HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987_09_09 Town Board Regular Minutes SEP. £ 1987
The Regular Meeting, of the Town Board was called to order by
Supervisor Battalia at 8:30 p.m.
Present were the following, representing all members of the Board:
Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
• Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lawrence Lerman
Councilman Stephen Chapin
Also present were:
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Edward Lieberman, Counsel to the Town
P. Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
III Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of exits
as required by law for public gatherings.
Supervisor Battalia opened the meeting by announcing that there were no
Fire Claims to be presented tonight, they would be presented at the meeting
of the 15th. She also stated that the Minutes would be held over until
the next meeting.
1. Appointments - Site Selection Committee
Supervisor Battalia suggested organizing a committee of seven
members with one designated as acting chairperson, and all to
serve at the pleasure of the Board. Thereafter, on motion by
Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilwoman Silverston, it was
RESOLVED, that a Committee of seven members
III be made up as a Site Selection Committee,
with Helga Bendix, 6 Harmony Drive, Town,
hereby appointed as acting Chairperson, to
serve at the pleasure of the Board.
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Robert Lee, 6 Orsini Drive, Town,
is hereby appointed as a member of the Site
Selection Committee, to serve at the pleasure
of the Board.
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On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Chapin, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Dr. Marianne Makman,
19 Stoneyside Drive, Town, is hereby
appointed as a member of the Site
Selection Committee, to serve at
the pleasure of the Board.
On motion by Supervisor Battalia, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Monsignor Boyd,
Sts. John & Paul Church, Town, is
hereby appointed as a member of the
Site Selection Committee, to serve
at the pleasure of the Board.
Supervisor Battalia stated that she had spoken to Ann Geary,
who was too busy at this time to serve and, she added, since
the Committee needs,.one:.more member, it might be a good idea
to focus on the Larchmont Hills area.
2. Discussion of Final Disposition - Federal.,Revenue_ Sharing_ ands
Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri, explained that federal
revenue sharing funds had been eliminated, and that a requirement
had been established whereby any recipient municipality must, at
a public meeting, decide and discuss the nature of expenditure
of remaining funds. He reported that there was approximately
$133,000 in the funds when the 1986 budget was prepared, of
which the Board had approved spending $75,000 for computerization
of Town Departments, thereby leaving a balance of $58,000. He
then explained further that there are two projects for which
to consider using the_ federal revenue sharing funds, the first
would be to authorize preparation and specifications of bids for
the extension of the VAC building and, the second, the revisions
to the tax map, mandated by the New York State Division of
Equalization and Assessment. Mr. Altieri concluded with an
explanation of how the fund was appropriated in the 1987 budget.
Councilman Amlicke asked what the timetable was for using the
funds, to which the Administrator responded that it ended in
fiscal 1988. Further discussion followed by members of the
Board relating to tax mapping, VAC, and money allocated to the
computer projects. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Lerman,
seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby allocates
$50,000 of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
for the extension of the Volunteer Ambulance
Corps Headquarters on Weaver Street and _
authorizes the Town Administrator to
appropriate such in the 1988 Town Budget.
3. Authorization - Capital Project 86-5 (Data Processing)
The Administrator reported that in 1986 $45,000 was appropriated
for initiating computerization within the Town, the second
phase in 1987 had an appropriated amount of $75,000 of which
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it is requested that the Board authorize the transfer of
funds from the Federal Revenue Sharing accounts to Capital
Project #86-5. He explained how the second phase would be
related to financial operations, purchasing, budget prepa-
ration, personnel administration and general training of the
Town staff in word processing. He concluded that phase two
could be complete by mid 1988 and, depending on funds, phase
three could begin in late 1988.
Supervisor Battalia stated that she planned to ask the
Administrator to put together a display for the Town Board
with the Assessor's Office, and to arrange for consultants
and the Management Advisory Committee to give the Board an
update of where we are and what we have done.
Therefore, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by
Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby
authorizes the Town Administrator to
transfer funds from the Federal Revenue
Sharing accounts as appropriated in the
1987 budget to Capital Project #86-5.
4. Authorization - IMA County of Westchester-New Rochelle Sewer
The Administrator outlined the revisions of the Intermunicipal
agreement with the County,with respect to funding for sewer
work to be completed within the New Rochelle Sewer District.
Counsel Lieberman reported on one change that was not reflected
in the revised memo. Councilman Amlicke pointed out that a
line had been dropped from one of the pages. Some further
discussion ensued and thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman
Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Town Administrator to execute the
Intermunicipal agreement with the County
of Westchester (IMA) , as amended, with
respect to funding for work within the
New Rochelle Sewer District.
