-
dicated on the plans filed with
the Planning Board shall be in
form satisfactory to the Town
Attorney and shall be held by
said Attorney until such streets
are formally accepted by the Town
Board, provided that such deli-
very of such offers or deeds shall
not constitute an acceptance by
the Town of the dedication of
any such street, highway, ease-
ments, or public place, nor waive
the payment of necessary title
charges and recording fees, but
that such acceptance shall be
based solely upon the adoption
of a Resolution by the Town Board.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon compliance
with the above conditions, the Chairman
of the Planning Board is hereby authorized
to sign such subdivision map as evidence
of the approval of the same.
Mr. Doherty appeared before the Board with a plan
for a subdivision of two lots which he had previously
presented to the Board at a preliminary hearing held
on June 9, 1971.
The applicant stated that he intended to give the Town
ten feet so that the Town could provide a road to the
recreation area. The Board pointed out that the Town
requirement is for a 26' paved road. Mr. Doherty said
he only intended to build on one lot for his own use
and probably would use Dillon Road for access.
The Board suggested to the applicant that before the
Public Hearing is held and final plans drawn it would
be advisable for Mr. Doherty to consult with Mr. Elfreich,
the Town Engineer.
The subdivision with the names of the streets changed
1 i 2'
was submitted to the Planning Board for approval.
The amended map with the name changes is approved
subject to the approval of the Westchester County
Health Department.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting it was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
'Rita A. Johnson, Secretary