HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_06_25 Town Board Minutes 3
Meeting of the Torn Board
held, June 25th, 1924.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 5. 10 P. M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
-- Justices Boyd, Collins, Shafer,
Town Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble.
The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been called for
the purpose of opening bids for the removal and disposition of swill
garbage, ashes, etc . , from buildings in Fire, Lighting and Water Supply
District No .!, and Fire District No . 2, of the Town of Mamaroneck.
Upon motion duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the Board now proceed- to open �
the aforesaid bids .
The Clerk then proceeded to open and read the bids each of
which was accompanied by a duly certified check of bid bond as provid-
ed in the advertisement and specifications .
The following bids were received® Fire Dist . No . l
Edwin S . Diamond one year period $3, 800.00 x"100 cash deposit.
John M. Cross -04 4 4, 800.00
pert 100 " 'H
John N. Cross two 14 " 6,000 .00 yr. }
Fire Dist . No .Z
Edwin S . Diamond one year period 700 .00 $100 cash deposit .
William Posch.en H4 H 1,000 ,00 )
100 r4
William Poschen two ' t7 2, 200 .00 )
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the Board now go into exec-
utive session to tabulate the bids and
consider the awarding of the contract.
After executive session, the Board then reconvened and the
Supervisor stated that the Board had considered all the bids and were
now ready to make the award.
Upon motion by Justice Collins, seconders. by Justice Boyd, it
- RESOLVED, that whereas this Board has duly
advertided for bids for the removal and
-- disposition of swill, garbage, ashes, etc . ,
from buildings in Fire, Lighting and fluter
Supply District No .l of the Town of Mamaro-
neck; and
WHEREAS, the bid of Edwin S. Diamond is the
lowest bid submitted for such cantrabt,
which bid it is deemed best to accept in
the interests of the Town of Mamaroneck;
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the bid of Edwin S . Diamond
for the removal and disposition ofswill
gargahe and ashes fror, buildings in Fire,
Lighting and water Supply District bTo .l
in the Town of yamaroneek, to make said
removal at a price of $3, 900 per year,
be accepted upon said Ed:^Tin S . Diamond
complying with all the terms and- conditions
of said bid, proposal and specifications,
executing a contract with the town of
Parnaronack in accordance therewith, and
filing the necessessary bonds and insurance
policies as provided in said advertisement
proposal and s-oeoifiactions, all in form
satisfactory to Counsel; and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract be entered
into for a period of one year from July
1st, 1024 to June 30th, 1;25, and that
Counsel be authorized and directed to
pre;oare the necessary contracts; and be
it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town
Clerk be and they are hersoy authorized and
directed and empowered to execute the
aforesaid contract on behalf of the Town
when in form. satisfactory to Counsel and
to affix the corporate seal thereto and
todo any and all acts and take any and
all steps which in their judo;e_nent may
be deemed necessary to carry the aforesaid
resolution into full force and effect;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the bids of all other bid-
ders be rejected and the Town Clerk be
- - authorized and directed to return the bids
and bid bonds to all other bidders on re-
ceiving their rec -ipt therefor .
Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins ,
it was
RL+SOLVFD, that whereas this Board has duly
advertised for bids for the removal and
disposition of swill, garbage, ashes, ete . ,
from buildings in Fire District No. 2,
of the Town of z,amaroneok; and
WHEREAS, the bid of Edwin S . Diamond is the
lowest bid submitted for such contract,
which bid it is deemed best to accept in
the interests of the ToTin of P;,amaroneck;
now therefore be it
RESOLVED', that the bid of Edwin S . Diamond
for the removal and disposition of swill
garbage and ashes from buildings in Fire
:- - District No . 2 in the To•,wn of ,.,amaron-aek,
at a -price of $700.00 per year be accepted
upon said Edwin S . Diamond cod plying with
all of the terms and conditions of said
bid, proposal and specificctions, ex eout-
ing a.contract with the Tomn of DRamaroneck
in accordance therewith and filin the
necessary bonds and insurance policies as
provided in said advertise.-ant, proposal
and specifications, all in f orr. satisfactory
to Counsel; and be it further
RESOLVED, that said contract be entered
into for a period of one year from July
1st, 1924 to June 30th, 1925, and that
Counsel be authorized and directed to
prepare the necessay contracts ; and be it
_ RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town.
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized
and directed and empowered to execute the
aforesaid contract on behalf of the Town
when inform satisfactory to Counsel, and
to affix the corporate seal thereto and
todowaf and all acts and take any and all
steps which in their judgement may be
deemed necessaryto carrythe -aforesaid
resolution into full force and effect; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the bids of call other bid-
ders be rejected and the Town Clerk be
authorized and directed to return the bids
and bid bondsto all other bidders on re-
ceiving their receipt therefor.
Upon motion, duly seconded, its was
VOTED, that anyone desiring to appear
before the Board, benow heard.
Mr. Thomas Thitebread and delegation from the woods of
Larchmont were present and took up several matters with the Board
whichuVere as follows:
The condition of the roads in Larchmont Woods . The Super-
visor stated that Mr. Coles is now working and improving the roads
and the matter wasreferred to the Supervisor and the Supt . of Highways .
The matter of stray and unmuzzled dogs roaming at large.
Referred to Counsellor Gamble for the gxsXmxxktxx prepartion of an
The matter street signs . Referred to the Supervisor and
Supt . of highways.
