HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_04_30 Town Board Minutes Special Meeting of the Town Board 'TOWN OF MAVr'ROIMCKf he'ld, April 340th, 'The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8455 P.1111, PRESEM: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Badley, Shafer" Town Clerk Sherman, The following were present from the leaver Street Fire. Company: Captain Niched, Messrs , YoGeough, 1400rea Clifford., Levine, Maywood grad i'. Johnson. 'The Board proceeded to take up the carious fire matters with the officers of the company, The first matter for consideration eras the question Of providing a fourth paid man for the fire house. Captain Nichol. 'urged the appointment of another man on. account of the extra, work required for two pieces of apparatus, After discussion, the f-Qllowing resolution vaas upon ROLL CALL unanrimously adopted: BE IT RFSOLV'D, that an additional fire- man be employed for the ',.leaver Street fire house, the day shift to be from 8:00 Amnia to 6400 P.M, and the night shift from 6,00 P,14, to 8:0+0 i,t+4a two men to be on duty at all times) it also being distinctly understuvd that the care of the house and grounds are to be kept in proper shape by the four men assigned to the fire house. The next matter discussed was the trees in the drive- way, and upon the recommendation of the Company, it was RFSOLZTEI), that the two trees in the drive- way on Weaver Street be removed, under the supervision and direction of Supt, of HiEh+.gays " Mr, Coles, The question of uniforms for the paid men was then taken up and upon motion duly secnded, it was upon ROLL Cr,LL, unanimously RFS017D, that the Fire Committee be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to contract for the purchase of four uniforms for the paid fireman, provided -- however, that the expenditure for same shall not exceed $100.00, and be it further RESOLVED, that the ilper,;i3or is hereby authorized and directed to pay for same upon the presentation of proper vouchers therefore. 'The request for refund of 48.£4 expended by the Com- pany for supplies and the requisition fur a fleeced lined cord. uroy coat for the apparatus driver, was upon the reco.wnendation of Captain Nichol, laid over. In the matter of the fire whistle, the Committee reported progress, stating that the compressors were to be shirred from Boston within a couple of days . The question of purchase of equipment and supplies was then considered and after a full discussion, it was upon motisin duly seconded, upon ROLL CALL, unanim+lusly RESOLVED, that the following supplies and equipment be purchased for the 1" eaver Street Fire Compr.rny, chargeable against Fire District no. One, and the Supervisor is authorized and empowered to pay for same upon the presentation of proper vouchers therefore' 600 feet of 2 .1/2, inch fire hose. . Four Callahan shutoff nozzles . Two 3/411 and two 110 tips, Four hydrant wrenches. Tx,a everready electric hand searchlights. One life belt. Six pair extra heavy rubber gloves , One two-,,,,ay shutoff nozzles, .Fight regulation rubber cots. Four ree,ulation helmets , Ten pair regulation rubber boots . One storage battery charging out fit, One lawn mower . One grass rake. One hoe, One boarder shears. One edge cutter . One iron tooth rake, One platform desk and railing for appax,�tus floor, One desk lamp, 'Trees around fire house properly pruned and treated. Gratings over cellar window wells . Iron railing at rear entrance. Walks blue stoned and finished. Exit lights at all exits, It was nmTjMT,. RESOLVED, that the foll- owing supplies and equipment, requested by the fire company, be dissallowed: 150 feet of 1-1/20 hove. One reducer, S One Callahan shutoff nozzle with 1®1/311 tip. One Bresnan cellar nozzle. One piezometer and gauge. Elevating, lighting and decorating of stage, Boor bell, Treaver street entrance. Talks =d driveways cemented. Trio air vents in ceiling of auditorium. And it was YURiHFRR RESOLVED, that the following supplies, equipment and mat- ters, be referred to the Fire committee fvr further report: wrecking equipment as per requisition on file, One station Board. One black board.. One 65 foot flag pole. 360 chairs for auditorium, One connedtion from streeyt to building. Landscaping and planting finished. FX tistic street lamps at entrance to driveway. Doors and windows examined. Cracks in floor of apparatus room, And it was FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following matters be referred to Sup- ervisor Burton, with authority to dis- pose of same as in his judgment he may deem, proper- Sewer connection and manhole at rear . drive of fire house. Saddles for side doorsteps . - Catches on sarong side of auditiroium doors. Doors in toilet and basement. - Cracks on apparatus floor. Condition of windows throughout building. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. "59 " clergy® ', I II