HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_09_17 Town Board Minutes Ve3ting of the Town Board TOWN 07 MAROT70K held September 17th, 1924. 7 The meeting was called to order V Fup;rvisor Burton at 5.00 P.Y. PRESENT: Supervisor EvrtGn, Justices Collins and Dudley,and Boyd. Town Clerk Sherman. Ippn motion it was voted to dispense with the readinE of minutes of meetings not yet approved. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of August, 1024, was received, redd, ordered placed on file and is as follows : September 2nd, 1524. Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law, i hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties tbwreQn, collected by me durinS the month of August 1924. taxes taxes taxes taxes Arrears TOTALS via!6-U-- county 626.33 224. 31 850. 64 H 7 4,�,hwzjr 150 44. ?3 1 5. 16 as 23 0 Town 1878 67-30 --- District 47101-12-4-83 feAr Tax Dist.%, 1. ila.64 16.Z2 School Dist 488.20 48600 Arrears 23. 51 3j.76 7)-s.6o interest Rx Penalties 108.6Q 180. 35 9. 73 11- 13 57. 05 366.1 E; Total amount denvosited with First Nat ' l lank, oonecMp, Respectfully submitted, Sgnd, Harry T.McCivnoy, Receiver of Taxes . To Geo.W.DuTton,Suparvisor, Town of lamaroneck, Yamaroneck, N.Y. The report of the Police Derartrent for the month of August 1824, read,showing arrests and total was received. and read showing b6 :mount of fines, 11, 2G5.00. The report was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on filets The report of the Building Inspector for the month of August 1524, was received, read ordered Placed on file and is as follows : --- September 0t, 1921. G<c,W,Bu.rton, Esq.Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck, New York® Dear Sir: I beg to submit below a complete report of the Building Department for the month of August, 1924: Alteration permits issued 1 fees collected : 4,00 Garage 3 ° 5.00 Now building e, P9- 5 Total amount of fees collected, 3.omo Total number of inspections made, 265m No complaints received. Respectfully submitted, Sgnd, C,H."cla,ughlino Building Inspectors The report of the T3wn Clerk for the month of August 1524, was received, road, ordered placed on file and is as follows; September 5th, 1924. Geo.W.Burton, Esq. Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck, New York. Pear Sir: beg to submit hire—ith the monthly report of the Torn Clerk for the month of August 1924, showing permits issud and fees received for the said period, as follows: Dog; licenses issued 100 ` 25.00 Hunting ,r " 4 1.00 Marria, ' " 7 7.00 Chattel mortgages filed 15 2.02 Total amount received, $35.02 Respectfully submitted, Sgnd, Frederick I.Sherman Town Clerk. g A_ :.ommunication from Mi .R. C.Heather was received and read, relating to the blowing of the fire whistle at the Ueaver Street fire house on Sunday mornings . The same was ordered placed on file and the matter was referred to the fire house c mnitt,ee of the Board. A communication from Tr .F.R.Chamberllin, local ccmnaro- --- ial manager of the 'lT,ew York Telephone Company, wax roceivcd and X read and also submitting new contracts for telephone service in _ the several torn dopartnents. The matter was laid over and the Clerk was requested to ask Mr.Chamberlain to appear before this Board at its next meeting. The bids for firm house s atings presented at a previous meeting `is then taken up and after discussion, the 'utter Vas referred to the .fire house committee. Supetvlsor Burton reported that the terms of 1r.E E, a inners and :fir .. W.Hill . is nembers of the Board of Appeals under the awning Ordinance, have expired, and that they requested '.. that they be not appointed. He also reported that pursuant to the provisions of the Zonin- Ordinance he has appointed Mr.Warland Concklin to succedd himself for the term o?'d n Au,-'nst let, 1927, e_ra mend B.7an Hook to succeed Yr.W.Hill , for the term ending August lst,1327, and __ .R. A.HiZginson so fill the unexpired term of Kr.E. B.Kaginnass ending ugustist, 1925, on the Beard of Appeals . The Clerk reported having received a. co7Tyunication from the Board of Appeals in which they request that the approval of the Town Board to change their place of meeting from the Town Cleat' s office to Police Hoadouarters on Edgewood Avenue in the unincorporated portion of the Town. Thereupon justice Collins --. moved the adoption of the fillowing resolution: FFSOLVED, that the Board of Appeals be and they hereby are authorized and em- powered to meet and convene at Police Headquarters in the unincorporated portion of the Town of i%imaroneck on and after October lst,1924, and be it further RrSOLVFD, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to inform the Board of Appeals of the action taken by this Hoard. Egon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the sane nos declared to be adopted. MY.Cha.rles Gailhard presented to the Board the matter of the cancellation of certain taxes af`e;ctinE property desoribed on the assessTent "map of the Town of `L 3maron'ack lots 47, and 40' Section S, block 75 and also described as lots 171 and 172, snap of WashinEt•onvill;. On motion of Justice Joyd seconded by Justice Collins `— it was RE'S'OLVED, that the _natter be referred to Counsel. d` A comrmanica,tion from lr.Samuel y Srainburne was received �,.nd read, requesting the cancellation of certain taxes affectin` lots 195 and 196 in Colonial Park, Owned by =nni° Dunn. On Lotion of Justice Boyd seconded by Justice Collins,,ti L__ i t •,'uav RrS"LV=9 that the mutter be r f°rreft -- 0 Counszi. U,;c)n. Lotion the m—eting adjourned at 9. 30 P.?,i,. Upon the recommendation of Supervisor Eurton, the following resolution was offered by Justice Dudley, seconded by Justice Collins , which upon Roll Call au.s unanimously adopted; IN=-PEAS, this :Board has received from the Receiver of Taxes of this Town a, statement under the provisions of Section 20 of the ,Odestchester County Tax Act from which it appears that on September 151 1924 the sum of $4,253. 01 was still outstanding and unpaid for Town taxes levied on April 1,192 , for furnishing and equipping and other- wise improving the 7--aver Street Fire 'louse and grounds, now therefore be it RFS L Er, that pursuant to the provls _ _... _ ions of the Westchester County Tax 'pct the Supervisor be and. he hereby is author on zed and empowered to borrow; upOr the faith and credit of the Town of Llairaro® neck the sum of $,4, 293.81, for which sum he shall issue in the na,n,e and under the seal of said Town against uncollected taxes fcr the year 1923, levied. for the purposes above set forth, one or more certificates of indebtedness, each of such denomination as the Supervisor may determine, not exceeding in the a,tggreaatp the aforesaid surd of X4, 293.81. Said certificate of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and ^ountersiSned by the Town Clerk, shall bear interest at a rate of not more than 6% per annum and shall be made payable at such time as the Supervisor may fix® And it is further R S'':uti77, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to dis® Toss of such certificates for not less than the par value thereof . And be it further RTQgLVFD, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized — and empowered to si;n and execute such papers and- documents to effect the sale of said certificates. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned. at 9.30 P.7. Town Clerk.