Communications from the Board of Appeals were received and
read stating that at a meeting of the am! Said said Board of Appeals
the followin_; applications were denied, a! and granted. - -�
Appeal of Mrs . Catherine Lemi.ly to erect a two car garage
on the southwest corner of Rockland Avenue and Highland Place within
thirty feet of thestreet line be denied on the ground of lack of
Appeal of John C . Schonbacher to erect a Mnz 2MMQY two car
garage on the southwest corner of Rockland Ivenue and Highland place
within thirty feet of the street of the street line be denied on the gr
ground of lack of authority.
— Appeal of E. J. pecker to erect a one family residence on
the east side of Rockingstone Avenue, adjourned until June 26th.
Appeals granted: airs . Caroline Kramer, Patrick Nolan, Mrs .
R. F. Hare, Bz. E. Storm, Karl Henning and Samuel Thomas .
Whereupon the following resolutions were presented and
upon Roll Call, unanimously adopted:
THEREAS, the Board of Appeals have rec-
commended to the Town Board that the app-
eal of Mrs . Caroline Kramer to erect a
one family residence on the southeast
corner of :ern and Valley Roads within
thirty feet of thestreet line be granted,
provided that said house be erected to
conform woth the plot plan on file, and
decision ofthe Building Commission be re-
versed, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board rursuant to
Article 15, Section 26 of the Town Law,
hereby consents to and confirms the action
of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the
Building- Commission.
WEREAS, the Board of APpells have reconn-
ended to the Ton word that the appela of
Strick Nolan to erect a one family resid-
ence on the so u0 side of Dean Place within
thirty feet of the street line be granted,
and the decision of the Building Commission
be reversed, provided that not part of said
building shall be closer to the Oxeet than
the building adjoining on the east, there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, that the Towr? Bard, pursuant to
Article 15, Section 26 of the Town Laic,
hereby consent to and ccnfirns the action
of the Board of Appeals in reversing the
decision of the puilding Commission.
WHEREAS, the B-oxd of Appeals have recomm-
ended to the Toan Board that the appeal
of ,airs . R. E. Hare to erect a one
family residence on the northeast corner
of Little Farms Road and Brookside Drive
within thiryy feet of the street line be
granted, and the decision of the 7uilding
Commission be reversed, -provided that no
part of said building, sall set closer
to ''Brookside Drive than thirty feet, there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board -,pursuant to
Article 15, Section 26 of the Town Law,
hereby consents to and confirms the action
of the „oard of Appeals in reversing the
decision of the Building Commission.
WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals have recomm-
ended to the Town Board that the appeal of
B. E. Storm to erect a one family residence
on tha northwest corner of Rockingstone
Avenue and Walnut Road within thirty feet
of the Street line be granted, and the
decision of Building Commission be re-
versed, provided that said house be erected
to conform: with the plot plan on file,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the TM Board pursuant to
Article 15, Section 26 of the Tsn Law,
hereby consents to and confirms the action
of the Board of Appelas in reversing the
decision of the Building Qmmission.
WHEREAS, the Board of Appdals have
recommended to the Town Board that the
appeal of Karl Henning to erect a one family
residnece on the northwest corner of
Palmer Lane and Locust Road within thirty
feet of the street line be granted, and
the decision of the Building Commission
be reversed, therefore be it
_ RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to
Articlel5, Section 26 of the Town Law,
hereby consents to and c onfirms the action
of the Board of Appeals in reversing the
decision of the Building Commission.
WHEREAS, the Board of Apoeals have
recommended to the Town Board that the
appeal of Samuel Thomas to erecta one
family residence on the south side of
Hillcrest Avenue about five hundred
feet east of vudson street within
thirty feet of thestreet line be
granted, and the decision of the Build-
ing Commission be reversed, provided
that no part of said building of porch
shall be nearer the street than the
building adjoining on the east, there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant
to Article 15, Section 26 of the TaW
Law hereby consents to and confirms
the action of the Board of Appeals in
reversing the decision of the Building
The Clerk presented the claim of the Vararoneck- Para._raph
for the publication of the 1,24 tax sale list in the amount of 9561 . 25.
Upon motion, duly seconded it wasupon Roll Call,
RESOLVED, that the claim of the amamaroneck
Paragraph for yublishing the tax sale list
in accordance with the action heretofore
taken by this Board, amounting tc the sum
of x;961. 25 be and it hereby ordered
ap„roved and the $upervisor is directed to
pay the sane upon the presentation of the
proper vocher therefore .
The Supervisor stated that the municipalities are ready to
reorganize in accordance with the new grater act -gassed at the last
session of the State LeT_iallure and recommended that a, resolution to
a,dipted authorizing and empowering him to act for the Town of Mamaro-
neck as a member of -the Board of nTrustees. of d= said water district .
WEEREUPOY, the following resolution was offered, which upon
Roll Call, was unanimously adopted.
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby consents
and approves of the action of the Super-
visor in meetingand conferring with the
chief executive officers of any other
municipality interested, for the purpose
of formin,_ an organization to acquire and
operate a joint nater sunriv system under
Chapter 595, Laws of 1924 Bard the said
Supervisor is hereby expressly authorized
and empowered, in addition to any mower
given to him_ under the provisions of the
aforesaid act of the Legislature to rep-
resent this municipality in any matter
which may arise under the provisions of
the aforesaid act.
Upon :notion, the meeting adjourned at 11. 20 P.M.
� xn Clerk.