HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_10_02 Town Board Minutes 73 at 10� 5 05 2-Ii,- !Te et-inl2 Of t_2 e 1-1-1= 3C,„?em�7 To-:an of hela- October 1 , 1924® "ne imeel-i g weas cal' e�_ to order bl-, 9u--r G I!a L I- - I 11RE IETT: Su7,a-"visor Burtory E. R. Chamberlain, local manager of the Ne- °o_-c?7 Tele- 1,, _one Carn-cany before the Boar-C-1- --ralatui--nig tuo -L-',e d7iange of rates tc a -0-nifozni basis of the teie-pnoue se--vice i-_� the several ,u 0-,F71a 6-e-o a 1,t--mie--r t !f ter u. engtL hi isaassi on 0f the --nnatter it WaS 70-U'--,a that the SaDiie be lain over at this ti�-Iua f-11---"I 0 0'P,19 ioerati 011 3-u-,Derv�lso-r Burton �-el-orts tilat i-_-! aCc-crdan-e w- th th" S '002wl-d- E,+ a fD�-8773' 07�s -Mleeti-_-Ig� he '-as =:-I- give-na hinn- by, u 7- s I alr5 �L c J s er T, a'. El S-Lu,veyo�rs, 'cc, nio_-17e a ma-, ae-f-i--ne ..='_e con--aCt bo-C)jjaax-y bet-.,,!een tI,e Tnc.-.'n Of 7,lama ,Orecl- 2,11a the "i",T C�f Z� -,, Rcoh-elle, fci lu­ie of iiaa-7in,g a Letu=, t� the Trrit g1lantea to tha ITf_, _Lap_,e -archr,"a0lat iK ti-ie -croceeain- brou_ I-t by ­.n u nn -,j' ,:,-i-n th:Ls 73=,,(I a-n,6 the Oitu.-,T of 1_7e�-, R,che- le, to estFablish a b oun d-a _ii e as a _-es-OL of 2. ve- y e:z--h31)stiv-_ ir.ves-'Uigati C-, saia 8-nginee---s -F,78 'T-. B-a---tuor. also the bo ,n _ ,e-' jar� _i_�e as Ir 0-rj Sa, 4 Cal 17 e _nS U_ 7 ti­o2a ,north frora th nionument set a I see southe-21,y sic-e a-,- the Boston 7,GS"t RoqO_ cr, the aivisior, T ne a� a &e i,ew e n t1je Tcm--ri of 4- or, S-' a7e 0-1 -1,e 03, al _CBOT L L"O 0 In o, n is five or Siz hunared feet of the ce-_nter lille 0f �-_P-7 6 r t r e e-U. 111'® B'iLrt-011 _2-2r1uests that he be ­0_`Gho�rized_ tO jla_a,7� E, af 0_0 a S"7-i 7:-i "DO e� IFJ_ Lts-it-Ote a c ­ U - -1 u U y e 0 S 5is_rj--Its�- '30-an`ar li_-�e b_al + -1 -, iTe- Pc, :1-- ec ac-OOTC!a , 7!j he -S :ins 4af U__ e G' `_7 o rt 3 7 o e n um m-,! t-h a� �0', tL 2 t -plir-pose he, nqa�,- c�-,,, 7 S'j-C cc an�7 ex-pe_ots as 71 11 0,0 01, Ss_ 7 6.r! I - - '_t 7as tice BOYC7 rI_F_er-CI, f��I' a` 0--c" ,Lri the Rctio- of the ,S-n'-e-rviso-_,- in the e.nn,17 D H, J nt f 7aries W�LLD of TT 7 Holli,swow of r­lou-at 75---no-, G S8 o 0,18"o of line Ibe-_VleeI7 tai ­ T m Cf be anL the s�f,it hareby JIS, in --al 7� --es—6-31s a-o-rro�I-s-1 , aznci the inmu.nre,.' be nnaae a -o_-C-Oe­ toir"m UL_�-e�77iSIOI- the I - � - ivi-L?4 hil"', of __rOPer -n b's j fra-th,a,,,, 77 7-= tha- the S-u--ervisor be an-', he ,Iereby =0' 7 autho--iZed- em-owereF,_ to instit-a,e a, -oroceeCI_ -�j,", - 1�­e -0,07T 4 S 4 ol C, - p tio- __ _e2 A- 3 C 0 -7-e "lar_O.Ce Of the Coum'v Of 6eterminiii-1-g th—, correct- Tbozaarla_)i line b e t7,�-e-_n th e City o 2 IT e 7,, R-_c',-_1 i- and TcI­,rn cf !.Tamarcnecl, P,-_rja for ti-It --,ur-,,3ose e7_ loy su-ch attr.-nieys, 8=e1' 4R as '-,e may a-eem -cro-rDer R_­_ I-,e- cessery; and. that 1-he reaso-n4able 7.