HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_06_04 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck,
held, June 4th, 1924.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
- at 9 .4o p.m.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Boyd, Collins,
Town Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble .
Upon motion, it we.s voted to dispense with the reading
of minutes of meetings not yet approved..
The reports of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of
April, was received, read, ordered placed on file and. is as follows:
May lst, 1924.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westches,ter County Tax Lai
i hereby repeotfully report the amount of State, County, To ^rn, School
Highway and Special District taxes , together with the interest and
penalties thereon., collected by me during the north of April, 1=24,
and deposited during the month of April.
1023' 1 e2�. 1021 All
taxes taxes taxes taxes Arrears TOTAL.
Coan y 67, 01 -03 5z .77 .� __.68,Loo.&0
ri mss' wy 10,824.61 104. 21 . 10,928. 82
Town 20, 402.77 155.30 20, 561-07
District 27,082. 55 258. 58 �_._._. _ __- 0048. 16
Sewer Tax
Dist -Al 3, 1.52 48.85 _ 3?gg�°
Di 5 t._-1' .._.._._... 1 a�'l l.g3 .,®... .__. ,_.. 1'.a l 1'O�--, -__-
214. 79 41.•74 352- 755 6og
Interest & _
Penalties _ 52.70 35. 31 16. 95 312631 _ 71(. 27_
Deposited with First Nat ' l Bank, Mamaroneck, Total amt . 134,436a�
And deposited. on May 3rd and 19th, 1,24.
1922 1921 All ��
taxes taxes----taxes taxes Arrears TOTAL
State & - _w _
County 37,2_8_7_-_2O 128.04 37, 216.24
Highway? ?,076. 57 41.34 v_ _ .7,,117. 01
Town 11,03;. 3 .63 113078. 21
District 20, 41° SL!14. 10 21,061. 0
Sewer Tax
Diet. 1 4,00. g5 27.64 4,1x8. 59
Dist . l 1, 106.07 _ 1, 106.E
School '�� '
Dist 12 13.08 13 .08
Arrears 143. o 66 . 57
Interest &
Penalties 176-07 24.21 25. 94 _ 425.45 655.67
Deposited with First Nat 'l Bank, Mamaroneck, Total amt . $83,086. 55
Respectfully submitted
Harry T. McGivney
The report of the Toan Clerk for the Month of April, 1524, was
received, read, ordered placed on file and is Ks (Bellows:
May 5th, 1924.
Geo . W. Burton, Esq.
Supervisor, Town of
Mamaroneck, New York.
Dear Sir:
I beg to submit herewith the monthly report of the
TaNn Clerk for the month of April, 1924, as follows:
Dog Licenses; issued 7 1.75
Marriage " 9 9.00
Chattel mortgages 79 5.40
Telephone tolls, .10
Total amount received $19. 25
Enclosed find chech covering the above amount .
RespectfUly submitted,
Send. Frederick M. Sherman
Town Clerk.
The report of the Building Inspector for the month
of April, 1524, was received, read, ordered placed on file and
is as follows:
Geo . W. Burton, Esq.
-- Supervisor , Town of
Mamaroneck, New Ybrl.
Dear Sir:
I beg to submit below a complete report of the act-
ivities of the BuildingrDepartment and myself for the month of
April, 1524.
Total number of meetings held 4
alteration permits issued 4 Feas collected ,$21.00
n n P1 moving n n 1 " V 10.00
f1 " Garage U n 7 0 tt 2003
rr t� " building " " 10 " " 99000
Total number of permits issued 22 Feas collected $152.00
Total number of inspections made 263
Total number of written complaints 2
Total number of chech enclosed to your order, $152.00
Respectfully submitted,
Sgnd, J. H. McLaughlin,
Building Inspector.
The report of the Police Department for the month of
Aril 1924, was received, read, showing 46 arrests and total fines
amounting to x"955.00. The report was ordered noted in the minutes
and placed on file .
A communication Wom the Weaver Street Fire Coniany was
received and read, calling the Boards attention to the condition
of the apparatus floor. the matter was referred to the Fire House
A report of the Waver Street Fire Comp ny was received
and read relating to the condition of the trees on the fire house
grounds and also requesting the installation of window screens in
+hP Ti'nni nnown n9_ri-.a-ne
The clatters were referred to the Fire House Committee, who
were authorized and empowered to have the necessary screens in-
stalled in the Engineers quarters .
A communication from Counsellor Gamble was received and
read, callinS attention to the fact that thn present Sarjage con-
tract expi°es on June 30th next for Fire Districts 1 and 2. The
matter was held over for later order of business .
Upon motion, duly seconded, itw as
VOTED, that anyone present desiring to address the Board, be
now heard.
Mr. Michael Doherty avyeared before the Board and requested
the changing of the. Zoning Ordinance affecting th Boston Post Road
between Premium River "nand Dean Place anc requested the chang-
ing of that section from an A2 residential district to a C nusiness
After due consideration, itwas upon motion, duly seconded,
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to take the
necessary steps and prepare- the necessary
. ..
resolu,.tions Changing the zoning Ordnance,
affecting the south side of Boston Post Road
Between Premium River and Dean Place,
from anX A2 residential district to
an C business district.
Mr. Will E. Lyons Jr . appeared before the Board and spoke
of several matters, namely trolleys and railroad.
The matter of advertising for the garb-,.ge contract wasthen
considered and upon motion duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to prepare the
necessarr notices Kr publication for the
receiving ofsealed bids for -the contracts
for he removal of garbage, etc . , for Fire
Ei hting and .-eater Supply Didtrict No .l,
And Fire District No . 2, for the period
of one year beginningix� �ex ( $x� � xor;cf�r
July lst, 1924, and ending June 30th, 1925, Or for a, period of
two years, beginning on July lst, 1924, and ending on June 3(
1526, forms of bid or estimated and the terms and
conditions upon ;.!,-ich bids must be made, forms
of contracts, bonds and other necessary doc-
ments, and it in further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized to advertise for bids for the
Aforesaid contracts in the Riehbell Press,
The Mamaroneck Paragraph and the Larchmont
Times for two -;weeks beginning
June 12th, 1924 and be it further
RESOLVED, that bids will be received by the
Town -hoard until 5. 30 o 'clock in the eve-
ning of June '25th, 1924, at which time the bids e
submitted will be opened.
Counsellor Gamble reported relative to the litigation in-
stutited by the Village of Larchmont relating to the Boundary line
dispute and after due discussion, he was authorized to prepare the
necessary petition for submission to the B and of Westchester County
Supervisors affecting the boundary lines of the Town of Mamaroneck
and the ?City of New Rochelle ,
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11. 55 P .Id.
To On Clerk.