HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_02_14 Town Board Minutes 277
Special Meeting of the Tojgn Board
held Feb, 14th, 1924.
8645 P'�?. The meeting was called to .order by Supervisor Burton at
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer,
TO^n Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble,
A ca,'6--uncation from the sever Street Fire Company was
received and filing an inventDry of town Property at the Weaver Street Fire Hoijse. Same was ordered noted in the minutes and placed
on £33u,
A Communication from the Teaver Street Fire Comp=y wa,s
received reporting the accident to Yrzy Ellen -Drews or. Noverlber 22nd,
1922 in the auditorium of the fire house building. The same was
ordered received and placed on file,
The Supervisor stated that the State Tax Conference would
be held at Albany, PT.y, on February 20th and 21st and re-iuested that
the Ross-d of Assessors be authorized to attend, the s ,id Conference
and the expenses thereof be made a. ch,;.rge against the County of
'Festchester, as desc^abe'i in the ax ?aw. Upon mOtiOn duly se-oonded.y
it gas thereupon
7E'SOL77T;)$ that the S'upervisor and the Bo and
of Assessors be and they hereby axe authorized
and enpoTered to attend the State Tax Confer-
ence to be held Feb, 20th and 21st at Albany.
N,}'. Wrd, it was further
RFE '0LVF;B, that the ci aims for e er'er_ses are to be
fi ad u-go.inst the County of !festche°ter.
Mr , H. J. Breyer, 3u41ding Commissioner, reported that the
Building Commission by virtue cf its authority invested, in the Ruilda
ing Code, had r,ppointed ?Tr_ Joseph H. I.?c Laughlin as a Building In-
EpeCtUT fk:+T the T{ a'n of
'aT31:•'"Ctn er.X i_,rincorporated section) vo4my encing -
February 16, 1924 at an annual sal�"ry of µ1S00. ;er year and asked
the Tonrn Board t!+ -1.0pr4•'«fe their adti,:r,n,
Upon motion duly seconded, it was ',<pon TOLL CALL
RESOLITEP, that thi-s T!'ttsrn Bt'bar°,X' hereby approves
and confirms the action of the Building Corn
pis°ion in appointing 4.rr , Joseph H. YcLsughlin
as Building Inspectcor of the Tr:rwn Of 11,1,�;m. ,
r cx
(umincorporated� section) csnunencing F•eb, Io,1924
at an arr3ual sr,-].ary of 41800. per year -si ? it
,id further
c? 30L7TFr, that the Supervisor is hereby author
--_ i7ed and empo+rered to mike payments therefore
semi-monthly upon & presentation of ope_
voachers therefore,
The question of m int'aininv the Taerters of J%aetice 7udleg
'vM brought before the Board and the mattes 4 ;e left rith the Clerk
to .confer with Justice Tudley relating to the matter .
The Board then tac=k u.p for consideration with the officers
of the leaver Street Fire Con.,p n r, cluestions Pertaining to the fire
alarm t°TL, ,ft? iaCU.%e in
y g the rrr Uter in det� ' l a considered
" es
estir�.,. TeveivGd fTot71 the Gee„ell .:ire :klar? Corp';ny .nd Charles
Thaler., it -as upon motion. duly seconded-
RESOLSi�, that it is the sense of this Board
that it V;culd be for the best interests of the
!0'� n to install 'she fire alarm system, .3 �.er
the prupc-".l sl.bani tied �`.y ,bdr o C'$ rlea. h%•leYi
for the price of S 2,.40,9.00 , pro-,riled however,
that the installaticr, of the above mentioned
fire alarm system ivill be installed. in con-
,unction "Kith the Kin-ney-Rot .r. y Compressors
n ! Motors.
At this Period Supervisor Burton left the resting.
Par a hip. Upon motion duly seconder, Justice Boyd assumed the Chair-
'The next matter considered with the officers of the 'Feaver
Street Fire Company was the question of employing ::,pother fireman for
the fire house. Upon motion duly seconded, it was upon ROLL CALL
RESOLVE1j, that Mr® J. F, Ullrich be emplOyed as
third fireman at the Teaver Street Fire House,
as per the recommendations of the officers of
the 7-,e aver Street Fire Coal any, commencing
February 16th, 1924, at a salary of $125.00 per
month and it was further
RF9017EB, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized
an,?. directed, to pay the aforementioned s ®ary
semi—monthly iipon the presertc::tion of proper vouchers
Upon motion the meeting ad corned wt 10®5
'mown C erW