-,`1ich may be inc-c2re-C. t'laprain, be made joro--per to-,-ria cLarge alad be i 0. by to e Sum e,,-vi s or u-oo-n f 4 T -')r C -er 7c=c,,.che.,es the--ref'ore , ipon a vote being tazela, ,7'b"'ii the fo -zoegoing reco-i-�7tions. the s, �Pae i.ue-re 0_e C°1 Ilyiami-mously arlo-tea, ccr=uiaicatioin, f2olll the Bo_,ra of __",7pealb -!es 2eceivea TT' -=A re M_ stating the,' liessrs =a. Z,:.SF111SO.CL tare.--e SWOZ'-�-, in aS members of the Boar _. It also, repo te�L that -he f o-, i c,trTing - � -, , - 0 f�,0�1E ',!!ere aao�tea ana recojar-aenaej to ti-,e To,.�m, Boara folo their �2ot , I - - - 10f� - The ap-eal, of Ri 17'arrii-ly zesi6_erce Terrace, bet,,7een -"7eY! 2 -Ile --hara Cz2�3a_,­,o to erect a on-e on the north Side of 7,Z_st 7age`--a _23-ace an5 ark• 2® The p a—p ea! of M 3artha ose to erec t a cr,e fa,,�jjv The p pea! �-es' dience on "Che S0 ?%'[L weSt s16_e of -,7eave- Street, about, 116 feat :,!es-L of the Bostola Post Roaa rd- thin 70 feet Of the Street I I u I ire 3- The of Fre e r f _ 7- UO erect a one oar garage Gri the corner o� Valley Rca _ anC,_ Roo ,,:in�-Zs to-Ile 7 e r-LI e, - I?F 1 th"i LLe 75 fcot s e tb a ol: The Sip peal of IT. Bakl= to are ct a one -'emily reaicenoe on the Saudh Side of Dean Place 32, feet eaq _t Bop-tcn, 2ost Roaj u -9 i,,,'hereul'on f011QTing reSolutj S -q� -or! ,e2 e i3reserteCL anfi 'a-oon roll L uma-laimousiv ad 0- I �ptea - G I -r'_fj-peals has reco=eiaC_eJ uo the Tc7r BCarf,, that the Rp of 'Dichara Carclano to erect : One fa-mily D?esiaei_ce or, nOrt-'-! Side Of Trccust Terrace, bat',7.I e en 0 9 e T a r I?I o,. e a a r---,a cl Avenue, be ia granted and tl,a 5 Sion 0, U _eO 11 e Be �L _i1 s hat the COMiss-10f, be lre7ersea, -pr t rDrOpOS80_ house ahall be erected 1il ac3o- O_anob 7074th `�e -p-1 ol tn-f a�j fi7 ed-, `h erefcre be it L _ _ L - _RE90L7= , that "he, Tom:-n Dcarr, -pIj_-rs-C t to A17ticle. 15, Sectic-n 26 of t're- Town hereby oonsents to aiaf_ cojafir`MS th' 01, of 'he Boaza of A-,­oeals im ievers- �z t"� d-eciSio-,, of the Budildi-_,aF fle _LSS-, On, G'1 e 30ara Of "'-p_Deals has tie To,�r,m BOara that the ap-peal of LT_,-rtha 30se to erect- a one family resirlence o-,, the South -L,-!est si de of T I �TeRver 3�L reet U abou-t) feet uTest of the 3ca-Go-LI local+ -,�C��,�L u _ - -1 1 i L_ i-n thin-Ly feet Of ",,Ie street line, oe anc, -:e f)c' S 0!1 0 t',e B-L 7t i-1 b iL e e CI. T7U be ereotea _1011,0771-1�ied_ that U_.je 9 ss-� Or-- re7erseC ac 0 o 2d alnu e w_ � L-1 file + ,I h ere -f,-ra be it RE3017ED, that tie Town Tcara, jumsAant to Article 15, Section 26 of the To'nYn law, hereby contents to and confirms the lotion of the Desna of 1pyeals in re7ers- ing the aacision of the Building Owmmission OHERDS, the Board of wyeals has re- commended to the Town Boara that the appeal of Frederick R. Findlay to erect a one car garage on the corner of VaTley Road and Rook inns tone Avenue within the 75 foot setback be grants& and the Kaision of the Building Commission be reversQ, provVea that the said garage be erected not less tit a. .. 