HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972_07_12 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD HELD JULY 12, 1972, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Fred L. Maggini, Chairman Mr. Joseph Rigano Mr. G. Norman Blair Mr. James G. Couch Absent: Mr. Edward J. Cibulay Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich, Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of June 14, 1972 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, ap- proved as corrected. PUBLIC HEARING - SUBDIVISION ON FENIMORE ROAD - BLOCK 302 PART OF PARCEL 54 - 216 The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the Public Notice. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Mama- roneck Planning Board pursuant to Section 276 and 277 of the Town Law will hold a Public Hearing on July 12, 1972 in the Council Room of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue, Larch- mont, New York at 8:15 P.M. on the appli- cation for the approval of a revised sub- division of a lot located on the northerly side of Fenimore Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaro- neck as Block 302 Part of Parcel 54 - 216. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons pre- sent will be given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Kaneji Domoto, the Architect of 40 Sutton Manor, New Rochelle and Mr. Harold S. Lynton of 970 Feni- more Road, Larchmont appeared before the Board. The application for the subdivision had been heard at a meeting back in January 1969 but the subdivi- sion map had never been signed by the Chairman of the Planning Board. The applicants had obtained the building permits to build two houses and after the homes were completed the builder had changed the plan to show only one driveway. Mr. Johnston, the Town Attorney, had approved the easement which had been drawn up between Mr. Lynton and Mr. Stern and the fire hydrant which the Fire Chief had requested be moved had been corrected to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. After a brief discussion the Board decided that they would accept the one driveway even though they were not in favor of single driveways. All the members who had been out to look at the site agreed that the homes and property had been developed in a most attractive manner. The Chairman told the applicants to submit the pro- per maps to be signed and he would check on the ease- ment with the Town Attorney. The application was therefore approved and the following Resolution was duly adopted: WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Lynton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stern, owners of the property located at the northerly side of Fenimore Road and known on the Tax Assess- ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 302 part of Parcel 54-216 have filed with this Board an application for the approval of a revised subdivision of a lot; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 276 and 277 of the Town Law, a Public Hearing was held on July 12, 1972 after notice was published in the official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Daily Times; and WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and determined that the same are all sat- isfactory; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Lynton and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ster, be and the same is hereby approved subject to the following: 1. That the easement to the sat- isfaction of the Town Attorney, between Mr. Lynton and Mr. Stern for access to the Stern residence be filed and a copy of same be submitted to the Planning Board. 2. That a plan showing the sub- division of the lots be submitted to be signed by the Chairman with the signature of the Westchester County Health Department and West- chester Joint Water Works. FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon compliance with the above conditions, the Chairman of the Planning Board is hereby authorized to sign such subdivision plat as evidence of the approval of same by this Board. APPLICATION OF MR. FRANK MICELLI FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - VALLEY PLACE BLOCK 131 PARCELS 36,40 and 45 Mr. Francis Auletta, an Attorney of 243 Mamaroneck Avenue, represented Mr. Micelli, who is asking for permission to store and maintain school buses on his property. The applicants had obtained a vari- ance from the Zoning Board of Appeals on May 27, 1970 to store contractor's equipment on their pro- perty. Mr. Micelli subsequently purchased the ad- joining property and applied to the Zoning Board to construct a garage to store and maintain his contracting equipment and facilities to store and maintain buses. On February 23, 1972 the Zoning Board granted Mr. Micelli a variance to construct C the garage facilities but the Board advised the applicant that if he intended to use the property for purposes not incidental to his contracting busi- ness he would need a Special Permit and this would have to be obtained from the Town Board. Mr. Auletta said his clients were desirous of leas- ing out a portion of the building to a bus company for economic reasons and Mr. Micelli had not con- structed the office building as yet because he needed help. A question was raised as to noise and the applicants pointed out that the buses usually go out in the morning and return about 9 A.M. and then go out again about 2 P.M. The applicants said they would probably have provision for about 7 to 10 buses to be stored in the yard but when there were to be any repairs made they would probably be done inside the garage. The applicants stated that the proposed building would have two offices, one for the bus company and the other for their own use. The Chairman questioned as to how many buses could be repaired at one time inside the garage and the applicants stated that only two or three could be in the garage at the same time but the bus company would probably have only one mechanic. The appli- cants, also, pointed out that when they are on a job their equipment is usually stored on the job site and any repairs to their equipment is made J / on the job site. CThe Board stated that they would recommend to the Town Board approval of the request for a Special Permit for a public garage and facilities with the follow- ing conditions: 1. That adequate provision be made for waste oil storage similar to that in gaso- line service stations; 2. That adequate provision be made for handling the waste water from washing of the equipment; and 3. That adequate provision be made for off-street parking for all employees. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION - BLOCK 504 PARCEL 471 - DILLON ROAD Mr. Elfreich reported that he had discussed the application with Mr. Doherty, the applicant, and that the Town is considering making improvements to the Garito property for recreation purposes if and when the property is obtained. Mr. Elfreich reported to the Board that he had advised Mr. Doherty to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals for a vari- ance because he will not have the required frontage to build as he had originally intended and that he consider subdividing at a future date. OLD BUSINESS - NORTH BROOK ROAD SUBDIVISION Mr. Poccia, the developer, had spoken to the Town Engineer and said that because of the weather he has not been able to complete the paving of the road. Mr. Poccia said that in order to get a building per- mit and in lieu of not being able to build the road he would like to post a cash bond. Mr. Elfreich had prepared the cost estimate on the remaining imp- rovements and the breakdown is as follows: curb - 600 lin. ft. @ $4.50 $2,700.00 paving - 900 sq. yds. @ 5.00 4,500.00 lighting - lump sum 800.00 $8,000.00 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meeting it was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ,1 / 1 /1-14, Rita A.Johnson, Secretary 72