5. Adoption of 1988 Budget Calendar
Following presentation of the 1988 Budget Calendar, some
discussion ensued and the Supervisor suggested scheduling
one night to be spent just with Town Departments.in .view=of
the amount of time spent with outside agencies. Councilman
Amlicke requested a list of outside agencies with their
requests in advance. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman
Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby formally
adopts the following Budget Calendar for
the 1988 Town Budget:
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August 27th Issue work papers to Department Heads
September 27th Receive back working papers from
Department Heads
October 21st Presentation tentative budget to Board
October 28th Public Work Session - Outside Agencies
November 4th Public Work Session - Town Departments
November 12th Public Work Session — Town Departments
November 18th Public Work Session -- Capital &
Operating budget reviews
December 2nd Public Hearing on the Budget
December 16th 1988 Budget Adoption
6. Salary Authorizations - a) Comptroller's Office, b) Highway
Department, c).`_Recreation
a) Pursuant to the Administrator's memo reporting the need for
a replacement for the vacancy caused by the retirement of
Rose Soper from the Comptroller's Office, on motion by
Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Administrator is hereby
authorized to hire Peggy Nero of Larchmont,
for the position of entry-level Financial
Record Keeping Clerk/Typist as per
eligibility list #85-004 issued by the
County of Westchester Personnel Office,
at an annual salary of $17,895 effective
September 14, 1987.
b) Pursuant to the Administrator's memo concerning a vacancy
in the position of Heavy Motor Equipment Operator and
on recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, Mr. Leddy,
it was requested the Mr. Lawrence Lancia be promoted from
laborer to that position based upon the results of his
performance test. Councilman Amlicke questioned who would
be replacing Mr. Lancia to which Mr. Altieri replied that
the Highway Department is short on personnel but they are
recruiting for that position. Councilman Amlicke suggested
moving as quickly as possible. Thereafter, on motion by
Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Mr. Lawrence Lancia be
promoted from laborer to the position
of Heavy Motor Equipment Operator, with
an increase of salary to $24,535.
c) Pursuant to a memo from the Superintendent of Recreation,
William Zimmermann, authorizing recreation salaries,
Councilwoman Silverstone asked how old the pool managers
are. The Administrator stated that they were in their
upper twenties. Councilman Chapin asked why there are
such discrepancies in salary, to which Mr. Altieri responded
that some are managers and a higher rate of pay is required.
Councilman Lerman stated that some are teachers within our
school system. Councilman Chapin stated that he felt the
Board always seemed to rubber stamp recreation salary
authorizations and maybe the qualifications should be checked.
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Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded
by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the
1987 Town Budget, this Board hereby ,
authorizes payment of -salary to the -
ill --
Dean Reben Pool Manager $9.50 per hour
Michael Edelstein Pool Manager $9.00 per hour
DeborahReda Pool Manager $9.00 per hour
John Teller Alternate Pool Manager $9.00 per hour
Cindy Boss Alternate Pool Manager $9.00 per hour
Lois Codispoti Alternate Pool Manager $9.00 per hour
Patty Caruso Alternate Pool Manager $9.00 per hour
Christine Murtaugh Alternate Pool Manager $7.00 per hour
Carrie Reilly Lifeguard $4.10 per hour
Gary Metz Lifeguard $3.95 per hour
Jenny Stratis Lifeguard $3.80 per hour
Kyle Owen Lifeguard $3.80 per hour
Hilary Barrows Lifeguard $3.65 per hour
Marianne Bailliet Lifeguard $3.50 per hour
Maggie .O' Hara Lifeguard $3.50 per hour
Kim Healy Lifeguard $3.65 per hour
John Dindas Recreation Attendant $3.65 per hour
David Judice Recreation Attendant $3.45 per hour
Mickey Ruggerio Recreation Attendant $3.45 per hour
Kim Papachristou Recreation Attendant $3.35 per. hour
Patty Lee Recreation Attendant $3.35 per hour
III Andrea Parnell Recreation Attendant $3.35 per hour
Ann Marie Joyce Recreation Attendant $3.35 per hour
Dan Schwager Alternate Lifeguard $3.80 per hour
Liz White Alternate Lifeguard $3.65 per hour
Chrissy Sh.oulet Alternate Lifeguard $3.65 per hour
Jenny Bruder Alternate Lifeguard $3.50 per hour -
Bill Korchin Alternate Lifeguard $3.50 per hour
Kathy Trezza Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
John Lamagna Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
David Sheridan Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Mitchell Ross Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Kim Fajen Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Debbie Logan Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Matt Gryzlo Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Kristin Carnochar Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Faith Lind Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
Robin Rosenberg Alternate Recreation Attendant $3.25 per hour
All lifeguards and alternate lifeguards as Alternate Recreation Attendants @
$3.25 per hour
Entire staff and alternates as Swim Instructors $12.00/hour
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There were no written communications to come before the Board
at this time.
No one in attendance wished to speak at this time.
No Reports
At this point, Supervisor Battalia stated that the Board did not
get into the work session on capital projects and, since a number
of projects would take place next year, they would now adjourn
into the work session and then adjourn into Executive Session to
discuss contract negotiations.
She then asked Jr. Alan Mason where the automated valve proposal
stands at the present time. Dr. Mason answered that he has met
with the Village of Larchmont Reservoir Committee and they are very
favorable to the proposal but as far as the Village of Mamaroneck
is concerned, he did not have a firm commitment_.to go before them.
Thereafter, there being no further business to come before the Board,
on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was declared adjourned .
at 9:05 p.m.
Patricia A.: .DCioccio
Town Clerk