10 feet from the siad line of the property and net less than 15 feet from the street front on VgL ley Road, therefore be it RES017ED; that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 15, Section 26 of the Town la:7, hereby consents to end confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the BuilEino Co mm' sylon. WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals has recommended- to the Town Board that the n1jet! of Ea7c,K A. 7. Bakker to erect a One farily residence on the anuth side of Dean Place, 320 feet east of Boston Post Oak be granted and the decision cf Ins Bvilding Commission be re- versal, jrnviae& that it part of the building giall be nearer to the street front t1la- 1- t o 'cuilding aaLoinirg on the east, therefore be it RESOL777 , that the Toun Bcara, pursuant t,-,,, Article 15, Sectl an IS cf t-.--e To-7— harebw consents to 021 confirms VA action of ph- Board- of Appeals in reversing the Eseisian of the Building JuStitre OCIlins offered for adoption the fbilculnS resolutions - BE 10 RESOL= that the Town Cler! be a, i he hereby is authorized and empowered to publish in the Mamaroneck Paragraph and in the harchmont Timea, tne Regiatrativ- Notice and Election rotics in accortlance with tie Iriv, isions of the Election Znw, and that the expenses therefore ble made 2, Draper town charge and that the CJ (ervisor 2xv the same upon filing with him of proper vouchers therefore , Upon a vote being taken and upon the foregoing resolution, the same w2s declared unanimously aaoptea� The Supervisor reports that he has received from Messrs. Eggers and Mink, Associate Architects, final Dimas and specifications covering the removal and attejEticn of th. ......:t Fire House to be converted and us5a as Police Heaag2a,t,,, at Ey,,,,d Avenue and requests that notice inviting bids to be opened on October 17 , 1924 , be publishe? far two weeks .......ti,,,, in ,, QQQ Times end Hamaronech Paragraph. r. Burton also re es_" that the plans and Specifications be f ml-e2eu-,or iis '.Lce Boys offered for 'h- oll—rirr �on - BE 17 -=130T72T Watt t�-Ie an�! S-,-0z C1f4 catio--ns C07el-f--M2' 'he �.51 te-raticris Lo lue mraa-- on the E,�ger.!OcE Rce.5- 112e I-o-as e, f o--- -Pol i ce ead-quarts--"s, pre� parel '?y Ilessrs. Eggej-S an(! 'Tin'3 ,-,ssociate Ixrch ,es�s, 'op. a-rrl the ,eraby a--e an-1 be 4 furl he- 7`S':7,,T=I, thal notice tn. biaders -c f-o--(-taish the necessary labl-r an3- material maO ab -o a e r -- ,L on-q ala(I - � c -' U co-nm,,letion of saiE build-ing, in accorOancla Li 'th ' he saiO -1 1 l L� t ana s-ecifications, to be reCei7ea a-,-iO- opened, on October 17 , 1924, u 8: 30 olcloc''- be -�u-bli2hea in -G:-e T,arc'Imont TLnes for uaaT0 Ti. ee77S CnnSeC-a_ ,iValy mricl 'he C1e.-oir o-f this 30.=:M is 1ereby direr e3_ -,u - ',),abliPh said- notice aocoxco-ing-I Y. "y rY 2, 70te lbeinE tua'zen u--,00n t"'le fc egoing 2es oll.,-t cn, the same was 0--,311area -0-11 a lL7 M 0-0 S 1 7 T 2010 t a coon motion the aneetUirS -at I-j 55 2 T C47 A, �Aer